Obama in a Landslide?

Liberals don’t want to jinx it. It terrifies the right. And the press would prefer a nail-biter. But the fact is that finding Romney’s path to victory is getting harder every day.

There’s a secret lurking behind everything you’re reading about the upcoming election, a secret that all political insiders know—or should—but few are talking about, most likely because it takes the drama out of the whole business. The secret is the electoral college, and the fact is that the more you look at it, the more you come to conclude that Mitt Romney has to draw an inside straight like you’ve never ever seen in a movie to win this thing. This is especially true now that it seems as if Pennsylvania isn’t really up for grabs. Romney’s paths to 270 are few.

It’s beginning to look like Obama can lose the big Eastern four—Ohio, Virginia, North Carolina, and Florida: all of ’em!—and still be reelected.​

More: Michael Tomasky on the (Possible) Coming Obama Landslide - The Daily Beast

Other prediction made by the left

Watch Reagan and the GOP get crushed in a midterm - Salon.com



My region is going to return many, many electoral votes for Romney. We can tolerate TP stupidity here without much damage, the dems just don't have the numbers.

But in FL, OH, PA, and other places, the president is pulling away slowly, and part of that, I think, is that the centrists who don't care for Obama are growing to despise the far right even more.

You guys need to rein your act in until after the election.

Frank, you are simply a lost little soul.

We had some acting very stupidly, very loudly, very disruptive at town meetings in 2009 and 2010 in our region. Some quick arrests took care of that.

No, there will be no significant conservative "rioting" if Obama is re-elected.

No, there will be no significant liberal "rioting" if Romney is elected.

When is the Last time you Saw a Group of Conservatives Rioting? Did they Riot when Obama one the First time? Did they Riot at tea Party Rallies?

No sorry Lawless rioting, Looting and Arson is what the Left does when they are upset. Conservatives just put their Heads down, Go back to work, and Keep on trying to change things for what they see is the better.

In General anyways, there are always exceptions :)

And YOUR REGION has to do with WHAt with the rest of the country?

That's right...ZERO.

Jake? You're a mistake.
This congress has passed ONE SEVENTH the number of laws Truman's do nothing one did- by far the record. "No compromise, un-American Tea Party GOP" (TIME).
The Pubs have blocked every jobs bill and stimulus since early 2009- So what Obama policies are they complaining about? This their Pub obstruction economy...

Too funny...you kids swallow everything hr feeds you....the ONLY jobs he wants to "create" are Gov jobs....
That is if Obama even shows UP to any debates.

Wow, you really ARE a fuckin' delusional wingnut, aren't you.


Nope. not at all. Obama is that arrogant. It's alright I understand your ignorance.

Were you in a fucking alcoholic coma in '08, Grampy McShitshispants? Obama DESTROYED McCain in the debates. Absolutely annihilated him. Considering the Grand Old White Guy Party managed to run another boring, stiff white guy up there, look for more of the same.
No sitting president since World War II has been re-elected with the unemployment rate above 7.2 percent.

Why exclude Roosevelt, since the situation is similar in terms of digging our way out of a crappy economy that happened in the prior administration? He won by over 24 points in '36, with an unemployment rate of 16.6%, and in '40, with 14.6% rate. As for Reagan winning with a 7.2% rate, he won by over 18 point. Would he have won by a smaller margin if the rate 1% higher? Probably. Then look at the incumbent party losses. Gore lost with a 3.9% unemployment rate, Stevenson lost in '50 with a 2.8% rate, and Humphrey lost with a 3.4% rate.

Unemployment is certainly a factor, but it's not a predictor. Romney's problem is that he's running on a platform that got us into this deep shit in the first place. Americans may have short memories, but not that short. Also, his 6% claim is what economists are predicting in any case by 2016, assuming no major disaster happens, so BFD.
No sitting president since World War II has been re-elected with the unemployment rate above 7.2 percent.

And no man has been elected in the modern age without releasing at least 10 years of tax returns.

See? It's fun to just toss out completely pointless facts that don't really mean shit but make you look smart to your friends who just don't want to tell you what a boring twat you are.
The Pubs have blocked every jobs bill and stimulus since early 2009- So what Obama policies are they complaining about? This their Pub obstruction economy...

Too funny...you kids swallow everything hr feeds you....the ONLY jobs he wants to "create" are Gov jobs....

You're a gd brainwashed idiot. The Jobs Act Pubs have sat on since last August would add 2% to growth and cut 1% from UE, and is a typical PUB jobs bill- CAN'T HAVE THAT! No national sacrifice is too great to smear Obama. Pub dupe fools.
The debates will seal Romney's fate!

As much as they screamed about the birth certificate, why no noise about Romney's tax returns? :eusa_whistle:

who's they? and as much as they screamed about how crazy and none of the peoples business about the birth certificate, why so much noise about someones tax returns:eusa_whistle:

Here's the thing. Obama released his official birth certificate, as well as two contemporaneous birth announcements from Hawaii newspapers. And the birth nuts still screamed. Obama also released his tax returns going back to 2000. Why won't Mitt? More embarrassments like his horse LP tax sham?
I love the over-confidence. A few more Polls with +19% democrats oversampled (like the recent Pew poll) will help to keep Dem voters home. Yep, Obama's a lock!!! He can't lose!! Stay home, it's a done deal!
Reagan extended the recession, then spent us into the 21st century, grinning like an idiot all the while, to bump us close to a recovery. Obama has not had the same luck, though Obama walked into the nadir of America's economy, and foreign affairs, not seen since the 1930s. The two wars, overseas tax cut giveaways, and Bush bumbling has the US low, and there is no proof the situation is getting much better.

No grade Z movie figure to cheer us into acceptance this time.
The Pubs have blocked every jobs bill and stimulus since early 2009- So what Obama policies are they complaining about? This their Pub obstruction economy...

Too funny...you kids swallow everything hr feeds you....the ONLY jobs he wants to "create" are Gov jobs....

You're a gd brainwashed idiot. The Jobs Act Pubs have sat on since last August would add 2% to growth and cut 1% from UE, and is a typical PUB jobs bill- CAN'T HAVE THAT! No national sacrifice is too great to smear Obama. Pub dupe fools.

Poor sissy boy....Gov jobs aren't jobs at all....they produce nothing....smoke and mirrors and Obammy cum.
i love the tea party...


teabilly fucksticks is classic!

idiot anyone can go own a discussion board and claim to be anything just to make what they say they are look stupid.
Take jake starkey he claims to be a republican but most republicans doubt he is.
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