Obama in a Landslide?

I don't know lahkota. I think it's going to be tight. The AHCA isn't in full swing, so people aren't going to realize how it will affect them till after the election, the economic recovery, while happening, is a slow process, and the far right is doing a masterful job instilling fear into people about the kenyanmarxistmuslimapologistfromhell thing.

The only saving grace for Obama is that these people are so far over the top and so consistent in their propaganda, that even if they do happen to stumble upon something truly and completely factual, people are so de-sensitized to all of it, that it's almost a "boy who cried wolf" thing.

would that be like the boy who cried racist thing?
and people aren't buying yours or anyone's propaganda about Obama, they are LIVING in it.

you and slobber on my pillows willow should get a room. Hell, you guys don't know enough to STFU even when I'm disagreeing with the "librul" OP.

You don't like the content? too fucking bad. Truth hurts, I guess.

We don't have to "shut up" asswipe.
(1) The TPM makes it harder every day in the swing states for Romney, and Romney can't get the discussion focused on economics. (2) Romney gets two more tries: the convention and the debates. He will win or lose the election on whether he can talk successfully about the economy. The President will win if he can keep Romney pinned on any other and all issues, which he has been doing quite well.

If Obama wins, I think the Dems will still have the Senate. If so, then both sides have to compromise, or everyone will be thrown out in 2014.

All this speculation is Silly, Romney has not even been able to Spend the Bulk of the Money he has Raised yet, and wont be able to until the Convention. Be Assured he will spend it where he needs it. On the Other Hand Obama has blown his Financial Wad so to speak and is now hurting for money.

anyone who thinks they can Predict based on polls today, what will happen in NOV is a fool. Especially some of the Liberal Presses polls lately. CBS I think it is, has Obama up in several Key Battle Ground States, and have been ranting about it for a couple days, But a Rudimentary Inspection of the Sample Demographics shows they Routinely Over Samples Democrats. In Ohio for Instance, where in 2010 Turn out was almost even among Dems and Reps, they samples 9% more Democrats than Republicans. That Pattern Repeated for each state. It's pretty silly to be making Predictions based on Polls this far out, Before the Conventions, especially when those Polls Deliberately Over Sample Democrats.
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A lot of us know how it will affect us. He stole 500 Billion dollars from medicare. You damn right we know how it's gonna affect us. Course don't forget he's giving us $250 bucks to help with our medicine while the death panel decides. :lol::lol::lol:

oh look the crazy cat lady is vomiting up a hairball again.

Hairball=truth for which you have no damn answers. suck it up libtard.

truth is relative....especially when a sucker.like you buys into everything the Beckster says. You haven't a fucking clue and you don't want one...You'd rather have everything spoonfed to you because Thinkin's hard.
Unemployment went UP 8.3%

If unemployment stays above 8% by election time, or even until September, I don't see how Obama can win, and it doesn't look like unemployment is headed down anytime soon. Obama is his own worst enemy.
That makes sense to me, bripat, but the numbers in PA, FL, OH show Obama slowing pulling away. Something is wrong somewhere: the polls, the numbers, or something else we are not seeing.

Unemployment went UP 8.3%

If unemployment stays above 8% by election time, or even until September, I don't see how Obama can win, and it doesn't look like unemployment is headed down anytime soon. Obama is his own worst enemy.
That makes sense to me, bripat, but the numbers in PA, FL, OH show Obama slowing pulling away. Something is wrong somewhere: the polls, the numbers, or something else we are not seeing.

Unemployment went UP 8.3%

If unemployment stays above 8% by election time, or even until September, I don't see how Obama can win, and it doesn't look like unemployment is headed down anytime soon. Obama is his own worst enemy.

Obama spent $137 million on negative advertising last month. That's all that shows.
Romeny is spending the $$$ as well.

That makes sense to me, bripat, but the numbers in PA, FL, OH show Obama slowing pulling away. Something is wrong somewhere: the polls, the numbers, or something else we are not seeing.

If unemployment stays above 8% by election time, or even until September, I don't see how Obama can win, and it doesn't look like unemployment is headed down anytime soon. Obama is his own worst enemy.

Obama spent $137 million on negative advertising last month. That's all that shows.
Conservatives don't riot. Or so we've been told.

Will this be the case if Obama wins?

When is the Last time you Saw a Group of Conservatives Rioting? Did they Riot when Obama one the First time? Did they Riot at tea Party Rallies?

No sorry Lawless rioting, Looting and Arson is what the Left does when they are upset. Conservatives just put their Heads down, Go back to work, and Keep on trying to change things for what they see is the better.

In General anyways, there are always exceptions :)
Romeny is spending the $$$ as well.

That makes sense to me, bripat, but the numbers in PA, FL, OH show Obama slowing pulling away. Something is wrong somewhere: the polls, the numbers, or something else we are not seeing.

Obama spent $137 million on negative advertising last month. That's all that shows.

No he is not, don't you know how it works? Romney has Raised a SHIT TON of money that he can not legally spend until he is officially the GOP nominee, After the Convention. So Romney has been out raising Obama lately, but he has not been able to out spend him.

While Obama has been out spending Romney, but not out Raising him, The Tables are about to turn on the Spending Front.
Not so, kiddo, in the battle ground states the TPM is losing ground regularly, every week, every month. The far righty extremists have to stop the shouting and name calling for a change, and work your asses off for MR the way your are told to work by his handlers.

As Rasmussen polls show, Romney is wining the popular vote, but losing in the electoral college. And I think that is the probable outcome unless he manages to shake up the campaign, by decisevily wining the debates or something like that. I want Romney to win but I'm trying to be as much realistic as I can now and unfortunatelly I think Obama has more chances.

I don't think Romney has a chance in hell of winning the popular vote. He is difficult to like.

well opinions are like.....you know.

Obama has failed and America knows it....we're coming like we did in 2010...and like we did in Wisconsin....member those??????

We're not just coming for Obama...we're coming to take out progressivism for the cancer it is.
Time will tell, but will it be too late?

And I am worried about the taxes. The Dems are doing their damnedest to turn them into a "swift boat" attack on MR.

Romeny is spending the $$$ as well.

Obama spent $137 million on negative advertising last month. That's all that shows.

No he is not, don't you know how it works? Romney has Raised a SHIT TON of money that he can not legally spend until he is officially the GOP nominee, After the Convention. So Romney has been out raising Obama lately, but he has not been able to out spend him.

While Obama has been out spending Romney, but not out Raising him, The Tables are about to turn on the Spending Front.
Only a complete Retard could look at the way the US is so Divided Down Party Lines and think that anyone is going to win by any margin that is even Close to a Land Slide. A Land Slide Requires a lot of Cross over Voting, Neither of these guys are going to attract a Large Chunk of the Other sides votes.

Reagan was the Last real Land slide, and a Huge Number of people who were termed Reagan Democrats where the Reason it happened.
We had some acting very stupidly, very loudly, very disruptive at town meetings in 2009 and 2010 in our region. Some quick arrests took care of that.

No, there will be no significant conservative "rioting" if Obama is re-elected.

No, there will be no significant liberal "rioting" if Romney is elected.

Conservatives don't riot. Or so we've been told.

Will this be the case if Obama wins?

When is the Last time you Saw a Group of Conservatives Rioting? Did they Riot when Obama one the First time? Did they Riot at tea Party Rallies?

No sorry Lawless rioting, Looting and Arson is what the Left does when they are upset. Conservatives just put their Heads down, Go back to work, and Keep on trying to change things for what they see is the better.

In General anyways, there are always exceptions :)
Not so, kiddo, in the battle ground states the TPM is losing ground regularly, every week, every month. The far righty extremists have to stop the shouting and name calling for a change, and work your asses off for MR the way your are told to work by his handlers.

I don't think Romney has a chance in hell of winning the popular vote. He is difficult to like.

well opinions are like.....you know.

Obama has failed and America knows it....we're coming like we did in 2010...and like we did in Wisconsin....member those??????

We're not just coming for Obama...we're coming to take out progressivism for the cancer it is.

Sorry anybody to the right of Bammy is an extreme??

No thats a silly game lefty mongrels play.

The polls being cited are over sampled in one direction...so you boys and girls keep goin...we're coming......again.

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