Obama Increased Real Defense Spending by More Than 10 Percent

Welcome to baseline budgeting!


Wow. That chart confirms the lower revenues since the Bush tax cuts.

You know, the tax cuts that certain people keep insisting raised revenues? THOSE tax cuts?


Those tax cuts took us to record Federal tax receipts, as you have been taught.

But of course, nothing could withstand the subsequent Clintonian destruction of the mortgage and credit markets.

But it was a good question!

As you know, I am here to help you understand these sort of numbers!

President Barack Obama increased inflation-adjusted Department of Defense spending by 10 percent--even while ending the war in Iraq.

That is more than the automatic cut in defense spending that will take place in January if Obama and Congress do not agree to a new spending-and-debt-limit deal.

Obama Increased Real Defense Spending by More Than 10 Percent | CNS News

Ok....so we're back to "Obama the war monger" now.....let me know when we go back to "Obama the apologist".....it gets so confusing.
Soooooo...I decided to look up how much domestic spending has gone up.

A CBO report from January shows (see table E-7) that domestic discretionary spending rose from $485.1 billion in 2008 to $614.2 billion in 2010, an increase of $129.1 billion or 27 percent.

FactCheck.org : Budget Spin

Domestic spending has gone up more than defense spending. Considerably more. A $54.7 billion cut would barely register.


Freezing the discretionary domestic spending hike of the 2008-09 Super Majority - so that they could continue to use the billions to buy votes - is the real reason Reid refused to do budgets in the years following.
Welcome to baseline budgeting!


Wow. That chart confirms the lower revenues since the Bush tax cuts.

You know, the tax cuts that certain people keep insisting raised revenues? THOSE tax cuts?


Those tax cuts took us to record Federal tax receipts, as you have been taught.

But of course, nothing could withstand the subsequent Clintonian destruction of the mortgage and credit markets.

But it was a good question!

As you know, I am here to help you understand these sort of numbers!


The numbers don't lie. Revenues as a percentage of GDP plunged under Bush.

And I know some people have incredibly short memories, but this "Clintonian destruction" thing is hilarious. It happened on Bush's watch.

It's very weird how protective some nutjobs are of Bush. It's like he never existed. Everything is either retroactively Obama's fault, or forwardly Clinton's fault. Bush was like some invisible seat warmer for eight years.

I guess Bush was powerless to stop what happened. The poor bastard only had total control of both Houses of Congress and all the regulatory agencies. He didn't stand a chance!


You fucked up! You trusted us!

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President Barack Obama increased inflation-adjusted Department of Defense spending by 10 percent--even while ending the war in Iraq.

That is more than the automatic cut in defense spending that will take place in January if Obama and Congress do not agree to a new spending-and-debt-limit deal.

Obama Increased Real Defense Spending by More Than 10 Percent | CNS News

Ok....so we're back to "Obama the war monger" now.....let me know when we go back to "Obama the apologist".....it gets so confusing.

Maybe in your mind. Too bad you have to project your thoughts onto an article that says nothing of the sort. Nor did any poster here say such.
Wow. That chart confirms the lower revenues since the Bush tax cuts.

You know, the tax cuts that certain people keep insisting raised revenues? THOSE tax cuts?


Those tax cuts took us to record Federal tax receipts, as you have been taught.

But of course, nothing could withstand the subsequent Clintonian destruction of the mortgage and credit markets.

But it was a good question!

As you know, I am here to help you understand these sort of numbers!


The numbers don't lie. Revenues as a percentage of GDP plunged under Bush.

And I know some people have incredibly short memories, but this "Clintonian destruction" thing is hilarious. It happened on Bush's watch.

It's very weird how protective some nutjobs are of Bush. It's like he never existed. Everything is either retroactively Obama's fault, or forwardly Clinton's fault. Bush was like some invisible seat warmer for eight years.

I guess Bush was powerless to stop what happened. The poor bastard only had total control of both Houses of Congress and all the regulatory agencies. He didn't stand a chance!


What happens to 'real' GDP v/. revenue when 40% of what you spend is suddenly borrowed money?

Think hard.
Those tax cuts took us to record Federal tax receipts, as you have been taught.

But of course, nothing could withstand the subsequent Clintonian destruction of the mortgage and credit markets.

But it was a good question!

As you know, I am here to help you understand these sort of numbers!


The numbers don't lie. Revenues as a percentage of GDP plunged under Bush.

And I know some people have incredibly short memories, but this "Clintonian destruction" thing is hilarious. It happened on Bush's watch.

It's very weird how protective some nutjobs are of Bush. It's like he never existed. Everything is either retroactively Obama's fault, or forwardly Clinton's fault. Bush was like some invisible seat warmer for eight years.

I guess Bush was powerless to stop what happened. The poor bastard only had total control of both Houses of Congress and all the regulatory agencies. He didn't stand a chance!


What happens to 'real' GDP v/. revenue when 40% of what you spend is suddenly borrowed money?

Think hard.

He spent like a drunken sailor? This is your excuse?

President Barack Obama increased inflation-adjusted Department of Defense spending by 10 percent--even while ending the war in Iraq.

That is more than the automatic cut in defense spending that will take place in January if Obama and Congress do not agree to a new spending-and-debt-limit deal.

Obama Increased Real Defense Spending by More Than 10 Percent | CNS News

If inflation was more than 10% then Obama cut defense spending.

Your story is BS.

I worl for the Army Department. Obama has increased dick.

I love when people say, "your story" or "your article". I merely posted it and said nothing. I just sat back and let others decide how they view it.

When I post an article that I wrote then "your story is BS" would be appropriate.

Alright "Dick".

Your link is BS.

The numbers don't lie. Revenues as a percentage of GDP plunged under Bush.

And I know some people have incredibly short memories, but this "Clintonian destruction" thing is hilarious. It happened on Bush's watch.

It's very weird how protective some nutjobs are of Bush. It's like he never existed. Everything is either retroactively Obama's fault, or forwardly Clinton's fault. Bush was like some invisible seat warmer for eight years.

I guess Bush was powerless to stop what happened. The poor bastard only had total control of both Houses of Congress and all the regulatory agencies. He didn't stand a chance!


What happens to 'real' GDP v/. revenue when 40% of what you spend is suddenly borrowed money?

Think hard.

He spent like a drunken sailor? This is your excuse?


Of course you don't know.

I hope you enjoyed your education.

If inflation was more than 10% then Obama cut defense spending.

Your story is BS.

I worl for the Army Department. Obama has increased dick.

I love when people say, "your story" or "your article". I merely posted it and said nothing. I just sat back and let others decide how they view it.

When I post an article that I wrote then "your story is BS" would be appropriate.

Alright "Dick".

Your link is BS.


I'd be happier if you had something intelligent as well as honest to say. You'd be happier too. When was the last time we had 10% inflation by the way. I'd be outright gleefull if you commented on the article instead of attacking the "messenger".
I love slamming ignorant cocksuckers who sit in the cheap seats and snipe.


You're the ignorant cocksucker. The deficit was not 40 percent of outlays, dipshit.


You really aren't very bright. It is a matter of incremental addition artificial GDP created by government deficit spending, not the totality.

Take a couple of economics courses and then check back with us.
I love slamming ignorant cocksuckers who sit in the cheap seats and snipe.


You're the ignorant cocksucker. The deficit was not 40 percent of outlays, dipshit.


You really aren't very bright. It is a matter of incremental addition artificial GDP created by government deficit spending, not the totality.

Take a couple of economics courses and then check back with us.

You made shit up. You can't hide from that.

Nice try.

You're the ignorant cocksucker. The deficit was not 40 percent of outlays, dipshit.


You really aren't very bright. It is a matter of incremental addition artificial GDP created by government deficit spending, not the totality.

Take a couple of economics courses and then check back with us.

You made shit up. You can't hide from that.

Nice try.


Of course you are punting. You haven't a clue.

You idiots also ignore the fact that federal receipts increased every year under the Clinton tax rates, and at a faster clip.

While decreasing deficts, then building a surplus, AND increasing GDP.


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Wow. That chart confirms the lower revenues since the Bush tax cuts.

You know, the tax cuts that certain people keep insisting raised revenues? THOSE tax cuts?


Those tax cuts took us to record Federal tax receipts, as you have been taught.

But of course, nothing could withstand the subsequent Clintonian destruction of the mortgage and credit markets.

But it was a good question!

As you know, I am here to help you understand these sort of numbers!


The numbers don't lie. Revenues as a percentage of GDP plunged under Bush.

And I know some people have incredibly short memories, but this "Clintonian destruction" thing is hilarious. It happened on Bush's watch.

It's very weird how protective some nutjobs are of Bush. It's like he never existed. Everything is either retroactively Obama's fault, or forwardly Clinton's fault. Bush was like some invisible seat warmer for eight years.

I guess Bush was powerless to stop what happened. The poor bastard only had total control of both Houses of Congress and all the regulatory agencies. He didn't stand a chance!


You fucked up! You trusted us!


I am no Bush apologist, but one should remember that an incoming President operates under his predecessor's budget and economy for at least his first year in office. As for the mortgage/credit collapse, let's at least acknowledge that it was largely due to aggressive government policies to promote home ownership, primarily by encouraging sub-prime lending. This was initially a Democratic initiative, but Bush and the GOP did nothing to stop it before this house of cards collapsed.
I love when people say, "your story" or "your article". I merely posted it and said nothing. I just sat back and let others decide how they view it.

When I post an article that I wrote then "your story is BS" would be appropriate.

Alright "Dick".

Your link is BS.


I'd be happier if you had something intelligent as well as honest to say. You'd be happier too. When was the last time we had 10% inflation by the way. I'd be outright gleefull if you commented on the article instead of attacking the "messenger".

First of all, you posted the link so that implies you agree with it.

Second, I work for the Army Dept. We have seen no spending increases Obama can claim. Most of the spending we have is construction which was slated over 5 years ago during the bush budgets.

Thirdly, the article you refuse to claim yet posted as an example said that the spending included inflation. However inflation isn't being reported properly because they removed food an energy from the equation so it is not accurate.

If you want to know why spending may have gone up it is because the cost of defense has risen sharply do to the invisible inflation we now suffer under. Prices of everything has gone up which means Obama spends more yet gets less for his buck. Thanks to his repeated monitizing of the debt, or printing of greenbacks inflation has skyrocketed yet Obama wants to claim credit for increased defense spending. I believe he's setting us up for massive defense cuts using stories like this as a basis.

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