Obama inherited the worst Recession in U.S. history

The worst in history would have been the great depression which came as a result of the 29 crash and as has been pointed out many times this is one of if not the slowest recoveries we have ever seen.

Yup...but how were we doing in 04. How was the state of the economy then? Why do you think bush couldn't wait to get the fuck out of office. We were so close to a.depression. honest to.god people have short.memories.

I don't care how partisan you are....you have to admit bush really really hurt this country economically.
Speaking of short memories......

Bush was the only office holder from 2004 to 2008 I take it?
Just wait until the Fed stops pumping 87 billion dollars a month into wall street, and then we will see just how poorly this economy has really done.
He "inherited" nothing...he actively sought out the responsibility.

He had a plan, remember?

An $850 billion dollar stimulus! :woohoo:

Remember, back when he had a SUPER MAJORITY and could do anything he wanted!

Worked great didn't it???

Obama's boondoggle.

More interested in redistributing wealth than creating it.
Reagan destroyed the S & L industry, tripled the debt, and caused the 2nd worst market crash in U.S. history.

Bush tripled the debt and created the worst Recession in U.S. history.

Should America risk giving the people who created these messes, the opportunity to fix them with the same policies that caused the messes?

The country has answered that ....

Isn't it funny how Republican debt is bad, but Democratic debt is good?

And by "funny", I mean "stupid and hypocritical".
obama took a recession, a bit worse that we normally have when we have a cyclical recession, and turned it into a Great Recession. He was helped by democrat policies that were in place for decades before it reached critical mass. Every one of his policies has been designed to deepen, increase and prolong the Great Recession. By his own memos, he wants financial policies that will increase the pain on the American public.
The collapse needs to happen soon so we can get on with rebuilding what is left of The United States.

Prolonging the inevitable is futile

He "inherited" nothing...he actively sought out the responsibility.

He had a plan, remember?

An $850 billion dollar stimulus! :woohoo:

Remember, back when he had a SUPER MAJORITY and could do anything he wanted!

Worked great didn't it???

Obama's boondoggle.

More interested in redistributing wealth than creating it.

He really campaigned hard for what he "inherited" and then wanted another four years.

He wanted the responsibility and then when he gets it, the Democrats play victim.
He really campaigned hard for what he "inherited" and then wanted another four years.

He wanted the responsibility and then when he gets it, the Democrats play victim

No one is playing 'victim', we're just stating the fact - so the rednecks don't get confused

Keep in mind, Republicans never turned down an inheritance - that I know of anyway - but they do a lot of bitching when they don't get what they expected from a relative they never knew....

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Showing a single snapshot does not indicate anything at all. That's why I don't trust crap like that. How do you know that is not the norm?

Obama took office in January 2009.

Here is the January 2009 Employment Situation Summary: http://www.bls.gov/news.release/archives/empsit_02062009.pdf

We were bleeding about 600,000 jobs a month when he took office. It would be unrealistic to expect that to stop immediately upon his taking of the oath of office.

Here is the October 2009 Employment Situation Summary: http://www.bls.gov/news.release/archives/empsit_11062009.pdf

And here is the July 2013 Employment Situation Summary: http://www.bls.gov/news.release/pdf/empsit.pdf

We find full time jobs plummeted to about 110 million by October 2009. They now stand at 116 million.

Part time jobs in October 2009 were 27 million. They now stand at 28 million.

Here is something even more interesting:


If you start at one year into each administration (beginning of 2002 for Bush, beginning of 2010 for Obama), and look at the full time job creation rate during Obama's administration and the job creation rate during Bush's Administration, they trend almost identically. Actually, Obama's is steeper, which is better. And Obama was starting from a lower point.

Not only that, full time jobs are now where they were at five years into the Bush Administration! Obama has caught up, even though he started from a much lower point.

If you look at the part time job creation graph and draw a trend line from 2000, the part time job creation rate is rock steady on the trend line, and has been since 2010. It only fell below the trend line during the entire second half of the Bush administration.

That means Obama has actually made up for those part time job losses during Bush.

So how is this a bad thing?

Replacing full-time jobs with part-time jobs?

Are you fucken serious????

I noticed, according to your graph, that the trend started going up in 2010.

What happened in 09' and what was the result?
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Obama didn't INHERIT SHIT...he campaigned for the job KNOWING how thing were...

it's your fault you put someone in there that wasn't UP FOR THE JOB

people are pretty much done with all your lame excuses for the man...A MAJORITY now DISAPPROVE of him...live with it
You notice the driveby troll is the most dishonest Obama ass kisser around?

not even a good USEFUL tool just a idiot tool
Obama didn't INHERIT SHIT...he campaigned for the job KNOWING how thing were...

it's your fault you put someone in there that wasn't UP FOR THE JOB

people are pretty much done with all your lame excuses for the man...A MAJORITY now DISAPPROVE of him...live with it

Do you recall during the 2008 campaign when the candidates were called back to Washington? McCain went, but Obama stayed on the campaign trail. I am told that when McCain went back to Washington, they read him the numbers on the economy. After that he seemed to be 'throwing' the election. I don't think he wanted to be elected at that point.

Now, you can check this statement out: The recession had started under Clinton. The series of bank failures started in the early 2000s. That information should still be available on the FDIC website. The chickens of Clinton's policy forcing banks to make loans to people who could not afford them was already coming home to roost.
He really campaigned hard for what he "inherited" and then wanted another four years.

He wanted the responsibility and then when he gets it, the Democrats play victim

No one is playing 'victim', we're just stating the fact - so the rednecks don't get confused

Keep in mind, Republicans never turned down an inheritance - that I know of anyway - but they do a lot of bitching when they don't get what they expected from a relative they never knew....


He did play victim. He claimed he inherited all the bad. During the campaign he wanted the responsibility, afterwards he claimed he inherited everything and it was Bush's fault.

How stupid are you not to realize it?

Showing a single snapshot does not indicate anything at all. That's why I don't trust crap like that. How do you know that is not the norm?

Obama took office in January 2009.

Here is the January 2009 Employment Situation Summary: http://www.bls.gov/news.release/archives/empsit_02062009.pdf

We were bleeding about 600,000 jobs a month when he took office. It would be unrealistic to expect that to stop immediately upon his taking of the oath of office.

Here is the October 2009 Employment Situation Summary: http://www.bls.gov/news.release/archives/empsit_11062009.pdf

And here is the July 2013 Employment Situation Summary: http://www.bls.gov/news.release/pdf/empsit.pdf

We find full time jobs plummeted to about 110 million by October 2009. They now stand at 116 million.

Part time jobs in October 2009 were 27 million. They now stand at 28 million.

Here is something even more interesting:


If you start at one year into each administration (beginning of 2002 for Bush, beginning of 2010 for Obama), and look at the full time job creation rate during Obama's administration and the job creation rate during Bush's Administration, they trend almost identically. Actually, Obama's is steeper, which is better. And Obama was starting from a lower point.

Not only that, full time jobs are now where they were at five years into the Bush Administration! Obama has caught up, even though he started from a much lower point.

If you look at the part time job creation graph and draw a trend line from 2000, the part time job creation rate is rock steady on the trend line, and has been since 2010. It only fell below the trend line during the entire second half of the Bush administration.

That means Obama has actually made up for those part time job losses during Bush.

So how is this a bad thing?

Replacing full-time jobs with part-time jobs?

Are you fucken serious????

I noticed, according to your graph, that the trend started going up in 2010.

What happened in 09' and what was the result?
And the O is out preaching 'from the middleclass outward' as he destroys that which creates jobs in the first place. With out the 'rich' the so-called 'middle' has no place to go and will remain stuck in part-time or lose jobs all together.

Everytime I hear him speak, I hear "I'm continuing to destroy ALL of you and I don't care about ANY of you..."
Government is a terrible job creator. Increasing taxes, and business regulations reduces job creation by the private sector. What ever happened to the middle class tax cut that Obama promised? They got an increase in taxes when the Bush Tax cuts were not renewed.

Keynesian Economics does not work!
He really campaigned hard for what he "inherited" and then wanted another four years.

He wanted the responsibility and then when he gets it, the Democrats play victim

No one is playing 'victim', we're just stating the fact - so the rednecks don't get confused

Keep in mind, Republicans never turned down an inheritance - that I know of anyway - but they do a lot of bitching when they don't get what they expected from a relative they never knew....


He did play victim. He claimed he inherited all the bad. During the campaign he wanted the responsibility, afterwards he claimed he inherited everything and it was Bush's fault.

How stupid are you not to realize it?

I wish someone had made an actual count of how many times Zerobama said, 'the previous administration.'
Government is a terrible job creator. Increasing taxes, and business regulations reduces job creation by the private sector. What ever happened to the middle class tax cut that Obama promised? They got an increase in taxes when the Bush Tax cuts were not renewed.

Keynesian Economics does not work!
The increase came in the form of Ocare as well...just wait when/if it hits. Let's hope it is defunded...(and standby for the rhetoric of that fight to come shortly...October is looming).

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