Obama inherited the worst Recession in U.S. history

By[Excerpt] Mike Flynn
August 2, 2013

Friday's jobs report was disappointing, but it also contained a truly heartbreaking statistic. Black teen unemployment is a shocking 41.6%. In July last year, the unemployment was considerably lower, at 36%. That almost half of black teens who want to work can't find jobs is a stain on Obama's economic policies. This isn't a numbers trick. This isn't a rate based on the whole black teen population in the country. This is the proportion of the black teen population that is looking for work but can't find a job. Just in March, the number was eight points lower at 33%....


Read more:
Shocking: Black Teen Unemployment Rate 41.6%

What are the true figures that Obama will not show?

Indeed- Let's trumpet all the part-time jobs added. :eusa_drool:

I can't find a President who made a faster recovery against the worst Recession in U.S. history.

The one that historians have already labeled the "Great Recession"



Your thinking that we've "recovered" is almost as amusing as your belief that Barack Obama had something to do with what little recovery we HAVE had.

All one has to do is take good hard look at the economic numbers and it's apparent that the "recovery" you've touted is anemic at best. What's frightening is that most of the good economic numbers we do see stem from massive quantitative easing by the FED. What happens to the stock market when they turn off THAT spigot? Just a hint from the head of the FED that he was considering doing just that in the near future was enough to make Wall Street go into a nosedive. What's going to happen when they actually do it?

The U.S. is like the fighter who got knocked out of the ring, but climbed back and stood straight ... before knocking the bejusus out of his opponent in the next round



Obama is a loser that won an election.

Just simply a terrible leader and frankly, very unskilled

Nothing more

I can't find a President who made a faster recovery against the worst Recession in U.S. history.

The one that historians have already labeled the "Great Recession"


I think that the "Great Recession" was the creation of the Obama spin room. Obama made the claim in February of 2009 that he was saddled with a Bush deficit of $1.3 trillion dollars, as Obama took office in January:

[ame=http://youtu.be/6jJvkkNmR_8]Obama Declares Plan to Cut Deficit in Half - YouTube[/ame]

His spin people knew that while he had a hold on the first Congress back then, he could spend as fast as a cat could blink its eye, and his spin room began coming out with "It's Bush's fault" creations. Suddenly, the deficit of $1.3 trillion dollars was spun to be exponentially higher.

And right now, the Obama Administration is in charge of not a $1.3 trillion dollar deficit, but a $16,886,471,400,000.00 deficit in real time.

U.S. National Debt Clock

And one trillion might look like this:


Imagine 17 trillion in the national debt now. And how is that cutting the deficit in half going?
When are the lefties going to stop whining about the unfairness of complete control of the government for two years and only controlling 2/3 of the government ever since? What did Barry Hussein do for us when he had a majority in both houses of congress? Cash for clunkers? Don't make me laugh.
When are the lefties going to stop whining about the unfairness of complete control of the government for two years and only controlling 2/3 of the government ever since? What did Barry Hussein do for us when he had a majority in both houses of congress? Cash for clunkers? Don't make me laugh.

Oh, but things are much worse than Adolf Obama thought. What's worse is, things are much worse because Obama had to inherit for the second term, his first term irresponsible, incompetent fiscal policies.

Obama blames himself

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We are in the final stages of Reaganomics.

Reaganomics preached that the tax, trade and regulatory policies that stimulate middle class demand (through strong unions, high wages & benefits, retirement security, anti-trust laws, affordable health care, education and transportation) pulled too much money away from the suppliers, and stifled economic growth. For this reason, we got rid of most of the postwar economic infrastructure that created a solvent middle class. We globalized production so our corporations could ship jobs to more profitable labor markets. We stripped the middle class of wages and benefits and gave them credit cards. Starting in 1980 the American middle class went on a 30 year borrowing binge. Each year we had to create crazier ways to loan money into an economy. We have finally hit a wall. Consumers don't have enough money to keep the economy afloat, and they have reached their borrowing limits, and they know that the Republicans are going to strip the final safety nets of Social Security and Medicare - which further depresses spending.

We are not in a recession. We are living the consequences of Reagan's decision to transition from demand centered policies to supply side policies. The money and jobs never trickled down - only credit cards and debt. The game is over. America swallowed poison in 1980.


Still blaming Reagan


Good news travels so slow. :lol: :lol: :lol:
I can't find a President who made a faster recovery against the worst Recession in U.S. history.

The one that historians have already labeled the "Great Recession"



Republicans applauded the redistribution of wealth from the middle class to the top 1% with the Bush tax cuts. They applauded the deficit creating and American killing wars in the Middle East. They applauded deregulating Wall Street. But when we get the first black president, they decided to "take action" and create the Tea Party. They have fucked this country balls deep. Nothing will get them to admit they did anything wrong. In fact, even though they used reconciliation "three times", they insist it was the Democrat's "fault" for not stopping them.
I can't find a President who made a faster recovery against the worst Recession in U.S. history.

The one that historians have already labeled the "Great Recession"



Republicans applauded the redistribution of wealth from the middle class to the top 1% with the Bush tax cuts. They applauded the deficit creating and American killing wars in the Middle East. They applauded deregulating Wall Street. But when we get the first black president, they decided to "take action" and create the Tea Party. They have fucked this country balls deep. Nothing will get them to admit they did anything wrong. In fact, even though they used reconciliation "three times", they insist it was the Democrat's "fault" for not stopping them.

One must take whatever measures required to stop the further destruction of America under the Odumbo onslaught

Stopping cancer is indeed painful

Get used to it

I can't find a President who made a faster recovery against the worst Recession in U.S. history.

The one that historians have already labeled the "Great Recession"


I think that the "Great Recession" was the creation of the Obama spin room. Obama made the claim in February of 2009 that he was saddled with a Bush deficit of $1.3 trillion dollars, as Obama took office in January:

[ame=http://youtu.be/6jJvkkNmR_8]Obama Declares Plan to Cut Deficit in Half - YouTube[/ame]

His spin people knew that while he had a hold on the first Congress back then, he could spend as fast as a cat could blink its eye, and his spin room began coming out with "It's Bush's fault" creations. Suddenly, the deficit of $1.3 trillion dollars was spun to be exponentially higher.

And right now, the Obama Administration is in charge of not a $1.3 trillion dollar deficit, but a $16,886,471,400,000.00 deficit in real time.

U.S. National Debt Clock

And one trillion might look like this:


Imagine 17 trillion in the national debt now. And how is that cutting the deficit in half going?

Bush had tax cuts, two unpaid for wars, a drugs for votes bill, spent money rebuilding Iraq, TARP, car bailout, Wall Street collapse, over 30,000 maimed in Iraq, but it was Obama who created the deficit???? Got it!
I can't find a President who made a faster recovery against the worst Recession in U.S. history.

The one that historians have already labeled the "Great Recession"


I think that the "Great Recession" was the creation of the Obama spin room. Obama made the claim in February of 2009 that he was saddled with a Bush deficit of $1.3 trillion dollars, as Obama took office in January:

[ame=http://youtu.be/6jJvkkNmR_8]Obama Declares Plan to Cut Deficit in Half - YouTube[/ame]

His spin people knew that while he had a hold on the first Congress back then, he could spend as fast as a cat could blink its eye, and his spin room began coming out with "It's Bush's fault" creations. Suddenly, the deficit of $1.3 trillion dollars was spun to be exponentially higher.

And right now, the Obama Administration is in charge of not a $1.3 trillion dollar deficit, but a $16,886,471,400,000.00 deficit in real time.

U.S. National Debt Clock

And one trillion might look like this:


Imagine 17 trillion in the national debt now. And how is that cutting the deficit in half going?

Bush had tax cuts, two unpaid for wars, a drugs for votes bill, spent money rebuilding Iraq, TARP, car bailout, Wall Street collapse, over 30,000 maimed in Iraq, but it was Obama who created the deficit???? Got it!

Yes.. Factually true

When are the lefties going to stop whining about the unfairness of complete control of the government for two years and only controlling 2/3 of the government ever since? What did Barry Hussein do for us when he had a majority in both houses of congress? Cash for clunkers? Don't make me laugh.
Well, he shut down all American exploration and drilling in the Gulf of Mexico his first year, which took out 10,000 high-paying jobs in the private sector and extended America's dependence on foreign oil sources. And while nobody was looking, three communist countries moved into where we were exploring before Obama shut America out--Russia, China, and Cuba, and started drilling where our folks had been busy before.

Russia and Cuba's new exploration rig south of the Florida Coastline:


Also, China has mapped out her claims and is also working with Cuba to take over the drilling Obama nixed for American drillers:


During the 2008 presidential campaign, Republicans urged the Democrat majority in the U.S. Congress to allow American oil companies to "drill here, drill now, pay less" amidst record gasoline prices. One of the claims Republicans made was that the federal ban on offshore oil drilling, particularly off the coast of Florida, was ridiculous because Cuba had already leased drilling rights to Chinese companies. Thus, Chinese firms would be drilling nearly 90 miles off the coast of the U.S., while American laws would prevent American oil majors from doing the same.
At that time, Democrats dismissed these GOP claims about Chinese drilling as apocryphal, and said that China hadn't drilled for any oil in or around Cuba and that more domestic drilling wouldn't reduce gasoline prices for consumers at the pump. Later on during the campaign, as gasoline prices peaked in July 2008 and U.S. public opinion polls shifted decisively in favor of drilling, the Democrat majority in Congress allowed the long-time drilling ban to slip. Nonetheless, Florida and other states retained their bans on offshore oil and gas development.

Credits: Russia Blog see energy archives

China's little rig:


The deal was sealed November, 2011:

Calgary-based Nexen Inc. Wednesday announced a joint-venture deal with China National Offshore Oil Co., in which CNOOC will take a stake in up to six exploration wells in the deep waters of the Gulf of Mexico.
Among the exploration prospects included in the deal are the Kakuna well, which is currently drilling, and the Angel Fire well, which is expected to begin drilling in 2012.
CNOOC will take a 20 per cent stake in those two wells as well as a third, called Cypress. The Chinese firm also has the right to take a stake of up to 25 per cent in three additional exploration wells.
The U.S. government suspended approval of deepwater drilling in the Gulf after the Deepwater Horizon blowout and fire in April 2010 that killed 11 rig workers and resulted in the largest accidental offshore oil spill in US history

Nexen, China sign Gulf of Mexico deal

I liked it better when American workers got those jobs.
I can't find a President who made a faster recovery against the worst Recession in U.S. history.

The one that historians have already labeled the "Great Recession"


I think that the "Great Recession" was the creation of the Obama spin room. Obama made the claim in February of 2009 that he was saddled with a Bush deficit of $1.3 trillion dollars, as Obama took office in January:

[ame=http://youtu.be/6jJvkkNmR_8]Obama Declares Plan to Cut Deficit in Half - YouTube[/ame]

His spin people knew that while he had a hold on the first Congress back then, he could spend as fast as a cat could blink its eye, and his spin room began coming out with "It's Bush's fault" creations. Suddenly, the deficit of $1.3 trillion dollars was spun to be exponentially higher.

And right now, the Obama Administration is in charge of not a $1.3 trillion dollar deficit, but a $16,886,471,400,000.00 deficit in real time.

U.S. National Debt Clock

And one trillion might look like this:


Imagine 17 trillion in the national debt now. And how is that cutting the deficit in half going?

Bush had tax cuts, two unpaid for wars, a drugs for votes bill, spent money rebuilding Iraq, TARP, car bailout, Wall Street collapse, over 30,000 maimed in Iraq, but it was Obama who created the deficit???? Got it!

Obama had the Obama Stimulus, continued the two wars, continued TARP, artificially propped up Wall Street with endless quantitative easing...and it was Barry that gave us Cash For Clunkers, Deanie...just one more in a laundry list of things that didn't put people back to work and cost the American taxpayer huge money. That's not even talking about the costs of ObamaCare!

Your guy promised he would cut the deficit in half by the end of his first term. Instead he increased it...BY A LOT!!!
41 straight months of job growth after Republicans killed 8 million jobs .... not bad.

Not bad at all ....

And still, the Wing Nuts can't name a President who led a faster Recovery than Obama from the worst Recession in U.S. history!

Don't hold back now kids ... spit it out...

I can't find a President who made a faster recovery against the worst Recession in U.S. history.

The one that historians have already labeled the "Great Recession"



Faster Recovery ? Lying hack.....

Exclusive: Signs of declining economic security | US National Headlines | Comcast

Four out of 5 U.S. adults struggle with joblessness, near-poverty or reliance on welfare for at least parts of their lives, a sign of deteriorating economic security and an elusive American dream.

Survey data exclusive to The Associated Press points to an increasingly globalized U.S. economy, the widening gap between rich and poor, and the loss of good-paying manufacturing jobs as reasons for the trend.

Hardship is particularly growing among whites, based on several measures. Pessimism among that racial group about their families' economic futures has climbed to the highest point since at least 1987. In the most recent AP-GfK poll, 63 percent of whites called the economy "poor."

As nonwhites approach a numerical majority in the U.S., one question is how public programs to lift the disadvantaged should be best focused — on the affirmative action that historically has tried to eliminate the racial barriers seen as the major impediment to economic equality, or simply on improving socioeconomic status for all, regardless of race.

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