Obama Insults Americans With Phony “Buffering” Graphic To Push Internet Agenda For Net Neutrality

But as I said at the top, eventually technology will make this a moot point.
There's a reason the world wide web is called an information "superhighway". It is analogous to roads, and some web sites have more traffic than others. Thus, some businesses are going to need bigger and better roads than others.

A mom and pop storefront does not need as much infrastructure as a giant amusement park. It would be ridiculous to provide them the same four lane highway that a much bigger business needs. It would be a tremendous waste of resources.

Demanding "net neutrality" is the same as demanding every business have the same road access, which would not mean four or six or eight lane highways for everyone. It would mean a two lane blacktop for everyone.

They already have the 4 lane highway. You're not making a good argument. You have to tell me why giving up the 4 lane highway is good and why raising the cost will help anyone
The American people spoke loud and clear and they want Obama to shut the Fuck up and spend his next 2 years golfing and not doing anymore damage to the economy
Fortunately, a number of Dems do believe in the 2nd amendment, otherwise it would have been a done deal, until the SC reversed it.
And he's going to take your guns too!!!

Any minute now! Yup any minute now...

An oldy but a goody:

There's no denying the rabid, commie left hasn't been trying... no denying it.... unless you're a dumbass mother fucker like you acting like they haven't been. They WOULD if they COULD, so your JOKE is STUPID.
The joke is you.....
Oooooh... little BUTT GLOW... you're so FUNNY... have you had any takers yet to poke your little yellow fag butt? I see you're still advertising it...
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Fortunately, a number of Dems do believe in the 2nd amendment, otherwise it would have been a done deal, until the SC reversed it.
And he's going to take your guns too!!!

Any minute now! Yup any minute now...

An oldy but a goody:

There's no denying the rabid, commie left hasn't been trying... no denying it.... unless you're a dumbass mother fucker like you acting like they haven't been. They WOULD if they COULD, so your JOKE is STUPID.
The joke is you.....
Oooooh... little BUTT GLOW... you're so FUNNY... have you had any takers yet to poke your little yellow fag butt? I see you're still advertising it...

Why are rubes always talking about putting things in people's butts? Weirdo :cuckoo:
This article sums them up too nicely in my book :clap:
Now they onto Net Neutrality. If it's coming from the Commie/Democrat/Progressive Party. you can expect anything but, Neutral

Smarter than Thou
The “stupidity of the American voter” is an article of faith for the Left.
By Ian Tuttle


Jonathan Gruber
Jonathan Gruber is smart. He is an economist. He teaches at MIT. Do you teach at MIT? Of course you don’t. He is also the architect behind Obamacare. He is really, really smart. Did we mention that?
Of course, when you are as smart as Jonathan Gruber, it is difficult to resist the temptation to pull your light out from under the bushel on occasion; thus every once in a while there comes an embarrassing revelation. The conservative group American Commitment recently unearthed one such moment. During an interview at the University of Pennsylvania in October 2013, Gruber revealed that
this bill [the Affordable Care Act] was written in a tortured way to make sure CBO [the Congressional Budget Office] did not score the mandate as taxes. If CBO scored the mandate as taxes, the bill dies. Okay, so it’s written to do that. In terms of risk-rated subsidies, if you had a law which said that healthy people are going to pay in — you made explicit healthy people pay in and sick people get money, it would not have passed. . . .

Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage. And basically, call it the stupidity of the American voter or whatever, but basically that was really, really critical for the thing to pass. . . . Look, I wish . . . that we could make it all transparent, but I’d rather have this law than not.

One could call it an “admission” or “confession,” but Gruber does not seem particularly conflicted. The ends justified the means. That is something the millions of people who have been forced from their insurance plans would probably dispute, but what do they know? Not as much as Jonathan Gruber.
When a different economist, Thomas Sowell, quipped that “the road to Hell is paved with Ivy League degrees,” he spoke more truth than he realized. Indeed, smart people often have bad policy ideas. But Hell is not about mistakes; it’s about sins. And despite its pragmatic, do-what-works rhetoric, the progressive Left is convinced not only of its own intellectual superiority but of its accompanying moral superiority. Among progressives, stupidity is sin.
Gruber’s comments are a perfect illustration of this belief. The “stupidity of the American voter,” of which he is obviously disdainful, is not an ignorance of facts. If Obamacare proponents had believed that was the case, they would simply have sought to explain the legislation, trusting that more information would be persuasive. The obfuscation in which they engaged would not have been necessary.
No, Obamacare proponents were certain that Americans could not be persuaded, no matter how much information they absorbed. The voters were incapable of recognizing that Obamacare was in their own best interests — or, to put it another way, they were (and remain) morally deficient, a failing impervious to reasoned argument. Their stupidity was a sin, against themselves and each other. Gruber and company were the messiahs they did not know they needed.

Liberals’ disdain for the brainpower of the average American has long been evident. To a supporter who told Adlai Stevenson he would have “the vote of every thinking person,” Stevenson famously replied, “That’s not enough, madam. We need a majority.” Said Senator John Kerry in 2006, if “you make an effort to be smart, you can do well. If you don’t, you get stuck in Iraq.” And in 2009, Gore Vidal, whose estimation of his own intelligence had no limits, proclaimed Barack Obama “too intelligent” for America.

ALL of it here:
Smarter than Thou National Review Online
I guess umpteen existing topics about Gruber and ObamaCare weren't enough. Now a long screed about ObamaCare is being posted in a topic about net neutrality.
I guess umpteen existing topics about Gruber and ObamaCare weren't enough. Now a long screed about ObamaCare is being posted in a topic about net neutrality.
May have been done in error, but then again, it is a reminder of how deceitful this admin can be... because they think they know better and know the truth might not allow their agenda through...
This article sums them up too nicely in my book :clap:
Now they onto Net Neutrality. If it's coming from the Commie/Democrat/Progressive Party. you can expect anything but, Neutral

Smarter than Thou
The “stupidity of the American voter” is an article of faith for the Left.
By Ian Tuttle


Jonathan Gruber
Jonathan Gruber is smart. He is an economist. He teaches at MIT. Do you teach at MIT? Of course you don’t. He is also the architect behind Obamacare. He is really, really smart. Did we mention that?
Of course, when you are as smart as Jonathan Gruber, it is difficult to resist the temptation to pull your light out from under the bushel on occasion; thus every once in a while there comes an embarrassing revelation. The conservative group American Commitment recently unearthed one such moment. During an interview at the University of Pennsylvania in October 2013, Gruber revealed that
this bill [the Affordable Care Act] was written in a tortured way to make sure CBO [the Congressional Budget Office] did not score the mandate as taxes. If CBO scored the mandate as taxes, the bill dies. Okay, so it’s written to do that. In terms of risk-rated subsidies, if you had a law which said that healthy people are going to pay in — you made explicit healthy people pay in and sick people get money, it would not have passed. . . .

Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage. And basically, call it the stupidity of the American voter or whatever, but basically that was really, really critical for the thing to pass. . . . Look, I wish . . . that we could make it all transparent, but I’d rather have this law than not.

One could call it an “admission” or “confession,” but Gruber does not seem particularly conflicted. The ends justified the means. That is something the millions of people who have been forced from their insurance plans would probably dispute, but what do they know? Not as much as Jonathan Gruber.
When a different economist, Thomas Sowell, quipped that “the road to Hell is paved with Ivy League degrees,” he spoke more truth than he realized. Indeed, smart people often have bad policy ideas. But Hell is not about mistakes; it’s about sins. And despite its pragmatic, do-what-works rhetoric, the progressive Left is convinced not only of its own intellectual superiority but of its accompanying moral superiority. Among progressives, stupidity is sin.
Gruber’s comments are a perfect illustration of this belief. The “stupidity of the American voter,” of which he is obviously disdainful, is not an ignorance of facts. If Obamacare proponents had believed that was the case, they would simply have sought to explain the legislation, trusting that more information would be persuasive. The obfuscation in which they engaged would not have been necessary.
No, Obamacare proponents were certain that Americans could not be persuaded, no matter how much information they absorbed. The voters were incapable of recognizing that Obamacare was in their own best interests — or, to put it another way, they were (and remain) morally deficient, a failing impervious to reasoned argument. Their stupidity was a sin, against themselves and each other. Gruber and company were the messiahs they did not know they needed.

Liberals’ disdain for the brainpower of the average American has long been evident. To a supporter who told Adlai Stevenson he would have “the vote of every thinking person,” Stevenson famously replied, “That’s not enough, madam. We need a majority.” Said Senator John Kerry in 2006, if “you make an effort to be smart, you can do well. If you don’t, you get stuck in Iraq.” And in 2009, Gore Vidal, whose estimation of his own intelligence had no limits, proclaimed Barack Obama “too intelligent” for America.

ALL of it here:
Smarter than Thou National Review Online

Education is no guarantee of one's wisdom. Period. Gruber is the latest perfect example in a sea of examples of Democrats.
Fortunately, a number of Dems do believe in the 2nd amendment, otherwise it would have been a done deal, until the SC reversed it.

An oldy but a goody:

There's no denying the rabid, commie left hasn't been trying... no denying it.... unless you're a dumbass mother fucker like you acting like they haven't been. They WOULD if they COULD, so your JOKE is STUPID.
The joke is you.....
Oooooh... little BUTT GLOW... you're so FUNNY... have you had any takers yet to poke your little yellow fag butt? I see you're still advertising it...

Why are rubes always talking about putting things in people's butts? Weirdo :cuckoo:
Ain't me that has an avatar of a bent over little boy with his pants down, moron.

Talk about weirdo... you progtards got that shit all cornered...

An oldy but a goody:

There's no denying the rabid, commie left hasn't been trying... no denying it.... unless you're a dumbass mother fucker like you acting like they haven't been. They WOULD if they COULD, so your JOKE is STUPID.
The joke is you.....
Oooooh... little BUTT GLOW... you're so FUNNY... have you had any takers yet to poke your little yellow fag butt? I see you're still advertising it...

Why are rubes always talking about putting things in people's butts? Weirdo :cuckoo:
Ain't me that has an avatar of a bent over little boy with his pants down, moron.

Talk about weirdo... you progtards got that shit all cornered...

Building Strawmen is fun!
There's no denying the rabid, commie left hasn't been trying... no denying it.... unless you're a dumbass mother fucker like you acting like they haven't been. They WOULD if they COULD, so your JOKE is STUPID.
The joke is you.....
Oooooh... little BUTT GLOW... you're so FUNNY... have you had any takers yet to poke your little yellow fag butt? I see you're still advertising it...

Why are rubes always talking about putting things in people's butts? Weirdo :cuckoo:
Ain't me that has an avatar of a bent over little boy with his pants down, moron.

Talk about weirdo... you progtards got that shit all cornered...

Building Strawmen is fun!
So is telling the truth, try it some time.
The joke is you.....
Oooooh... little BUTT GLOW... you're so FUNNY... have you had any takers yet to poke your little yellow fag butt? I see you're still advertising it...

Why are rubes always talking about putting things in people's butts? Weirdo :cuckoo:
Ain't me that has an avatar of a bent over little boy with his pants down, moron.

Talk about weirdo... you progtards got that shit all cornered...

Building Strawmen is fun!
So is telling the truth, try it some time.

You wouldnt even know that telling the truth is fun or else you're miserable from that lying picture.

"liberals hate religion" - waaaah

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