Obama is a "run-out-the-clock" president

The gipper didn't have a treasonous opposition congress who opposed everything he did just to spite him, no matter how much such opposition screwed over America.

And that's the congress gin kisses up to. If the gipper were around today, he'd slap the modern Republicans silly.
There was a satire on Reagan in MAD Magazine in 1968.

He was then the gov of Calif and was making a run for the GOP nomination - which went to Nixon.

"RONREAGAN - a rum to make one forget"

That a B-movie actor was running for president ....................................................
I'm not one of the 47%.

Bunch of shills that vote for Obama "NO MATTER WHAT"
Does anyone think if Obama wins another term he will be motivated to do much of anything....
"What - Me Worry????"

The Alfred E. Neuman character that was always on the cover of MAD Mag was modeled after somebody in real life - anybody know who it was ???

Im talking late 60s when I was a teenager - not sure if it is still published - and if it is - has probablty gone downhill.

They made fun of LBJ relentlessly.....................................................
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The gipper didn't have a treasonous opposition congress who opposed everything he did just to spite him, no matter how much such opposition screwed over America.

And that's the congress gin kisses up to. If the gipper were around today, he'd slap the modern Republicans silly.

Considering Obama is the one committing treason nearly every day, it's astounding you would accuse Congress of that. I believe that's what known as "projecting"
Does anyone think if Obama wins another term he will be motivated to do much of anything....

Of course, that is where his 'legacy' years will be formed and shaped. I feel sorry for conservatism after Obama finishes his so-called lame-duck years.
The gipper didn't have a treasonous opposition congress who opposed everything he did just to spite him, no matter how much such opposition screwed over America.

And that's the congress gin kisses up to. If the gipper were around today, he'd slap the modern Republicans silly.

Considering Obama is the one committing treason nearly every day, it's astounding you would accuse Congress of that. I believe that's what known as "projecting"

Obama will have a better 2nd term.
The gipper didn't have a treasonous opposition congress who opposed everything he did just to spite him, no matter how much such opposition screwed over America.

And that's the congress gin kisses up to. If the gipper were around today, he'd slap the modern Republicans silly.

Considering Obama is the one committing treason nearly every day, it's astounding you would accuse Congress of that. I believe that's what known as "projecting"

Committing treason? I believe that's what known as 'lying'!
I'm not one of the 47%.

Bunch of shills that vote for Obama "NO MATTER WHAT"


The Surprising Facts About Mitt Romney's 47% Who Pay No Income Tax - DailyFinance

For that matter, it's not as if the rest of the 47% -- or, actually, 46% -- are doing especially well. Nearly 90% of the group consists of households making less than $50,000 per year, and 80% make less than $30,000. The remainder is mostly composed of higher-income households that benefit from significant tax credits for children and education.

This isn't to say that everyone who doesn't pay taxes is struggling. About 162,000 people among the top 10% of earners have found ways to avoid paying any federal income tax. This includes approximately 3,000 people in the top 0.1%, a group that makes $2,178,886 per year or more. A large part of their low tax rate, The New York Times' Bruce Bartlett suggested, lies in the fact that many -- like Romney -- derive most of their income from capital gains, which are only taxed at 15%. To further cut their liability, many are able to offset their taxes because of losses that they took in previous years. Alternately, some invest in tax-free municipal bonds or take advantage of a slew of other tax loopholes.

So, you are not poor, and you don't have enough tax deducts to protect you from paying anything into the income tax. Wonder if Romney was one of the people that didn't pay anything into the income tax in the years he won't release his tax statements for.
The gipper didn't have a treasonous opposition congress who opposed everything he did just to spite him, no matter how much such opposition screwed over America.

And that's the congress gin kisses up to. If the gipper were around today, he'd slap the modern Republicans silly.

Stop with the excuses already.

as Harry S. Truman (who was BLINDSIDED BY FDR on theA-BOMB) said

"The Buck Stops Here"

You cant hide from the worst economy since the Great Depression on your watch........
This president is a 'run out the clock' president.

That makes clinton the 'run out your cock' president.

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