Obama is down to his last option

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Obama provocations?

What do you call invading Crimea and Ukraine and fixing our election?
How did they fix our election? I keep asking but no one answers.

How? They will have hearings in congress!!!!! I imagine "Ben-gha-zi style hearings get Ready!!!! Republican voters who love Russia and Putin will just have to wait, while putting their faith in Dictator Trump!! After all, you red necks love the fascist oligarch with the tiny hands in the WH.

View attachment 104628

How long Trump take it?????

just think how many you might be turning on who see this. Nice way to bait it even more.
By the way if you got to Alexa web site stats you will see there are a lot of people from Russia who visit this site lmao

I've learned well from Republicans.
Obama Is Down to His Last Option
I am not a fan of Putin, but with regard to his recent conduct in the face of countless Obama provocations, Putin’s patience is the only reason that we are not already at war with Russia. I have almost lost count at the time number of times that President Obama, has poked “the bear” with the proverbial stick.
Unlike Our Leaders, the Russian Leaders Put Their People First


It seems the harder Obama tries to make some out the door legacy of his greatness he is creating a legacy of being the most hated President ever in history. Sure there are articles out there claiming he is glamorized, and how loved he is. It is all fake brainwashing to convince the public he was so loved. No he's not the only ones who love him are those so far gone there is no hope for them to view reality of his real agenda to shred this Nation down to it's core.
He almost succeeded until the masses began to wake up.

For some who read headlines only in case you missed it .................

The False Flag Option
Other than assassination, the only play that Obama has left is the false flag option. If he can provoke an incident, or a serious of incidents that is so horrific, that he can declare a state of emergency and subsequently never leaves office, thus thwarting Trump and his populist movement.

How Long Does Obama Have?
Obama is out of time as Inauguration Day looms large. Conventional wisdom says that Obama has until about Jaurary 1o to complete a false flag so horrific that he would be justified in declaring martial law. This would give him about a week to consolidate power.

What Form Will a False Flag Event Take?
I have asked several of my colleagues the same question and this is the most common answers that i have been told:

  1. Power grid, or partial grid takedown
  2. A nuke, or two, detonated in an American city
  3. A massive, well-coordinated ISIS attack upon soft targets (e.g. schools, malls, sporting events, etc).
  4. A chemical and/or biological attack

So how long of a vacation will you give Trump before you start to hold his facsist-millitary-wall street regime....ACCOUNTABLE for their impending long lasting FUCK UPS?????? Does Trump get 6 months! 12 Months! 24 Months......How long???? Lets hear your excuses.
Ewe gave obummer eight years!

Quit typing like a retard.........but yes President Obama kicked GOP ass in 2008 and 2012.....NEXT.
For some who read headlines only in case you missed it .................

The False Flag Option
Other than assassination, the only play that Obama has left is the false flag option. If he can provoke an incident, or a serious of incidents that is so horrific, that he can declare a state of emergency and subsequently never leaves office, thus thwarting Trump and his populist movement.

How Long Does Obama Have?
Obama is out of time as Inauguration Day looms large. Conventional wisdom says that Obama has until about Jaurary 1o to complete a false flag so horrific that he would be justified in declaring martial law. This would give him about a week to consolidate power.

What Form Will a False Flag Event Take?
I have asked several of my colleagues the same question and this is the most common answers that i have been told:

  1. Power grid, or partial grid takedown
  2. A nuke, or two, detonated in an American city
  3. A massive, well-coordinated ISIS attack upon soft targets (e.g. schools, malls, sporting events, etc).
  4. A chemical and/or biological attack

So how long of a vacation will you give Trump before you start to hold his facsist-millitary-wall street regime....ACCOUNTABLE for their impending long lasting FUCK UPS?????? Does Trump get 6 months! 12 Months! 24 Months......How long???? Lets hear your excuses.

His feet will be held to the fire if we see him slipping...............keep that in mind.
Also he does not want to strip our freedom, rights, and liberty but the SAUL ALINSKI communist who want this Country turned upside down will claim that is what he's doing.

View attachment 104635

Here's some insight of a Trump's Presidency

Sorry, but are you citing Keith Olberman as your authority on insight to...anything? Really?

You can and should do better.


I think your cats are playing on freeway.
Obama Is Down to His Last Option
I am not a fan of Putin, but with regard to his recent conduct in the face of countless Obama provocations, Putin’s patience is the only reason that we are not already at war with Russia. I have almost lost count at the time number of times that President Obama, has poked “the bear” with the proverbial stick.
Unlike Our Leaders, the Russian Leaders Put Their People First


It seems the harder Obama tries to make some out the door legacy of his greatness he is creating a legacy of being the most hated President ever in history. Sure there are articles out there claiming he is glamorized, and how loved he is. It is all fake brainwashing to convince the public he was so loved. No he's not the only ones who love him are those so far gone there is no hope for them to view reality of his real agenda to shred this Nation down to it's core.
He almost succeeded until the masses began to wake up.
No one wants war with Russia, and the only reason Putin did not kick out our operatives, is because they have spent years getting to know them and their moves and how they get the information out and are on to them and their actions, and having to start with new operatives when Trump begins his Putin bromance would give Putin a disadvantage...

Also, Putin has no doubt in a couple of weeks, that bromance will begin!
... How would Republicans have treated any Democrat First Lady

I'm a Republican and I treat ALL women with respect. And the Democrats weren't running a first-lady ...


They were presenting a more 'gender-fluid' option.
Hey, Obama launch our nukes. Fuck this world!

Trump and Putin will have 4 years to launch their nukes in solidarity.
We could work something out. We bomb Chechnya and take care of Putin's muslims. Russia takes care of New York and California. Our liberal problem is not only gone, but Trump now wins the popular vote.

Sounds like an excellent plan.
Hey, Obama launch our nukes. Fuck this world!

Trump and Putin will have 4 years to launch their nukes in solidarity.
We could work something out. We bomb Chechnya and take care of Putin's muslims. Russia takes care of New York and California. Our liberal problem is not only gone, but Trump now wins the popular vote.

Sounds like an excellent plan.
When does Trump call up the draft??? He's going need to call up the draft when he elects to invade Iran.
Obama Is Down to His Last Option
I am not a fan of Putin, but with regard to his recent conduct in the face of countless Obama provocations, Putin’s patience is the only reason that we are not already at war with Russia. I have almost lost count at the time number of times that President Obama, has poked “the bear” with the proverbial stick.
Unlike Our Leaders, the Russian Leaders Put Their People First


It seems the harder Obama tries to make some out the door legacy of his greatness he is creating a legacy of being the most hated President ever in history. Sure there are articles out there claiming he is glamorized, and how loved he is. It is all fake brainwashing to convince the public he was so loved. No he's not the only ones who love him are those so far gone there is no hope for them to view reality of his real agenda to shred this Nation down to it's core.
He almost succeeded until the masses began to wake up.

For some who read headlines only in case you missed it .................

The False Flag Option
Other than assassination, the only play that Obama has left is the false flag option. If he can provoke an incident, or a serious of incidents that is so horrific, that he can declare a state of emergency and subsequently never leaves office, thus thwarting Trump and his populist movement.

How Long Does Obama Have?
Obama is out of time as Inauguration Day looms large. Conventional wisdom says that Obama has until about Jaurary 1o to complete a false flag so horrific that he would be justified in declaring martial law. This would give him about a week to consolidate power.

What Form Will a False Flag Event Take?
I have asked several of my colleagues the same question and this is the most common answers that i have been told:

  1. Power grid, or partial grid takedown
  2. A nuke, or two, detonated in an American city
  3. A massive, well-coordinated ISIS attack upon soft targets (e.g. schools, malls, sporting events, etc).
  4. A chemical and/or biological attack

If Obama were to refuse to leave office, he has no constitutional authority and Trump will assume office at noon on January 20th, 2017 no matter what he does.

President Obama can't wait to get a way from you racist Repuli-pigs! He simply tell Trump.......dude you are in for world of shit; see ya.
What are you, three years old?

You misunderstand me. I, in no way, wish to dissuade you from your fantasies. Fantasies, as object lessons, can be useful. However, don't disparage me or others for choosing not to participate in your reindeer games.
Last half of this thread is WAY off topic. And provoking too much trolling and derailment.
You need to respect the topic in Zone3 or it's trolling and/or thread derailment. Too many people doing it here.

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