Obama is gonna take your guns!!

how "committed" Obama is.....:lol:

The gun control movement is politically impotent.

Exactly. Obama is a politician. He does not need to alienate gun owners in order to keep his supporters.

He talks tough on guns in order to manipulate the dumb.

The same thing is done on the Right.

Limbaugh tells idiots on the Right that Obama is coming after their guns and their grandmothers and their money.

Truth is . . . Obama has been a 3rd term of Bush. He hasn't changed the Bush tax code or the Bush Surveillance State or lax gun laws. The only thing he has done is pass Bob Dole's and Mitt Romney's Health Care Plan, which was crafted by the chief Conservative Think Tank (American Enterprise Institute) in the 80s.

Silly Rabbit. The president doesn't run the country. Corporations do. Policies are purchased by John Galt because in a capitalist economy money talks. If John Galt doesn't want gun legislation, we will not see gun legislation. This is not complicated.

The Republicans believe we live in the world of Ayn Rand's youth when Stalin steals the family pharmacy. (Morons). They don't get it. The pharmaceutical company now owns government. . . along with the NRA and Wall Street.

Our country is owned by big business. The president is an empty suit.
obama talks tough?
his actions/ or votes speak loader than any word he could speak.
how "committed" Obama is.....:lol:

The gun control movement is politically impotent.

Exactly. Obama is a politician. He does not need to alienate gun owners in order to keep his supporters.

He talks tough on guns in order to manipulate the dumb.

The same thing is done on the Right.

Limbaugh tells idiots on the Right that Obama is coming after their guns and their grandmothers and their money.

Truth is . . . Obama has been a 3rd term of Bush. He hasn't changed the Bush tax code or the Bush Surveillance State or lax gun laws. The only thing he has done is pass Bob Dole's and Mitt Romney's Health Care Plan, which was crafted by the chief Conservative Think Tank (American Enterprise Institute) in the 80s.

Silly Rabbit. The president doesn't run the country. Corporations do. Policies are purchased by John Galt because in a capitalist economy money talks. If John Galt doesn't want gun legislation, we will not see gun legislation. This is not complicated.

The Republicans believe we live in the world of Ayn Rand's youth when Stalin steals the family pharmacy. (Morons). They don't get it. The pharmaceutical company now owns government. . . along with the NRA and Wall Street.

Our country is owned by big business. The president is an empty suit.
obama talks tough?
his actions/ or votes speak loader than any word he could speak.

Obama's actions on the 2nd amendment. The President has signed separate pieces of legislation that expanded gun rights. These rights include the ability of citizens to carry firearms in national parks as long as they comply with state laws, and the ability of certain passengers to carry unloaded firearms in the luggage on Amtrak trains.
Immaterial. We are not talk about all hand guns or long arms.

We are talking about assault rifles and large capacity magazines.

More guns means less crime

And even Chicago had a drop in crime since McDonald vs. Chicago ruling

You just lost the argument with your threat. But you might have a bigger problem.

You have just been informed that you exhibit a mental illness that is clearly a danger to society. Does your state have an involuntary commitment law? You best hope they don't.

Are you a licensed psychiatrist?

Can you diagnose mental illness from posts on a message board?

Or are you just another idiot Progressive that pisses their pants whenever they feel 'threatened'?

YOU have no reason to feel threatened, by the way. It's obvious that you're too much the pansy to try and take candy from a baby, let alone a gun from a citizen.

Keep throwing out threats of violence on the internet pea brain. It won't take a single psychiatrist, because where you will end up has bars, not padded walls.

Exactly WHO have I threatened, chump? And with WHAT?
You mean a wealthy city with museums, art gallaries, thriving buinesses...

Show us the Southside, Joe...

You know, where there are half a dozens murders committed EVERY NIGHT.

How's that gun control working out for you?

What gun control.

Let us shut down the guns stores in Cicero feeding that shit, then we have gun control.

And when that doesn't work it will be the gun stores in Iowa, Wisconsin and Indiana.

Then it will be Kentucky, Minnesota and Michigan.

You ain't fooling anyone...
Exactly. Obama is a politician. He does not need to alienate gun owners in order to keep his supporters.

He talks tough on guns in order to manipulate the dumb.

The same thing is done on the Right.

Limbaugh tells idiots on the Right that Obama is coming after their guns and their grandmothers and their money.

Truth is . . . Obama has been a 3rd term of Bush. He hasn't changed the Bush tax code or the Bush Surveillance State or lax gun laws. The only thing he has done is pass Bob Dole's and Mitt Romney's Health Care Plan, which was crafted by the chief Conservative Think Tank (American Enterprise Institute) in the 80s.

Silly Rabbit. The president doesn't run the country. Corporations do. Policies are purchased by John Galt because in a capitalist economy money talks. If John Galt doesn't want gun legislation, we will not see gun legislation. This is not complicated.

The Republicans believe we live in the world of Ayn Rand's youth when Stalin steals the family pharmacy. (Morons). They don't get it. The pharmaceutical company now owns government. . . along with the NRA and Wall Street.

Our country is owned by big business. The president is an empty suit.
obama talks tough?
his actions/ or votes speak loader than any word he could speak.

Obama's actions on the 2nd amendment. The President has signed separate pieces of legislation that expanded gun rights. These rights include the ability of citizens to carry firearms in national parks as long as they comply with state laws, and the ability of certain passengers to carry unloaded firearms in the luggage on Amtrak trains.

I believe in 2nd Amendment, but not war weapons on streets. (Oct 2012)
Fast-and-Furious: no prosecutions for Mexican gun/drug snafu. (Jun 2012)
Midwestern "bitter clingers" frustrated over broken promises. (Aug 2009)
Opposed bill okaying illegal gun use in home invasions. (Aug 2008)
Ok for states & cities to determine local gun laws. (Apr 2008)
FactCheck: Yes, Obama endorsed Illinois handgun ban. (Apr 2008)
April 2008: "Bittergate" labeled Obama elitist. (Apr 2008)
Respect 2nd Amendment, but local gun bans ok. (Feb 2008)
Provide some common-sense enforcement on gun licensing. (Jan 2008)
2000: cosponsored bill to limit purchases to 1 gun per month. (Oct 2007)
Concealed carry OK for retired police officers. (Aug 2007)
Stop unscrupulous gun dealers dumping guns in cities. (Jul 2007)
Keep guns out of inner cities--but also problem of morality. (Oct 2006)
Bush erred in failing to renew assault weapons ban. (Oct 2004)
Ban semi-automatics, and more possession restrictions. (Jul 1998)
Voted NO on prohibiting lawsuits against gun manufacturers. (Jul 2005)
Barack Obama on the Issues
bigreb, doesn't matter. Most of America does not agree with you, or you would have produced the objective evidence. Assault weapons and large capacity magazines are going to be prohibited eventually.
bigreb, doesn't matter. Most of America does not agree with you, or you would have produced the objective evidence. Assault weapons and large capacity magazines are going to be prohibited eventually.

Well I guess you'll see me in court when I challenge it.
Under millers and lewis rulings.
Which SCOTUS will shrug off, I believe.. Where do you think Heller will fit it with your militia hope for civilians to have the same weapons as the military?

bigreb, doesn't matter. Most of America does not agree with you, or you would have produced the objective evidence. Assault weapons and large capacity magazines are going to be prohibited eventually.

Well I guess you'll see me in court when I challenge it.
Under millers and lewis rulings.
Which SCOTUS will shrug off, I believe.. Where do you think Heller will fit it with your militia hope for civilians to have the same weapons as the military?

bigreb, doesn't matter. Most of America does not agree with you, or you would have produced the objective evidence. Assault weapons and large capacity magazines are going to be prohibited eventually.

Well I guess you'll see me in court when I challenge it.
Under millers and lewis rulings.

They can't just shrug it off their is precedence from Lewis and Miller that we do have a right to militia type firearms.
I realize that a lot of Americans believe that the federal government is ready to take action against gun owners. Barack Obama says he's "committed" and "we must do something".

Yeah, right......:cuckoo:

The best indication of Obama's "commitment" is that he has put Joe Biden in charge of the whole operation. The Vice President has no power and Joe Biden is a laughingstock. That's how "committed" Obama is.....:lol:

Let me tell you what is going to happen with "Gun Control" in the US.


The gun control movement is politically impotent.

Hate to tell you this but this has always been Obama's numero uno issue.

He's going to try.

If he can't get it done he's going to use it to ruin the GOP.

Course they're doing alot on their own to ruin themselves. Till they get new leadership the GOP is fucked.
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I realize that a lot of Americans believe that the federal government is ready to take action against gun owners. Barack Obama says he's "committed" and "we must do something".

Yeah, right......:cuckoo:

The best indication of Obama's "commitment" is that he has put Joe Biden in charge of the whole operation. The Vice President has no power and Joe Biden is a laughingstock. That's how "committed" Obama is.....:lol:

Let me tell you what is going to happen with "Gun Control" in the US.


The gun control movement is politically impotent.

Hate to tell you this but this has always been Obama's numero uno issue.

He's going to try.

If he can't get it done he's going to use it to destroy ruin the GOP.

Course they're doing alot on their own to ruin themselves. Till they get new leadership the GOP is fucked.
I hate to ruin a good fantasy, but seriously, nothing will be done.

"Gun control" is and always will be a political loser for Democrats. Obama is a politician and practically nothing else. He will not "take on guns" because he knows the result is always the same - massive political losses for Democrats. We'll get a full quarter to half year of demagoguery, vilification, condemnation.......


Nothing. Nada. ZERO. Any legislation that is passed will be meaningless and full of loopholes and exemptions.
I realize that a lot of Americans believe that the federal government is ready to take action against gun owners. Barack Obama says he's "committed" and "we must do something".

Yeah, right......:cuckoo:

The best indication of Obama's "commitment" is that he has put Joe Biden in charge of the whole operation. The Vice President has no power and Joe Biden is a laughingstock. That's how "committed" Obama is.....:lol:

Let me tell you what is going to happen with "Gun Control" in the US.


The gun control movement is politically impotent.

Hate to tell you this but this has always been Obama's numero uno issue.

He's going to try.

If he can't get it done he's going to use it to destroy ruin the GOP.

Course they're doing alot on their own to ruin themselves. Till they get new leadership the GOP is fucked.
I hate to ruin a good fantasy, but seriously, nothing will be done.

"Gun control" is and always will be a political loser for Democrats. Obama is a politician and practically nothing else. He will not "take on guns" because he knows the result is always the same - massive political losses for Democrats. We'll get a full quarter to half year of demagoguery, vilification, condemnation.......


Nothing. Nada. ZERO. Any legislation that is passed will be meaningless and full of loopholes and exemptions.

They said obamacare was a no go but what happen? We now have obama tax.
Of course they can, bigreb, even if that contention were accurate, which it is not.

The next ruling will put your great hope in the grave for the rest of your life.

Which SCOTUS will shrug off, I believe.. Where do you think Heller will fit it with your militia hope for civilians to have the same weapons as the military?

Well I guess you'll see me in court when I challenge it.
Under millers and lewis rulings.

They can't just shrug it off their is precedence from Lewis and Miller that we do have a right to militia type firearms.
Of course they can, bigreb, even if that contention were accurate, which it is not.

The next ruling will put your great hope in the grave for the rest of your life.

Which SCOTUS will shrug off, I believe.. Where do you think Heller will fit it with your militia hope for civilians to have the same weapons as the military?

They can't just shrug it off their is precedence from Lewis and Miller that we do have a right to militia type firearms.

Jake, you can't really believe that THIS SCOTUS would overturn those 2 RECENT rulings, can you?
Of course they can, bigreb, even if that contention were accurate, which it is not.

The next ruling will put your great hope in the grave for the rest of your life.

They can't just shrug it off their is precedence from Lewis and Miller that we do have a right to militia type firearms.

Jake, you can't really believe that THIS SCOTUS would overturn those 2 RECENT rulings, can you?

Miller and Lewis give the courts precedence
Guys, stop and think. It's hard for you but try. Show me where you in your capacity as private individuals, as simple citizens, can go into a store and buy a functional military mortar or heavy machine gun functioning as such. You can't. And consider that of course the legislators can pass ordinances federal and state to prohibit and confiscate certain types of weapons and ordinance.

The beginning of all that is now.
DC, NYC, and Chicago bitch-slaped for their unConstitutional "laws" and rightly so. It's about Ca.'s well deserved turn in barrel. The tide has turned but not the way some here seem to think.
Guys, stop and think. It's hard for you but try. Show me where you in your capacity as private individuals, as simple citizens, can go into a store and buy a functional military mortar or heavy machine gun functioning as such. You can't. And consider that of course the legislators can pass ordinances federal and state to prohibit and confiscate certain types of weapons and ordinance.

The beginning of all that is now.

Straw man where does it say anything about mortars in Miller or Lewis?
The straw man arguments by bigreb and others simply won't wash.

Show us where we can buy and use military weapons in our private capacities.

You can't. End of story.

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