Obama is gonna take your guns!!

I realize that a lot of Americans believe that the federal government is ready to take action against gun owners. Barack Obama says he's "committed" and "we must do something".

Yeah, right......:cuckoo:

The best indication of Obama's "commitment" is that he has put Joe Biden in charge of the whole operation. The Vice President has no power and Joe Biden is a laughingstock. That's how "committed" Obama is.....:lol:

Let me tell you what is going to happen with "Gun Control" in the US.


The gun control movement is politically impotent.

Hate to tell you this but this has always been Obama's numero uno issue.

He's going to try.

If he can't get it done he's going to use it to ruin the GOP.

Course they're doing alot on their own to ruin themselves. Till they get new leadership the GOP is fucked.

Hell yea! Only a moron wouldn't be able to tell. Since Obama took office, here is the bills he signed relating to the 2nd amendment:

The President has signed separate pieces of legislation that expanded gun rights. These rights include the ability of citizens to carry firearms in national parks as long as they comply with state laws, and the ability of certain passengers to carry unloaded firearms in the luggage on Amtrak trains.
I realize that a lot of Americans believe that the federal government is ready to take action against gun owners. Barack Obama says he's "committed" and "we must do something".

Yeah, right......:cuckoo:

The best indication of Obama's "commitment" is that he has put Joe Biden in charge of the whole operation. The Vice President has no power and Joe Biden is a laughingstock. That's how "committed" Obama is.....:lol:

Let me tell you what is going to happen with "Gun Control" in the US.


The gun control movement is politically impotent.

Hate to tell you this but this has always been Obama's numero uno issue.

He's going to try.

If he can't get it done he's going to use it to ruin the GOP.

Course they're doing alot on their own to ruin themselves. Till they get new leadership the GOP is fucked.

Hell yea! Only a moron wouldn't be able to tell. Since Obama took office, here is the bills he signed relating to the 2nd amendment:

The President has signed separate pieces of legislation that expanded gun rights. These rights include the ability of citizens to carry firearms in national parks as long as they comply with state laws, and the ability of certain passengers to carry unloaded firearms in the luggage on Amtrak trains.

OH you call that pro second amendment carrying an unloaded firearm in luggage?
Obama’s Gun Control No Longer ‘Under the Radar’
The entire might of the US Military has failed to disarm a few thousand backwoods, hill billy sheep herders living a stone aged existance in the dirt farm called Afhganistan, doubt they'd be able to "disarm" over 8,000,000, which is just 10% of the number of registered gun owners in this nation, armed US citizens any more successfully, even if the entire US Military was willing to disregard their oaths and the US Constitution and try. Shit they've shown us they can't even disarm the Bloods, the Crips or MS-13. Get real folks, no one in govt, not even Chairman Maobama, would be willing to start the bloodshed that a disarmament of "We the People" would entail, that's even if like I said, enough American law enforcement and military personnel had enough Nazi in them to carry out the un-Constitutional madate to disarm the People. Unfortunately as history has shown us in places like the Soviet Union, North Korea, China and Nazi Germany to name but a few, there are plenty of people who would be willing to murder their own citizens at the behest of their leaders, but I would hope enough Americans would be willing to not take that road............though I don't hold out much hope seeing that we are a nation largely populated by immoral, corrupt individuals who think of themselves first. Reason number one that I would fight against ANY new restrictions placed on firearms and would resist ANY restrictions on the type of firearms law abiding citizens can buy and own.
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I think Yid is on to something. Let those who advocate for gun control gather the weapons. It's kind of a win-win situation.

Or we just let the govenrment do it after we TELL it to...

Which is what you do in a Democracy.

Tide's turning, man. Most of us are tired of sharing our streets with heavily armed madmen.

your right.....so when are they going to disarm the gangs around the Country?....
They do not authorize you to answer the following question in the affirmative: Show us where we can buy and use military weapons in our private capacities.

The straw man arguments by bigreb and others simply won't wash.

Show us where we can buy and use military weapons in our private capacities.

You can't. End of story.

Miller vs. U.S. and Lewis vs. U.S.
Guys, stop and think. It's hard for you but try. Show me where you in your capacity as private individuals, as simple citizens, can go into a store and buy a functional military mortar or heavy machine gun functioning as such. You can't. And consider that of course the legislators can pass ordinances federal and state to prohibit and confiscate certain types of weapons and ordinance.

The beginning of all that is now.

You are wrong, Jake.

You can Google 'machine gun sales' and find hundreds for sale, all fully functional.
Not as private citizens in a private capacity with military machine guns. Perhaps as vendors with federal firearms permits but the limitations would be solid. However, I will check it out further.

Guys, stop and think. It's hard for you but try. Show me where you in your capacity as private individuals, as simple citizens, can go into a store and buy a functional military mortar or heavy machine gun functioning as such. You can't. And consider that of course the legislators can pass ordinances federal and state to prohibit and confiscate certain types of weapons and ordinance.

The beginning of all that is now.

You are wrong, Jake.

You can Google 'machine gun sales' and find hundreds for sale, all fully functional.
Not as private citizens in a private capacity with military machine guns. Perhaps as vendors with federal firearms permits but the limitations would be solid. However, I will check it out further.

Guys, stop and think. It's hard for you but try. Show me where you in your capacity as private individuals, as simple citizens, can go into a store and buy a functional military mortar or heavy machine gun functioning as such. You can't. And consider that of course the legislators can pass ordinances federal and state to prohibit and confiscate certain types of weapons and ordinance.

The beginning of all that is now.

You are wrong, Jake.

You can Google 'machine gun sales' and find hundreds for sale, all fully functional.

Let me help you...

ATFMachinegun.com:: machine guns for sale,Class 3 Dealer, NFA Sales, H& K MP5, Colt, Thompson, FNC, M16, Uzi, sub machine gun
Thanks. You prove that it requires federal licensing with particular rules and regulations. This is not waking into a sporting gun store and buying whatever. This requires paperwork, background checks, etc.

Interesting stuff, GP? Can you buy a working mortar and shells?
Thanks. You prove that it requires federal licensing with particular rules and regulations. This is not waking into a sporting gun store and buying whatever. This requires paperwork, background checks, etc.

Interesting stuff, GP? Can you buy a working mortar and shells?

Background checks are required whenever you purchase ANY weapon from a dealer. There is no difference between a background check for a .22 rifle or an AR-15 or an Uzi.

The only other requirement is a $400 licensing fee.

IOW, it IS "walking into a sporting gun store and buying whatever."
Guys, stop and think. It's hard for you but try. Show me where you in your capacity as private individuals, as simple citizens, can go into a store and buy a functional military mortar or heavy machine gun functioning as such. You can't. And consider that of course the legislators can pass ordinances federal and state to prohibit and confiscate certain types of weapons and ordinance.

The beginning of all that is now.

The ignorance of the leftist liberal and their willingness to show that ignorance never ceases to amaze me. A. I own two fully automatic weapons, what you would probably call a "machine gun" but in reality are just a sub machine gun and a true assault rilfe, meanig fully automatic, and if I could afford the price tag I can walk into a gun shop and buy an M-60 light machine gun or even a .50 Ma-duece heavy machine gun. B. No politician will ever pass any ordinance that would allow them to come to your home and confiscate your firearms. They know too many Americans would respond with a fu and a hail of gunfire.
But there is all the federal firearms paperwork and licensing required.

So, no, it is not like walking into Dick's.

And you still have not answered me if you can buy a mortar.

Thanks. You prove that it requires federal licensing with particular rules and regulations. This is not waking into a sporting gun store and buying whatever. This requires paperwork, background checks, etc.

Interesting stuff, GP? Can you buy a working mortar and shells?

Background checks are required whenever you purchase ANY weapon from a dealer. There is no difference between a background check for a .22 rifle or an AR-15 or an Uzi.

The only other requirement is a $400 licensing fee.

IOW, it IS "walking into a sporting gun store and buying whatever."
Guys, stop and think. It's hard for you but try. Show me where you in your capacity as private individuals, as simple citizens, can go into a store and buy a functional military mortar or heavy machine gun functioning as such. You can't. And consider that of course the legislators can pass ordinances federal and state to prohibit and confiscate certain types of weapons and ordinance.

The beginning of all that is now.

The ignorance of the leftist liberal and their willingness to show that ignorance never ceases to amaze me. A. I own two fully automatic weapons, what you would probably call a "machine gun" but in reality are just a sub machine gun and a true assault rilfe, meanig fully automatic, and if I could afford the price tag I can walk into a gun shop and buy an M-60 light machine gun or even a .50 Ma-duece heavy machine gun. B. No politician will ever pass any ordinance that would allow them to come to your home and confiscate your firearms. They know too many Americans would respond with a fu and a hail of gunfire.

Exactly. :clap2:
A. Yup, I learned some stuff that I did not know, and my right of center philosophy have nothing to do with it.

B. This will change eventually. The government has no problems putting you down if they catch you violating the law with a gun in your hand, jtpr312. That is simply your terrorism talk.
A. Yup, I learned some stuff that I did not know, and my right of center philosophy have nothing to do with it.

B. This will change eventually. The government has no problems putting you down if they catch you violating the law with a gun in your hand, jtpr312. That is simply your terrorism talk.

Right of center? :lol:
Zander you are so far out to the right that anyone to your left looks like socialist to you.

Not concerned with your perception. :lol:
Guys, stop and think. It's hard for you but try. Show me where you in your capacity as private individuals, as simple citizens, can go into a store and buy a functional military mortar or heavy machine gun functioning as such. You can't. And consider that of course the legislators can pass ordinances federal and state to prohibit and confiscate certain types of weapons and ordinance.

The beginning of all that is now.

The ignorance of the leftist liberal and their willingness to show that ignorance never ceases to amaze me. A. I own two fully automatic weapons, what you would probably call a "machine gun" but in reality are just a sub machine gun and a true assault rilfe, meanig fully automatic, and if I could afford the price tag I can walk into a gun shop and buy an M-60 light machine gun or even a .50 Ma-duece heavy machine gun. B. No politician will ever pass any ordinance that would allow them to come to your home and confiscate your firearms. They know too many Americans would respond with a fu and a hail of gunfire.

Great, would that make "too many Americans" patriots or serial killers? Clearly, if the Congress voted and the President signed a bill into law outlawing fully automatic weapons anyone who did not follow the law would be a de facto criminal; and, if they were to kill and American defending their illegal weapon they would die on the spot or on a gurney via the needle. Do you aspire to be the next Tim McVeigh?

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