Obama is in Poland lying his ass off right now.

He just told them that the murder rates in major cities are DOWN drastically.
The National murder rate peaked in 1991 at 9.8/100k population to down around 4.5/100k. That's better than a 50% decrease, and that is what the President was speaking to; the National murder rate. Below is where you can see my source. Where is your source????

United States Crime Rates 1960 - 2014
Meanwhile, he just deployed a couple thousand more troops to Poland. Him and Clinton started a new Cold War with Russia. And I don't get it. We should have closer ties to Russia.

We have a lot in common with the Russians. Starting a new Cold War is so bizarre. But i guess they gotta keep the Permanent War rolling along. Always gotta have a Boogeyman.
commies never get along with freedom-minded countries.....it's about time NATO is beefing up the area......

Stupid Cold War II. Makes no sense. Well, i guess it does to the Military Industrial Complex Elites though. Another Boogeyman, another War. Makes perfect sense to them.

The morons probably don't know what the Military Industrial Complex even is, if you read the morons comments, do they suggest they have ANY intelligence above the retarded class? No.

It's pointless attempting to have either a sensible, logical or any sort of intelligent discussion with sub-level idiots.

I hear ya. It's frustrating. But they've been conditioned on Permanent War. It's all they know. They've been indoctrinated on violence and war. They've been conditioned to believe Peace = 'Bad' and War = 'Good.'

So i understand why they support endless war. It really is all they know. This Cold War II with Russia is so bizarre. Completely unnecessary.

Ask them to explain the Military Industrial Complex, all they can do is "funny" posts, showing their low intellect, even a small child can perform the task of "funnying" posts.

The amoebas can't explain the Military Industrial Complex though, unless they do some copy and paste from a website.
Meanwhile, he just deployed a couple thousand more troops to Poland. Him and Clinton started a new Cold War with Russia. And I don't get it. We should have closer ties to Russia.

We have a lot in common with the Russians. Starting a new Cold War is so bizarre. But i guess they gotta keep the Permanent War rolling along. Always gotta have a Boogeyman.
commies never get along with freedom-minded countries.....it's about time NATO is beefing up the area......

Stupid Cold War II. Makes no sense. Well, i guess it does to the Military Industrial Complex Elites though. Another Boogeyman, another War. Makes perfect sense to them.

The morons probably don't know what the Military Industrial Complex even is, if you read the morons comments, do they suggest they have ANY intelligence above the retarded class? No.

It's pointless attempting to have either a sensible, logical or any sort of intelligent discussion with sub-level idiots.

I hear ya. It's frustrating. But they've been conditioned on Permanent War. It's all they know. They've been indoctrinated on violence and war. They've been conditioned to believe Peace = 'Bad' and War = 'Good.'

So i understand why they support endless war. It really is all they know. This Cold War II with Russia is so bizarre. Completely unnecessary.

This is why children should be privately educated, a private education means that you don't get the Brainwashing Curriculum from everything that Peace is Bad and War is Good to getting the Guilt Trip rammed down your throat, where you must feel guilty about seemingly everything.
Meanwhile, he just deployed a couple thousand more troops to Poland. Him and Clinton started a new Cold War with Russia. And I don't get it. We should have closer ties to Russia.

We have a lot in common with the Russians. Starting a new Cold War is so bizarre. But i guess they gotta keep the Permanent War rolling along. Always gotta have a Boogeyman.

That's the modus operandi, Permanent War and that leads to what, more body bags.

Dwight Eisenhower warned about this stuff in his Military Industrial Complex speech, America and the world needs a combination of Dwight Eisenhower and Ronald Reagan.

So many brainwashed people think this is all very amusing regarding Russia and rattling the saber, they won't think it's so amusing if a war begins, a war that would of course become WWIII and this time with the utilisation of nuclear weapons being lobbed back and forth.

Wonder if they'll laugh if New York City or Los Angeles or both gets nuked and reduced to dust with millions of dead people, probably they'll laugh because that's how stupid they are.

Yeah, so many other problems in the world. Making Russia an enemy again really is stupid. But hey, you know the MIC Elites gotta have their Boogeymen. How else can they convince the Sheeple that Permanent War is 'good' for em?

If this war begins, let's hope the morons go and sign up for military duty the same day, that should be something for them to laugh about right? They laugh now when people attempt to point out how dangerous the saber rattling is and they drink the Kool-Aid and swallow the propaganda and keeping laughing at everyone else.

So sign up, join the military, go and get blown up that should be something to TOTALLY laugh about for them right?

I'd say the majority of the morons are cowards, who've never worn a military uniform and when a new war starts like the bedwetters they are they'll be screaming for a Safe Space.

Oh, i have no doubt Millions more will sign up to be killed and maimed, just to make some rich Elites richer. Most truly believe they'll be horrifically maimed and killed 'Defending' America.' They don't realize they're mere expendable mercenaries for the Globalist Elites.

This famous scumbag Globalist Elite summed it up...

"Military Men are just dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns in foreign policy." - Henry Kissinger
Meanwhile, he just deployed a couple thousand more troops to Poland. Him and Clinton started a new Cold War with Russia. And I don't get it. We should have closer ties to Russia.

We have a lot in common with the Russians. Starting a new Cold War is so bizarre. But i guess they gotta keep the Permanent War rolling along. Always gotta have a Boogeyman.
commies never get along with freedom-minded countries.....it's about time NATO is beefing up the area......

Stupid Cold War II. Makes no sense. Well, i guess it does to the Military Industrial Complex Elites though. Another Boogeyman, another War. Makes perfect sense to them.

The morons probably don't know what the Military Industrial Complex even is, if you read the morons comments, do they suggest they have ANY intelligence above the retarded class? No.

It's pointless attempting to have either a sensible, logical or any sort of intelligent discussion with sub-level idiots.

I hear ya. It's frustrating. But they've been conditioned on Permanent War. It's all they know. They've been indoctrinated on violence and war. They've been conditioned to believe Peace = 'Bad' and War = 'Good.'

So i understand why they support endless war. It really is all they know. This Cold War II with Russia is so bizarre. Completely unnecessary.

Ask them to explain the Military Industrial Complex, all they can do is "funny" posts, showing their low intellect, even a small child can perform the task of "funnying" posts.

The amoebas can't explain the Military Industrial Complex though, unless they do some copy and paste from a website.

They've ran the "funny" into the ground. It's about as stupid as their clown brigade was
He just told them that the murder rates in major cities are DOWN drastically.
The National murder rate peaked in 1991 at 9.8/100k population to down around 4.5/100k. That's better than a 50% decrease, and that is what the President was speaking to; the National murder rate. Below is where you can see my source. Where is your source????

United States Crime Rates 1960 - 2014
We're just going to pretend the last two years don't exist eh? Baltimore, Vegas, Philadelphia, Chicago, Dallas..... just about any city with a large black population is seeing a major increase in violent crime & homicides.
You then look at when the anti cop rhetoric began and you see your underlying problem.
He just told them that the murder rates in major cities are DOWN drastically.
The National murder rate peaked in 1991 at 9.8/100k population to down around 4.5/100k. That's better than a 50% decrease, and that is what the President was speaking to; the National murder rate. Below is where you can see my source. Where is your source????

United States Crime Rates 1960 - 2014
We're just going to pretend the last two years don't exist eh? Baltimore, Vegas, Philadelphia, Chicago, Dallas..... just about any city with a large black population is seeing a major increase in violent crime & homicides.
You then look at when the anti cop rhetoric began and you see your underlying problem.
What you claim not only is irrelevant to your initial claim, but it cannot be substantiated. While you dig the hole deeper for yourself, you simply add to the building evidence that you make shit up as you go along and refuse to be an HONEST PERSON WORTHY OF ANY TRUST!
He just told them that the murder rates in major cities are DOWN drastically.
The National murder rate peaked in 1991 at 9.8/100k population to down around 4.5/100k. That's better than a 50% decrease, and that is what the President was speaking to; the National murder rate. Below is where you can see my source. Where is your source????

United States Crime Rates 1960 - 2014
We're just going to pretend the last two years don't exist eh? Baltimore, Vegas, Philadelphia, Chicago, Dallas..... just about any city with a large black population is seeing a major increase in violent crime & homicides.
You then look at when the anti cop rhetoric began and you see your underlying problem.
What you claim not only is irrelevant to your initial claim, but it cannot be substantiated. While you dig the hole deeper for yourself, you simply add to the building evidence that you make shit up as you go along and refuse to be an HONEST PERSON WORTHY OF ANY TRUST!

Obungles supporters shouldn't be railing on anyone's trust
He just told them that the murder rates in major cities are DOWN drastically.
The National murder rate peaked in 1991 at 9.8/100k population to down around 4.5/100k. That's better than a 50% decrease, and that is what the President was speaking to; the National murder rate. Below is where you can see my source. Where is your source????

United States Crime Rates 1960 - 2014
We're just going to pretend the last two years don't exist eh? Baltimore, Vegas, Philadelphia, Chicago, Dallas..... just about any city with a large black population is seeing a major increase in violent crime & homicides.
You then look at when the anti cop rhetoric began and you see your underlying problem.
What you claim not only is irrelevant to your initial claim, but it cannot be substantiated. While you dig the hole deeper for yourself, you simply add to the building evidence that you make shit up as you go along and refuse to be an HONEST PERSON WORTHY OF ANY TRUST!
Philadelphia violent crime rate on the rise

After Bloodiest Year, Baltimore Murder Rate Still Rising - Breitbart

Homicides increase 100 percent in Clark County between 2015 and 2016

Chicago's murder rate soars 72% in 2016; shootings up more than 88%

He just told them that the murder rates in major cities are DOWN drastically.

You might be right. In fact I happen to agree with a lot of the things you say.

But you don't strike me as someone who thinks in statistics or researches statistics outside of partisan sources (most of us don't)
; rather, you strike me as someone who dislikes Obama for what may be very good reasons. This means that statistics take a back seat to your basic belief that he is full of shit when he speaks.

Have you seen any statistics that show actual murder rates by year?

In 2015, there were more than 50,000 incidents of gun violence yearly.

An additional 20,000+ committed suicide with a gun.

On an average day 36 Americans died by gun.

Mass shootings accounted for less than 2% of the total gun murders, but got over 99% of the media coverage, which completely skews the perception of violence.

You might look at the statistics that show trends from 2014 to the present; then you could weight actual numbers against your mind's default settings, which hold that the nation is going to hell in a hand-basket because of its leadership.

FYI: I sort of agree with you because I can't believe gun deaths are going down.
He just told them that the murder rates in major cities are DOWN drastically.
The National murder rate peaked in 1991 at 9.8/100k population to down around 4.5/100k. That's better than a 50% decrease, and that is what the President was speaking to; the National murder rate. Below is where you can see my source. Where is your source????

United States Crime Rates 1960 - 2014
We're just going to pretend the last two years don't exist eh? Baltimore, Vegas, Philadelphia, Chicago, Dallas..... just about any city with a large black population is seeing a major increase in violent crime & homicides.
You then look at when the anti cop rhetoric began and you see your underlying problem.
What you claim not only is irrelevant to your initial claim, but it cannot be substantiated. While you dig the hole deeper for yourself, you simply add to the building evidence that you make shit up as you go along and refuse to be an HONEST PERSON WORTHY OF ANY TRUST!
Philadelphia violent crime rate on the rise

After Bloodiest Year, Baltimore Murder Rate Still Rising - Breitbart

Homicides increase 100 percent in Clark County between 2015 and 2016

Chicago's murder rate soars 72% in 2016; shootings up more than 88%

Links to the top three not credible sites on the internet?
He just told them that the murder rates in major cities are DOWN drastically.

You might be right. In fact I happen to agree with a lot of the things you say.

But you don't strike me as someone who thinks in statistics or researches statistics outside of partisan sources (most of us don't)
; rather, you strike me as someone who dislikes Obama for what may be very good reasons. This means that statistics take a back seat to your basic belief that he is full of shit when he speaks.

Have you seen any statistics that show actual murder rates by year?

In 2015, there were more than 50,000 incidents of gun violence yearly.

An additional 20,000+ committed suicide with a gun.

On an average day 36 Americans died by gun.

Mass shootings accounted for less than 2% of the total gun murders, but got over 99% of the media coverage, which completely skews the perception of violence.

You might look at the statistics that show trends from 2014 to the present; then you could weight actual numbers against your mind's default settings, which hold that the nation is going to hell in a hand-basket because of its leadership.

FYI: I sort of agree with you because I can't believe gun deaths are going down.
I Googled the large cities before creating the thread. If you ignore the last two years Obama could be correct. If you look at local numbers he is miles from the truth
He just told them that the murder rates in major cities are DOWN drastically.
The National murder rate peaked in 1991 at 9.8/100k population to down around 4.5/100k. That's better than a 50% decrease, and that is what the President was speaking to; the National murder rate. Below is where you can see my source. Where is your source????

United States Crime Rates 1960 - 2014
We're just going to pretend the last two years don't exist eh? Baltimore, Vegas, Philadelphia, Chicago, Dallas..... just about any city with a large black population is seeing a major increase in violent crime & homicides.
You then look at when the anti cop rhetoric began and you see your underlying problem.
What you claim not only is irrelevant to your initial claim, but it cannot be substantiated. While you dig the hole deeper for yourself, you simply add to the building evidence that you make shit up as you go along and refuse to be an HONEST PERSON WORTHY OF ANY TRUST!
Philadelphia violent crime rate on the rise

After Bloodiest Year, Baltimore Murder Rate Still Rising - Breitbart

Homicides increase 100 percent in Clark County between 2015 and 2016

Chicago's murder rate soars 72% in 2016; shootings up more than 88%

Links to the top three not credible sites on the internet?
Their numbers are not false despite your opinion of the messenger.
He just told them that the murder rates in major cities are DOWN drastically.

You might be right. In fact I happen to agree with a lot of the things you say.

But you don't strike me as someone who thinks in statistics or researches statistics outside of partisan sources (most of us don't)
; rather, you strike me as someone who dislikes Obama for what may be very good reasons. This means that statistics take a back seat to your basic belief that he is full of shit when he speaks.

Have you seen any statistics that show actual murder rates by year?

In 2015, there were more than 50,000 incidents of gun violence yearly.

An additional 20,000+ committed suicide with a gun.

On an average day 36 Americans died by gun.

Mass shootings accounted for less than 2% of the total gun murders, but got over 99% of the media coverage, which completely skews the perception of violence.

You might look at the statistics that show trends from 2014 to the present; then you could weight actual numbers against your mind's default settings, which hold that the nation is going to hell in a hand-basket because of its leadership.

FYI: I sort of agree with you because I can't believe gun deaths are going down.
I Googled the large cities before creating the thread. If you ignore the last two years Obama could be correct. If you look at local numbers he is miles from the truth

The truth and Obama are not even in the same hemisphere
He just told them that the murder rates in major cities are DOWN drastically.

You might be right. In fact I happen to agree with a lot of the things you say.

But you don't strike me as someone who thinks in statistics or researches statistics outside of partisan sources (most of us don't)
; rather, you strike me as someone who dislikes Obama for what may be very good reasons. This means that statistics take a back seat to your basic belief that he is full of shit when he speaks.

Have you seen any statistics that show actual murder rates by year?

In 2015, there were more than 50,000 incidents of gun violence yearly.

An additional 20,000+ committed suicide with a gun.

On an average day 36 Americans died by gun.

Mass shootings accounted for less than 2% of the total gun murders, but got over 99% of the media coverage, which completely skews the perception of violence.

You might look at the statistics that show trends from 2014 to the present; then you could weight actual numbers against your mind's default settings, which hold that the nation is going to hell in a hand-basket because of its leadership.

FYI: I sort of agree with you because I can't believe gun deaths are going down.
I Googled the large cities before creating the thread. If you ignore the last two years Obama could be correct. If you look at local numbers he is miles from the truth
False the reason those numbers seem so high is the murder rate is at historic lows.

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