Obama is in Poland lying his ass off right now.

Meanwhile, he just deployed a couple thousand more troops to Poland. Him and Clinton started a new Cold War with Russia. And I don't get it. We should have closer ties to Russia.

We have a lot in common with the Russians. Starting a new Cold War is so bizarre. But i guess they gotta keep the Permanent War rolling along. Always gotta have a Boogeyman.

That's the modus operandi, Permanent War and that leads to what, more body bags.

Dwight Eisenhower warned about this stuff in his Military Industrial Complex speech, America and the world needs a combination of Dwight Eisenhower and Ronald Reagan.

So many brainwashed people think this is all very amusing regarding Russia and rattling the saber, they won't think it's so amusing if a war begins, a war that would of course become WWIII and this time with the utilisation of nuclear weapons being lobbed back and forth.

Wonder if they'll laugh if New York City or Los Angeles or both gets nuked and reduced to dust with millions of dead people, probably they'll laugh because that's how stupid they are.

One of the stupid crowd already thinks it's funny, not too surprising, that one is part of a crowd who collectively have the mental age of 8 years-old.

If the lunatics get their wish and New York City or Los Angeles is nuked, then lets hope the stupid crowd are in one of those cities so they can get reduced to dust, it's what the stupid deserve.
Meanwhile, he just deployed a couple thousand more troops to Poland. Him and Clinton started a new Cold War with Russia. And I don't get it. We should have closer ties to Russia.

We have a lot in common with the Russians. Starting a new Cold War is so bizarre. But i guess they gotta keep the Permanent War rolling along. Always gotta have a Boogeyman.

That's the modus operandi, Permanent War and that leads to what, more body bags.

Dwight Eisenhower warned about this stuff in his Military Industrial Complex speech, America and the world needs a combination of Dwight Eisenhower and Ronald Reagan.

So many brainwashed people think this is all very amusing regarding Russia and rattling the saber, they won't think it's so amusing if a war begins, a war that would of course become WWIII and this time with the utilisation of nuclear weapons being lobbed back and forth.

Wonder if they'll laugh if New York City or Los Angeles or both gets nuked and reduced to dust with millions of dead people, probably they'll laugh because that's how stupid they are.

Yeah, so many other problems in the world. Making Russia an enemy again really is stupid. But hey, you know the MIC Elites gotta have their Boogeymen. How else can they convince the Sheeple that Permanent War is 'good' for em?
Meanwhile, he just deployed a couple thousand more troops to Poland. Him and Clinton started a new Cold War with Russia. And I don't get it. We should have closer ties to Russia.

We have a lot in common with the Russians. Starting a new Cold War is so bizarre. But i guess they gotta keep the Permanent War rolling along. Always gotta have a Boogeyman.
commies never get along with freedom-minded countries.....it's about time NATO is beefing up the area......

Stupid Cold War II. Makes no sense. Well, i guess it does to the Military Industrial Complex Elites though. Another Boogeyman, another War. Makes perfect sense to them.

The morons probably don't know what the Military Industrial Complex even is, if you read the morons comments, do they suggest they have ANY intelligence above the retarded class? No.

It's pointless attempting to have either a sensible, logical or any sort of intelligent discussion with sub-level idiots.
Compared to the 70's, 80's, 90's, and early 2000's murder rates ARE drastically down
Murder rates in large cities are up DRASTICALLY in just the last few years. Some cities are on track to DOUBLE their homicides by years end.
For that year . Fact is murdered rates are lower 8 general then they have been in 30 years.
Suck it up the president was not lying .
You just wish he was.
I'd say he's right about NYC:

One city now reflects the entire country???

I hit my thumb with a hammer last week. It turned black & blue. I guess I'm a black man now huh?
He just told them that the murder rates in major cities are DOWN drastically.
He just outlined a strategy for Afghanistan (weak as it is) that he failed to do in Iraq...which resulted in the creation of Isis. A bit later he said we should have done that in Iraq...but Iraq didn't want our help and Afghanistan does. And he said it all with a straight face. A very weak leader....better suited to being a community organizer.
He just told them that the murder rates in major cities are DOWN drastically.

Ooooo the New York Slimes is going to mad

From your link

Murders and most other types of crime have dropped since an alarming peak in the early 1990s and are now near historic lows. Criminologists said that while a rise in homicides in some cities in 2015 and early this year was potentially worrisome, it was far too early to draw any conclusions.

“A lot of observers are winning Olympic medals for jumping to conclusions,” said Franklin E. Zimring, a criminologist at the University of California, Berkeley.

James Alan Fox, a criminologist at Northeastern University, said the uptick represented essentially a blip in so short a time, and he said it was a reflection of how low the crime rates had dropped.
Learn to read.
Compared to the 70's, 80's, 90's, and early 2000's murder rates ARE drastically down
Murder rates in large cities are up DRASTICALLY in just the last few years. Some cities are on track to DOUBLE their homicides by years end.
For that year . Fact is murdered rates are lower 8 general then they have been in 30 years.
Suck it up the president was not lying .
You just wish he was.
He lied and you're eating it up. Good little lemming
Meanwhile, he just deployed a couple thousand more troops to Poland. Him and Clinton started a new Cold War with Russia. And I don't get it. We should have closer ties to Russia.

We have a lot in common with the Russians. Starting a new Cold War is so bizarre. But i guess they gotta keep the Permanent War rolling along. Always gotta have a Boogeyman.

That's the modus operandi, Permanent War and that leads to what, more body bags.

Dwight Eisenhower warned about this stuff in his Military Industrial Complex speech, America and the world needs a combination of Dwight Eisenhower and Ronald Reagan.

So many brainwashed people think this is all very amusing regarding Russia and rattling the saber, they won't think it's so amusing if a war begins, a war that would of course become WWIII and this time with the utilisation of nuclear weapons being lobbed back and forth.

Wonder if they'll laugh if New York City or Los Angeles or both gets nuked and reduced to dust with millions of dead people, probably they'll laugh because that's how stupid they are.

Yeah, so many other problems in the world. Making Russia an enemy again really is stupid. But hey, you know the MIC Elites gotta have their Boogeymen. How else can they convince the Sheeple that Permanent War is 'good' for em?

If this war begins, let's hope the morons go and sign up for military duty the same day, that should be something for them to laugh about right? They laugh now when people attempt to point out how dangerous the saber rattling is and they drink the Kool-Aid and swallow the propaganda and keeping laughing at everyone else.

So sign up, join the military, go and get blown up that should be something to TOTALLY laugh about for them right?

I'd say the majority of the morons are cowards, who've never worn a military uniform and when a new war starts like the bedwetters they are they'll be screaming for a Safe Space.
Compared to the 70's, 80's, 90's, and early 2000's murder rates ARE drastically down
Murder rates in large cities are up DRASTICALLY in just the last few years. Some cities are on track to DOUBLE their homicides by years end.
Which cities?
Take your pick
New York City had a record low murder rate last year. Chicago gets a lot of coverage because Obama is from there and it's an easy way to score political points, but it's been pretty steady the last several years, and drastically down from 10, 20, 30, and 40 years ago.

What cities are "doubling" their murder rate, as you said earlier?
Meanwhile, he just deployed a couple thousand more troops to Poland. Him and Clinton started a new Cold War with Russia. And I don't get it. We should have closer ties to Russia.

We have a lot in common with the Russians. Starting a new Cold War is so bizarre. But i guess they gotta keep the Permanent War rolling along. Always gotta have a Boogeyman.
commies never get along with freedom-minded countries.....it's about time NATO is beefing up the area......

Stupid Cold War II. Makes no sense. Well, i guess it does to the Military Industrial Complex Elites though. Another Boogeyman, another War. Makes perfect sense to them.

The morons probably don't know what the Military Industrial Complex even is, if you read the morons comments, do they suggest they have ANY intelligence above the retarded class? No.

It's pointless attempting to have either a sensible, logical or any sort of intelligent discussion with sub-level idiots.

I hear ya. It's frustrating. But they've been conditioned on Permanent War. It's all they know. They've been indoctrinated on violence and war. They've been conditioned to believe Peace = 'Bad' and War = 'Good.'

So i understand why they support endless war. It really is all they know. This Cold War II with Russia is so bizarre. Completely unnecessary.
Compared to the 70's, 80's, 90's, and early 2000's murder rates ARE drastically down
Murder rates in large cities are up DRASTICALLY in just the last few years. Some cities are on track to DOUBLE their homicides by years end.
For that year . Fact is murdered rates are lower 8 general then they have been in 30 years.
Suck it up the president was not lying .
You just wish he was.
He lied and you're eating it up. Good little lemming
Nope, you've gotten your ass handed to you and are too much of an asshole to admit it.
That's great...

Then he can get a place in the "hood" in Chicago, right next to all those "widows and orphans" he's bringing in...

Secret Service???

Who needs them in "Paradise"???
He should denounce the secret service anyway. They carry guns.

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