Obama is in Poland lying his ass off right now.

The National murder rate peaked in 1991 at 9.8/100k population to down around 4.5/100k. That's better than a 50% decrease, and that is what the President was speaking to; the National murder rate. Below is where you can see my source. Where is your source????

United States Crime Rates 1960 - 2014
We're just going to pretend the last two years don't exist eh? Baltimore, Vegas, Philadelphia, Chicago, Dallas..... just about any city with a large black population is seeing a major increase in violent crime & homicides.
You then look at when the anti cop rhetoric began and you see your underlying problem.
What you claim not only is irrelevant to your initial claim, but it cannot be substantiated. While you dig the hole deeper for yourself, you simply add to the building evidence that you make shit up as you go along and refuse to be an HONEST PERSON WORTHY OF ANY TRUST!
Philadelphia violent crime rate on the rise

After Bloodiest Year, Baltimore Murder Rate Still Rising - Breitbart

Homicides increase 100 percent in Clark County between 2015 and 2016

Chicago's murder rate soars 72% in 2016; shootings up more than 88%

Links to the top three not credible sites on the internet?
Their numbers are not false despite your opinion of the messenger.
False! the numbers are manipulated.
He is now claiming that race relations have gotten better under him.

You need to quote or link that statement.
It's a live speech in Poland
Read President Obama's Remarks On Recent Police Shootings

Here's the transcript. I don't see a single word claiming that race relations have improved. Only that they've gotten people together to start trying to improve things, and that cthose changes have been slow to be made.

Aside from that, he checks all the right boxes. Condemns the attack, stresses that it's not a question of which lives are more valuable, doesn't shy away from the issues, tells everyone what has been done, where we are, and says we can all do better. Very Presidential. I wish we could get a speech like this from the Twiiter King of Debt or [email protected].
He just told them that the murder rates in major cities are DOWN drastically.

You might be right. In fact I happen to agree with a lot of the things you say.

But you don't strike me as someone who thinks in statistics or researches statistics outside of partisan sources (most of us don't)
; rather, you strike me as someone who dislikes Obama for what may be very good reasons. This means that statistics take a back seat to your basic belief that he is full of shit when he speaks.

Have you seen any statistics that show actual murder rates by year?

In 2015, there were more than 50,000 incidents of gun violence yearly.

An additional 20,000+ committed suicide with a gun.

On an average day 36 Americans died by gun.

Mass shootings accounted for less than 2% of the total gun murders, but got over 99% of the media coverage, which completely skews the perception of violence.

You might look at the statistics that show trends from 2014 to the present; then you could weight actual numbers against your mind's default settings, which hold that the nation is going to hell in a hand-basket because of its leadership.

FYI: I sort of agree with you because I can't believe gun deaths are going down.
I Googled the large cities before creating the thread. If you ignore the last two years Obama could be correct. If you look at local numbers he is miles from the truth

The truth and Obama are not even in the same hemisphere
If you were talking about yourself that would be fact.
He just told them that the murder rates in major cities are DOWN drastically.
The National murder rate peaked in 1991 at 9.8/100k population to down around 4.5/100k. That's better than a 50% decrease, and that is what the President was speaking to; the National murder rate. Below is where you can see my source. Where is your source????

United States Crime Rates 1960 - 2014
We're just going to pretend the last two years don't exist eh? Baltimore, Vegas, Philadelphia, Chicago, Dallas..... just about any city with a large black population is seeing a major increase in violent crime & homicides.
You then look at when the anti cop rhetoric began and you see your underlying problem.
What you claim not only is irrelevant to your initial claim, but it cannot be substantiated. While you dig the hole deeper for yourself, you simply add to the building evidence that you make shit up as you go along and refuse to be an HONEST PERSON WORTHY OF ANY TRUST!
Philadelphia violent crime rate on the rise

After Bloodiest Year, Baltimore Murder Rate Still Rising - Breitbart

Homicides increase 100 percent in Clark County between 2015 and 2016

Chicago's murder rate soars 72% in 2016; shootings up more than 88%

Below is your OP, shit for brains! I ADDRESSED THAT LIE ONLY!
He just told them that the murder rates in major cities are DOWN drastically.
The President DID NOT say what you claimed he said in your OP, shit for brains! Your OP is a fucking LIE! The President spoke to the dramatically falling NATIONAL MURDER RATE which has fallen dramatically from 9.8/100k population in 1991 to 4.5/100k in the FBI source 2015 data I cited! He is the President of the United States and not a FUCKING MAYOR OF A CITY! He spoke to the MACRO NOT THE MICRO!

Lying doesn't bother you a bit, does it scum ball?
He just told them that the murder rates in major cities are DOWN drastically.
The National murder rate peaked in 1991 at 9.8/100k population to down around 4.5/100k. That's better than a 50% decrease, and that is what the President was speaking to; the National murder rate. Below is where you can see my source. Where is your source????

United States Crime Rates 1960 - 2014
We're just going to pretend the last two years don't exist eh? Baltimore, Vegas, Philadelphia, Chicago, Dallas..... just about any city with a large black population is seeing a major increase in violent crime & homicides.
You then look at when the anti cop rhetoric began and you see your underlying problem.
What you claim not only is irrelevant to your initial claim, but it cannot be substantiated. While you dig the hole deeper for yourself, you simply add to the building evidence that you make shit up as you go along and refuse to be an HONEST PERSON WORTHY OF ANY TRUST!
Philadelphia violent crime rate on the rise

After Bloodiest Year, Baltimore Murder Rate Still Rising - Breitbart

Homicides increase 100 percent in Clark County between 2015 and 2016

Chicago's murder rate soars 72% in 2016; shootings up more than 88%

Below is your OP, shit for brains! I ADDRESSED THAT LIE ONLY!
He just told them that the murder rates in major cities are DOWN drastically.
The President DID NOT say what you claimed he said in your OP, shit for brains! Your OP is a fucking LIE! The President spoke to the dramatically falling NATIONAL MURDER RATE which has fallen dramatically from 9.8/100k population in 1991 to 4.5/100k in the FBI source 2015 data I cited! He is the President of the United States and not a FUCKING MAYOR OF A CITY! He spoke to the MACRO NOT THE MICRO!

Lying doesn't bother you a bit, does it scum ball?
He spoke in large generalities because if it is boiled down to our largest cities he would be & is WRONG
Gramps, here is why I ask that we all attempt to invest more time into researching these very complex problems. Here is an example of the danger posed by low-information voters whose opinions about things like gun violence and foreign policy are shaped by pop media.

When Bush convinced the nation to invade Iraq, his case relied more on fear an emotion than fact. His case was based not only on poorly supported information but also on a total misunderstanding of Washington's capacity to engage in middle east nation building.

Bush (a.k.a. Washington) took advantage of the fact that citizens didn't do enough research to understand that Hussein didn't attack us on 9/11. His administration later admitted there was absolutely no connection, but he (Bush) was able to keep the insinuation alive long enough to enact his pre-9/11 policy for regime change because, again, voters get their information from non-information sources like the mainstream news.

But Gramps, it goes deeper. Bush (and the Clintons a.k.a. the establishment) asked you to believe that the threat from Hussein (which was arguably contained from Gulf 1 & 10 years of bombing), was worse than the ISIS-enabling chaos that would result from his removal - a chaos that Bush couldn't solve in longer time than it took us to defeat Hitler. [What if Washington doesn't have the competence or budget to rebuild entire Middle East regions in our progressive, modern, Western, Democratic image? Why do we trust Washington to do such big things? What is Washington's involvement actually makes Big Problems worse?]

Gramps, Have you thought of how we can create a lasting, stable, pro-American governments in Iraq and Syria - governments that can defend their borders from groups like ISIS? ISIS, which is a group that gets stronger/bigger every time they can point to American soldiers and American bombs and American control of their region?

Keep in mind. Reagan backed Hussein knowing that he was a madman because he believed that the region needed a brutal strongman to keep the warring tribes in line. I think Reagan was right. He understood that we couldn't build a modern government in the region, one with strong law enforcement and a technologically advanced defense/police apparatus which keeps bad Islamists from gaining control. Reagan understood that Big Government simply didn't have the power to nation build in this region without making things much worse. He and poppy Bush realized that to destabilize this region would unleash a series of conflicts that Washington couldn't fix. It would mean that Washington would have to occupy the region forever, which would drastically increase terrorism (which terrorism is partly caused by Western military bases and involvement in their house). Reagan understood this (despite his rhetorical pandering to national security issues, primarily the Cold War, which gave the US a context for intervention in the economies of resource-rich 3rd world nations, mostly in the global south).

But Gramps - because we don't study actual facts about complex issues; because we let Rush and FOX tempt us into emotionally cathartic bumper sticker simplifications - we were an easy mark for Bush 43, who took advantage of the fact that we didn't understand the actual threat posed by Hussein, nor did we understand what would happen once we radically destabilized the region.

Gramps, you tell us that Washington doesn't have the competence to run a laundromat without fucking it up, but you (we!) gave that same Washington the power/budget to rebuild an entire Arab region. What? Washington can't even manage the 50 states effectively, but you made it big enough and powerful enough to rebuild foreign continents? And you didn't realize that giving Washington the concentrated power to do the biggest possible thing we've ever asked it to do would unleash the biggest possible unintended consequences, and make things much, much, much worse.

Gramps, what if the result is that Washington merely creates an unstable, terrorist-spawning nightmare overseas coupled with an invasive surveillance state at home (which destroys the Constitution along with our civil rights)?

Point is: for all your talk about limiting the power of government, your side - somehow - keeps giving Big Government way too much power and money to do things that it simply can't do. This is why we're scared of electing another Republican. Because Republican voters are all too easily scared by the FOX-Rush nexus into giving Washington the power to make terrorism worse - which terrorism is then used as the very reason we need to elect more Republicans and transfer more concentrated surveillance power to the Federal Government.

It's a toxic cycle - and the cycle relies on scared low-information voters who don't do independent research. You're taught to hate Obama and Muslims, but you don't know the difference between Kurds and Shiites, and you have no plan for creating stable, pro-American governments in Iraq and Syria. You just keep giving Big Government more power to fight terrorism, which Government power only makes things worse.

So yes, we are begging that your anger be supplanted by education, so that you stop electing people who make these problems worse. We want you to understand the complexities of all these issues - from gun violence to nation building - so that you are less vulnerable to bumper sticker logic.
Last edited:
I like that he claims it's too soon to determine what the Dallas cop killers motives were.

But he has already convicted the police in LA and MO.

What a dunce
Gramps, here is why I ask that we all attempt to invest more time into researching these very complex problems. When Bush convinced the nation to invade Iraq, his case relied more on fear an emotion than fact. His case was based not only on poorly supported information but also on a total misunderstanding of Washington's capacity to engage in middle east nation building.

Bush (a.k.a. Washington) took advantage of the fact that citizens didn't do enough research to understand that Hussein didn't attack us on 9/11. His administration later admitted there was absolutely no connection, but he (Bush) was able to keep the insinuation alive long enough to enact his pre-9/11 policy for regime change because, again, voters get their information from non-information sources like the mainstream news.

But Gramps, it goes deeper. Bush (and the Clintons a.k.a. the establishment) asked you to believe that the threat from Hussein (which was arguably contained from Gulf 1 & 10 years of bombing), was worse than the ISIS-enabling chaos that would result from his removal - a chaos that Bush couldn't solve in longer time than it took us to defeat Hitler. [What if Washington doesn't have the competence or budget to rebuild entire Middle East regions in our progressive, modern, Western, Democratic image? Why do we trust Washington to do such big things? What is Washington's involvement actually makes Big Problems worse?]

Gramps, Have you thought of how we can create a lasting, stable, pro-American governments in Iraq and Syria - governments that can defend their borders from groups like ISIS? ISIS, which is a group that gets stronger/bigger every time they can point to American soldiers and American bombs and American control of their region?

Keep in mind. Reagan backed Hussein knowing that he was a madman because he believed that the region needed a brutal strongman to keep the warring tribes in line. I think Reagan was right. He understood that we couldn't build a modern government in the region, one with strong law enforcement and a technologically advanced defense/police apparatus which keeps bad Islamists from gaining control. Reagan understood that Big Government simply didn't have the power to nation build in this region without making things much worse. He and poppy Bush realized that to destabilize this region would unleash a series of conflicts that Washington couldn't fix. It would mean that Washington would have to occupy the region forever, which would drastically increase terrorism (which terrorism is partly caused by Western military bases and involvement in their house). Reagan understood this (despite his rhetorical pandering to national security issues, primarily the Cold War, which gave the US a context for intervention in the economies of resource-rich 3rd world nations, mostly in the global south).

But Gramps - because we don't study actual facts about complex issues; because we let Rush and FOX tempt us into emotionally cathartic bumper sticker simplifications - we were an easy mark for Bush 43, who took advantage of the fact that we didn't understand the actual threat posed by Hussein, nor did we understand what would happen once we radically destabilized the region.

Gramps, you tell us that Washington doesn't have the competence to run a laundromat without fucking it up, but you (we!) gave that same Washington the power/budget to rebuild an entire Arab region. What? Washington can't even manage the 50 states effectively, but you made it big enough and powerful enough to rebuild foreign continents? And you didn't realize that giving Washington the concentrated power to do the biggest possible thing we've ever asked it to do would unleash the biggest possible unintended consequences, and make things much, much, much worse.

Gramps, what if the result is that Washington merely creates an unstable, terrorist-spawning nightmare overseas coupled with an invasive surveillance state at home (which destroys the Constitution along with our civil rights)?

Point is: for all your talk about limiting the power of government, your side - somehow - keeps giving Big Government way too much power and money to do things that it simply can't do. This is why we're scared of electing another Republican. Because Republican voters are all too easily scared by the FOX-Rush nexus into giving Washington the power to make terrorism worse - which terrorism is then used as the very reason we need to elect more Republicans and transfer more concentrated surveillance power to the Federal Government.

It's a toxic cycle - and the cycle relies on scared low-information voters who don't do independent research. You're taught to hate Obama and Muslims, but you don't know the difference between Kurds and Shiites, and you have no plan for creating stable, pro-American governments in Iraq and Syria. You just keep giving Big Government more power to fight terrorism, which Government power only makes things worse.

So yes, we are begging that your anger be supplanted by education, so that you stop electing people who make these problems worse. We want you to understand the complexities of all these issues - from gun violence to nation building - so that you are less vulnerable to bumper sticker logic.
What a bunch of condescending bloviating. Seriously
The National murder rate peaked in 1991 at 9.8/100k population to down around 4.5/100k. That's better than a 50% decrease, and that is what the President was speaking to; the National murder rate. Below is where you can see my source. Where is your source????

United States Crime Rates 1960 - 2014
We're just going to pretend the last two years don't exist eh? Baltimore, Vegas, Philadelphia, Chicago, Dallas..... just about any city with a large black population is seeing a major increase in violent crime & homicides.
You then look at when the anti cop rhetoric began and you see your underlying problem.
What you claim not only is irrelevant to your initial claim, but it cannot be substantiated. While you dig the hole deeper for yourself, you simply add to the building evidence that you make shit up as you go along and refuse to be an HONEST PERSON WORTHY OF ANY TRUST!
Philadelphia violent crime rate on the rise

After Bloodiest Year, Baltimore Murder Rate Still Rising - Breitbart

Homicides increase 100 percent in Clark County between 2015 and 2016

Chicago's murder rate soars 72% in 2016; shootings up more than 88%

Below is your OP, shit for brains! I ADDRESSED THAT LIE ONLY!
He just told them that the murder rates in major cities are DOWN drastically.
The President DID NOT say what you claimed he said in your OP, shit for brains! Your OP is a fucking LIE! The President spoke to the dramatically falling NATIONAL MURDER RATE which has fallen dramatically from 9.8/100k population in 1991 to 4.5/100k in the FBI source 2015 data I cited! He is the President of the United States and not a FUCKING MAYOR OF A CITY! He spoke to the MACRO NOT THE MICRO!

Lying doesn't bother you a bit, does it scum ball?
He spoke in large generalities because if it is boiled down to our largest cities he would be & is WRONG
Give it up, you're done!
We're just going to pretend the last two years don't exist eh? Baltimore, Vegas, Philadelphia, Chicago, Dallas..... just about any city with a large black population is seeing a major increase in violent crime & homicides.
You then look at when the anti cop rhetoric began and you see your underlying problem.
What you claim not only is irrelevant to your initial claim, but it cannot be substantiated. While you dig the hole deeper for yourself, you simply add to the building evidence that you make shit up as you go along and refuse to be an HONEST PERSON WORTHY OF ANY TRUST!
Philadelphia violent crime rate on the rise

After Bloodiest Year, Baltimore Murder Rate Still Rising - Breitbart

Homicides increase 100 percent in Clark County between 2015 and 2016

Chicago's murder rate soars 72% in 2016; shootings up more than 88%

Below is your OP, shit for brains! I ADDRESSED THAT LIE ONLY!
He just told them that the murder rates in major cities are DOWN drastically.
The President DID NOT say what you claimed he said in your OP, shit for brains! Your OP is a fucking LIE! The President spoke to the dramatically falling NATIONAL MURDER RATE which has fallen dramatically from 9.8/100k population in 1991 to 4.5/100k in the FBI source 2015 data I cited! He is the President of the United States and not a FUCKING MAYOR OF A CITY! He spoke to the MACRO NOT THE MICRO!

Lying doesn't bother you a bit, does it scum ball?
He spoke in large generalities because if it is boiled down to our largest cities he would be & is WRONG
Give it up, you're done!
What you claim not only is irrelevant to your initial claim, but it cannot be substantiated. While you dig the hole deeper for yourself, you simply add to the building evidence that you make shit up as you go along and refuse to be an HONEST PERSON WORTHY OF ANY TRUST!
Philadelphia violent crime rate on the rise

After Bloodiest Year, Baltimore Murder Rate Still Rising - Breitbart

Homicides increase 100 percent in Clark County between 2015 and 2016

Chicago's murder rate soars 72% in 2016; shootings up more than 88%

Below is your OP, shit for brains! I ADDRESSED THAT LIE ONLY!
He just told them that the murder rates in major cities are DOWN drastically.
The President DID NOT say what you claimed he said in your OP, shit for brains! Your OP is a fucking LIE! The President spoke to the dramatically falling NATIONAL MURDER RATE which has fallen dramatically from 9.8/100k population in 1991 to 4.5/100k in the FBI source 2015 data I cited! He is the President of the United States and not a FUCKING MAYOR OF A CITY! He spoke to the MACRO NOT THE MICRO!

Lying doesn't bother you a bit, does it scum ball?
He spoke in large generalities because if it is boiled down to our largest cities he would be & is WRONG
Give it up, you're done!
another 13 year old.
commies never get along with freedom-minded countries.....it's about time NATO is beefing up the area......

Stupid Cold War II. Makes no sense. Well, i guess it does to the Military Industrial Complex Elites though. Another Boogeyman, another War. Makes perfect sense to them.

The morons probably don't know what the Military Industrial Complex even is, if you read the morons comments, do they suggest they have ANY intelligence above the retarded class? No.

It's pointless attempting to have either a sensible, logical or any sort of intelligent discussion with sub-level idiots.

I hear ya. It's frustrating. But they've been conditioned on Permanent War. It's all they know. They've been indoctrinated on violence and war. They've been conditioned to believe Peace = 'Bad' and War = 'Good.'

So i understand why they support endless war. It really is all they know. This Cold War II with Russia is so bizarre. Completely unnecessary.

Ask them to explain the Military Industrial Complex, all they can do is "funny" posts, showing their low intellect, even a small child can perform the task of "funnying" posts.

The amoebas can't explain the Military Industrial Complex though, unless they do some copy and paste from a website.

They've ran the "funny" into the ground. It's about as stupid as their clown brigade was

Most probably they grew up in Welfare environments and on Food Stamps, so we're not dealing with fellow private educated people.
Stupid Cold War II. Makes no sense. Well, i guess it does to the Military Industrial Complex Elites though. Another Boogeyman, another War. Makes perfect sense to them.

The morons probably don't know what the Military Industrial Complex even is, if you read the morons comments, do they suggest they have ANY intelligence above the retarded class? No.

It's pointless attempting to have either a sensible, logical or any sort of intelligent discussion with sub-level idiots.

I hear ya. It's frustrating. But they've been conditioned on Permanent War. It's all they know. They've been indoctrinated on violence and war. They've been conditioned to believe Peace = 'Bad' and War = 'Good.'

So i understand why they support endless war. It really is all they know. This Cold War II with Russia is so bizarre. Completely unnecessary.

Ask them to explain the Military Industrial Complex, all they can do is "funny" posts, showing their low intellect, even a small child can perform the task of "funnying" posts.

The amoebas can't explain the Military Industrial Complex though, unless they do some copy and paste from a website.

They've ran the "funny" into the ground. It's about as stupid as their clown brigade was

Most probably they grew up in Welfare environments and on Food Stamps, so we're not dealing with fellow private educated people.

Our 12 y/o twins could take most of these loons in debate, hell we have a 14 y/o on here now giving them the runs. I noticed yesterday she won't bite when they start their antics and it infuriates them LOL
The morons probably don't know what the Military Industrial Complex even is, if you read the morons comments, do they suggest they have ANY intelligence above the retarded class? No.

It's pointless attempting to have either a sensible, logical or any sort of intelligent discussion with sub-level idiots.

I hear ya. It's frustrating. But they've been conditioned on Permanent War. It's all they know. They've been indoctrinated on violence and war. They've been conditioned to believe Peace = 'Bad' and War = 'Good.'

So i understand why they support endless war. It really is all they know. This Cold War II with Russia is so bizarre. Completely unnecessary.

Ask them to explain the Military Industrial Complex, all they can do is "funny" posts, showing their low intellect, even a small child can perform the task of "funnying" posts.

The amoebas can't explain the Military Industrial Complex though, unless they do some copy and paste from a website.

They've ran the "funny" into the ground. It's about as stupid as their clown brigade was

Most probably they grew up in Welfare environments and on Food Stamps, so we're not dealing with fellow private educated people.

Our 12 y/o twins could take most of these loons in debate, hell we have a 14 y/o on here now giving them the runs. I noticed yesterday she won't bite when they start their antics and it infuriates them LOL
"She" claims to be 15.
by the tone of "her" posts "she" appears to be a adult masquerading as a teen.
The morons probably don't know what the Military Industrial Complex even is, if you read the morons comments, do they suggest they have ANY intelligence above the retarded class? No.

It's pointless attempting to have either a sensible, logical or any sort of intelligent discussion with sub-level idiots.

I hear ya. It's frustrating. But they've been conditioned on Permanent War. It's all they know. They've been indoctrinated on violence and war. They've been conditioned to believe Peace = 'Bad' and War = 'Good.'

So i understand why they support endless war. It really is all they know. This Cold War II with Russia is so bizarre. Completely unnecessary.

Ask them to explain the Military Industrial Complex, all they can do is "funny" posts, showing their low intellect, even a small child can perform the task of "funnying" posts.

The amoebas can't explain the Military Industrial Complex though, unless they do some copy and paste from a website.

They've ran the "funny" into the ground. It's about as stupid as their clown brigade was

Most probably they grew up in Welfare environments and on Food Stamps, so we're not dealing with fellow private educated people.

Our 12 y/o twins could take most of these loons in debate, hell we have a 14 y/o on here now giving them the runs. I noticed yesterday she won't bite when they start their antics and it infuriates them LOL

Yes, well the 14 year-old mentally is older than they are collectively, I already stated that that crowd collectively have the mental age of an 8 year-old.

I don't care what these fools babble anymore and I'm often now deliberately obnoxious in whatever thread they turn up in, I rarely respond to them as they're beneath my Social Scale, I mean my family we have servants who are higher up the Social Ladder than these amoebas.

I also rarely mention certain things, like in the previous paragraph, but they need to know that my type considers them dirt circling the drain.
I hear ya. It's frustrating. But they've been conditioned on Permanent War. It's all they know. They've been indoctrinated on violence and war. They've been conditioned to believe Peace = 'Bad' and War = 'Good.'

So i understand why they support endless war. It really is all they know. This Cold War II with Russia is so bizarre. Completely unnecessary.

Ask them to explain the Military Industrial Complex, all they can do is "funny" posts, showing their low intellect, even a small child can perform the task of "funnying" posts.

The amoebas can't explain the Military Industrial Complex though, unless they do some copy and paste from a website.

They've ran the "funny" into the ground. It's about as stupid as their clown brigade was

Most probably they grew up in Welfare environments and on Food Stamps, so we're not dealing with fellow private educated people.

Our 12 y/o twins could take most of these loons in debate, hell we have a 14 y/o on here now giving them the runs. I noticed yesterday she won't bite when they start their antics and it infuriates them LOL
"She" claims to be 15.
by the tone of "her" posts "she" appears to be a adult masquerading as a teen.

Why would any normal 15 yr old spend summer break posting with old people? lol
The National murder rate peaked in 1991 at 9.8/100k population to down around 4.5/100k. That's better than a 50% decrease, and that is what the President was speaking to; the National murder rate. Below is where you can see my source. Where is your source????

United States Crime Rates 1960 - 2014
We're just going to pretend the last two years don't exist eh? Baltimore, Vegas, Philadelphia, Chicago, Dallas..... just about any city with a large black population is seeing a major increase in violent crime & homicides.
You then look at when the anti cop rhetoric began and you see your underlying problem.
What you claim not only is irrelevant to your initial claim, but it cannot be substantiated. While you dig the hole deeper for yourself, you simply add to the building evidence that you make shit up as you go along and refuse to be an HONEST PERSON WORTHY OF ANY TRUST!
Philadelphia violent crime rate on the rise

After Bloodiest Year, Baltimore Murder Rate Still Rising - Breitbart

Homicides increase 100 percent in Clark County between 2015 and 2016

Chicago's murder rate soars 72% in 2016; shootings up more than 88%

Below is your OP, shit for brains! I ADDRESSED THAT LIE ONLY!
He just told them that the murder rates in major cities are DOWN drastically.
The President DID NOT say what you claimed he said in your OP, shit for brains! Your OP is a fucking LIE! The President spoke to the dramatically falling NATIONAL MURDER RATE which has fallen dramatically from 9.8/100k population in 1991 to 4.5/100k in the FBI source 2015 data I cited! He is the President of the United States and not a FUCKING MAYOR OF A CITY! He spoke to the MACRO NOT THE MICRO!

Lying doesn't bother you a bit, does it scum ball?
He spoke in large generalities because if it is boiled down to our largest cities he would be & is WRONG

I want to be clear about what you are saying. You think there is something wrong with the President of the United States speaking about the entire United States instead of just big cities?

Based on FBI data, you are correct that violent crime in general and murder in particular have increased in big cities recently. 2015 saw a big jump in murder rate in large cities, and an increase for the whole country. However, that was after at least 3 straight years of decrease overall. I don't know how 2016 looks comparatively, but while Obama may have been trying to put a good face on things, the trend during his administration does seem to have been a lowering of murder and violent crime.

I don't know why murder rates went up in 2015 or why that may be continuing in 2016. I don't doubt that the president, as with almost all national politicians, is as concerned with perception as with truth. I don't mean this to be some sort of endorsement of Obama, but you give the impression of arguing against Obama more than the content of his statements.

I didn't check too deeply into the pre-2015 statistics, I didn't want to spend that much time on this right now.

Crime Statistics

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