Obama is most admired American for the 10th year running

President Obama is a gentleman, a scholar, affable, who actually possesses good character, wisdom, and gravitas. The current occupant of the Oval Office possesses none of these qualities. And don't get started on the "worshiping" rhetoric, because I worship no one. President Obama is not my "hero" because I do not blindly follow anyone. This is a simple comparison of the two men. One "quality," the other, not.
And that drives trump crazy which is why he lies about his inauguration crowd being bigger than Obama’s, why he lies about having a bigger electoral victory than Obama, why he lies about passing more legislation in his first year than Obama did and why he lies about Obama not being born in the U.S..
I think that should happen.

The UK is too far down the Lefty path, the cultural gap is too great. We are not natural allies any more.

If an American President who simply wants to serve American citizens is so hateful to the brits, than they should just break off our alliance.

They can ally with the other Europeans, well, expect that didn't work out, but maybe they can go crawling back,

and keep bringing in more hostile and violent Third Worlders, and...

I'm sure at some point that will start working for them.
Great, you can now add Great Britain to your enemies list. Personally, if that were to happen, I would hope Obama declines the invitation.

Who said anything about Enemies? I wish them well.

I feel bad for the children that lefties like you allow to be raped, tortured and enslaved in Rotherham, for one small specific example, and hope that someday the UK citizens rise up against their oppressors.

You think they are no longer our “natural allies” and suggested they break off our alliance. :eusa_doh:

You should add them to your enemies list.

NOt allies does not equate to enemies.

My point stands. NOthing Trump has done or said is radical or harmful to the Uk.

IF he is that offensive to him, they are the problem.
Under trump the only allies the US has are Israel,Saudi and Guatemala.

Sent from my Nexus 6P using USMessageBoard.com mobile app

The UK was never an ally of ours, you phony. It's a pit of fanatical, poisonous, backstabbing hatred of Americans which cares more about its muslim inbreds than its own daughters. Western European countries produce the most xenophobic, American-hating swine in the world, probably worse than our actual enemies. The Coward Continent is a pure liability on this country and deliberately so.
Notice, Obama never has criticized Trump, while Trump attacks Obama regularly.

You absolute pathological LIAR, Obama has constantly badmouthed Trump before and after the election! WHY are you so deliberately full of shit? Not ONE THING you've ever said on this site is true, you don't have an honest cell in your body.
Great, you can now add Great Britain to your enemies list. Personally, if that were to happen, I would hope Obama declines the invitation.

Who said anything about Enemies? I wish them well.

I feel bad for the children that lefties like you allow to be raped, tortured and enslaved in Rotherham, for one small specific example, and hope that someday the UK citizens rise up against their oppressors.

You think they are no longer our “natural allies” and suggested they break off our alliance. :eusa_doh:

You should add them to your enemies list.

NOt allies does not equate to enemies.

My point stands. NOthing Trump has done or said is radical or harmful to the Uk.

IF he is that offensive to him, they are the problem.
Under trump the only allies the US has are Israel,Saudi and Guatemala.

Sent from my Nexus 6P using USMessageBoard.com mobile app

The UK was never an ally of ours, you phony. It's a pit of fanatical, poisonous, backstabbing hatred of Americans which cares more about its muslim inbreds than its own daughters. Western European countries produce the most xenophobic, American-hating swine in the world, probably worse than our actual enemies. The Coward Continent is a pure liability on this country and deliberately so.

Your lack of knowledge of history is downright ridiculous.
Great, you can now add Great Britain to your enemies list. Personally, if that were to happen, I would hope Obama declines the invitation.

Who said anything about Enemies? I wish them well.

I feel bad for the children that lefties like you allow to be raped, tortured and enslaved in Rotherham, for one small specific example, and hope that someday the UK citizens rise up against their oppressors.

You think they are no longer our “natural allies” and suggested they break off our alliance. :eusa_doh:

You should add them to your enemies list.

NOt allies does not equate to enemies.

My point stands. NOthing Trump has done or said is radical or harmful to the Uk.

IF he is that offensive to him, they are the problem.
Under trump the only allies the US has are Israel,Saudi and Guatemala.

Sent from my Nexus 6P using USMessageBoard.com mobile app

The UK was never an ally of ours, you phony. It's a pit of fanatical, poisonous, backstabbing hatred of Americans which cares more about its muslim inbreds than its own daughters. Western European countries produce the most xenophobic, American-hating swine in the world, probably worse than our actual enemies. The Coward Continent is a pure liability on this country and deliberately so.
It`s not the "coward continent" that wants to build a wall to hide behind.
It`s not the "coward continent" that wants to build a wall to hide behind.
You're right. They're the Suicide Continent
We`re in no position to give Europeans a lecture on security. They do their best to keep crazies from acquiring automatic weapons while we`re okay with it. Did you hear what happened in LV? I know, you`re okay with mass murder as long as the killer is a white guy who is here legally.

Truth is he is the most hated.......................... Truth hurts ..............
Hated by the right, but not the rest of America who gives him a 60% JAR rating. Trump would give his toupee for a JAR that high.
60% from a sample consisting to 85% liberal democrats. Elections don't lie. She got 40%.
Who's "she," Trump? We're talking about Obama and Trump.

And Liberal Democrats make up only 20-30 percent of America, so no, not 85% of Liberal Democrats. Plenty of others.
" she" was a typo courtesy of my mini iPad. 85% is of the sample size. Pollsters over poll democrats because they pay for any good news about themselves. And the lapdog press will happily publish them, while they ignore polls that show GOP favorably. Pollsters are in the business of making money which democrats gladly pay.

Btw Trump's true approval rate is 57%. look at a map of the USA.
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President Obama is a gentleman, a scholar, affable, who actually possesses good character, wisdom, and gravitas. The current occupant of the Oval Office possesses none of these qualities. And don't get started on the "worshiping" rhetoric, because I worship no one. President Obama is not my "hero" because I do not blindly follow anyone. This is a simple comparison of the two men. One "quality," the other, not.
Your "scholar's" presidential legacy is being shitcanned with approval from the majority of Americans.
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The Father of New Cold Russia with Russia and Preparator of WWIII?
Says the man that sees no reasons to change policy despite the rape and enslavement of over 1,000 children resulting from government policy.

The criminals have been charged, tried and are now in prison. What do you want me to do ?

Support changing the polices and culture that led, not only to the rape ring, but to the government allowing it to continue for years after being made aware of it.

EVERYTHING you say and do, is part of the paradigm that led to that before and will, if not, IS, leading to it again.

Because punishing the criminals, is not addressing the causes at all.

The causes are still there, still having the same impact, leading to the same issues.
I cant take learning from a racist.

And there you go.

That was the reason that cops and the social workers gave for letting the Rape Ring, rape and torture and enslave so many of the children of your nation.

They were afraid of being called "racist".

And it was not an unfounded fear.

The one social worker that tried to talk about the Rape Ring, was punished for speaking of the ethnic background of the rapist/slavers.

And prevented from doing anything about it, afterwards.

The ring operated for YEARS after that point, where people stood around, people just like YOU, and decided that not being called racist was more important than protecting children from rape and slavery.

EVERY factor that led to that, every major political party and leader, every policy,

is still in place.

Your concern about "racism" is the primary factor that lead to those over a thousand children being raped.
Has anyone in the UK government been prosecuted for that terrible crime? Has anyone lost their job?

SOme lower, maybe mid level guys fell on their swords, for the good of the Party.

But there have been no real changes in anything.

As you can see from Tommy, the witch hunt mentality when it comes to "racism", which was the primary cause of the government allowing the Rape Ring to function, is alive and well.

Truth is he is the most hated.......................... Truth hurts ..............
Hated by the right, but not the rest of America who gives him a 60% JAR rating. Trump would give his toupee for a JAR that high.
60% from a sample consisting to 85% liberal democrats. Elections don't lie. She got 40%.
Who's "she," Trump? We're talking about Obama and Trump.

And Liberal Democrats make up only 20-30 percent of America, so no, not 85% of Liberal Democrats. Plenty of others.
" she" was a typo courtesy of my mini iPad. 85% is of the sample size. Pollsters over poll democrats because they pay for any good news about themselves. And the lapdog press will happily publish them, while they ignore polls that show GOP favorably. Pollsters are in the business of making money which democrats gladly pay.

Btw Trump's true approval rate is 57%. look at a map of the USA.
You’re fuckng deranged. :cuckoo:

The poll was not 85% Liberal Democrat. Democrats comprised 1/3rd of the respondents...


And maps are inanimate objects, incapable of expressing approval; people express approval. And right now, only roughly 39% approve of the job Trump is doing.
If America is such a racist place, how come a Obama is the most admired man for a decade straight? How come serial rapist Bill Cosby had the most popular show in the 80s. Fat again and again Oprah had the most popular show in the 90s. And, Obama was elected with most popular votes in history in the 00s?
If America is such a racist place, how come a Obama is the most admired man for a decade straight? How come serial rapist Bill Cosby had the most popular show in the 80s. Fat again and again Oprah had the most popular show in the 90s. And, Obama was elected with most popular votes in history in the 00s?

Some of my best friends are negros
He's like a father that runs up more family debt than all the fathers in history combined. Of course his kids are going to like him. They got all the loot without having to pay the bill. That's for suckers yet to be born.
He's like a father that runs up more family debt than all the fathers in history combined. Of course his kids are going to like him. They got all the loot without having to pay the bill. That's for suckers yet to be born.

Have you seen the GOP tax bill?
Assuming that the poll sampled a cross section of the American population, then:

1. Congratulations to President Obama.

2. The poll Is very telling, for it tells us where the American electorate is headed.

a. In my opinion, they are headed in the wrong direction, but I feel that we have already passed the point of no return anyway. The future of the United States of America, I feel, is grim.
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