Obama is most admired American for the 10th year running


Truth is he is the most hated.......................... Truth hurts ..............
Barack Obama Is 'Most Admired Man' For 10th Year In A Row, Gallup Poll Says

Hats off to the great man. Its still a great achievement despite the lack of credible opposition.
Poll methodology is bullshit. Won’t give geographical and demographic breakdown in detail. The called Democrats from large metropolitan areas. Sotoro is most admired man amongst socialist morons.
I got a similar call from these so called polling organizations once about "public opinions of police". They ask you loaded biased questions, and you can only pick one of the answers they provide for you. I stopped participating half way through because I started seeing it was a set up. Most of these polls are fake and concocted to come up with a designed predetermined result.
Most polls are carefully crafted to be unbiased

Those that are not do not last long
Yep. Gallup pussied-out in 2016 and missed 1948 in epic failure.
You have to wonder why they decided to opt out of Presidential polls. The official reason was the glut of polls . Maybe they weren't getting the results they wanted.

Truth is he is the most hated.......................... Truth hurts ..............
Hated by the right, but not the rest of America who gives him a 60% JAR rating. Trump would give his toupee for a JAR that high.

Truth is he is the most hated.......................... Truth hurts ..............
Hated by the right, but not the rest of America who gives him a 60% JAR rating. Trump would give his toupee for a JAR that high.
60% from a sample consisting to 85% liberal democrats. Elections don't lie. She got 40%.
Who's "she," Trump? We're talking about Obama and Trump.

And Liberal Democrats make up only 20-30 percent of America, so no, not 85% of Liberal Democrats. Plenty of others.
Barack Obama Is 'Most Admired Man' For 10th Year In A Row, Gallup Poll Says

Hats off to the great man. Its still a great achievement despite the lack of credible opposition.

Hey TT, everytime someone brings up something about Hillary or Obama, I GET THE SAME ANSWER:

He's not president anymore! Quit being obsessed!

Put down the airplane glue for a minute and try to realize that any society that would give that miserable scumbag a Nobel Prize-- -- -- --BEFORE HE EVEN DID ANYTHING, is just as incapable of fairly and accurately assessing who the most "Admired Man" is. Much less that being "admired" or "admirable" DOESN'T MEAN JACK. When it comes to being POTUS, I want fucking General Patton at my helm!

And tenth year in a row? WHO THE FUCK even heard of Obama in 2007 to admire him? I never heard of him as Senator! Maybe because he wasn't there long enough to GET HIS SEAT WARM! That alone shows there was an agenda to put the asshole in office. Just ask Hillary.
Barack Obama Is 'Most Admired Man' For 10th Year In A Row, Gallup Poll Says

Hats off to the great man. Its still a great achievement despite the lack of credible opposition.

Hey TT, everytime someone brings up something about Hillary or Obama, I GET THE SAME ANSWER:

He's not president anymore! Quit being obsessed!

Put down the airplane glue for a minute and try to realize that any society that would give that miserable scumbag a Nobel Prize-- -- -- --BEFORE HE EVEN DID ANYTHING, is just as incapable of fairly and accurately assessing who the most "Admired Man" is. Much less that being "admired" or "admirable" DOESN'T MEAN JACK. When it comes to being POTUS, I want fucking General Patton at my helm!

And tenth year in a row? WHO THE FUCK even heard of Obama in 2007 to admire him? I never heard of him as Senator! Maybe because he wasn't there long enough to GET HIS SEAT WARM! That alone shows there was an agenda to put the asshole in office. Just ask Hillary.

my brilliant and long SOUGHT opinion is that Obama is extremely intelligent, very engaging,
and managed to CLING DESPERATELY to the status quo during his presidency. I had the
My image of him is of a chariot driver concentrating on controlling a wild and unruly
Barack Obama Is 'Most Admired Man' For 10th Year In A Row, Gallup Poll Says

Hats off to the great man. Its still a great achievement despite the lack of credible opposition.

The same polls said that the shrilary would be our POTUS too. Looks like they are wrong about a lot of things.

My sense is that those who voted for hellcat -----would---in a poll asking about "most admired," would
also vote Obama and would also take part in a mock lynching of Trump and if in college would take
part in any demonstration advertised as "MASS SIT-IN" Some items are simply THE THING
to do-----like Elvis in mid fifties and marijuana both now and in the 60s
Barack Obama Is 'Most Admired Man' For 10th Year In A Row, Gallup Poll Says

Hats off to the great man. Its still a great achievement despite the lack of credible opposition.

The same polls said that the shrilary would be our POTUS too. Looks like they are wrong about a lot of things.
Really? The same polls? Post Gallup's election predictions.....
Eh...suck it up...Rasmussen was the most accurate poll in the 2016 elections, and they have Trump exactly where Obama was at the same time, despite the unprecedented media onslaught.
Barack Obama Is 'Most Admired Man' For 10th Year In A Row, Gallup Poll Says

Hats off to the great man. Its still a great achievement despite the lack of credible opposition.

The same polls said that the shrilary would be our POTUS too. Looks like they are wrong about a lot of things.
Really? The same polls? Post Gallup's election predictions.....
Eh...suck it up...Rasmussen was the most accurate poll in the 2016 elections, and they have Trump exactly where Obama was at the same time, despite the unprecedented media onslaught.
What a pity you’re too slow to follow a thread, huh? The topic is Gallup, not Rasmussen. And Rasmussen was not the closest in the 2016 election.
Barack Obama Is 'Most Admired Man' For 10th Year In A Row, Gallup Poll Says

Hats off to the great man. Its still a great achievement despite the lack of credible opposition.

The same polls said that the shrilary would be our POTUS too. Looks like they are wrong about a lot of things.
Really? The same polls? Post Gallup's election predictions.....
Eh...suck it up...Rasmussen was the most accurate poll in the 2016 elections, and they have Trump exactly where Obama was at the same time, despite the unprecedented media onslaught.

That's a very good point. Obama and the media was a love fest, Trump and the media have been hostile yet they share the same approvals. I'd say that Trump is faring WAY much better.
Barack Obama Is 'Most Admired Man' For 10th Year In A Row, Gallup Poll Says

Hats off to the great man. Its still a great achievement despite the lack of credible opposition.

The same polls said that the shrilary would be our POTUS too. Looks like they are wrong about a lot of things.
Really? The same polls? Post Gallup's election predictions.....
Eh...suck it up...Rasmussen was the most accurate poll in the 2016 elections, and they have Trump exactly where Obama was at the same time, despite the unprecedented media onslaught.
What a pity you’re too slow to follow a thread, huh? The topic is Gallup, not Rasmussen.
The topic is polls, so why not trust a poll that has a track record of being more accurate?

But no...you'd rather trust a fake poll just so you can then demonize and fabricate more anti-Trump hysteria.
Barack Obama Is 'Most Admired Man' For 10th Year In A Row, Gallup Poll Says

Hats off to the great man. Its still a great achievement despite the lack of credible opposition.

The same polls said that the shrilary would be our POTUS too. Looks like they are wrong about a lot of things.
Really? The same polls? Post Gallup's election predictions.....
Eh...suck it up...Rasmussen was the most accurate poll in the 2016 elections, and they have Trump exactly where Obama was at the same time, despite the unprecedented media onslaught.
What a pity you’re too slow to follow a thread, huh? The topic is Gallup, not Rasmussen.
The topic is polls, so why not trust a poll that has a track record of being more accurate?

But no...you'd rather trust a fake poll just so you can then demonize and fabricate more anti-Trump hysteria.
The topic is a Gallup poll. Please pay attention.
Barack Obama Is 'Most Admired Man' For 10th Year In A Row, Gallup Poll Says

Hats off to the great man. Its still a great achievement despite the lack of credible opposition.

The same polls said that the shrilary would be our POTUS too. Looks like they are wrong about a lot of things.
Really? The same polls? Post Gallup's election predictions.....
Eh...suck it up...Rasmussen was the most accurate poll in the 2016 elections, and they have Trump exactly where Obama was at the same time, despite the unprecedented media onslaught.

That's a very good point. Obama and the media was a love fest, Trump and the media have been hostile yet they share the same approvals. I'd say that Trump is faring WAY much better.
Yup, if not for the media his approval would be at least ten points higher, and who knows, it might even be so. Remember, there were a lot of secret Trump voters, the same ones that will show up in 2018 and 2020.
President Obama is a gentleman, a scholar, affable, who actually possesses good character, wisdom, and gravitas. The current occupant of the Oval Office possesses none of these qualities. And don't get started on the "worshiping" rhetoric, because I worship no one. President Obama is not my "hero" because I do not blindly follow anyone. This is a simple comparison of the two men. One "quality," the other, not.

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