Obama is NOT a Good President. So Why Is He Winning With Independents?

A big tent Republican? As in John reach across the isles McCain? If that's the kind of party you want for the republican party why don't you just switch to the democrats?

McCain is a Conservative when it comes to him wanting to be elected.


He should join the Democrats that he is so fond of going across the Aisle to fondle.

So Reb and The T feel that no one should ever "go across the aisle".
Do you mean working with the other party? If not, what do you mean?

No they should not compromise with people whom they have nothing in common with. Let's compromise abortion will be illegal in all states but the state you live in. Hows that for a compromise?

Typical weakling tactic: Imply that ANY compromise must be something so extreme and whack, that ALL compromise must be. So your view is that the Dems should NEVER compromise with the Republicans on anything - the budget, deficit, taxes, nothing. Got it.

A big tent Republican? As in John reach across the isles McCain? If that's the kind of party you want for the republican party why don't you just switch to the democrats?

McCain is a Conservative when it comes to him wanting to be elected.


He should join the Democrats that he is so fond of going across the Aisle to fondle.

So Reb and The T feel that no one should ever "go across the aisle".
Do you mean working with the other party? If not, what do you mean?

Every poll I have seen clearly and overwhelmingly shows that a huge majority of Americans want bi-partisanship/compromise.
Successful businesses look at a variety of ideas and often blend ideas to be successful. Small-minded and narrow thinking leads to failure. Ask any successful company which is the best approach.

Absolutely. Everyone but the extremist whackjobs wants a government that functions. Guess what? Grown-ups know that takes compromise. Whiny little whackjobs can stomp their feet and throw tantrums all they want but that doesn't mean that everyone in the entire country wants exactly what they do.
So Reb and The T feel that no one should ever "go across the aisle".
Do you mean working with the other party? If not, what do you mean?

No they should not compromise with people whom they have nothing in common with. Let's compromise abortion will be illegal in all states but the state you live in. Hows that for a compromise?

Typical weakling tactic: Imply that ANY compromise must be something so extreme and whack, that ALL compromise must be. So your view is that the Dems should NEVER compromise with the Republicans on anything - the budget, deficit, taxes, nothing. Got it.

So Reb and The T feel that no one should ever "go across the aisle".
Do you mean working with the other party? If not, what do you mean?

Every poll I have seen clearly and overwhelmingly shows that a huge majority of Americans want bi-partisanship/compromise.
Successful businesses look at a variety of ideas and often blend ideas to be successful. Small-minded and narrow thinking leads to failure. Ask any successful company which is the best approach.

Absolutely. Everyone but the extremist whackjobs wants a government that functions. Guess what? Grown-ups know that takes compromise. Whiny little whackjobs can stomp their feet and throw tantrums all they want but that doesn't mean that everyone in the entire country wants exactly what they do.

Typical weakling tactic: Imply that ANY compromise must be something so extreme and whack, that ALL compromise must be. So your view is that the Dems should NEVER compromise with the Republicans on anything - the budget, deficit, taxes, nothing. Got it.

So you don't like compromise?
So Reb and The T feel that no one should ever "go across the aisle".
Do you mean working with the other party? If not, what do you mean?

No they should not compromise with people whom they have nothing in common with. Let's compromise abortion will be illegal in all states but the state you live in. Hows that for a compromise?

Typical weakling tactic: Imply that ANY compromise must be something so extreme and whack, that ALL compromise must be. So your view is that the Dems should NEVER compromise with the Republicans on anything - the budget, deficit, taxes, nothing. Got it.

So Reb and The T feel that no one should ever "go across the aisle".
Do you mean working with the other party? If not, what do you mean?

Every poll I have seen clearly and overwhelmingly shows that a huge majority of Americans want bi-partisanship/compromise.
Successful businesses look at a variety of ideas and often blend ideas to be successful. Small-minded and narrow thinking leads to failure. Ask any successful company which is the best approach.

Absolutely. Everyone but the extremist whackjobs wants a government that functions. Guess what? Grown-ups know that takes compromise. Whiny little whackjobs can stomp their feet and throw tantrums all they want but that doesn't mean that everyone in the entire country wants exactly what they do.

Compromise got us where we are...Jackass. The PEOPLE end up holding the short straw.

YOU really ARE an idiot, and an Obama acolyte.

YOU fool no one. :eusa_hand:
No they should not compromise with people whom they have nothing in common with. Let's compromise abortion will be illegal in all states but the state you live in. Hows that for a compromise?

Typical weakling tactic: Imply that ANY compromise must be something so extreme and whack, that ALL compromise must be. So your view is that the Dems should NEVER compromise with the Republicans on anything - the budget, deficit, taxes, nothing. Got it.

Absolutely. Everyone but the extremist whackjobs wants a government that functions. Guess what? Grown-ups know that takes compromise. Whiny little whackjobs can stomp their feet and throw tantrums all they want but that doesn't mean that everyone in the entire country wants exactly what they do.

Typical weakling tactic: Imply that ANY compromise must be something so extreme and whack, that ALL compromise must be. So your view is that the Dems should NEVER compromise with the Republicans on anything - the budget, deficit, taxes, nothing. Got it.

So you don't like compromise?

Yes I do. I'm tired of the Party-Before-Country BS and want our politicians to start working for the good of the country. You were the one who wrote:

No they should not compromise with people whom they have nothing in common with. Let's compromise abortion will be illegal in all states but the state you live in. Hows that for a compromise?

No they should not compromise with people whom they have nothing in common with. Let's compromise abortion will be illegal in all states but the state you live in. Hows that for a compromise?

Typical weakling tactic: Imply that ANY compromise must be something so extreme and whack, that ALL compromise must be. So your view is that the Dems should NEVER compromise with the Republicans on anything - the budget, deficit, taxes, nothing. Got it.

Every poll I have seen clearly and overwhelmingly shows that a huge majority of Americans want bi-partisanship/compromise.
Successful businesses look at a variety of ideas and often blend ideas to be successful. Small-minded and narrow thinking leads to failure. Ask any successful company which is the best approach.

Absolutely. Everyone but the extremist whackjobs wants a government that functions. Guess what? Grown-ups know that takes compromise. Whiny little whackjobs can stomp their feet and throw tantrums all they want but that doesn't mean that everyone in the entire country wants exactly what they do.

Compromise got us where we are...Jackass. The PEOPLE end up holding the short straw.

YOU really ARE an idiot, and an Obama acolyte.

YOU fool no one. :eusa_hand:

You are prone to hysterics and emotional outbursts, aren't you? Settle down little guy! Try to have a discussion without wetting yourself.

So I would disagree with you. I think that as stated above, it has been the party-before-country mentality that you display, which has done the most damage. We used to be able to work together and find solutions to complex problems.
The recent embrace of divisiveness is obviously appealing to those who are easily led but those with superior intellect always understand that managing something as complex as the United States requires a bit more sophisticated approach.
Typical weakling tactic: Imply that ANY compromise must be something so extreme and whack, that ALL compromise must be. So your view is that the Dems should NEVER compromise with the Republicans on anything - the budget, deficit, taxes, nothing. Got it.

Absolutely. Everyone but the extremist whackjobs wants a government that functions. Guess what? Grown-ups know that takes compromise. Whiny little whackjobs can stomp their feet and throw tantrums all they want but that doesn't mean that everyone in the entire country wants exactly what they do.

So you don't like compromise?

Yes I do. I'm tired of the Party-Before-Country BS and want our politicians to start working for the good of the country. You were the one who wrote:

No they should not compromise with people whom they have nothing in common with. Let's compromise abortion will be illegal in all states but the state you live in. Hows that for a compromise?

Typical weakling tactic: Imply that ANY compromise must be something so extreme and whack, that ALL compromise must be. So your view is that the Dems should NEVER compromise with the Republicans on anything - the budget, deficit, taxes, nothing. Got it.

Absolutely. Everyone but the extremist whackjobs wants a government that functions. Guess what? Grown-ups know that takes compromise. Whiny little whackjobs can stomp their feet and throw tantrums all they want but that doesn't mean that everyone in the entire country wants exactly what they do.

Compromise got us where we are...Jackass. The PEOPLE end up holding the short straw.

YOU really ARE an idiot, and an Obama acolyte.

YOU fool no one. :eusa_hand:

You are prone to hysterics and emotional outbursts, aren't you? Settle down little guy! Try to have a discussion without wetting yourself.

So I would disagree with you. I think that as stated above, it has been the party-before-country mentality that you display, which has done the most damage. We used to be able to work together and find solutions to complex problems.
The recent embrace of divisiveness is obviously appealing to those who are easily led but those with superior intellect always understand that managing something as complex as the United States requires a bit more sophisticated approach.
No 'emotional outburst' of it sport. Speaking on fact.

YOU seem to think you are immune to fact.

I'm here to tell you otherwise.

... The recent embrace of divisiveness is obviously appealing to those who are easily led but those with superior intellect always understand that managing something as complex as the United States requires a bit more sophisticated approach.

The political divisions in our country aren't all about partisanship. Corporatism is rampant in both parties and it's generating more and more opposition outside the partisan bickering. Your last comment here represents the core of the corporatist mentality, namely that the job of government is to 'manage' society. This is what libertarians, of both the left and the right, are rejecting. I like to hope we'll succeed before every area of our lives is subject to government 'management'.
George W. Bush inherited a strong economy, a budget surplus, and a nation at peace.

Eight years later, he left Obama with a shattered economy, a trillion dollar deficit, and two useless wars.

Obama saved the country from another Great Depression, rebuilt GM, reformed healthcare, reformed Wall Street, doubled the stock market, created 8 straight quarters of GDP growth, created 22 straight months of private sector job growth, got Bin Laden, got Gaddafi, and got us out of Iraq.

And now with the automatic spending cuts and the expiration of the Bush tax cuts in 2012, Obama has solved the deficit problem as well.

Obama has done a very good job.
So you don't like compromise?

Yes I do. I'm tired of the Party-Before-Country BS and want our politicians to start working for the good of the country. You were the one who wrote:

No they should not compromise with people whom they have nothing in common with. Let's compromise abortion will be illegal in all states but the state you live in. Hows that for a compromise?

Compromise got us where we are...Jackass. The PEOPLE end up holding the short straw.

YOU really ARE an idiot, and an Obama acolyte.

YOU fool no one. :eusa_hand:

You are prone to hysterics and emotional outbursts, aren't you? Settle down little guy! Try to have a discussion without wetting yourself.

So I would disagree with you. I think that as stated above, it has been the party-before-country mentality that you display, which has done the most damage. We used to be able to work together and find solutions to complex problems.
The recent embrace of divisiveness is obviously appealing to those who are easily led but those with superior intellect always understand that managing something as complex as the United States requires a bit more sophisticated approach.
No 'emotional outburst' of it sport. Speaking on fact.

YOU seem to think you are immune to fact.

I'm here to tell you otherwise.

He doesn't want to compromise unless it benefits him.
Yes I do. I'm tired of the Party-Before-Country BS and want our politicians to start working for the good of the country. You were the one who wrote:

No they should not compromise with people whom they have nothing in common with. Let's compromise abortion will be illegal in all states but the state you live in. Hows that for a compromise?

You are prone to hysterics and emotional outbursts, aren't you? Settle down little guy! Try to have a discussion without wetting yourself.

So I would disagree with you. I think that as stated above, it has been the party-before-country mentality that you display, which has done the most damage. We used to be able to work together and find solutions to complex problems.
The recent embrace of divisiveness is obviously appealing to those who are easily led but those with superior intellect always understand that managing something as complex as the United States requires a bit more sophisticated approach.
No 'emotional outburst' of it sport. Speaking on fact.

YOU seem to think you are immune to fact.

I'm here to tell you otherwise.

He doesn't want to compromise unless it benefits him.
Interesting word.

Independent illogic thinks 'compromise' is the way to go...He demands a suicide pact...much as I suspect he thinks the Constitution is a Suicide pact...
George W. Bush inherited a strong economy, a budget surplus, and a nation at peace.

Eight years later, he left Obama with a shattered economy, a trillion dollar deficit, and two useless wars.

Obama saved the country from another Great Depression, rebuilt GM, reformed healthcare, reformed Wall Street, doubled the stock market, created 8 straight quarters of GDP growth, created 22 straight months of private sector job growth, got Bin Laden, got Gaddafi, and got us out of Iraq.

And now with the automatic spending cuts and the expiration of the Bush tax cuts in 2012, Obama has solved the deficit problem as well.

Obama has done a very good job.
Same old shit just worded differently
The stock market has doubled since the stimulus.
3.7 million private sector jobs have been created since 2009.

GDP has been growing since 2009.
Americans net worth is up $9 trillion dollars since 2009.
Auto sales are up.
Retail sales are up.
Home sales are up.
Unemployment is down.
GM was saved, and is now the number one automaker in the world.

Obama has done a very good job.
George W. Bush inherited a strong economy, a budget surplus, and a nation at peace.

Eight years later, he left Obama with a shattered economy, a trillion dollar deficit, and two useless wars.

Obama saved the country from another Great Depression, rebuilt GM, reformed healthcare, reformed Wall Street, doubled the stock market, created 8 straight quarters of GDP growth, created 22 straight months of private sector job growth, got Bin Laden, got Gaddafi, and got us out of Iraq.

And now with the automatic spending cuts and the expiration of the Bush tax cuts in 2012, Obama has solved the deficit problem as well.

Obama has done a very good job.
Same old shit just worded differently
And a tripling down on whatChris though he despised about GW Bush.

Great ticket to follow...in his feeble mind.
No 'emotional outburst' of it sport. Speaking on fact.

YOU seem to think you are immune to fact.

I'm here to tell you otherwise.

He doesn't want to compromise unless it benefits him.
Interesting word.

What is it you think I won't compromise on, there Rebbie?

Independent illogic thinks 'compromise' is the way to go...He demands a suicide pact...much as I suspect he thinks the Constitution is a Suicide pact...

LOL! Wow! You two must belong to the same little tinfoil hat club! And you're such angry little girls! It's funny.

Okay Junior, what fact is it you claim I am immune to? C'mon, you can tell me!
Last edited:
The stock market has doubled since the stimulus.
3.7 million private sector jobs have been created since 2009.

GDP has been growing since 2009.
Americans net worth is up $9 trillion dollars since 2009.
Auto sales are up.
Retail sales are up.
Home sales are up.
Unemployment is down.
GM was saved, and is now the number one automaker in the world.

Obama has done a very good job.
You have posted this several times in this thread and also in other threads numerous times. When are you going to stop posting lies?
GDP has been growing since 2009.
The stock market has doubled since 2009.
Americans net worth is up $9 trillion dollars since 2009.
3.7 million private sector jobs have been created since 2009.
Auto sales are up.
Retail sales are up.
Home sales are up.
Unemployment is down.
GM was saved, and is now the number one automaker in the world.
Obama has done a good job.

GDP has been growing since 2009.
The stock market has doubled since 2009.
Americans net worth is up $9 trillion dollars since 2009.
3.7 million private sector jobs have been created since 2009.
Auto sales are up.
Retail sales are up.
Home sales are up.
Unemployment is down.
GM was saved, and is now the number one automaker in the world.
Obama has done a good job.

GDP has been growing since 2009.
The stock market has doubled since 2009.
Americans net worth is up $9 trillion dollars since 2009.
3.7 million private sector jobs have been created since 2009.
Auto sales are up.
Retail sales are up.
Home sales are up.
Unemployment is down.
GM was saved, and is now the number one automaker in the world.
Obama has done a good job.
George W. Bush inherited a strong economy, a budget surplus, and a nation at peace.

Eight years later, he left Obama with a shattered economy, a trillion dollar deficit, and two useless wars.

Obama saved the country from another Great Depression, rebuilt GM, reformed healthcare, reformed Wall Street, doubled the stock market, created 8 straight quarters of GDP growth, created 22 straight months of private sector job growth, got Bin Laden, got Gaddafi, and got us out of Iraq.

And now with the automatic spending cuts and the expiration of the Bush tax cuts in 2012, Obama has solved the deficit problem as well.

Obama has done a very good job.
Same old shit just worded differently

You missed a word:

Same old true shit just worded differently

There fixed it for ya. Now say thank-you
GDP has been growing since 2009.
The stock market has doubled since 2009.
Americans net worth is up $9 trillion dollars since 2009.
3.7 million private sector jobs have been created since 2009.
Auto sales are up.
Retail sales are up.
Home sales are up.
Unemployment is down.
GM was saved, and is now the number one automaker in the world.
Obama has done a good job.

So the stock market hasn't doubled?
GM went under?
Unemployment is up?

Which part is a lie....
George W. Bush inherited a strong economy, a budget surplus, and a nation at peace.

Eight years later, he left Obama with a shattered economy, a trillion dollar deficit, and two useless wars.

Obama saved the country from another Great Depression, rebuilt GM, reformed healthcare, reformed Wall Street, doubled the stock market, created 8 straight quarters of GDP growth, created 22 straight months of private sector job growth, got Bin Laden, got Gaddafi, and got us out of Iraq.

And now with the automatic spending cuts and the expiration of the Bush tax cuts in 2012, Obama has solved the deficit problem as well.

Obama has done a very good job.
Same old shit just worded differently

You missed a word:

Same old true shit just worded differently

There fixed it for ya. Now say thank-you

How in the hell would you know foreigner?
GDP has been growing since 2009.
The stock market has doubled since 2009.
Americans net worth is up $9 trillion dollars since 2009.
3.7 million private sector jobs have been created since 2009.
Auto sales are up.
Retail sales are up.
Home sales are up.
Unemployment is down.
GM was saved, and is now the number one automaker in the world.
Obama has done a good job.

So the stock market hasn't doubled?
GM went under?
Unemployment is up?

Which part is a lie....
Twisting words that I din't even write. Since chris hasn't posted any links we'll wait for that

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