Obama is NOT a Good President. So Why Is He Winning With Independents?

scorpions are all the same. they act on instinct.

people are all different. One Mormon is not the same as the next. Nor one Christian, one Jew, one Muslim, one Hindu, etc. etc. etc.

Mormonism is a cult. Therefore, it is not like valid religions. In cults, you aren't allowed to have opinions the cult leaders don't have.

people are all different. one black man is not the same as the next. Nor one white man, Native American, Indian, Lithuanian, etc etc etc.

Not comparing races or nationalities.

I'm talking about a cult where they throw you out and your family never talks to you again if you don't drink the koolaid.
Obama's #s amongst moderate independent women shot up over 14% last week.
With Santorum claiming that all birth control is unnatural and long lines of Republican men supporting that no wonder.
The top issues the Republicans are talking about are abortion, contraceptives, the gay boogeyman and God.
As I have stated for a long time, no wonder we end up with a moron like Obama. The Republican candidates are just as stupid.
Rick Santorum getting the support he gets is proof positive the Republican party is as dysfunctional as it gets. We could beat Obama if folks would be more concerned about the future of this country than what gays do, what women get an abortion and who doesn't, shoving their different interpretation of the Bible down others throats and which women use contraceptives when they get their freak on.
Right wing religous fundamentalist Republicans are LOONEY TUNES.
Because he is a good president, but people who think education is for snobs don't understand that. It was only to be expected.

Are you implying Obama is educated? There is no conclusive proof of that being the case, just hearsay.

Passing the bar takes more then "hearsay" chief.

I have worked for some of the most brilliant trial lawyers in the country for 34 years. Melvin Belli, F. Lee Bailey, Mark Kadish, Newton Moore, Ed Garland, Thomas William Malone and many others.

Most of them have no clue about business and $$$.
Same with Obama.
Most of the well educated folks I know are educated far beyond their intelligence and common sense.
Barrack Hussein Obama is Exhibit A.
Are you implying Obama is educated? There is no conclusive proof of that being the case, just hearsay.

Passing the bar takes more then "hearsay" chief.

I have worked for some of the most brilliant trial lawyers in the country for 34 years. Melvin Belli, F. Lee Bailey, Mark Kadish, Newton Moore, Ed Garland, Thomas William Malone and many others.

Most of them have no clue about business and $$$.
Same with Obama.
Most of the well educated folks I know are educated far beyond their intelligence and common sense.
Barrack Hussein Obama is Exhibit A.
Wow... he's threatening to push Woodrow Wilson off his pedestal then.
Obama's #s amongst moderate independent women shot up over 14% last week.
With Santorum claiming that all birth control is unnatural and long lines of Republican men supporting that no wonder.
The top issues the Republicans are talking about are abortion, contraceptives, the gay boogeyman and God.
As I have stated for a long time, no wonder we end up with a moron like Obama. The Republican candidates are just as stupid.
Rick Santorum getting the support he gets is proof positive the Republican party is as dysfunctional as it gets. We could beat Obama if folks would be more concerned about the future of this country than what gays do, what women get an abortion and who doesn't, shoving their different interpretation of the Bible down others throats and which women use contraceptives when they get their freak on.
Right wing religous fundamentalist Republicans are LOONEY TUNES.
Are you implying Obama is educated? There is no conclusive proof of that being the case, just hearsay.

Passing the bar takes more then "hearsay" chief.

I have worked for some of the most brilliant trial lawyers in the country for 34 years. Melvin Belli, F. Lee Bailey, Mark Kadish, Newton Moore, Ed Garland, Thomas William Malone and many others.

Most of them have no clue about business and $$$.
Same with Obama.
Most of the well educated folks I know are educated far beyond their intelligence and common sense.
Barrack Hussein Obama is Exhibit A.
running the country and running a business are not exactly similar.

Why Government Can't Be Run Like a Business @PolicyMic | Christine Harbin
(1) Government is a monopoly; businesses operate in a market.
Because businesses face more competitive pressure than government, they have an incentive to innovate their products, improve their services, drive down prices, become more efficient, etc. Government doesn’t experience this kind of competitive pressure because it is the sole provider of its services, so it does not have an incentive to do those things. Government can afford to deliver sub-par service because it prohibits other firms from entering the market.
(2) The knowledge and incentives are different.
Individuals remain rationally ignorant about the waste in government because their share is small, and their time is better spent in other ways. On the other hand, business executives have a stronger incentive to be be informed of the waste in their organizations.
(3) They make decisions differently.
Leaders made decisions differently in businesses and in government. Decisions are made by consensus in a representational democracy like the United States. In a business, the power to make decisions tends to be more centralized. Decisions are made by a select number of individuals, by polling all of the employees.
Participants also make decisions differently. In a market, individuals always get to decide what they pay for, whereas in a democracy, they have to go along with whatever the majority wants.
(4) Taxes and retail prices are different.
People are free to decide to patronize businesses voluntarily, but they are required by law to pay money to government. If a person thinks that a price of a good or service is too high, then she will choose not to pay. If a person thinks that taxes are too high, it doesn't matter; she is forced to keep paying them or get thrown in prison.
Furthermore, there is a limit to how much a person will pay for a product. The act of raising prices is not malicious. Companies incur costs that they have to cover, and they have customers whose willingnesses to pay is largely dependent on price. If a company raises its price too high, then individuals will stop voluntarily buying its product or service. This means that the company will not be able to cover its costs, and then it will go out of business.
The GOP never did some of the crazy things this administration has done.

Obama bailed out GM, Actually, first Bush bailed out GM, which was a good thing. Then Obama did. Which was also good. then pushed the Chevy Volt Although Obama has encouraged alternate energy, I don't recall him appearing in any ads etc... for the Volt. and gave a tax incentive to buy it. Tax incentives are given on all kinds of things. This one isn't bad.
To get people off the gas consumption cars and onto the electric car. Then EPA shuts down coal mines all over the place that fuel electric power plants.The EPA has not shut down a single coal mine since Obama took office. You really should get better informed.
So in other words Obama wants coal powered cars and then shuts down the fuel for them.
That is crazy.

No it's just that your entire post is not factual.

Are you implying Obama is educated? There is no conclusive proof of that being the case, just hearsay.

Passing the bar takes more then "hearsay" chief.

I have worked for some of the most brilliant trial lawyers in the country for 34 years. Melvin Belli, F. Lee Bailey, Mark Kadish, Newton Moore, Ed Garland, Thomas William Malone and many others.

Most of them have no clue about business and $$$.
The fact you would say that about Melvin Belli makes it pretty clear your post is complete BS.

Same with Obama.
Most of the well educated folks I know are educated far beyond their intelligence and common sense.

It sounds like you have resentment towards those of us with an education, particularly those with their JD's. Oft-abused paralegal, perhaps?
Barrack Hussein Obama is Exhibit A.

Obama's #s amongst moderate independent women shot up over 14% last week.
With Santorum claiming that all birth control is unnatural and long lines of Republican men supporting that no wonder.
The top issues the Republicans are talking about are abortion, contraceptives, the gay boogeyman and God.
As I have stated for a long time, no wonder we end up with a moron like Obama. The Republican candidates are just as stupid.
Rick Santorum getting the support he gets is proof positive the Republican party is as dysfunctional as it gets. We could beat Obama if folks would be more concerned about the future of this country than what gays do, what women get an abortion and who doesn't, shoving their different interpretation of the Bible down others throats and which women use contraceptives when they get their freak on.
Right wing religous fundamentalist Republicans are LOONEY TUNES.

You make valid points. If the GOP had gone with someone like Kay Bailey Hutchison from my old home state, Obama would be toast. Unfortunately, she could care less about social issues and is well, you know, sane. So today's GOP would never go for someone like her.


Just google NBC Wall Street Journal Obama Gains Women.

He's jumped huge with women since the Birth Control issue came up and he's even come up to 45% with White Suburban Women now (a group he did dismally in '08).
The GOP never did some of the crazy things this administration has done.

Obama bailed out GM, Actually, first Bush bailed out GM, which was a good thing. Then Obama did. Which was also good. then pushed the Chevy Volt Although Obama has encouraged alternate energy, I don't recall him appearing in any ads etc... for the Volt. and gave a tax incentive to buy it. Tax incentives are given on all kinds of things. This one isn't bad.
To get people off the gas consumption cars and onto the electric car. Then EPA shuts down coal mines all over the place that fuel electric power plants.The EPA has not shut down a single coal mine since Obama took office. You really should get better informed.
So in other words Obama wants coal powered cars and then shuts down the fuel for them.
That is crazy.

No it's just that your entire post is not factual.

I have worked for some of the most brilliant trial lawyers in the country for 34 years. Melvin Belli, F. Lee Bailey, Mark Kadish, Newton Moore, Ed Garland, Thomas William Malone and many others.

Most of them have no clue about business and $$$.
The fact you would say that about Melvin Belli makes it pretty clear your post is complete BS.

Same with Obama.
Most of the well educated folks I know are educated far beyond their intelligence and common sense.

It sounds like you have resentment towards those of us with an education, particularly those with their JD's. Oft-abused paralegal, perhaps?
Barrack Hussein Obama is Exhibit A.

Obama's #s amongst moderate independent women shot up over 14% last week.
With Santorum claiming that all birth control is unnatural and long lines of Republican men supporting that no wonder.
The top issues the Republicans are talking about are abortion, contraceptives, the gay boogeyman and God.
As I have stated for a long time, no wonder we end up with a moron like Obama. The Republican candidates are just as stupid.
Rick Santorum getting the support he gets is proof positive the Republican party is as dysfunctional as it gets. We could beat Obama if folks would be more concerned about the future of this country than what gays do, what women get an abortion and who doesn't, shoving their different interpretation of the Bible down others throats and which women use contraceptives when they get their freak on.
Right wing religous fundamentalist Republicans are LOONEY TUNES.

You make valid points. If the GOP had gone with someone like Kay Bailey Hutchison from my old home state, Obama would be toast. Unfortunately, she could care less about social issues and is well, you know, sane. So today's GOP would never go for someone like her.


Just google NBC Wall Street Journal Obama Gains Women.

He's jumped huge with women since the Birth Control issue came up and he's even come up to 45% with White Suburban Women now (a group he did dismally in '08).
Are these women those who will be voting this November or just women in general?
Obama's #s amongst moderate independent women shot up over 14% last week.
With Santorum claiming that all birth control is unnatural and long lines of Republican men supporting that no wonder.
The top issues the Republicans are talking about are abortion, contraceptives, the gay boogeyman and God.
As I have stated for a long time, no wonder we end up with a moron like Obama. The Republican candidates are just as stupid.
Rick Santorum getting the support he gets is proof positive the Republican party is as dysfunctional as it gets. We could beat Obama if folks would be more concerned about the future of this country than what gays do, what women get an abortion and who doesn't, shoving their different interpretation of the Bible down others throats and which women use contraceptives when they get their freak on.
Right wing religous fundamentalist Republicans are LOONEY TUNES.

No love for Fundies here, but at least I know where they stand.

Romney's plan is more of the same. Hold the working man down while the rich fuck them.

No one's going to vote for that.

When the GOP has stood tall on social issues, they win.
Are you implying Obama is educated? There is no conclusive proof of that being the case, just hearsay.

Passing the bar takes more then "hearsay" chief.

I have worked for some of the most brilliant trial lawyers in the country for 34 years. Melvin Belli, F. Lee Bailey, Mark Kadish, Newton Moore, Ed Garland, Thomas William Malone and many others.

Most of them have no clue about business and $$$.
Same with Obama.
Most of the well educated folks I know are educated far beyond their intelligence and common sense.
Barrack Hussein Obama is Exhibit A.

A good many of the founders..and our best Presidents were lawyers. Personally, I'd rather have someone who knows the law then a businessman. Most of our "Businessman" Presidents were awful.
Passing the bar takes more then "hearsay" chief.

I have worked for some of the most brilliant trial lawyers in the country for 34 years. Melvin Belli, F. Lee Bailey, Mark Kadish, Newton Moore, Ed Garland, Thomas William Malone and many others.

Most of them have no clue about business and $$$.
Same with Obama.
Most of the well educated folks I know are educated far beyond their intelligence and common sense.
Barrack Hussein Obama is Exhibit A.

A good many of the founders..and our best Presidents were lawyers. Personally, I'd rather have someone who knows the law then a businessman. Most of our "Businessman" Presidents were awful.

Laws are created by lawyers to benefit lawyers.
I have worked for some of the most brilliant trial lawyers in the country for 34 years. Melvin Belli, F. Lee Bailey, Mark Kadish, Newton Moore, Ed Garland, Thomas William Malone and many others.

Most of them have no clue about business and $$$.
Same with Obama.
Most of the well educated folks I know are educated far beyond their intelligence and common sense.
Barrack Hussein Obama is Exhibit A.

A good many of the founders..and our best Presidents were lawyers. Personally, I'd rather have someone who knows the law then a businessman. Most of our "Businessman" Presidents were awful.

Laws are created by lawyers to benefit lawyers.

True enough. But the alternative would be the rich bullying the rest of us, which they already do too much of. The law is a sheild.
Passing the bar takes more then "hearsay" chief.

I have worked for some of the most brilliant trial lawyers in the country for 34 years. Melvin Belli, F. Lee Bailey, Mark Kadish, Newton Moore, Ed Garland, Thomas William Malone and many others.

Most of them have no clue about business and $$$.
Same with Obama.
Most of the well educated folks I know are educated far beyond their intelligence and common sense.
Barrack Hussein Obama is Exhibit A.
running the country and running a business are not exactly similar.

Why Government Can't Be Run Like a Business @PolicyMic | Christine Harbin
(1) Government is a monopoly; businesses operate in a market.
Because businesses face more competitive pressure than government, they have an incentive to innovate their products, improve their services, drive down prices, become more efficient, etc. Government doesn’t experience this kind of competitive pressure because it is the sole provider of its services, so it does not have an incentive to do those things. Government can afford to deliver sub-par service because it prohibits other firms from entering the market.
(2) The knowledge and incentives are different.
Individuals remain rationally ignorant about the waste in government because their share is small, and their time is better spent in other ways. On the other hand, business executives have a stronger incentive to be be informed of the waste in their organizations.
(3) They make decisions differently.
Leaders made decisions differently in businesses and in government. Decisions are made by consensus in a representational democracy like the United States. In a business, the power to make decisions tends to be more centralized. Decisions are made by a select number of individuals, by polling all of the employees.
Participants also make decisions differently. In a market, individuals always get to decide what they pay for, whereas in a democracy, they have to go along with whatever the majority wants.
(4) Taxes and retail prices are different.
People are free to decide to patronize businesses voluntarily, but they are required by law to pay money to government. If a person thinks that a price of a good or service is too high, then she will choose not to pay. If a person thinks that taxes are too high, it doesn't matter; she is forced to keep paying them or get thrown in prison.
Furthermore, there is a limit to how much a person will pay for a product. The act of raising prices is not malicious. Companies incur costs that they have to cover, and they have customers whose willingnesses to pay is largely dependent on price. If a company raises its price too high, then individuals will stop voluntarily buying its product or service. This means that the company will not be able to cover its costs, and then it will go out of business.

Not exactly but close.
I have worked for some of the most brilliant trial lawyers in the country for 34 years. Melvin Belli, F. Lee Bailey, Mark Kadish, Newton Moore, Ed Garland, Thomas William Malone and many others.

Most of them have no clue about business and $$$.
Same with Obama.
Most of the well educated folks I know are educated far beyond their intelligence and common sense.
Barrack Hussein Obama is Exhibit A.
running the country and running a business are not exactly similar.

Why Government Can't Be Run Like a Business @PolicyMic | Christine Harbin
(1) Government is a monopoly; businesses operate in a market.
Because businesses face more competitive pressure than government, they have an incentive to innovate their products, improve their services, drive down prices, become more efficient, etc. Government doesn’t experience this kind of competitive pressure because it is the sole provider of its services, so it does not have an incentive to do those things. Government can afford to deliver sub-par service because it prohibits other firms from entering the market.
(2) The knowledge and incentives are different.
Individuals remain rationally ignorant about the waste in government because their share is small, and their time is better spent in other ways. On the other hand, business executives have a stronger incentive to be be informed of the waste in their organizations.
(3) They make decisions differently.
Leaders made decisions differently in businesses and in government. Decisions are made by consensus in a representational democracy like the United States. In a business, the power to make decisions tends to be more centralized. Decisions are made by a select number of individuals, by polling all of the employees.
Participants also make decisions differently. In a market, individuals always get to decide what they pay for, whereas in a democracy, they have to go along with whatever the majority wants.
(4) Taxes and retail prices are different.
People are free to decide to patronize businesses voluntarily, but they are required by law to pay money to government. If a person thinks that a price of a good or service is too high, then she will choose not to pay. If a person thinks that taxes are too high, it doesn't matter; she is forced to keep paying them or get thrown in prison.
Furthermore, there is a limit to how much a person will pay for a product. The act of raising prices is not malicious. Companies incur costs that they have to cover, and they have customers whose willingnesses to pay is largely dependent on price. If a company raises its price too high, then individuals will stop voluntarily buying its product or service. This means that the company will not be able to cover its costs, and then it will go out of business.

Not exactly but close.

Not even close.
Because he is a good president, but people who think education is for snobs don't understand that. It was only to be expected.

Are you implying Obama is educated? There is no conclusive proof of that being the case, just hearsay.

Passing the bar takes more then "hearsay" chief.

It would seem that in Obama's case, you just know the right people and grease the right palms to get what you want. Or maybe play that racist card, you know, threaten a lawsuit if not permitted to "pass" the exam. It does seem to be his modus operandi.
Are you implying Obama is educated? There is no conclusive proof of that being the case, just hearsay.

Passing the bar takes more then "hearsay" chief.

It would seem that in Obama's case, you just know the right people and grease the right palms to get what you want. Or maybe play that racist card, you know, threaten a lawsuit if not permitted to "pass" the exam. It does seem to be his modus operandi.
youre dumber than you look if your truly believe you can pay someone off to pass the bar exam.
The Fluke show was planned by Democrats.
They know how finicky some of our ranks are on the gay boogeyman issue, gay marriage, abortion, contraceptives and God.
Ane Republicans took the bait hook, line and sinker.
Instead of holding Obama responsible for his policies which he has fucked up.
As a result of the last week women voters are flocking to the Democrats.
Oh no!, there may be a gay somewhere wanting to marry! Heavens!! We have to spend time fighting that.
And you religous kooks wonder how the current moron that has his fanny sittin in the White House got there.
The Fluke show was planned by Democrats.
They know how finicky some of our ranks are on the gay boogeyman issue, gay marriage, abortion, contraceptives and God.
Ane Republicans took the bait hook, line and sinker.
Instead of holding Obama responsible for his policies which he has fucked up.
As a result of the last week women voters are flocking to the Democrats.
Oh no!, there may be a gay somewhere wanting to marry! Heavens!! We have to spend time fighting that.
And you religous kooks wonder how the current moron that has his fanny sittin in the White House got there.

Well said. The GOP has gone off the deep (Right) end. Any chance they had with Independents, was stolen by Satan! And gay people! And sluts who use birth control!

Just plain bizarre.

The GOP will flock together and all vote for Romney when the time comes but that won't be enough.
The Fluke show was planned by Democrats.
They know how finicky some of our ranks are on the gay boogeyman issue, gay marriage, abortion, contraceptives and God.
Ane Republicans took the bait hook, line and sinker.
Instead of holding Obama responsible for his policies which he has fucked up.
As a result of the last week women voters are flocking to the Democrats.
Oh no!, there may be a gay somewhere wanting to marry! Heavens!! We have to spend time fighting that.
And you religous kooks wonder how the current moron that has his fanny sittin in the White House got there.

Well said. The GOP has gone off the deep (Right) end. Any chance they had with Independents, was stolen by Satan! And gay people! And sluts who use birth control!

Just plain bizarre.

The GOP will flock together and all vote for Romney when the time comes but that won't be enough.

Actually? The GOP heirchy is entirely LEFT as they fill the void as Democrats of old are extinct...and the entire government has shifted left.:eusa_hand:

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