Obama is NOT a Good President. So Why Is He Winning With Independents?

What is interesting is that for the 8 years dubya was in power, any negative effects on the economy were caused by Congress - according to the righties. Now that Obama is in the WH, it's the fault of the president.

I didn't know the president set the price of oil...interesting...

You'd have a point if Obama had not previously stated "I want to see higher gas prices". Now that it has happened and his dream has come true, it strains credibility to imagine he is not happy about it.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t4Tmi_fpUHs]Obama Supports High Gas Prices If They're Gradually Hiked - YouTube[/ame]

White House Wants to Keep Gas Prices High | Hawaii Reporter

Energy Secretary Chu Admits Administration OK with High Gas Prices - Yahoo! News

Could you post something any more out of context? The video has absolutely no context, and you post an opinion piece from a neocon website, and then another link that quotes the neocon website.

When you post a credible link, let me know.

Also, both links take Chu's words out of context. I would love to see a transcript of the whole thing

Obama stated in the video that he wants to see higher gas prices. He thinks its a "good thing". You need a link to understand that? :cuckoo:

When did YAHOO become a neo-con site?
You'd have a point if Obama had not previously stated "I want to see higher gas prices". Now that it has happened and his dream has come true, it strains credibility to imagine he is not happy about it.

Obama Supports High Gas Prices If They're Gradually Hiked - YouTube

White House Wants to Keep Gas Prices High | Hawaii Reporter

Energy Secretary Chu Admits Administration OK with High Gas Prices - Yahoo! News

Could you post something any more out of context? The video has absolutely no context, and you post an opinion piece from a neocon website, and then another link that quotes the neocon website.

When you post a credible link, let me know.

Also, both links take Chu's words out of context. I would love to see a transcript of the whole thing

Obama stated in the video that he wants to see higher gas prices. He thinks its a "good thing". You need a link to understand that? :cuckoo:

When did YAHOO become a neo-con site?
technically speaking, higher gas prices would lead to more investment in renewable technologies. and thus a push to make Americans less dependent on oil. is ridding american dependence on oil such a bad thing?
You'd have a point if Obama had not previously stated "I want to see higher gas prices". Now that it has happened and his dream has come true, it strains credibility to imagine he is not happy about it.

Could you post something any more out of context? The video has absolutely no context, and you post an opinion piece from a neocon website, and then another link that quotes the neocon website.

When you post a credible link, let me know.

Also, both links take Chu's words out of context. I would love to see a transcript of the whole thing

Obama stated in the video that he wants to see higher gas prices. He thinks its a "good thing". You need a link to understand that? :cuckoo:

When did YAHOO become a neo-con site?

1) Did he? Are you sure about that? All I saw was five seconds of a (? how long is the video), with no context whatsoever. In fact, I would love to know what he said straight after that? Do you have that piece? No? thought not, doesn't help your partisan hackery POV.
2) I never said it was a neocon site. Read what I said again. Once again, you are having problems with context....no surprises there based on your past couple of posts..

Good article. And it illustrates why the GOP is losing independents. They don't view Obama as a horrible President..but one that has made moves they don't like. That's pretty fair.

The GOP on the other side..has made Obama the devil. That's bound to turn people off. For everything the Reagan campaign did to Carter..they never stooped to the level of Demonizing him. Their meme was he was an "ineffective" President and they could do a better job.

It's not so much that the GOP has made Obama out to be the devil - we dont' care WHAT the GOP makes anyone out to be, because they have lost so much credibility with us already, it's not even relevant.

Good article. And it illustrates why the GOP is losing independents. They don't view Obama as a horrible President..but one that has made moves they don't like. That's pretty fair.

The GOP on the other side..has made Obama the devil. That's bound to turn people off. For everything the Reagan campaign did to Carter..they never stooped to the level of Demonizing him. Their meme was he was an "ineffective" President and they could do a better job.

It provides absolutely no basis for the claim that the GOP is losing independents. None. Nada. Zip.

LOL! Um yeah. Hmmm. No basis eh? You mean OTHER than the FACT that every single poll has Obama leading Romney and that the gap has trended wider and wider for weeks now? I will happily post today's results because I know you love Facts! :lol:

But you've never been one to let facts get in the way of your opinion.

A blog by an independent does not speak on behalf of 'independents'.

And.... I suspect that the blog was written by the poster known as 'Independent Logic'. Sad bastard.

Awww poor little girl. See my signature. You have posted about ME (I'm flattered!) in every single post on any thread I'm in! How cute.
And my challenge to you about whether you're an "Independent" and not some mindless whackjob (I'm not saying you ARE, I'm challenging you to prove you aren't)who has your every opinion spoon fed to you? It still stands baby! It's very easy.

Name four Conservative and four Liberal stances on issues that you strongly agree with.

Ya see sweetheart, idiots know that agreeing with Conservatives on everything doesn't make you an "Independent", it' makes you a...... wait for it...... "Conservative"!! :lol:

Todays' Polls:

RCP Average 2/10 - 3/4 -- 49.0 44.4 Obama +4.6
Rasmussen Tracking 3/2 - 3/4 1500 LV 45 43 Obama +2
NBC News/Wall St. Jrnl 2/29 - 3/3 RV 50 44 Obama +6
Politico/GWU/Battleground 2/19 - 2/22 1000 LV 53 43 Obama +10
USA Today/Gallup 2/20 - 2/21 881 RV 47 47 Tie
Associated Press/GfK 2/16 - 2/20 1000 A 51 43 Obama +8
Quinnipiac 2/14 - 2/20 2605 RV 46 44 Obama +2
Democracy Corps (D) 2/11 - 2/14 1000 LV 49 45 Obama +4
CNN/Opinion Research 2/10 - 2/13 937 RV 51 46 Obama +5

RCP Average against Santorum? Obama +14!!

(This would be where you say "Polls don't matter" even though they have predicted every winning president for over 20 years. Then you Cut & Run from the little challenge to you being an "Independent" again. Awwwww)
Obama stated in the video that he wants to see higher gas prices. He thinks its a "good thing". You need a link to understand that? :cuckoo:

When did YAHOO become a neo-con site?

1) Did he? Are you sure about that? All I saw was five seconds of a (? how long is the video), with no context whatsoever. In fact, I would love to know what he said straight after that? Do you have that piece? No? thought not, doesn't help your partisan hackery POV.
2) I never said it was a neocon site. Read what I said again. Once again, you are having problems with context....no surprises there based on your past couple of posts..

He wants higher energy prices. He has made that clear on dozens of occasions. If you refuse to see evidence- that is your choice.
1) Did he? Are you sure about that? All I saw was five seconds of a (? how long is the video), with no context whatsoever. In fact, I would love to know what he said straight after that? Do you have that piece? No? thought not, doesn't help your partisan hackery POV.
2) I never said it was a neocon site. Read what I said again. Once again, you are having problems with context....no surprises there based on your past couple of posts..

He wants higher energy prices. He has made that clear on dozens of occasions. If you refuse to see evidence- that is your choice.

I don't refuse to see anything. I like facts....not partisan hackery...
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He wants higher energy prices. He has made that clear on dozens of occasions. If you refuse to see evidence- that is your choice.

I don't refuse to see anything. I like facts....no partisan hackery...

There is no partisan "hackery" - he's been very clear- he wants higher energy prices. He even wants to "Bankrupt" the coal industry.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HlTxGHn4sH4]Obama: My Plan Makes Electricity Rates Skyrocket - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DpTIhyMa-Nw]Obama's Promise the Bankrupt the Coal Industry - YouTube[/ame]
I don't refuse to see anything. I like facts....no partisan hackery...

There is no partisan "hackery" - he's been very clear- he wants higher energy prices. He even wants to "Bankrupt" the coal industry.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HlTxGHn4sH4]Obama: My Plan Makes Electricity Rates Skyrocket - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DpTIhyMa-Nw]Obama's Promise the Bankrupt the Coal Industry - YouTube[/ame]

Your first video has him saying he wants to stop pollution by making sure that the coal industry's plant is upgraded. I don't see any problem with trying to reduce pollution, do you? If that means they pass the costs onto consumers, nothing new there. That's capitalism, right? You are in favour of capitalism, yes?

The second video doesn't work...
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1) Did he? Are you sure about that? All I saw was five seconds of a (? how long is the video), with no context whatsoever. In fact, I would love to know what he said straight after that? Do you have that piece? No? thought not, doesn't help your partisan hackery POV.
2) I never said it was a neocon site. Read what I said again. Once again, you are having problems with context....no surprises there based on your past couple of posts..

He wants higher energy prices. He has made that clear on dozens of occasions. If you refuse to see evidence- that is your choice.

I don't refuse to see anything. I like facts....no partisan hackery...

There is no partisan "hackery" - he's been very clear- he wants higher energy prices. He even wants to "Bankrupt" the coal industry.

You seem to think that wanting us off of dependence on foreign oil and coal, equating to wanting higher "energy" prices. Is your comprehension always so clouded by political ideology.
If we had a solar chip that cost a nickel and provided energy for a city, would that result in higher "energy" prices or would it have anegative effect on oil and coal? The answer is obvious. So to take this out of context and say that Obama wants higher "energy" prices because he would like us to excel in alternative sources, is foolish.
Personally, I think we should look at all sources - including coal and opening up offshore and public land leases.
There is no partisan "hackery" - he's been very clear- he wants higher energy prices. He even wants to "Bankrupt" the coal industry.

Obama: My Plan Makes Electricity Rates Skyrocket - YouTube

Obama's Promise the Bankrupt the Coal Industry - YouTube

Your first video has him saying he wants to stop pollution by making sure that the coal industry's plant is upgraded. I don't see any problem with trying to reduce pollution, do you? If that means they pass the costs onto consumers, nothing new there. That's capitalism, right? You are in favour of capitalism, yes?

The second video doesn't work...

Ok, saw the second video. Do you think I'm an idiot? I mean I know it's easy to pull the wool over the eyes of the your fellow conservatives, but us centrists and normal folk are what we are because we can think for ourselves.

The header of the second video is misleading. He does not want to bankrupt the coal industry. he is saying if you built a new plant, the cap and trade aspects he is promoting might not make the BUILDING of the plant feasible. That is all he has said. He also said that he realises coal is here to stay.

Do you even listen/watch to your own videos?
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i'm a independent voter, and I did not vote for Obama the first time and will not vote for him in the next election. The man has been a disaster, just like I said he would be, before he was elected. He has proven me right. i hope and pray the voters don't repeat this mistake on us. For all our sakes, Obama and this intire administration needs to be replaced.
The bottom line is the voters. Will they do this to us again or will they help all of us by voting this bunch out. Our fate depends on the voters. They can either vote this bunch out, or vote to keep us in this mess. We will be doomed if this bunch is reelected. I am serious. This bunch has to go.
i'm a independent voter, and I did not vote for Obama the first time and will not vote for him in the next election. The man has been a disaster, just like I said he would be, before he was elected. He has proven me right. i hope and pray the voters don't repeat this mistake on us. For all our sakes, Obama and this intire administration needs to be replaced.
curiously, what would you have rather seen him do different? and why are the current GOP candidates better?
The GOP never did some of the crazy things this administration has done.

Obama bailed out GM, then pushed the Chevy Volt and gave a tax incentive to buy it.
To get people off the gas consumption cars and onto the electric car. Then EPA shuts down coal mines all over the place that fuel electric power plants.
So in other words Obama wants coal powered cars and then shuts down the fuel for them.
That is crazy.
The GOP never did some of the crazy things this administration has done.

Obama bailed out GM, then pushed the Chevy Volt and gave a tax incentive to buy it.
To get people off the gas consumption cars and onto the electric car. Then EPA shuts down coal mines all over the place that fuel electric power plants.
So in other words Obama wants coal powered cars and then shuts down the fuel for them.
That is crazy.
You do realize that the auto bailout was originally GWB's idea right?

- so you are saying we should have let GM fail at the cost of potentially 1.4 million US manufacturing jobs? im assuming you would have been ok with a huge spike in unemployment then.
- there are tax incentives to purchase a wide variety of electric and hybrid vehicle, should be take them all way? there is a tax incentive to purchase the toyota prius, should that be eliminated as well? the volt was a good push in the right direction to limit our dependence on oil. however it was not a good overall product.
- the EPA shut down coal mines temporarily in order for them to meet clean air standards. are you in essence advocating for dirty air?
EPA Rules On Coal Plants Will Force Some Of Dirtiest Plants To Shut Down, Survey Finds
EPA Tells Coal-, Oil-Fired Plants To Clean Up Air Shut Down | Fox News
The EPA Is About To Shut Down A Wave Of Coal Plants To Curb Pollution - Business Insider

Obama also just approved construction of 2 new nuclear power plants, are you against those too?

how are any of these ideas "crazy"?
technically speaking, higher gas prices would lead to more investment in renewable technologies. and thus a push to make Americans less dependent on oil. is ridding american dependence on oil such a bad thing?

So making energy more expensive is a good thing to you?
The GOP never did some of the crazy things this administration has done.

Obama bailed out GM, then pushed the Chevy Volt and gave a tax incentive to buy it.
To get people off the gas consumption cars and onto the electric car. Then EPA shuts down coal mines all over the place that fuel electric power plants.
So in other words Obama wants coal powered cars and then shuts down the fuel for them.
That is crazy.
You do realize that the auto bailout was originally GWB's idea right?

- so you are saying we should have let GM fail at the cost of potentially 1.4 million US manufacturing jobs? im assuming you would have been ok with a huge spike in unemployment then.
- there are tax incentives to purchase a wide variety of electric and hybrid vehicle, should be take them all way? there is a tax incentive to purchase the toyota prius, should that be eliminated as well? the volt was a good push in the right direction to limit our dependence on oil. however it was not a good overall product.
- the EPA shut down coal mines temporarily in order for them to meet clean air standards. are you in essence advocating for dirty air?
EPA Rules On Coal Plants Will Force Some Of Dirtiest Plants To Shut Down, Survey Finds
EPA Tells Coal-, Oil-Fired Plants To Clean Up Air Shut Down | Fox News
The EPA Is About To Shut Down A Wave Of Coal Plants To Curb Pollution - Business Insider

Obama also just approved construction of 2 new nuclear power plants, are you against those too?

how are any of these ideas "crazy"?

Isnt it funny how convenient it is for the left to point out that the auto bail out was Bush's idea when Obama is the one taking all the credit for it?

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