Obama is NOT a Good President. So Why Is He Winning With Independents?

Thanks for your opinion. I disagree.

When push comes to shove, voters will choose Romney over Obama. It will come down to the one issue that always decides elections - the economy.


Barrys record sucks and he knows it.

Should be interesting to see him try to defend his record in a debate.

Yep. Very interesting.
Thanks for your opinion. I disagree.

When push comes to shove, voters will choose Romney over Obama. It will come down to the one issue that always decides elections - the economy.


Barrys record sucks and he knows it.

Should be interesting to see him try to defend his record in a debate.

Yep. Very interesting.
his actual is pretty good, his perceived record is what people question.
Simple, allow more drilling and offer incentives for increased domestic production and domestic sales. We use 20 million bbls a day- and only produce 8 million bbls a day. If we increased domestic production to 20 million/day what do you think would happen to the price of oil?

Not much. Unless you nationalize the oil industry the oil will still go on the global market. China and India are sucking up any new oil that shows up on the market like a chocoholic goes after a chocolate milkshake.

I'm in favor of drilling, but I'd rather tax the drilling to provide incentives for alternate energy down the line. Best of both worlds. More oil on the market and a long term plan for the future.
Thanks for your opinion. I disagree.

When push comes to shove, voters will choose Romney over Obama. It will come down to the one issue that always decides elections - the economy.


Barrys record sucks and he knows it.

Should be interesting to see him try to defend his record in a debate.

Yep. Very interesting.
his actual is pretty good, his perceived record is what people question.

I disagree.

His actual record isn't good at all. This economy is sluggish at best and he'd better hope and pray that it improves big time by Nov. or he will be out the door.
Because he is a good president, but people who think education is for snobs don't understand that. It was only to be expected.

Are you implying Obama is educated? There is no conclusive proof of that being the case, just hearsay.
His actual record isn't good at all. This economy is sluggish at best and he'd better hope and pray that it improves big time by Nov. or he will be out the door.

That is if the GOP can be bothered to remember that what folks care about in November is the economy. If come November all the GOP is talking about is Gay Marriage and Contraceptives, then Barry is going to cruise to 4 more years.

Right now the GOP candidates need someone with a sharp pointy stick that will poke them HARD if they get off the topic of the economy. Everything else is a distraction.
Independents in some instances refuse to take a stand in principle with anything they think will make them look bad...it's all about appearences...cult of personality rather than substance.

It's funny how you see it that way. I see independents as truly, well, independent. Not stuck to one idealology but open to new ideas and taking each topic on its merit.

Unlike those stuck to one party, who could be accused of being lemmings...

So you take the LIAR stance. Good to know. Funny how you forget principle.

To forget something, you must have know it. You think Gump has ever known principles?
Because he is a good president, but people who think education is for snobs don't understand that. It was only to be expected.

That is not what Santorum said.
He said that the educated elite are snobs for thinking that everyone should go to collage.
Not everyone is college material in this world.
We need more of our young to go to technical schools.The is what Santorum was saying.
Because he is a good president, but people who think education is for snobs don't understand that. It was only to be expected.

The last thing we know for a fact that Obama wrote with his own hand was "Me smoke pakololo and shoot hoops with Choom Gang" in his HS yearbook.

Can you point to a single thing Obama written say, on the Constitution, from his years in Pakistan and Harvard?

Barrys record sucks and he knows it.

Should be interesting to see him try to defend his record in a debate.

Yep. Very interesting.
his actual is pretty good, his perceived record is what people question.

I disagree.

His actual record isn't good at all. This economy is sluggish at best and he'd better hope and pray that it improves big time by Nov. or he will be out the door.
his actual record includes the following:

Saving the Banks
Saving GM
going from losing 750,000 jobs a month to creating over 240,000 jobs a month
New START Treaty
Killed Bin Laden
Ended the War in Iraq
Payroll Tax Extension
Killed Gaddaffi without losing a single US life
Stock Market recovered from 7,000 to nearly 13,000
Mortgage Relief
Health Care Reform
Ended DADT
Passed Hate Crimes Bill
Established Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
Expanded the State Childrens Health Insurance Program
Since the passage of the economic stimulus package in mid-February, the Obama Department of Transportation has approved 2,500 highway projects.

Obama accomplishments - Chicago Tribune
Obama's First 100 Days: 10 Achievements You Didn't Know About
Ezra Klein: With a second term go Obama’s accomplishments - The Washington Post
Professor lists Obama accomplishments: Over 244 and growing » peoplesworld

The only truly negative number has been unemployment, which has stayed high. They are calling this a jobless recovery as businesses are learning to more with less to stay profitable.

You may disagree with the things he has done, never the less that doesnt take away from the fact that he has done them
Because he is a good president, but people who think education is for snobs don't understand that. It was only to be expected.

That is not what Santorum said.
He said that the educated elite are snobs for thinking that everyone should go to collage.
Not everyone is college material in this world.
We need more of our young to go to technical schools.The is what Santorum was saying.
everyone should aspire to go to college. Santorum is a snob for thinking otherwise.
Thanks for your opinion. I disagree.

When push comes to shove, voters will choose Romney over Obama. It will come down to the one issue that always decides elections - the economy.


Barrys record sucks and he knows it.

Should be interesting to see him try to defend his record in a debate.

Yep. Very interesting.
his actual is pretty good, his perceived record is what people question.

His actual is pretty sucky.
You can't have high gas prices, insurance premiums going up as well as prescription drugs
and food prices going up and expect the economy to become better.
His policies are killing this economy.
When your money is going for the above mentioned you don't have money for anything else.
Like going out to eat or buy something from bakeries, or going to movies, or being able to buy clothes or shoes. This is what gets an economy going again.
Because he is a good president, but people who think education is for snobs don't understand that. It was only to be expected.

That is not what Santorum said.
He said that the educated elite are snobs for thinking that everyone should go to collage.
Not everyone is college material in this world.
We need more of our young to go to technical schools.The is what Santorum was saying.
everyone should aspire to go to college. Santorum is a snob for thinking otherwise.

Your the snob for thinking that everyone is able to go to college. Why would you want all of our young being in deep debt as soon as they graduate?
Technical jobs pay very good wages, and businesses are saying they are very short of Americans in this area and are looking for foreigners to fill these jobs.

Barrys record sucks and he knows it.

Should be interesting to see him try to defend his record in a debate.

Yep. Very interesting.
his actual is pretty good, his perceived record is what people question.

His actual is pretty sucky.
You can't have high gas prices, insurance premiums going up as well as prescription drugs
and food prices going up and expect the economy to become better.
His policies are killing this economy.
When your money is going for the above mentioned you don't have money for anything else.
Like going out to eat or buy something from bakeries, or going to movies, or being able to buy clothes or shoes. This is what gets an economy going again.
can you point to a specific policy that has caused any of this?

Gas prices are high, since gas is an commodity and is sold on the open market. the free market determines the price of oil, which directly affects the price of gas. US oil and gas production is at its highest level in 8 years. If Obama were to unilaterally affect gas prices, he would actually be adopting a socialist / communist strategy. (and i though the right was against this idea) The tension with Iran getting a nuke is leading to higher prices world wide.

Insurance premiums increased 10 fold between 1990 and 2005. Prior to Obama even running for office or even thinking about passing health care reform. You can not simply blame the ACA for premium increases that have been occurring exponentially for the last 20 years.

Food prices are going up do due a variety of factors. Gas prices being one of them which is out of Obama's control, as well as growing demand and decreasing supplies of wheat, corn and other commodities. Do you want Obama to force farmer to produce more food? Is that a socialist view?
food prices rising, cutting into budgets hurt by gas prices - Mar. 8, 2011

The most recent gallup poll shows the economic outlook at 58% positive and 38% negative. Thats a 20 point swing towards the positive. It was higher, but has decreased recently although the gallup poll does not give for this. as recent as nov it was sitting at 79% positive.
Gallup Daily: U.S. Economic Outlook

although the latest Bloomberg report shows consumer confidence at a 12 month high.
"Confidence among U.S. consumers climbed to a 12-month high in February, signaling household spending will help sustain the expansion.
The Conference Board’s index increased more than forecast, to 70.8 from 61.5 in January, figures from the New York-based private research group showed today. Economists projected the gauge would climb to 63, according to the median estimate in a Bloomberg News survey."
Consumer Confidence Rises to One-Year High - Bloomberg

if your assumptions were the case, then shouldnt consumer confidence be falling off a cliff?
That is not what Santorum said.
He said that the educated elite are snobs for thinking that everyone should go to collage.
Not everyone is college material in this world.
We need more of our young to go to technical schools.The is what Santorum was saying.
everyone should aspire to go to college. Santorum is a snob for thinking otherwise.

Your the snob for thinking that everyone is able to go to college. Why would you want all of our young being in deep debt as soon as they graduate?
Technical jobs pay very good wages, and businesses are saying they are very short of Americans in this area and are looking for foreigners to fill these jobs.
i never said everyone needs to go to college. i said "everyone should aspire to go to college."

need and aspire are vastly different words. and you can call me a snob all you want. all my children will go to college and then eventually to graduate school. they will be the ones leading the future world and making a difference. as opposed to yours while will aspire to work trade jobs for my children.
Obama's EPA administrator Lisa Jackson has imposed to many regulations.
The EPA has not allowed very many permits in the Gulf. They are against drilling in Alaska and against the pipeline from Canada,they will not permit more natural gas production.They are shutting down coal mines all over America.That will cause our utilities to go up.
Consumer confidence is up but many can't afford to really buy.
Restaurants are really hurting and many have gone under.
Just ignore that unemployment is still really high and government numbers say that it will not be getting any better any time real soon.
Obama's EPA administrator Lisa Jackson has imposed to many regulations.
The EPA has not allowed very many permits in the Gulf. They are against drilling in Alaska and against the pipeline from Canada,they will not permit more natural gas production.They are shutting down coal mines all over America.That will cause our utilities to go up.
Consumer confidence is up but many can't afford to really buy.
Restaurants are really hurting and many have gone under.
Just ignore that unemployment is still really high and government numbers say that it will not be getting any better any time real soon.
your gulf numbers are way off.

Gulf drilling is back up
After a yearlong drilling moratorium, BP and other oil companies are intensifying their exploration and production in the Gulf, which will soon surpass the levels sustained before the accident. Drilling is about to be expanded into Mexican and Cuban waters, beyond American controls, even though any accident would almost inevitably affect the United States. Oil companies are also moving into areas off the coast of East Africa and the eastern Mediterranean.
Deepwater oil drilling returns to Gulf and spreads | | The Bulletin

President Obama, while in New Hampshire last Thursday, countered Republican charges that he was to blame for the rising pain at the pump. “We’ve opened millions of new acres for oil and gas exploration, and approved more than 400 drilling permits since we put in place new safety standards in the wake of the gulf oil spill,” Mr. Obama said.
NYT: Deepwater drilling picks up as BP disaster fades - Business - Oil & energy - msnbc.com

For a time after the BP spill, the drilling moratorium ordered by the Obama administration caused a decline in gulf production, but a reversal has occurred. Forty rigs are drilling in the gulf today compared with 25 a year ago.
Story: Deepwater Horizon rig: What went wrong?
BP has five rigs drilling in the gulf, making it one of the most active drillers there. That is the same number BP operated before the accident, and it plans to have three more rigs drilling in the gulf by the end of the year.
The Energy Department recently projected that gulf oil production would expand from its 2011 level of 1.3 million barrels a day, still nearly a quarter of total domestic production, to two million barrels a day by 2020.

Last December, the Obama administration held its first offshore auction since the BP spill, granting leases for more than 20 million acres of federal waters — bigger than West Virginia. The leases are worth $330 million to the federal government and have the potential to produce 400 million barrels of oil.
BP successfully bid for 11 of the 191 available drilling blocks. Environmentalists challenged the auction of exploration rights, so far unsuccessfully, which precedes applications and approvals for actual drilling permits.
By the Obama administration’s accounting, 61 drilling permits for wells in more than 500 feet of water were granted in the 12 months ending Feb. 27, only six fewer than were permitted in the same period in 2009 and 2010 before the BP explosion.

if consumer confidence is up, that means people actually are buying. unemployment is still overall trending downward. im curious though, how would you like the president to unilaterally affect unemployment?

Unemployment in the U.S. - Google Public Data Explorer
His actual record isn't good at all. This economy is sluggish at best and he'd better hope and pray that it improves big time by Nov. or he will be out the door.

That is if the GOP can be bothered to remember that what folks care about in November is the economy. If come November all the GOP is talking about is Gay Marriage and Contraceptives, then Barry is going to cruise to 4 more years.

Right now the GOP candidates need someone with a sharp pointy stick that will poke them HARD if they get off the topic of the economy. Everything else is a distraction.

I think by general election time the focus will be on the economy and Barry's ineptitude.

I also think thats all anyone will have to see.
everyone should aspire to go to college. Santorum is a snob for thinking otherwise.

Your the snob for thinking that everyone is able to go to college. Why would you want all of our young being in deep debt as soon as they graduate?
Technical jobs pay very good wages, and businesses are saying they are very short of Americans in this area and are looking for foreigners to fill these jobs.
i never said everyone needs to go to college. i said "everyone should aspire to go to college."

need and aspire are vastly different words. and you can call me a snob all you want. all my children will go to college and then eventually to graduate school. they will be the ones leading the future world and making a difference. as opposed to yours while will aspire to work trade jobs for my children.

You can do pretty good at a technical job. They start at 50,000.00 to 75,00.00 a year.
An listen to yourself. Only college grads will lead the future of this world?
How about Steve Jobs? or Bill Gates? and Yes Bill Gates got his diploma 30 years later after he first dropped out of Harvard.
Many entrepreneurs did not have a college degree.

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