Obama is NOT a Good President. So Why Is He Winning With Independents?

You won't vote for Romney because you are an irrational brat. At least be honest about it.

at 50, I'm a bit old to be a brat.

I just think Mormons are evil. By nature. Which is what happens when your church is started by child molestors. Mitt Romney is an evil human being. that nullifies any and all idealogical considerations.

I can vote for Santorum. I can vote for Gingrich. I wish the GOP would have a bought of Good Sense, and get somone like Mitch Daniels or Jeb Bush in the convention, but the GOP has signed the Cult Suicide Pact with Romney and is drinking the Koolaid.

I ain't drinking the koolaid. If you want to, knock yourself out.
I seriously wonder what kind of self-delusion that Ron Paul supporters live in.


This has been a curious little sideshow in a nominating process that has been an amusing circus on its own. Paul supporters walk around with this wide-eyed, naive notion that the party is going to somehow wake up one morning and see that Paul is the messiah. Ironically.

Paul's foreign policy (it's not our right to go around the world blowing the snot out of other countries) is never, ever, ever going to be embraced by the party. Ever. And on domestic issues, this idea that he'd be successful shutting down huge departments by snapping his fingers is impossible, it's not gonna freakin' happen, and all but the most zealous Paul sheep know it. It is absolutely, positively, politically impossible. Holy crap.

Looking forward to the final selection of the crappy candidate and the announcement that Paul won't run third party. Then the weirdness will die down, if only a bit.

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I didn't say that. But the slogan last year until now is, vote anyone but obama. If Paul get's the nomination He will get those votes and his supporters votes. Romney will get the vote anyone but obama vote and not the Paul vote. Romney will lose.

Here's the thing.

I won't vote for Romney because I have this 30 year grudge against the Mormons. Otherwise, I could vote for him by holding my nose, which is pretty much what I did in 1996.

I won't vote for Romney because I dislike him as a person.

I won't vote for Ron Paul because he's fucking nuts.

it has very little to do with issues to me. Because at the end of the day, we aren't voting for a list of issues, we are voting for a man.

You won't vote for Romney because you are an irrational brat. At least be honest about it.

I wished I could find a way to see through the things about Romney that make me feel that he is a mirror image of obama, I want obama gone so bad and Romney will need every vote he can get to beat obama. But I can't get past my principles, This keep voting for the same old shit every election cycle has got to stop.
There are more vote for anyone but People than there are of your type, and there our more supporters of Ron Paul than there are of your type.
As I said Romney will get the anyone but obama vote and that is all. Paul will get his supporters vote and the anyone but obama vote.

Guy, this is where you and Jake are cut from the same clothe. You both think that once you've foisted YOUR guy on the GOP, the rest of us will just go along with it. And then you will find some magic pool of voters who would otherwise vote for Obama.

I vote for McCain last time. I won't vote for Romney because he's a Mormon and I won't vote for Paul because he's nuts.

I have not talked to a SINGLE person who voted for Obama in 2008 who says he can't wait to vote for Ron Paul or Romney. Quite the contrary, a lot of McCain supporters will probably switch to Obama for no other reason than those guys are so awful.
You won't vote for Romney because you are an irrational brat. At least be honest about it.

at 50, I'm a bit old to be a brat.

I just think Mormons are evil. By nature. Which is what happens when your church is started by child molestors. Mitt Romney is an evil human being. that nullifies any and all idealogical considerations.

I can vote for Santorum. I can vote for Gingrich. I wish the GOP would have a bought of Good Sense, and get somone like Mitch Daniels or Jeb Bush in the convention, but the GOP has signed the Cult Suicide Pact with Romney and is drinking the Koolaid.

I ain't drinking the koolaid. If you want to, knock yourself out.
Dude grow up Mormons are good people.
I seriously wonder what kind of self-delusion that Ron Paul supporters live in.


This has been a curious little sideshow in a nominating process that has been an amusing circus on its own. Paul supporters walk around with this wide-eyed, naive notion that the party is going to somehow wake up one morning and see that Paul is the messiah. Ironically.

Paul's foreign policy (it's not our right to go around the world blowing the snot out of other countries) is never, ever, ever going to be embraced by the party. Ever. And on domestic issues, this idea that he'd be successful shutting down huge departments by snapping his fingers is impossible, it's not gonna freakin' happen, and all but the most zealous Paul sheep know it. It is absolutely, positively, politically impossible. Holy crap.

Looking forward to the final selection of the crappy candidate and the announcement that Paul won't run third party. Then the weirdness will die down, if only a bit.


Well, I'm hoping Ron Paul will keep his word and not run third party. I was planning on voting for Gary Johnson as my protest vote in November, and frankly, I don't want to go looking at fourth and fifth parties because I have three candidates I can't stand.

Ron Paul as a third party guy would probably give Obama a 49 state sweep. (Romney will still take Utah.)
There are more vote for anyone but People than there are of your type, and there our more supporters of Ron Paul than there are of your type.
As I said Romney will get the anyone but obama vote and that is all. Paul will get his supporters vote and the anyone but obama vote.

Guy, this is where you and Jake are cut from the same clothe. You both think that once you've foisted YOUR guy on the GOP, the rest of us will just go along with it. And then you will find some magic pool of voters who would otherwise vote for Obama.

I vote for McCain last time. I won't vote for Romney because he's a Mormon and I won't vote for Paul because he's nuts.

I have not talked to a SINGLE person who voted for Obama in 2008 who says he can't wait to vote for Ron Paul or Romney. Quite the contrary, a lot of McCain supporters will probably switch to Obama for no other reason than those guys are so awful.

I am repeating the slogan of anyone but obama, isn't that what it has been for the last year? Romney will get that vote and only that vote. Paul will get that vote plus the vote of his supporters. You do the math.

Good article. And it illustrates why the GOP is losing independents. They don't view Obama as a horrible President..but one that has made moves they don't like. That's pretty fair.

The GOP on the other side..has made Obama the devil. That's bound to turn people off. For everything the Reagan campaign did to Carter..they never stooped to the level of Demonizing him. Their meme was he was an "ineffective" President and they could do a better job.

It provides absolutely no basis for the claim that the GOP is losing independents. None. Nada. Zip.

But you've never been one to let facts get in the way of your opinion.

A blog by an independent does not speak on behalf of 'independents'.

And.... I suspect that the blog was written by the poster known as 'Independent Logic'. Sad bastard.
You won't vote for Romney because you are an irrational brat. At least be honest about it.

at 50, I'm a bit old to be a brat.

I just think Mormons are evil. By nature. Which is what happens when your church is started by child molestors. Mitt Romney is an evil human being. that nullifies any and all idealogical considerations.

I can vote for Santorum. I can vote for Gingrich. I wish the GOP would have a bought of Good Sense, and get somone like Mitch Daniels or Jeb Bush in the convention, but the GOP has signed the Cult Suicide Pact with Romney and is drinking the Koolaid.

I ain't drinking the koolaid. If you want to, knock yourself out.
Dude grow up Mormons are good people.

Not the ones I've met.

I've never met such smile in your face, stab you in the back people in my entire life.

Romney was over as a option the minute I realized what his religion was.
I seriously wonder what kind of self-delusion that Ron Paul supporters live in.


This has been a curious little sideshow in a nominating process that has been an amusing circus on its own. Paul supporters walk around with this wide-eyed, naive notion that the party is going to somehow wake up one morning and see that Paul is the messiah. Ironically.

Paul's foreign policy (it's not our right to go around the world blowing the snot out of other countries) is never, ever, ever going to be embraced by the party. Ever. And on domestic issues, this idea that he'd be successful shutting down huge departments by snapping his fingers is impossible, it's not gonna freakin' happen, and all but the most zealous Paul sheep know it. It is absolutely, positively, politically impossible. Holy crap.

Looking forward to the final selection of the crappy candidate and the announcement that Paul won't run third party. Then the weirdness will die down, if only a bit.


Well, I'm hoping Ron Paul will keep his word and not run third party. I was planning on voting for Gary Johnson as my protest vote in November, and frankly, I don't want to go looking at fourth and fifth parties because I have three candidates I can't stand.

Ron Paul as a third party guy would probably give Obama a 49 state sweep. (Romney will still take Utah.)
It does not matter if Paul runs a third party or not he will be voted for come election day at least by his supporters.
at 50, I'm a bit old to be a brat.

I just think Mormons are evil. By nature. Which is what happens when your church is started by child molestors. Mitt Romney is an evil human being. that nullifies any and all idealogical considerations.

I can vote for Santorum. I can vote for Gingrich. I wish the GOP would have a bought of Good Sense, and get somone like Mitch Daniels or Jeb Bush in the convention, but the GOP has signed the Cult Suicide Pact with Romney and is drinking the Koolaid.

I ain't drinking the koolaid. If you want to, knock yourself out.
Dude grow up Mormons are good people.

Not the ones I've met.

I've never met such smile in your face, stab you in the back people in my entire life.

Romney was over as a option the minute I realized what his religion was.
Not the ones you know? How many Mormons are there compared to the ones you know? You are using a broad stroke of the brush to paint a whole group of good people with your paint of ignorance.

Good article. And it illustrates why the GOP is losing independents. They don't view Obama as a horrible President..but one that has made moves they don't like. That's pretty fair.

The GOP on the other side..has made Obama the devil. That's bound to turn people off. For everything the Reagan campaign did to Carter..they never stooped to the level of Demonizing him. Their meme was he was an "ineffective" President and they could do a better job.

It provides absolutely no basis for the claim that the GOP is losing independents. None. Nada. Zip.

But you've never been one to let facts get in the way of your opinion.

A blog by an independent does not speak on behalf of 'independents'.

And.... I suspect that the blog was written by the poster known as 'Independent Logic'. Sad bastard.

You and your ilk seldom pay attention. It's a fruitless exercise..but what the heck.

So with all these horrible blunders, policies and inept actions, why are Moderates and Independents leaning in Obama's favor? Because although Obama is not a good president, he's okay. The problem the GOP has is that their candidates are viewed by The Middle as being just plain horrible and even scary.

Romney's tax & budget proposals would add trillions to the deficit. He is perceived as someone who could care less about the Middle Class and would simply exacerbate the divide between rich and poor. He has also followed Santorum's lead and shifted radically to The Right, in order to capture the Conservative Base needed for the nomination. The problem is that he is now perceived by Independents, as someone who flip-flops so often, he is even less trustworthy than Obama. That's saying something.

Santorum is so far to The Right, that his nomination would guarantee Obama's re-election. He also seems dangerously close to theocratic at times. Successful presidential bids are rarely based on the slogan "Vote for me! I'll save you from Satan!".

The only real chance the GOP has at getting Independents is Ron Paul. But the sad truth is they simply won't let him anywhere near the ticket. He's way too honest to be tolerated by a sufficient number of Americans for a win in a General Election. He speaks out profusely against the Military Industrial Complex that has owned the GOP for decades and he is often, his own worst enemy. So the establishment that is the GOP simply won't tolerate someone like Paul.

Obama will retain the White House in 2012, not because he is a good president. It's because the GOP has put up such horrible candidates and campaign positions, that they have driven away the votes they need: Women, Minorities, Gays, Social Moderates, Non-Christians and Moderate Christians, Reagan Democrats and Independents.

I had nutshelled it for you. But you can read it for yourself.

In either case..I suspect the points made here will whiz over your head as it will most of the GOP.

Which is why Obama will win.
I am repeating the slogan of anyone but obama, isn't that what it has been for the last year? Romney will get that vote and only that vote. Paul will get that vote plus the vote of his supporters. You do the math.

Okay. Look. I'm going to try this one more time.


Remember, Obama doesn't have to win over ONE PERSON who voted for McCain to win. All he has to do is get 86% of the people who voted for him last time to show up again.

Let's be blunt, in the contests so far, Ron Paul has gotten all of 479,000 votes in this process. He's come in third or fourth place in almost every primary and hasn't come in first place in one.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2012 - Republican Vote Count

Not sure what delusions you live under. God, I hate to be the one to agree with Snarkey, but he's right. You have to get a guy most people can kind of go along with.

And that could be Romney, if no one pays attention to his crazy religion or his slimy business practices.
The snippet below is from a Reuters report back on Jan 19th.


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Independent voters, who helped propel President Barack Obama to victory in the 2008 election, could be an obstacle in his bid for a second term in the White House, according to a New York Times/CBS News poll published on Wednesday.

A majority of independent voters have soured on Obama's presidency, disapprove of his handling of the economy and do not have a clear idea of what he hopes to accomplish if re-elected, the Times reported.

Only 31 percent of independent voters have a favorable opinion of the president and two-thirds say he has not made real progress in fixing the economy, the newspaper said.

In 2008, Obama won support from 52 percent of independent voters, compared with 44 percent who supported Republican presidential nominee John McCain.

Nearly half of independents say they have not formed an opinion of Mitt Romney, the front-runner in the Republican race for the nomination to challenge Obama in the November general election, the survey found.
Among all voters, 38 percent view Obama favorably, 45 percent unfavorably and 17 percent have no opinion, the survey showed. Voters were evenly divided in a matchup between Obama and Romney, but Obama fared better against other Republican candidates, the Times said
Obama losing luster with independent voters: poll - Yahoo! News

Good post.

As an Indi I think he's doing a lousy job.

Didn't support him in 2008 and sure as hell won't support his sorry ass in 2012.

This guy is such a loser in so many ways. I can't see why anyone with a working brain cell would support him.
I am repeating the slogan of anyone but obama, isn't that what it has been for the last year? Romney will get that vote and only that vote. Paul will get that vote plus the vote of his supporters. You do the math.

Okay. Look. I'm going to try this one more time.


Remember, Obama doesn't have to win over ONE PERSON who voted for McCain to win. All he has to do is get 86% of the people who voted for him last time to show up again.

Let's be blunt, in the contests so far, Ron Paul has gotten all of 479,000 votes in this process. He's come in third or fourth place in almost every primary and hasn't come in first place in one.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2012 - Republican Vote Count

Not sure what delusions you live under. God, I hate to be the one to agree with Snarkey, but he's right. You have to get a guy most people can kind of go along with.

And that could be Romney, if no one pays attention to his crazy religion or his slimy business practices.

Okay. Look. I'm going to try this one more time.


Maybe I have not explained myself clearly enough Ron Paul supporters will not vote for obama, Romney, Newt, or Santoroma, If either three get the nomination they will get the anyone but obama vote and that is all they will get.
Ron Paul will get that vote plus the vote of his supporters.
Do you understand the math here?

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