Obama is NOT a Good President. So Why Is He Winning With Independents?

His actual record isn't good at all. This economy is sluggish at best and he'd better hope and pray that it improves big time by Nov. or he will be out the door.

That is if the GOP can be bothered to remember that what folks care about in November is the economy. If come November all the GOP is talking about is Gay Marriage and Contraceptives, then Barry is going to cruise to 4 more years.

Right now the GOP candidates need someone with a sharp pointy stick that will poke them HARD if they get off the topic of the economy. Everything else is a distraction.

I think by general election time the focus will be on the economy and Barry's ineptitude.

I also think thats all anyone will have to see.
and if the economy continues to improve over the next 7 months? what will be the GOP's stance then?
Your the snob for thinking that everyone is able to go to college. Why would you want all of our young being in deep debt as soon as they graduate?
Technical jobs pay very good wages, and businesses are saying they are very short of Americans in this area and are looking for foreigners to fill these jobs.
i never said everyone needs to go to college. i said "everyone should aspire to go to college."

need and aspire are vastly different words. and you can call me a snob all you want. all my children will go to college and then eventually to graduate school. they will be the ones leading the future world and making a difference. as opposed to yours while will aspire to work trade jobs for my children.

You can do pretty good at a technical job. They start at 50,000.00 to 75,00.00 a year.
An listen to yourself. Only college grads will lead the future of this world?
How about Steve Jobs? or Bill Gates? and Yes Bill Gates got his diploma 30 years later after he first dropped out of Harvard.
Many entrepreneurs did not have a college degree.
inventors and managers are not in the same class. Look at the heads of most major corporations, they all possess graduate degrees, and are highly educated, typically with one or more undergraduate degrees and a minimum masters degree as well.

btw your average technical job such as mechanic or welder is not that high. think high 20's low 30's to start. although funny thing is, a lot of technical jobs such as this come from unions.

What is the Average Welder's Salary? | eHow.com
What Is the Starting Pay for an Auto Mechanic? | eHow.com

think about the heads of corporations like GE, Walmart, Chevron, Toyota, ING, Bank of America, Apple (Steve Cook), AT&T, Verizon, Siemens, CVS, Sony, Costco. none of these individual got to where they are with a technical degree.

im not saying its impossible, but highly improbably
Guys like Jobs, Gates and Zuckerberg are the exception to the rule, not the norm.
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Because he is a good president, but people who think education is for snobs don't understand that. It was only to be expected.

That is not what Santorum said.
He said that the educated elite are snobs for thinking that everyone should go to collage.
Not everyone is college material in this world.
We need more of our young to go to technical schools.The is what Santorum was saying.
everyone should aspire to go to college. Santorum is a snob for thinking otherwise.

Wrong again, bucko. I teach at a technical school and will vouch that there are many fine mechanics who do not need university education. There are many trades that are better served by a thorough grounding in the trade, and not a university education. But, there are many snobs out there who do not consider anyone not pushed through the university system to be lesser beings. If that's you, check out what your plumber earns.
That is not what Santorum said.
He said that the educated elite are snobs for thinking that everyone should go to collage.
Not everyone is college material in this world.
We need more of our young to go to technical schools.The is what Santorum was saying.
everyone should aspire to go to college. Santorum is a snob for thinking otherwise.

Wrong again, bucko. I teach at a technical school and will vouch that there are many fine mechanics who do not need university education. There are many trades that are better served by a thorough grounding in the trade, and not a university education. But, there are many snobs out there who do not consider anyone not pushed through the university system to be lesser beings. If that's you, check out what your plumber earns.
so your advocating that kids should aspire to be average? yes thats how i raise my kids, to be average, not to excel.

According to the PayScale salary survey web site, median starting salary for plumbers in 2009 was about $13.30 to $20.30, with an increase to $16 to $24 with five years experience. (thats $27,664 to $42,224 annually to start and $33,280 to $49,920 with 5 years experience)
The Salary Wizard web site showed the middle 50 percent of plumbers earning between $33,276 and $45,675 in 2009, translating to between $16 and $22 per hour.
Plumber's Average Salary | eHow.com

the mechanical engineer who designs plumbing systems starts here however.
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics Occupational Employment Statistics Survey in 2009, the median starting salary for mechanical engineers was $49,730 per year. The amount, which is the average for the bottom decile of salaries for all mechanical engineers, roughly corresponds with a $23.91 hourly wage.

although it varies by state.

The starting salary for mechanical engineers varied by location in 2009. The top five states in terms of starting salary were: the District of Columbia ($60,990); Maryland ($57,770); Alaska ($57,270); Massachusetts ($56,440); and New Mexico ($56,380). The bottom five states were: Montana ($43,140); North Dakota ($42,500); Arkansas ($41,330); West Virginia ($38,440); and Nebraska ($32,960).
The Average Starting Salary for Mechanical Engineers | eHow.com
Obama IS a good president. Never said everyone should go to college, of course. He said everyone should have the opportunity to go to college. RW Pubs and pundits lie like rugs and appear to be taking us to banana republic status. See sig pp1.
Keep telling yourself what a great Prez Barry is.

I think you will be sorely disappointed when in Nov the voting public tells you your full of shit.
Keep telling yourself what a great Prez Barry is.

I think you will be sorely disappointed when in Nov the voting public tells you your full of shit.
if he is not reelected im willing to admit that. but if he is reelected are you finally willing to admit to yourself that he is a good president?

he currently leads Romney 45% - 43%. according to Rasmussen not much of a difference, however as the economy improves the gap ill most likely widen.
That is if the GOP can be bothered to remember that what folks care about in November is the economy. If come November all the GOP is talking about is Gay Marriage and Contraceptives, then Barry is going to cruise to 4 more years.

Right now the GOP candidates need someone with a sharp pointy stick that will poke them HARD if they get off the topic of the economy. Everything else is a distraction.

I think by general election time the focus will be on the economy and Barry's ineptitude.

I also think thats all anyone will have to see.
and if the economy continues to improve over the next 7 months? what will be the GOP's stance then?

If the economy improves, and I mean really improves, then he probably will get re-elected.

On the other hand if it doesn't do more than this sluggish shit its doing now IMO he's toast.

And No. In my mind this guy is in way over his head.

The economy is slowly recovering in spite of his policies not because of them.
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If he's not reelected, I'll be happy to say a majority of the US is sorely misled, and the Pub propaganda machine is full of shytte as always.
I think by general election time the focus will be on the economy and Barry's ineptitude.

I also think thats all anyone will have to see.
and if the economy continues to improve over the next 7 months? what will be the GOP's stance then?

If the economy improves, and I mean really improves, then he probably will get re-elected.

On the other hand if it doesn't do more than this sluggish shit its doing now IMO he's toast.

And No. In my mind this guy is in way over his head.

The economy is slowly recovering in spite of his policies not because of them.
Obama has spent less money than Reagan (as a percent of GDP)to try and climb out of this recession, which was much worse than the Reagan era one. I would disagree, i would say his policies are helping, but he has not been able to do more due to GOP obstructionism.

One More Must-See Chart On Government Spending Under Obama And Reagan - Business Insider
In Reagan's first four years in office, government spending grew by at least 7.5 percent, and in the first two years, government spending grew by over 10 percent year-over-year. Obama hasn't had one year of government spending growth over 7.5 percent, and the growth in government spending in 2011 that appears as the second smallest in this chart, is actually the third smallest since WWII.
Although GDP has been mediocre under Obama, he's achieved a rebound in growth with much less stimulus than Reagan did, and, it should be noted, that despite predictions from many economists, there's been no double dip, unlike with Reagan.

Read more: One More Must-See Chart On Government Spending Under Obama And Reagan - Business Insider

Compared the the money Reagan spent to get the economy out of the toilet, Obama has been fiscally conservative.
and if the economy continues to improve over the next 7 months? what will be the GOP's stance then?

If the economy improves, and I mean really improves, then he probably will get re-elected.

On the other hand if it doesn't do more than this sluggish shit its doing now IMO he's toast.

And No. In my mind this guy is in way over his head.

The economy is slowly recovering in spite of his policies not because of them.
Obama has spent less money than Reagan (as a percent of GDP)to try and climb out of this recession, which was much worse than the Reagan era one. I would disagree, i would say his policies are helping, but he has not been able to do more due to GOP obstructionism.

One More Must-See Chart On Government Spending Under Obama And Reagan - Business Insider
In Reagan's first four years in office, government spending grew by at least 7.5 percent, and in the first two years, government spending grew by over 10 percent year-over-year. Obama hasn't had one year of government spending growth over 7.5 percent, and the growth in government spending in 2011 that appears as the second smallest in this chart, is actually the third smallest since WWII.
Although GDP has been mediocre under Obama, he's achieved a rebound in growth with much less stimulus than Reagan did, and, it should be noted, that despite predictions from many economists, there's been no double dip, unlike with Reagan.

Read more: One More Must-See Chart On Government Spending Under Obama And Reagan - Business Insider

Compared the the money Reagan spent to get the economy out of the toilet, Obama has been fiscally conservative.

During this seven-year recovery, the economy grew by almost one-third, the equivalent of adding the entire economy of West Germany, the third-largest in the world at the time, to the U.S. economy. In 1984 alone real economic growth boomed by 6.8%, the highest in 50 years. Nearly 20 million new jobs were created during the recovery, increasing U.S. civilian employment by almost 20%. Unemployment fell to 5.3% by 1989.

Previously the average recession since World War II lasted 10 months, with the longest at 16 months. Yet today, 40 months after the last recession started, unemployment is still 8.8%, with America suffering the longest period of unemployment that high since the Great Depression. Based on the historic precedents America should be enjoying the second year of a roaring economic recovery by now, especially since, historically, the worse the downturn, the stronger the recovery. Yet while in the Reagan recovery the economy soared past the previous GDP peak after six months, in the Obama recovery that didn’t happen for three years. Last year the Census Bureau reported that the total number of Americans in poverty was the highest in the 51 years that Census has been recording the data.
However, the Reagan Recovery took off once the tax rate cuts were fully phased in. Similarly, the full results of Obamanomics won’t be in until his historic, comprehensive tax rate increases of 2013 become effective. While the Reagan Recovery kicked off a historic 25-year economic boom, will the opposite policies of Obamanomics, once fully phased in, kick off 25 years of economic stagnation, unless reversed?

Reaganomics Vs. Obamanomics: Facts And Figures - Forbes
You're right. I agree. Obama is not a good President. But the simple fact of the matter is he is 100% better than the brain-damaged criminal sonofabitch he replaced and he is clearly a better choice than anyone the Republicans have sent against him. Plus he is personally likeable.

But Obama is a textbook example of the lesser evil.

Who would I rather see in his place? Dennis Kucinich. Bernie Sanders. Alan Grayson. Eliot Spitzer. Sherrod Brown.
and if the economy continues to improve over the next 7 months? what will be the GOP's stance then?

If the economy improves, and I mean really improves, then he probably will get re-elected.

On the other hand if it doesn't do more than this sluggish shit its doing now IMO he's toast.

And No. In my mind this guy is in way over his head.

The economy is slowly recovering in spite of his policies not because of them.
Obama has spent less money than Reagan (as a percent of GDP)to try and climb out of this recession, which was much worse than the Reagan era one. I would disagree, i would say his policies are helping, but he has not been able to do more due to GOP obstructionism.

One More Must-See Chart On Government Spending Under Obama And Reagan - Business Insider
In Reagan's first four years in office, government spending grew by at least 7.5 percent, and in the first two years, government spending grew by over 10 percent year-over-year. Obama hasn't had one year of government spending growth over 7.5 percent, and the growth in government spending in 2011 that appears as the second smallest in this chart, is actually the third smallest since WWII.
Although GDP has been mediocre under Obama, he's achieved a rebound in growth with much less stimulus than Reagan did, and, it should be noted, that despite predictions from many economists, there's been no double dip, unlike with Reagan.

Read more: One More Must-See Chart On Government Spending Under Obama And Reagan - Business Insider

Compared the the money Reagan spent to get the economy out of the toilet, Obama has been fiscally conservative.

Reagan's greatest failing is that he never saw a defense program he wouldn't spend money on. That being said...at least we got a stronger military out of all of the money that Reagan spent. With Barry, we've spent trillions and gotten weaker. You see, at this point in Reagan's first term we'd turned the corner with the economy and were starting the longest stretch of strong economic growth in our country's history. Do you see that happening under another four years of Barry? I don't. Reagan had a plan to turn the economy around and stuck to it...Barry has a plan to get reelected and is sticking to that.
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You're right. I agree. Obama is not a good President. But the simple fact of the matter is he is 100% better than the brain-damaged criminal sonofabitch he replaced and he is clearly a better choice than anyone the Republicans have sent against him. Plus he is personally likeable.

But Obama is a textbook example of the lesser evil.

Who would I rather see in his place? Dennis Kucinich. Bernie Sanders. Alan Grayson. Eliot Spitzer. Sherrod Brown.

Bush + obama= Obamush
If the economy improves, and I mean really improves, then he probably will get re-elected.

On the other hand if it doesn't do more than this sluggish shit its doing now IMO he's toast.

And No. In my mind this guy is in way over his head.

The economy is slowly recovering in spite of his policies not because of them.
Obama has spent less money than Reagan (as a percent of GDP)to try and climb out of this recession, which was much worse than the Reagan era one. I would disagree, i would say his policies are helping, but he has not been able to do more due to GOP obstructionism.

One More Must-See Chart On Government Spending Under Obama And Reagan - Business Insider
In Reagan's first four years in office, government spending grew by at least 7.5 percent, and in the first two years, government spending grew by over 10 percent year-over-year. Obama hasn't had one year of government spending growth over 7.5 percent, and the growth in government spending in 2011 that appears as the second smallest in this chart, is actually the third smallest since WWII.
Although GDP has been mediocre under Obama, he's achieved a rebound in growth with much less stimulus than Reagan did, and, it should be noted, that despite predictions from many economists, there's been no double dip, unlike with Reagan.

Read more: One More Must-See Chart On Government Spending Under Obama And Reagan - Business Insider

Compared the the money Reagan spent to get the economy out of the toilet, Obama has been fiscally conservative.

Reagan's greatest failing is that he never saw a defense program he wouldn't spend money on. That being said...at least we got a stronger military out of all of the money that Reagan spent. With Barry, we've spent trillions and gotten weaker. You see, at this point in Reagan's first term we'd turned the corner with the economy and were starting the longest stretch of strong economic growth in our country's history. Do you see that happening under another four years of Barry? I don't. Reagan had a plan to turn the economy around and stuck to it...Barry has a plan to get reelected and is sticking to that.
how are we weaker exactly?
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[The one where Obama is "helping" the working man by cutting the payroll tax, yet allowing gasoline prices to double under his watch....dah!

So you want him to socialise gas production?


What is interesting is that you believe the only way government can effect gasoline prices is by nationalizing.

What is interesting is that for the 8 years dubya was in power, any negative effects on the economy were caused by Congress - according to the righties. Now that Obama is in the WH, it's the fault of the president.

I didn't know the president set the price of oil...interesting...
So you want him to socialise gas production?


What is interesting is that you believe the only way government can effect gasoline prices is by nationalizing.

What is interesting is that for the 8 years dubya was in power, any negative effects on the economy were caused by Congress - according to the righties. Now that Obama is in the WH, it's the fault of the president.

I didn't know the president set the price of oil...interesting...

You'd have a point if Obama had not previously stated "I want to see higher gas prices". Now that it has happened and his dream has come true, it strains credibility to imagine he is not happy about it.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t4Tmi_fpUHs]Obama Supports High Gas Prices If They're Gradually Hiked - YouTube[/ame]

White House Wants to Keep Gas Prices High | Hawaii Reporter

Energy Secretary Chu Admits Administration OK with High Gas Prices - Yahoo! News
What is interesting is that you believe the only way government can effect gasoline prices is by nationalizing.

What is interesting is that for the 8 years dubya was in power, any negative effects on the economy were caused by Congress - according to the righties. Now that Obama is in the WH, it's the fault of the president.

I didn't know the president set the price of oil...interesting...

You'd have a point if Obama had not previously stated "I want to see higher gas prices". Now that it has happened and his dream has come true, it strains credibility to imagine he is not happy about it.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t4Tmi_fpUHs]Obama Supports High Gas Prices If They're Gradually Hiked - YouTube[/ame]

White House Wants to Keep Gas Prices High | Hawaii Reporter

Energy Secretary Chu Admits Administration OK with High Gas Prices - Yahoo! News

Could you post something any more out of context? The video has absolutely no context, and you post an opinion piece from a neocon website, and then another link that quotes the neocon website.

When you post a credible link, let me know.

Also, both links take Chu's words out of context. I would love to see a transcript of the whole thing

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