Obama is NOT a Good President. So Why Is He Winning With Independents?

The Fluke show was planned by Democrats.
They know how finicky some of our ranks are on the gay boogeyman issue, gay marriage, abortion, contraceptives and God.
Ane Republicans took the bait hook, line and sinker.
Instead of holding Obama responsible for his policies which he has fucked up.
As a result of the last week women voters are flocking to the Democrats.
Oh no!, there may be a gay somewhere wanting to marry! Heavens!! We have to spend time fighting that.
And you religous kooks wonder how the current moron that has his fanny sittin in the White House got there.

Well said. The GOP has gone off the deep (Right) end. Any chance they had with Independents, was stolen by Satan! And gay people! And sluts who use birth control!

Just plain bizarre.

The GOP will flock together and all vote for Romney when the time comes but that won't be enough.

Actually? The GOP heirchy is entirely LEFT as they fill the void as Democrats of old are extinct...and the entire government has shifted left.:eusa_hand:

Funny, all I hear Santorum and Gingrich talk about all the time for the last few weeks is abortion, contraceptives and God.

We have a good candidate in Romney and he is a career business man.
How is making it in the business world "left"?

To us in the business world political ideology is 95% FISCAL.
We could give a rat's ass about social policies that define what is "left" and "right".
The RELIGOUS right wing Republican Party has ruined the party. They are religous kooks that worry more about gays, abortion, contraceptives and God than the damn country.
Fuck all of them as I am sick of their Bull Shit.
A big tent Republican party-we would win the Presidency for the next 50 years. I know many people that would vote with us if the GOP would send the fundamentalist right PACKING!
Then I would say Fuck the Democrats when they would bitch about it.
Well said. The GOP has gone off the deep (Right) end. Any chance they had with Independents, was stolen by Satan! And gay people! And sluts who use birth control!

Just plain bizarre.

The GOP will flock together and all vote for Romney when the time comes but that won't be enough.

Actually? The GOP heirchy is entirely LEFT as they fill the void as Democrats of old are extinct...and the entire government has shifted left.:eusa_hand:

Funny, all I hear Santorum and Gingrich talk about all the time for the last few weeks is abortion, contraceptives and God.

We have a good candidate in Romney and he is a career business man.
How is making it in the business world "left"?

To us in the business world political ideology is 95% FISCAL.
We could give a rat's ass about social policies that define what is "left" and "right".
The RELIGOUS right wing Republican Party has ruined the party. They are religous kooks that worry more about gays, abortion, contraceptives and God than the damn country.
Fuck all of them as I am sick of their Bull Shit.
A big tent Republican party-we would win the Presidency for the next 50 years. I know many people that would vote with us if the GOP would send the fundamentalist right PACKING!
Then I would say Fuck the Democrats when they would bitch about it.

GEEZ dude, do I ever agree with YOU! I was really hoping the GOP would look at Kay Bailey Hutchison from my former home state of Texas. I'd vote for her in a heartbeat and she would crush Obama! She would have been great. But alas, she is resonable, fairly moderate and just doesn't care as much about social issues as she does fiscal and practical solutions to our problems. So obviously the whackjobs running today's GOP would never consider her....
Well said. The GOP has gone off the deep (Right) end. Any chance they had with Independents, was stolen by Satan! And gay people! And sluts who use birth control!

Just plain bizarre.

The GOP will flock together and all vote for Romney when the time comes but that won't be enough.

Actually? The GOP heirchy is entirely LEFT as they fill the void as Democrats of old are extinct...and the entire government has shifted left.:eusa_hand:

Funny, all I hear Santorum and Gingrich talk about all the time for the last few weeks is abortion, contraceptives and God.

We have a good candidate in Romney and he is a career business man.
How is making it in the business world "left"?

To us in the business world political ideology is 95% FISCAL.
We could give a rat's ass about social policies that define what is "left" and "right".
The RELIGOUS right wing Republican Party has ruined the party. They are religous kooks that worry more about gays, abortion, contraceptives and God than the damn country.
Fuck all of them as I am sick of their Bull Shit.
A big tent Republican party-we would win the Presidency for the next 50 years. I know many people that would vote with us if the GOP would send the fundamentalist right PACKING!
Then I would say Fuck the Democrats when they would bitch about it.

A big tent Republican? As in John reach across the isles McCain? If that's the kind of party you want for the republican party why don't you just switch to the democrats?
Actually? The GOP heirchy is entirely LEFT as they fill the void as Democrats of old are extinct...and the entire government has shifted left.:eusa_hand:

Funny, all I hear Santorum and Gingrich talk about all the time for the last few weeks is abortion, contraceptives and God.

We have a good candidate in Romney and he is a career business man.
How is making it in the business world "left"?

To us in the business world political ideology is 95% FISCAL.
We could give a rat's ass about social policies that define what is "left" and "right".
The RELIGOUS right wing Republican Party has ruined the party. They are religous kooks that worry more about gays, abortion, contraceptives and God than the damn country.
Fuck all of them as I am sick of their Bull Shit.
A big tent Republican party-we would win the Presidency for the next 50 years. I know many people that would vote with us if the GOP would send the fundamentalist right PACKING!
Then I would say Fuck the Democrats when they would bitch about it.

A big tent Republican? As in John reach across the isles McCain? If that's the kind of party you want for the republican party why don't you just switch to the democrats?

"Big Tents" are a lie with either party when it comes to individual citizens.

Learn it, Live it, know it.

The two party system is corrupt.
Well said. The GOP has gone off the deep (Right) end. Any chance they had with Independents, was stolen by Satan! And gay people! And sluts who use birth control!

Just plain bizarre.

The GOP will flock together and all vote for Romney when the time comes but that won't be enough.

Actually? The GOP heirchy is entirely LEFT as they fill the void as Democrats of old are extinct...and the entire government has shifted left.:eusa_hand:

Funny, all I hear Santorum and Gingrich talk about all the time for the last few weeks is abortion, contraceptives and God.

That's because those clowns, including Romney, don't have a clue for fixing our economy. So they distract and divert...and it's working but it's going to backfire in November when women show up at the polls.....about a hundred million of them to be exact.
Actually? The GOP heirchy is entirely LEFT as they fill the void as Democrats of old are extinct...and the entire government has shifted left.:eusa_hand:

Funny, all I hear Santorum and Gingrich talk about all the time for the last few weeks is abortion, contraceptives and God.

We have a good candidate in Romney and he is a career business man.
How is making it in the business world "left"?

To us in the business world political ideology is 95% FISCAL.
We could give a rat's ass about social policies that define what is "left" and "right".
The RELIGOUS right wing Republican Party has ruined the party. They are religous kooks that worry more about gays, abortion, contraceptives and God than the damn country.
Fuck all of them as I am sick of their Bull Shit.
A big tent Republican party-we would win the Presidency for the next 50 years. I know many people that would vote with us if the GOP would send the fundamentalist right PACKING!
Then I would say Fuck the Democrats when they would bitch about it.

A big tent Republican? As in John reach across the isles McCain? If that's the kind of party you want for the republican party why don't you just switch to the democrats?

McCain was not and is not a big tent Republican.
His choice of Palin sunk the ship.
Actually? The GOP heirchy is entirely LEFT as they fill the void as Democrats of old are extinct...and the entire government has shifted left.:eusa_hand:

Funny, all I hear Santorum and Gingrich talk about all the time for the last few weeks is abortion, contraceptives and God.

That's because those clowns, including Romney, don't have a clue for fixing our economy. So they distract and divert...and it's working but it's going to backfire in November when women show up at the polls.....about a hundred million of them to be exact.

Government does not fix economies.
They fuck up economies.
Keep tax rates low and the economy fixes itself.
Funny, all I hear Santorum and Gingrich talk about all the time for the last few weeks is abortion, contraceptives and God.

We have a good candidate in Romney and he is a career business man.
How is making it in the business world "left"?

To us in the business world political ideology is 95% FISCAL.
We could give a rat's ass about social policies that define what is "left" and "right".
The RELIGOUS right wing Republican Party has ruined the party. They are religous kooks that worry more about gays, abortion, contraceptives and God than the damn country.
Fuck all of them as I am sick of their Bull Shit.
A big tent Republican party-we would win the Presidency for the next 50 years. I know many people that would vote with us if the GOP would send the fundamentalist right PACKING!
Then I would say Fuck the Democrats when they would bitch about it.

A big tent Republican? As in John reach across the isles McCain? If that's the kind of party you want for the republican party why don't you just switch to the democrats?

McCain was not and is not a big tent Republican.
His choice of Palin sunk the ship.
McCain chose Palin to get the Conservative vote don't be fooled to think he's not a big guberment republican.
A big tent Republican? As in John reach across the isles McCain? If that's the kind of party you want for the republican party why don't you just switch to the democrats?

McCain was not and is not a big tent Republican.
His choice of Palin sunk the ship.
McCain chose Palin to get the Conservative vote don't be fooled to think he's not a big guberment republican.

McCain is a Conservative when it comes to him wanting to be elected.


He should join the Democrats that he is so fond of going across the Aisle to fondle.
McCain was not and is not a big tent Republican.
His choice of Palin sunk the ship.
McCain chose Palin to get the Conservative vote don't be fooled to think he's not a big guberment republican.

McCain is a Conservative when it comes to him wanting to be elected.


He should join the Democrats that he is so fond of going across the Aisle to fondle.

Romney is another McCain.
As a proud independent and a moderate (or RINO) it's easy to explain.
What the GOP has offered up is just plain sad. But that's what one gets when the extreme element of an ideology is running the show. We end up having a contest between the candidates to see who can appease the extreme element the best.
The problem is this drives away a large majority of the more so less extreme element of the said ideology, plus the all important independent/centralist which is the voting block that always decides elections..
Obama is too far left for me but I can see why he is getting stronger with the electorate. Obama, almost appears as a centralist instead of the far lefty he is, when one looks and listens to the current crop of GOP candidates. The GOP candidates and the far right element are that far out of touch with a majority of Americans.
Of course none of the far right will ever admit to the fact that they are so clueless about Main Street America that they are going to help re-elect a pretty piss poor president. But the proof is in the pudding.
Actually? The GOP heirchy is entirely LEFT as they fill the void as Democrats of old are extinct...and the entire government has shifted left.:eusa_hand:

Funny, all I hear Santorum and Gingrich talk about all the time for the last few weeks is abortion, contraceptives and God.

We have a good candidate in Romney and he is a career business man.
How is making it in the business world "left"?

To us in the business world political ideology is 95% FISCAL.
We could give a rat's ass about social policies that define what is "left" and "right".
The RELIGOUS right wing Republican Party has ruined the party. They are religous kooks that worry more about gays, abortion, contraceptives and God than the damn country.
Fuck all of them as I am sick of their Bull Shit.
A big tent Republican party-we would win the Presidency for the next 50 years. I know many people that would vote with us if the GOP would send the fundamentalist right PACKING!
Then I would say Fuck the Democrats when they would bitch about it.

A big tent Republican? As in John reach across the isles McCain? If that's the kind of party you want for the republican party why don't you just switch to the democrats?

McCain was not and is not a big tent Republican.
His choice of Palin sunk the ship.
McCain chose Palin to get the Conservative vote don't be fooled to think he's not a big guberment republican.

McCain is a Conservative when it comes to him wanting to be elected.


He should join the Democrats that he is so fond of going across the Aisle to fondle.

So Reb and The T feel that no one should ever "go across the aisle".
Do you mean working with the other party? If not, what do you mean?
McCain chose Palin to get the Conservative vote don't be fooled to think he's not a big guberment republican.

McCain is a Conservative when it comes to him wanting to be elected.


He should join the Democrats that he is so fond of going across the Aisle to fondle.

Romney is another McCain.

Romney is being called on an editorial he did in 2009 regarding 'ObamaCare' where he advocated the mandate people buy a policy or else.

The editorial disappeared off the pages of the Web...

Wonder why? :eusa_whistle:
McCain is a Conservative when it comes to him wanting to be elected.


He should join the Democrats that he is so fond of going across the Aisle to fondle.

Romney is another McCain.

Romney is being called on an editorial he did in 2009 regarding 'ObamaCare' where he advocated the mandate people buy a policy or else.

The editorial disappeared off the pages of the Web...

Wonder why? :eusa_whistle:

He thought people would forget about his mandate dream.
Look girls, if this question is too tough, it's cool just tell me:

So Reb and The T feel that no one should ever "go across the aisle".
Do you mean working with the other party? If not, what do you mean?
Funny, all I hear Santorum and Gingrich talk about all the time for the last few weeks is abortion, contraceptives and God.

We have a good candidate in Romney and he is a career business man.
How is making it in the business world "left"?

To us in the business world political ideology is 95% FISCAL.
We could give a rat's ass about social policies that define what is "left" and "right".
The RELIGOUS right wing Republican Party has ruined the party. They are religous kooks that worry more about gays, abortion, contraceptives and God than the damn country.
Fuck all of them as I am sick of their Bull Shit.
A big tent Republican party-we would win the Presidency for the next 50 years. I know many people that would vote with us if the GOP would send the fundamentalist right PACKING!
Then I would say Fuck the Democrats when they would bitch about it.

A big tent Republican? As in John reach across the isles McCain? If that's the kind of party you want for the republican party why don't you just switch to the democrats?

McCain chose Palin to get the Conservative vote don't be fooled to think he's not a big guberment republican.

McCain is a Conservative when it comes to him wanting to be elected.


He should join the Democrats that he is so fond of going across the Aisle to fondle.

So Reb and The T feel that no one should ever "go across the aisle".
Do you mean working with the other party? If not, what do you mean?

No they should not compromise with people whom they have nothing in common with. Let's compromise abortion will be illegal in all states but the state you live in. Hows that for a compromise?
Funny, all I hear Santorum and Gingrich talk about all the time for the last few weeks is abortion, contraceptives and God.

We have a good candidate in Romney and he is a career business man.
How is making it in the business world "left"?

To us in the business world political ideology is 95% FISCAL.
We could give a rat's ass about social policies that define what is "left" and "right".
The RELIGOUS right wing Republican Party has ruined the party. They are religous kooks that worry more about gays, abortion, contraceptives and God than the damn country.
Fuck all of them as I am sick of their Bull Shit.
A big tent Republican party-we would win the Presidency for the next 50 years. I know many people that would vote with us if the GOP would send the fundamentalist right PACKING!
Then I would say Fuck the Democrats when they would bitch about it.

A big tent Republican? As in John reach across the isles McCain? If that's the kind of party you want for the republican party why don't you just switch to the democrats?

McCain chose Palin to get the Conservative vote don't be fooled to think he's not a big guberment republican.

McCain is a Conservative when it comes to him wanting to be elected.


He should join the Democrats that he is so fond of going across the Aisle to fondle.

So Reb and The T feel that no one should ever "go across the aisle".
Do you mean working with the other party? If not, what do you mean?

Every poll I have seen clearly and overwhelmingly shows that a huge majority of Americans want bi-partisanship/compromise.
Successful businesses look at a variety of ideas and often blend ideas to be successful. Small-minded and narrow thinking leads to failure. Ask any successful company which is the best approach.
Romney is another McCain.

Romney is being called on an editorial he did in 2009 regarding 'ObamaCare' where he advocated the mandate people buy a policy or else.

The editorial disappeared off the pages of the Web...

Wonder why? :eusa_whistle:

He thought people would forget about his mandate dream.
And as he was asked a question yesterday from a woman that wanted total confirmation from Romney that he would repeal 'ObamaCare'...

Mitt Romney's New Mandate Problem


USAToday: Mr. President, What's the Rush? - Mitt Romney

Real Clear Politics: Cantor Endorses Romney: Bold Plan Will Get Economy Back On Track
Look girls, if this question is too tough, it's cool just tell me:

So Reb and The T feel that no one should ever "go across the aisle".
Do you mean working with the other party? If not, what do you mean?

Absolutely I don't think that way when the other side winds up cutting your throat in the end you myophic oaf.

The Republicans refuse to learn...and they refuse to grow a spine.

YOU aren't very smart, are you?

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