Obama is Playing with Impeachment Fire by His Own Statements


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2010
Obama is Playing with Impeachment Fire by His Own Statements

President Obama is poised to ignore stark warnings that executive action on immigration would amount to “violating our laws” and would be “very difficult to defend legally.”

Those warnings came not from Republican lawmakers but from Mr. Obama himself:

1. In a Telemundo interview in September 2013, Mr. Obama said he was proud of having protected the “Dreamers” — people who came to the United States illegally as young children — from deportation. But he also said that he could not apply that same action to other groups of people.

“If we start broadening that, then essentially I’ll be ignoring the law in a way that I think would be very difficult to defend legally,” Mr. Obama told Jose Diaz-Balart in the interview. “So that’s not an option.”

2. “Getting a comprehensive deal of the sort that is in the Senate legislation, for example, does extend beyond my legal authorities,” Mr. Obama said Sunday. “There are certain things I cannot do.”

3. “This is something that I have struggled with throughout my presidency,” Mr. Obama said. “The problem is, is that I’m the president of the United States, I’m not the emperor of the United States. My job is to execute laws that are passed.

4. In an immigration speech in San Francisco last November, protesters repeatedly interrupted the president, yelling, “Stop deportations!” Mr. Obama told the protesters that he respected their “passion,” but insisted that only Congress had the authority to do what they wanted.

5. And at a Town Hall in March of 2011, months before taking action to keep the Dreamers from being deported, Mr. Obama said the nation’s laws were clear enough “that for me to simply, through executive order, ignore those congressional mandates would not conform with my appropriate role as president.”


If Mr.Obama goes ahead with the Immigration EO, he is acting contrary to existing law and he knows it. He is acting as , in his own words, “Emperor of the United States.” He acknowledges his job is to execute the existing laws of the United States.

If the tables were turned, and he was now the Senator he once was, and the president was espousing the writing of the Immigration EO he now plans…he would be calling for Impeachment of the president. Just look at his earlier statements and tell me how he can justify the act of the Immigration Executive Order. He can’t.

Abuse of Power could be consider a High Crime. What’s stopping other presidents in the future usurping power if this one is not stopped?

He’s playing with fire. And he’s the one lighting the match.
he know's exactly what's he's doing

He isn't happy unless he creates chaos in our lives. it's been constant since he took office

If the people don't demand he be stopped, we can expect future Presidents to act more like a dictator than he does. Hopefully these last two elections has been a sign they are having enough of it.
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Go for it.
They just might. It may come down to not a personal point against Obama, but the office itself. There are strict boundaries for each branch of office. The boundaries have been stretched in the Executive Branch and it just may be up to the people and our representatives to determine if the have been stretched to the point of being broken.

Maybe this is the first time in our history that the fragility of our constitution has become an issue. Even when the Supreme Court has two paths to walk, the strict constructionist and the activist, the constitution is in danger of being weakened if we aren't there top enforce it.
Hopefully these last two elections has been a sign they are having enough of it.

Absolutely - I think the time he won re-election was proof that people were sick to death of him. Was that what you meant?
They should go for it. The liberals all said that shutting down the government was going to hurt the republicans but they won in a landslide. Impeach the bastard.
If he pursues this action he will most certainly "poison the well" and if relations between the branches of government were dysfunctional before an EO would push all hopes of working together over a cliff.
Obama is Playing with Impeachment Fire by His Own Statements

President Obama is poised to ignore stark warnings that executive action on immigration would amount to “violating our laws” and would be “very difficult to defend legally.”

Those warnings came not from Republican lawmakers but from Mr. Obama himself:

1. In a Telemundo interview in September 2013, Mr. Obama said he was proud of having protected the “Dreamers” — people who came to the United States illegally as young children — from deportation. But he also said that he could not apply that same action to other groups of people.

“If we start broadening that, then essentially I’ll be ignoring the law in a way that I think would be very difficult to defend legally,” Mr. Obama told Jose Diaz-Balart in the interview. “So that’s not an option.”

2. “Getting a comprehensive deal of the sort that is in the Senate legislation, for example, does extend beyond my legal authorities,” Mr. Obama said Sunday. “There are certain things I cannot do.”

3. “This is something that I have struggled with throughout my presidency,” Mr. Obama said. “The problem is, is that I’m the president of the United States, I’m not the emperor of the United States. My job is to execute laws that are passed.

4. In an immigration speech in San Francisco last November, protesters repeatedly interrupted the president, yelling, “Stop deportations!” Mr. Obama told the protesters that he respected their “passion,” but insisted that only Congress had the authority to do what they wanted.

5. And at a Town Hall in March of 2011, months before taking action to keep the Dreamers from being deported, Mr. Obama said the nation’s laws were clear enough “that for me to simply, through executive order, ignore those congressional mandates would not conform with my appropriate role as president.”


If Mr.Obama goes ahead with the Immigration EO, he is acting contrary to existing law and he knows it. He is acting as , in his own words, “Emperor of the United States.” He acknowledges his job is to execute the existing laws of the United States.

If the tables were turned, and he was now the Senator he once was, and the president was espousing the writing of the Immigration EO he now plans…he would be calling for Impeachment of the president. Just look at his earlier statements and tell me how he can justify the act of the Immigration Executive Order. He can’t.

Abuse of Power could be consider a High Crime. What’s stopping other presidents in the future usurping power if this one is not stopped?

He’s playing with fire. And he’s the one lighting the match.
if the eo is contrary to the law, the courts will decide that. issuing a contradictory eo has never been treated as a crime. i wonder why people feel it is now?
Hopefully these last two elections has been a sign they are having enough of it.

Absolutely - I think the time he won re-election was proof that people were sick to death of him. Was that what you meant?

can you come and live in the here and now, today, last week even
you progressives are so sophisticated than why do you REGRESS all the time? You look stupid
He wants the Rs to start impeachment hearings. Then he will get his media to do their dirty work.

What has he got to lose?
Stpehanie -

I'd be more worried looking stupid if I'd said a that reelection was a sign that people were sick of Obama.

That's simply bonkers.
Stpehanie -

I'd be more worried looking stupid if I'd said a that reelection was a sign that people were sick of Obama.

That's simply bonkers.

We don't have dictators in our country. Don't know what you have in your country. At least learn how our country and Government works if you're going to be such an ass
Way to go Mr President!

Do what you think is right and let the chips fall where they may. The sign of a good leader
If he pursues this action he will most certainly "poison the well" and if relations between the branches of government were dysfunctional before an EO would push all hopes of working together over a cliff.
Obama is Playing with Impeachment Fire by His Own Statements

President Obama is poised to ignore stark warnings that executive action on immigration would amount to “violating our laws” and would be “very difficult to defend legally.”

Those warnings came not from Republican lawmakers but from Mr. Obama himself:

1. In a Telemundo interview in September 2013, Mr. Obama said he was proud of having protected the “Dreamers” — people who came to the United States illegally as young children — from deportation. But he also said that he could not apply that same action to other groups of people.

“If we start broadening that, then essentially I’ll be ignoring the law in a way that I think would be very difficult to defend legally,” Mr. Obama told Jose Diaz-Balart in the interview. “So that’s not an option.”

2. “Getting a comprehensive deal of the sort that is in the Senate legislation, for example, does extend beyond my legal authorities,” Mr. Obama said Sunday. “There are certain things I cannot do.”

3. “This is something that I have struggled with throughout my presidency,” Mr. Obama said. “The problem is, is that I’m the president of the United States, I’m not the emperor of the United States. My job is to execute laws that are passed.

4. In an immigration speech in San Francisco last November, protesters repeatedly interrupted the president, yelling, “Stop deportations!” Mr. Obama told the protesters that he respected their “passion,” but insisted that only Congress had the authority to do what they wanted.

5. And at a Town Hall in March of 2011, months before taking action to keep the Dreamers from being deported, Mr. Obama said the nation’s laws were clear enough “that for me to simply, through executive order, ignore those congressional mandates would not conform with my appropriate role as president.”


If Mr.Obama goes ahead with the Immigration EO, he is acting contrary to existing law and he knows it. He is acting as , in his own words, “Emperor of the United States.” He acknowledges his job is to execute the existing laws of the United States.

If the tables were turned, and he was now the Senator he once was, and the president was espousing the writing of the Immigration EO he now plans…he would be calling for Impeachment of the president. Just look at his earlier statements and tell me how he can justify the act of the Immigration Executive Order. He can’t.

Abuse of Power could be consider a High Crime. What’s stopping other presidents in the future usurping power if this one is not stopped?

He’s playing with fire. And he’s the one lighting the match.
if the eo is contrary to the law, the courts will decide that. issuing a contradictory eo has never been treated as a crime. i wonder why people feel it is now?

Can you tell me which EO's those were?
Obama is Playing with Impeachment Fire by His Own Statements

President Obama is poised to ignore stark warnings that executive action on immigration would amount to “violating our laws” and would be “very difficult to defend legally.”

Those warnings came not from Republican lawmakers but from Mr. Obama himself:

1. In a Telemundo interview in September 2013, Mr. Obama said he was proud of having protected the “Dreamers” — people who came to the United States illegally as young children — from deportation. But he also said that he could not apply that same action to other groups of people.

“If we start broadening that, then essentially I’ll be ignoring the law in a way that I think would be very difficult to defend legally,” Mr. Obama told Jose Diaz-Balart in the interview. “So that’s not an option.”

2. “Getting a comprehensive deal of the sort that is in the Senate legislation, for example, does extend beyond my legal authorities,” Mr. Obama said Sunday. “There are certain things I cannot do.”

3. “This is something that I have struggled with throughout my presidency,” Mr. Obama said. “The problem is, is that I’m the president of the United States, I’m not the emperor of the United States. My job is to execute laws that are passed.

4. In an immigration speech in San Francisco last November, protesters repeatedly interrupted the president, yelling, “Stop deportations!” Mr. Obama told the protesters that he respected their “passion,” but insisted that only Congress had the authority to do what they wanted.

5. And at a Town Hall in March of 2011, months before taking action to keep the Dreamers from being deported, Mr. Obama said the nation’s laws were clear enough “that for me to simply, through executive order, ignore those congressional mandates would not conform with my appropriate role as president.”


If Mr.Obama goes ahead with the Immigration EO, he is acting contrary to existing law and he knows it. He is acting as , in his own words, “Emperor of the United States.” He acknowledges his job is to execute the existing laws of the United States.

If the tables were turned, and he was now the Senator he once was, and the president was espousing the writing of the Immigration EO he now plans…he would be calling for Impeachment of the president. Just look at his earlier statements and tell me how he can justify the act of the Immigration Executive Order. He can’t.

Abuse of Power could be consider a High Crime. What’s stopping other presidents in the future usurping power if this one is not stopped?

He’s playing with fire. And he’s the one lighting the match.
The Rachel Maddow Show on msnbc

"GOP Employs Selective On Immigration"

Both The Great Jelly Bean Eater and Poppi Bush signed Immigration Amnesty and the RePug did not do shit about it.

Hypocrite Much?
Obama is Playing with Impeachment Fire by His Own Statements

President Obama is poised to ignore stark warnings that executive action on immigration would amount to “violating our laws” and would be “very difficult to defend legally.”

Those warnings came not from Republican lawmakers but from Mr. Obama himself:

1. In a Telemundo interview in September 2013, Mr. Obama said he was proud of having protected the “Dreamers” — people who came to the United States illegally as young children — from deportation. But he also said that he could not apply that same action to other groups of people.

“If we start broadening that, then essentially I’ll be ignoring the law in a way that I think would be very difficult to defend legally,” Mr. Obama told Jose Diaz-Balart in the interview. “So that’s not an option.”

2. “Getting a comprehensive deal of the sort that is in the Senate legislation, for example, does extend beyond my legal authorities,” Mr. Obama said Sunday. “There are certain things I cannot do.”

3. “This is something that I have struggled with throughout my presidency,” Mr. Obama said. “The problem is, is that I’m the president of the United States, I’m not the emperor of the United States. My job is to execute laws that are passed.

4. In an immigration speech in San Francisco last November, protesters repeatedly interrupted the president, yelling, “Stop deportations!” Mr. Obama told the protesters that he respected their “passion,” but insisted that only Congress had the authority to do what they wanted.

5. And at a Town Hall in March of 2011, months before taking action to keep the Dreamers from being deported, Mr. Obama said the nation’s laws were clear enough “that for me to simply, through executive order, ignore those congressional mandates would not conform with my appropriate role as president.”


If Mr.Obama goes ahead with the Immigration EO, he is acting contrary to existing law and he knows it. He is acting as , in his own words, “Emperor of the United States.” He acknowledges his job is to execute the existing laws of the United States.

If the tables were turned, and he was now the Senator he once was, and the president was espousing the writing of the Immigration EO he now plans…he would be calling for Impeachment of the president. Just look at his earlier statements and tell me how he can justify the act of the Immigration Executive Order. He can’t.

Abuse of Power could be consider a High Crime. What’s stopping other presidents in the future usurping power if this one is not stopped?

He’s playing with fire. And he’s the one lighting the match.
The Rachel Maddow Show on msnbc

"GOP Employs Selective On Immigration"

Both The Great Jelly Bean Eater and Poppi Bush signed Immigration Amnesty and the RePug did not do shit about it.

Hypocrite Much?

you really are a poor tool. how many time's do you need to get slapped down for posting that same crap over and over?
If he pursues this action he will most certainly "poison the well" and if relations between the branches of government were dysfunctional before an EO would push all hopes of working together over a cliff.
Obama is Playing with Impeachment Fire by His Own Statements

President Obama is poised to ignore stark warnings that executive action on immigration would amount to “violating our laws” and would be “very difficult to defend legally.”

Those warnings came not from Republican lawmakers but from Mr. Obama himself:

1. In a Telemundo interview in September 2013, Mr. Obama said he was proud of having protected the “Dreamers” — people who came to the United States illegally as young children — from deportation. But he also said that he could not apply that same action to other groups of people.

“If we start broadening that, then essentially I’ll be ignoring the law in a way that I think would be very difficult to defend legally,” Mr. Obama told Jose Diaz-Balart in the interview. “So that’s not an option.”

2. “Getting a comprehensive deal of the sort that is in the Senate legislation, for example, does extend beyond my legal authorities,” Mr. Obama said Sunday. “There are certain things I cannot do.”

3. “This is something that I have struggled with throughout my presidency,” Mr. Obama said. “The problem is, is that I’m the president of the United States, I’m not the emperor of the United States. My job is to execute laws that are passed.

4. In an immigration speech in San Francisco last November, protesters repeatedly interrupted the president, yelling, “Stop deportations!” Mr. Obama told the protesters that he respected their “passion,” but insisted that only Congress had the authority to do what they wanted.

5. And at a Town Hall in March of 2011, months before taking action to keep the Dreamers from being deported, Mr. Obama said the nation’s laws were clear enough “that for me to simply, through executive order, ignore those congressional mandates would not conform with my appropriate role as president.”


If Mr.Obama goes ahead with the Immigration EO, he is acting contrary to existing law and he knows it. He is acting as , in his own words, “Emperor of the United States.” He acknowledges his job is to execute the existing laws of the United States.

If the tables were turned, and he was now the Senator he once was, and the president was espousing the writing of the Immigration EO he now plans…he would be calling for Impeachment of the president. Just look at his earlier statements and tell me how he can justify the act of the Immigration Executive Order. He can’t.

Abuse of Power could be consider a High Crime. What’s stopping other presidents in the future usurping power if this one is not stopped?

He’s playing with fire. And he’s the one lighting the match.
if the eo is contrary to the law, the courts will decide that. issuing a contradictory eo has never been treated as a crime. i wonder why people feel it is now?

Can you tell me which EO's those were?
sure. truman issued one that was overturned nationalizing steel mills and clinton issued one that was overturned prohibiting federal contracting with companies that employed strike breakers.

the courts were used to decide if they were contradictory to the law, but neither were used as evidence of 'high crimes'
Way to go Mr President!

Do what you think is right and let the chips fall where they may. The sign of a good leader

He made five statements about what he thought was right. And now he is doing the opposite. And you say, "Way to go?" I think I'm a bit worried about his mental attitude.
Obama would like nothing more than to be impeached. It would erase all of the failures of his presidency by giving him the excuse that they were all due to racism.

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