Obama Is Ruining America - Really? Tell Us Exactly HOW He Is Doing That

it was an example of outsourcing. the same thing happens with IT. or maybe you dont understand how the global economy works.

Where does Apple make all of its technology? China
HP? China
Textiles? China
IT? India

and why do they do this? Cheap Labor.

I'm well aware, I'm a Microsoft Partner. More often t han not when I call MS for something like SQL support, I get some guy named "Jim" who has a thick Indian accent.

so what is your solution to solve outsourcing beside "lowering corporate taxes"?

You don't get it.

The outcome we currently have is the desired outcome of conservatism.

This is exactly what they want.
The financial and banking industries took huge risks and lost. That's what happened. And they had no liquidity to manage those losses..so they turned to the public sector for help. And they got it. It wasn't small help either..and the right is constantly bitching about the cost.
This is why so many of us are against the bailouts in the first place. In one breath you are berating the companies for seeking public help and praising Obama for giving it to them! Pick one or you are being a hack. Those companies should not have received help in the first place.

just about every economist agreed that the stimulus and bailout was necessary to help stop the skid. even McCain's old campaign manager has publicly stated that McCain would have done something similar to get the economy started and mitigate the losses. This issue that I have when people say they were against the stimulus and bailout, is they fail to take into account what basically all economists believe would have happened and that would have been 12-14% unemployment and a possible depression. So, lets say Obama had rejected the bailouts and stimulus, and unemployment would have risen to 12-14%, would you be on the otherside of the argument calling for a bailout and stimulus? if Gm and Chrysler had failed and as predicted 1 millions jobs were lost between those 2 companies, would you have said they deserved help?

Honestly, I don’t really believe that the stimulus prevented much. There is nothing to show that it did. Thos same economists were predicting less than 8 percent unemployment and a recovery that was supposed to start MUCH sooner but they were wrong on both those accounts. Why are we giving them a free pass on the other account? Also, I would not have minded if the stimulus was geared more toward the people instead of to the financial institution that made bad decisions. Most of the fallout that was predicted was a result of the economists predicting that credit would freeze. It froze anyway and I would have been far more receptive to the government giving temporary loans to companies that deserved (not ones that were insolvent) it if the banks were unable to loan due to availability of cash. On that same note, all those ‘shovel ready’ projects that did not exist were straight lies and the stimulus was chock full of crap projects and extending state jobs that needed to go as we are feeling that crunch now. Those jobs did not get paid for indefinitely and now we are experiencing the exact same problems in a belated manner with a larger deficit. The stimulus and the bailouts were handled very badly and the cash ended up supporting companies that made bad calls, keeping those that should have lost their jobs and companies that should no longer exist to continue their existence.

On that same token, the bailout of GM preventing the mass job losses is bullshit as well. They went into bankruptcy – the exact process that they would have passed through had they not been put on the government dole. The one major result of that was to ensure that the union cronies that elected Obama received their cut of the pirated company. It was a crooked deal from the get go. IF, and that is a big if, the labor markets were going to get hit much harder than they did we could have helper the people directly but not until then.

The big difference with what I would have accepted and what was done was the level it was done at. We gave to the corporations, something the government should NEVER do. We should have helped the people, something that the government should only do when absolutely necessary. We practiced cooperate cronyism with trillions all while the democrats cheering and demanding it. That is supposed to be the republican’s job as the libs here keep telling me. I guess there really is no difference between the parties.
This is why so many of us are against the bailouts in the first place. In one breath you are berating the companies for seeking public help and praising Obama for giving it to them! Pick one or you are being a hack. Those companies should not have received help in the first place.

just about every economist agreed that the stimulus and bailout was necessary to help stop the skid. even McCain's old campaign manager has publicly stated that McCain would have done something similar to get the economy started and mitigate the losses. This issue that I have when people say they were against the stimulus and bailout, is they fail to take into account what basically all economists believe would have happened and that would have been 12-14% unemployment and a possible depression. So, lets say Obama had rejected the bailouts and stimulus, and unemployment would have risen to 12-14%, would you be on the otherside of the argument calling for a bailout and stimulus? if Gm and Chrysler had failed and as predicted 1 millions jobs were lost between those 2 companies, would you have said they deserved help?

Honestly, I don’t really believe that the stimulus prevented much. There is nothing to show that it did. Thos same economists were predicting less than 8 percent unemployment and a recovery that was supposed to start MUCH sooner but they were wrong on both those accounts. Why are we giving them a free pass on the other account? Also, I would not have minded if the stimulus was geared more toward the people instead of to the financial institution that made bad decisions. Most of the fallout that was predicted was a result of the economists predicting that credit would freeze. It froze anyway and I would have been far more receptive to the government giving temporary loans to companies that deserved (not ones that were insolvent) it if the banks were unable to loan due to availability of cash. On that same note, all those ‘shovel ready’ projects that did not exist were straight lies and the stimulus was chock full of crap projects and extending state jobs that needed to go as we are feeling that crunch now. Those jobs did not get paid for indefinitely and now we are experiencing the exact same problems in a belated manner with a larger deficit. The stimulus and the bailouts were handled very badly and the cash ended up supporting companies that made bad calls, keeping those that should have lost their jobs and companies that should no longer exist to continue their existence.

On that same token, the bailout of GM preventing the mass job losses is bullshit as well. They went into bankruptcy – the exact process that they would have passed through had they not been put on the government dole. The one major result of that was to ensure that the union cronies that elected Obama received their cut of the pirated company. It was a crooked deal from the get go. IF, and that is a big if, the labor markets were going to get hit much harder than they did we could have helper the people directly but not until then.

The big difference with what I would have accepted and what was done was the level it was done at. We gave to the corporations, something the government should NEVER do. We should have helped the people, something that the government should only do when absolutely necessary. We practiced cooperate cronyism with trillions all while the democrats cheering and demanding it. That is supposed to be the republican’s job as the libs here keep telling me. I guess there really is no difference between the parties.

can you find any reputable opinions to back up your claims or are these solely your own personal views?
so what you just said is that because american workers make higher wages business owners turn to cheap labor over seas, so in essence americans should demand lower wages cause then we'll have more jobs..

tax rates are at the lowest level in 60 years, so im definitely sure those super high tax rates are just killing jobs

we are not over taxed compared to the rest of the world:

12 Countries With The Highest & Lowest Tax Rates | Business Pundit
Corporate Tax Revenues Nearing Historic Lows As A Percentage Of GDP, Report Says

If youi want to be retarded that's what it sounds like.

Problem is we not only have a high standard of living but everything is becoming more and more expensive.

So companies that can afford to move do.

I'm sure 4 more years of Obama will lower our standard of living.

Not sure that will bring any jobs back because cost to run a business will continue to go up thanks to green energy requirements.

so again, what you are proposing that we pay the american workers less so that companies can continue their large profits....:cuckoo:

so if were working in say manufacturing and was making $20 an hour, but a worker in say India or China makes $5 an hour, i should accept that fact that i will have to make it on 1/4th the wage because the company I work for wants to maximize profits?

Well, something's going to have to give.

Consumer goods, energy, everything needs to be less expensive.

But if you have someone sitting on their ass collecting $50 hour you need to get rid of them.

Some people are going to have to take a cut in pay and benefits to keep some of these businesses competitive.

Many of those countries have a low standard of living. Obama wants America to have a lower standard of living. That's why he's trying to raise the price of everything. To get us used to having less instead of having a better way of life. He's set for life. We're fucked.
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If youi want to be retarded that's what it sounds like.

Problem is we not only have a high standard of living but everything is becoming more and more expensive.

So companies that can afford to move do.

I'm sure 4 more years of Obama will lower our standard of living.

Not sure that will bring any jobs back because cost to run a business will continue to go up thanks to green energy requirements.

so again, what you are proposing that we pay the american workers less so that companies can continue their large profits....:cuckoo:

so if were working in say manufacturing and was making $20 an hour, but a worker in say India or China makes $5 an hour, i should accept that fact that i will have to make it on 1/4th the wage because the company I work for wants to maximize profits?

Well, something's going to have to give.

Consumer goods, energy, everything needs to be less expensive.

But if you have someone sitting on their ass collecting $50 hour you need to get rid of them.

Some people are going to have to take a cut in pay and benefits to keep some of these businesses competitive.

Many of those countries have a low standard of living. Obama wants America to have a lower standard of living. That's why he's trying to raise the price of everything. To get us used to having less instead of having a better way of life. He's set for life. We're fucked.

who said Obama wants america to have a low standard of living? your argument jumps all over the place.

are you worried about jobs being shipped overseas because they have cheap labor? or are you saying that americans need accept a lower wages for their jobs so that goods and services are cheaper?
If you want to find out what Obama has done to the economy, have an appraisal of your home done in the next month.

Most homes have lost 60% of their resale value since 08'.

It doesn't usually take this long for the market to recover.

This is the dirty little secret Obama is trying to distract us from.
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If youi want to be retarded that's what it sounds like.

Problem is we not only have a high standard of living but everything is becoming more and more expensive.

So companies that can afford to move do.

I'm sure 4 more years of Obama will lower our standard of living.

Not sure that will bring any jobs back because cost to run a business will continue to go up thanks to green energy requirements.

so again, what you are proposing that we pay the american workers less so that companies can continue their large profits....:cuckoo:

so if were working in say manufacturing and was making $20 an hour, but a worker in say India or China makes $5 an hour, i should accept that fact that i will have to make it on 1/4th the wage because the company I work for wants to maximize profits?

Well, something's going to have to give.

Consumer goods, energy, everything needs to be less expensive.

But if you have someone sitting on their ass collecting $50 hour you need to get rid of them.

Some people are going to have to take a cut in pay and benefits to keep some of these businesses competitive.

Many of those countries have a low standard of living. Obama wants America to have a lower standard of living. That's why he's trying to raise the price of everything. To get us used to having less instead of having a better way of life. He's set for life. We're fucked.

:lol: Tell me you posted this completely without being under the influence of anything.

Oh man.
If you want to find out what Obama has done to the economy, have an appraisal of your home done in the next month.

Most homes have lost 60% of their resale value since 08'.

It doesn't usually take this long for the market to recover.

This is the dirty little secret Obama is trying to distract us from.

didnt the bubble burst in W?

and how is the price of your house Obama's fault? wasnt that the greed on wall street and the lack of regulation the main cause of the financial collapse?

Obama didnt even take office until Jan 2009

Just because it "usually" doesnt take this long for the market to recover, doent mean that the markert hasnt begun to recover. :cuckoo:
so again, what you are proposing that we pay the american workers less so that companies can continue their large profits....:cuckoo:

so if were working in say manufacturing and was making $20 an hour, but a worker in say India or China makes $5 an hour, i should accept that fact that i will have to make it on 1/4th the wage because the company I work for wants to maximize profits?

Well, something's going to have to give.

Consumer goods, energy, everything needs to be less expensive.

But if you have someone sitting on their ass collecting $50 hour you need to get rid of them.

Some people are going to have to take a cut in pay and benefits to keep some of these businesses competitive.

Many of those countries have a low standard of living. Obama wants America to have a lower standard of living. That's why he's trying to raise the price of everything. To get us used to having less instead of having a better way of life. He's set for life. We're fucked.

who said Obama wants america to have a low standard of living? your argument jumps all over the place.

are you worried about jobs being shipped overseas because they have cheap labor? or are you saying that americans need accept a lower wages for their jobs so that goods and services are cheaper?

Obama has said in many ways.

One that sticks out is this quote by Obama:

"Cap&Trade will necessarily increase energy costs!"
If you want to find out what Obama has done to the economy, have an appraisal of your home done in the next month.

Most homes have lost 60% of their resale value since 08'.

It doesn't usually take this long for the market to recover.

This is the dirty little secret Obama is trying to distract us from.

didnt the bubble burst in W?

and how is the price of your house Obama's fault? wasnt that the greed on wall street and the lack of regulation the main cause of the financial collapse?

Obama didnt even take office until Jan 2009

Just because it "usually" doesnt take this long for the market to recover, doent mean that the markert hasnt begun to recover. :cuckoo:

It all depends what recovery is.

Published: Tuesday, 14 Jun 2011 | 12:04 PM ET
It's official: The housing crisis that began in 2006 and has recently entered a double dips is now worse than the Great Depression.

Prices have fallen some 33 percent since the market began its collapse, greater than the 31 percent fall that began in the late 1920s and culminated in the early 1930s, according to Case-Shiller data.
The news comes as the Federal Reserve considers whether the economy has regained enough strength to stand on its own and as unemployment remains at a still-elevated 9.1 percent, throwing into question whether the recovery is real.
"The sharp fall in house prices in the first quarter provided further confirmation that this housing crash has been larger and faster than the than the one during the Great Depression," Paul Dales, senior economist at Capital Economics in Toronto, wrote in research for clients.
News Headlines
If you want to find out what Obama has done to the economy, have an appraisal of your home done in the next month.

Most homes have lost 60% of their resale value since 08'.

It doesn't usually take this long for the market to recover.

This is the dirty little secret Obama is trying to distract us from.

didnt the bubble burst in W?

and how is the price of your house Obama's fault? wasnt that the greed on wall street and the lack of regulation the main cause of the financial collapse?

Obama didnt even take office until Jan 2009

Just because it "usually" doesnt take this long for the market to recover, doent mean that the markert hasnt begun to recover. :cuckoo:

It all depends what recovery is.

Published: Tuesday, 14 Jun 2011 | 12:04 PM ET
It's official: The housing crisis that began in 2006 and has recently entered a double dips is now worse than the Great Depression.

Prices have fallen some 33 percent since the market began its collapse, greater than the 31 percent fall that began in the late 1920s and culminated in the early 1930s, according to Case-Shiller data.
The news comes as the Federal Reserve considers whether the economy has regained enough strength to stand on its own and as unemployment remains at a still-elevated 9.1 percent, throwing into question whether the recovery is real.
"The sharp fall in house prices in the first quarter provided further confirmation that this housing crash has been larger and faster than the than the one during the Great Depression," Paul Dales, senior economist at Capital Economics in Toronto, wrote in research for clients.
News Headlines

Home prices are still falling.

5 years and we still aren't recovering from the crash that started in 06'.

Who's fault is that?

What happened to the TARP and Stimulus Obama has had the last 3 yrs? Almost $2 trillion flushed overseas.
Home prices are still falling.

Wow, it is called a bubble bursting. Why is this such a shocker for you?

Bubbles don't leak continually for 6 years MORON. The shocker is that you're so damn ignorant you don't the difference.

how long did the depression last? 10 years?

the low housing prices are a direct result of the recession and slow hiring rate at corporations. GDP is growing, but jobs are not because business owners are doing more with less people to maximize profits.
Wow, it is called a bubble bursting. Why is this such a shocker for you?

Bubbles don't leak continually for 6 years MORON. The shocker is that you're so damn ignorant you don't the difference.

how long did the depression last? 10 years?

the low housing prices are a direct result of the recession and slow hiring rate at corporations. GDP is growing, but jobs are not because business owners are doing more with less people to maximize profits.

Get this through your brainwashed SKULL- the housing market has COLLAPSED, period, eclipsing the housing market during the Great Depression. Now bow down and thank your god DingleBarry..
Bubbles don't leak continually for 6 years MORON. The shocker is that you're so damn ignorant you don't the difference.

how long did the depression last? 10 years?

the low housing prices are a direct result of the recession and slow hiring rate at corporations. GDP is growing, but jobs are not because business owners are doing more with less people to maximize profits.

Get this through your brainwashed SKULL- the housing market has COLLAPSED, period, eclipsing the housing market during the Great Depression. Now bow down and thank your god DingleBarry..

if that collapse happen in 2006 and its 2011 that makes 5 years, since the depression lasted 10 years im pretty sure 10 years in much longer than 5. glad to see you can do math.:clap2:
If you want to find out what Obama has done to the economy, have an appraisal of your home done in the next month.

Most homes have lost 60% of their resale value since 08'.

It doesn't usually take this long for the market to recover.

This is the dirty little secret Obama is trying to distract us from.

didnt the bubble burst in W?

and how is the price of your house Obama's fault? wasnt that the greed on wall street and the lack of regulation the main cause of the financial collapse?

Obama didnt even take office until Jan 2009

Just because it "usually" doesnt take this long for the market to recover, doent mean that the markert hasnt begun to recover. :cuckoo:

Economists said the recession ended in the Summer of 09'.

But here it is 2011 and the housing market is still getting worse. The Dodd - Frank bill has us on course for another housing market collapse. Obama's New Financial Regulation Bill Strangles America's Economy with Red Tape - FoxNews.com

So the logical conclusion is that the current President, who would rather golf then cut spending, believes in spending to get us out of a recession, and is putting the screws to businesses and banks is the primary cause.

Oh, did you hear yesterday he's finally gonna start working on jobs???

What took him so long?
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