Obama Is Ruining America - Really? Tell Us Exactly HOW He Is Doing That

Lately, I have heard a number of conservatives/Republicans grousing about the fact that, in their opinion, Obama is "sinking the country" or is "ruining America."

Is that what you think? If so, howz about coming on this thread and telling us SPECIFICALLY what you think he is doing to "sink the country." Frankly, I would like to know if there is anything to this claim, or if (as I strongly suspect), he just isn't falling in line with what the cons want to have happen.

Gentlemen (and ladies) - start your engines!

Well here's a start.

$1 billion dollars.jpg

1 billion dollars--100.00 bills stacked on palets.

$trillion dollars.jpg

1 trillion dollars (note how small the man is in this picture)--100.00 bills stacked on palets.

NOW--do you see the 1 trillion dollar chart above? That is LESS than what we are going to be paying for Obama's flood the basement economic policy--when he--in fire department speed signed off on the borrowed and spent 787 billion taxpayer dollar economic stimulus bill--with the promise that it would create MILLIONS of jobs. It went from that to "saving" government workers jobs--to then Nancy Pelosi referring to unemployment checks as economic stimulus. And unemployment jumped again last week.
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Well here's a start.

You are a imbecile.:cuckoo:

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1 trillion dollars of broken promises--we're still at 9.1% unemployment. 15 million unemployed--25% of this country considered underemployed--and 47 million Americans receiving food stamps.

Obama's policies suck, but I hope in your criticism that you are not advocating for Republicans since they are the ones who have lied us into this boondoggle. They are not the solution.
Lately, I have heard a number of conservatives/Republicans grousing about the fact that, in their opinion, Obama is "sinking the country" or is "ruining America."

Is that what you think? If so, howz about coming on this thread and telling us SPECIFICALLY what you think he is doing to "sink the country." Frankly, I would like to know if there is anything to this claim, or if (as I strongly suspect), he just isn't falling in line with what the cons want to have happen.

Gentlemen (and ladies) - start your engines!

6 trillion debt in 4 years. 9 percent unemployment after a supposed stimulus for 800 billion ( millions out of work and off the roles.) 4 wars. Obamacare. Using executive positions to change the laws and regulations Unconstitutionally. ( for example EPA).

Just for starters.
6 trillion debt in 4 years. 9 percent unemployment after a supposed stimulus for 800 billion ( millions out of work and off the roles.) 4 wars. Obamacare. Using executive positions to change the laws and regulations Unconstitutionally. ( for example EPA).

Just for starters.

If Nixon practiced the same rules that Obama practices, then he would not be impeached.

I write to you in this in skepticism since you are a man in the military, but Obama's practices on civil liberties is disgusting.
Waterboarding is torture, right! Come on guys. So we torture our own soldiers to prepare them for torture?

You have it on authority that the water boarding our soldiers experience in training is the same as the water boarding that would be administered to them by the enemy if captured or, for that matter, the same as the water boarding we practice on "enemy combatants"?

What do you think water boarding is? Seriously - tell me what you think happens, step by step, in a water boarding session.
I grow infinitely tired of the torture crap argument that is brought up again and again. We are both against water boarding but for completely different reasons. It seems that you are forgetting what this is and what we are dealing with. Framing this in a context of the horrible things that we are doing to the terrorists or how altruistic we should be to not condone those actions is utter nonsense. Get this through your head: war is hell. Water boarding is the ABSOLUTE LEAST of the crimes against humanity that occurs during wartime. You focus the entire debate on THREE worthless individuals that rival Hitler in the evil that spews from their efforts getting water boarded when there are FAR worse things occurring every moment of every war. You think that water boarding is worse than having ball bearings shot through your body until you bleed to death in the cab of a Humvee? How about burning to death? Maybe bleeding out after one of our .50 cal rounds passes NEAR your leg and abruptly removes it? Those are all kosher and ‘right’ because they follow some sort of gentleman’s rules in war while water boarding is the ultimate evil. That must be stopped but blowing off limbs, bombing people and 250mm rounds from the AC-130 are all perfectly OK.

War is ugly, PERIOD. There are terrible things that happen in war and hiding behind the supposed horror of water boarding is asinine. There is nothing terrible about that compared to the horrors that occur on a constant basis day in and day out in war. My only wish is that the American people actually see and understand the TRUE horrors that occur before pushing their blind support behind such heinous acts. War is a necessity that should only be called upon in the MOST DIRE of circumstances. The people use it as a righteous club and hide from the reality by acting aghast at something like water boarding when there is so much more and so much worse going on that they refuse to see. YOU are doing that exact same exercise. You are doing the true horrors a disservice when we argue about the idiotic use of water boarding.

Don’t even get started about war crime trials either. Those are a farce and pointless retribution for the victors. Were that not the case and war crimes were a reality then there would be hell to pay for what we did during the Vietnam War. We did things in that conflict that make all the acts of this war look like child’s play.

I disagree with water boarding for another reason altogether. It is ineffective. Period. That is where the debate should begin and that is where it should end. The one thing that we did learn from Bush’s idiotic policy toward the prisoners is that water boarding is useless in gathering accurate data. Had it been useful then there would be ample evidence provided by that administration to vindicate themselves.
Waterboarding is torture, right! Come on guys. So we torture our own soldiers to prepare them for torture?

You have it on authority that the water boarding our soldiers experience in training is the same as the water boarding that would be administered to them by the enemy if captured or, for that matter, the same as the water boarding we practice on "enemy combatants"?

What do you think water boarding is? Seriously - tell me what you think happens, step by step, in a water boarding session.
I grow infinitely tired of the torture crap argument that is brought up again and again. We are both against water boarding but for completely different reasons. It seems that you are forgetting what this is and what we are dealing with. Framing this in a context of the horrible things that we are doing to the terrorists or how altruistic we should be to not condone those actions is utter nonsense. Get this through your head: war is hell. Water boarding is the ABSOLUTE LEAST of the crimes against humanity that occurs during wartime. You focus the entire debate on THREE worthless individuals that rival Hitler in the evil that spews from their efforts getting water boarded when there are FAR worse things occurring every moment of every war. You think that water boarding is worse than having ball bearings shot through your body until you bleed to death in the cab of a Humvee? How about burning to death? Maybe bleeding out after one of our .50 cal rounds passes NEAR your leg and abruptly removes it? Those are all kosher and ‘right’ because they follow some sort of gentleman’s rules in war while water boarding is the ultimate evil. That must be stopped but blowing off limbs, bombing people and 250mm rounds from the AC-130 are all perfectly OK.

War is ugly, PERIOD. There are terrible things that happen in war and hiding behind the supposed horror of water boarding is asinine. There is nothing terrible about that compared to the horrors that occur on a constant basis day in and day out in war. My only wish is that the American people actually see and understand the TRUE horrors that occur before pushing their blind support behind such heinous acts. War is a necessity that should only be called upon in the MOST DIRE of circumstances. The people use it as a righteous club and hide from the reality by acting aghast at something like water boarding when there is so much more and so much worse going on that they refuse to see. YOU are doing that exact same exercise. You are doing the true horrors a disservice when we argue about the idiotic use of water boarding.

Don’t even get started about war crime trials either. Those are a farce and pointless retribution for the victors. Were that not the case and war crimes were a reality then there would be hell to pay for what we did during the Vietnam War. We did things in that conflict that make all the acts of this war look like child’s play.

I disagree with water boarding for another reason altogether. It is ineffective. Period. That is where the debate should begin and that is where it should end. The one thing that we did learn from Bush’s idiotic policy toward the prisoners is that water boarding is useless in gathering accurate data. Had it been useful then there would be ample evidence provided by that administration to vindicate themselves.

Bullshit. We are a nation of laws. Our law prohibits the use of torture. Once we no longer follow laws..we become something else.

And that is unacceptable.
You're saying that there is a downside to oil exploration and recovery?

Yes. Okay.

There are risks in everything. We still need the oil. The more we produce domestically, the more prosperous the process is for our market. The less we produce domestically, the less prosperous the process is for our market even against the risks.

And so we should shut down offshore drilling?

That makes no sense at all.

Is Obama an idiot? Yes.

Well, that's YOUR opinion. What to do about this has a lot to do with where your priorities are - and where the priorities are of the current administration. How much of a price is our country willing to pay for oil? Most conservatives feel that sacrificing our envirnment is not too high a price to pay. Most libs disagree. We have a democratic administration presently in power.
Bullshit. NONE of our policies for oil are good for the environment. Had we had that view of the subject we would be ENCOURAGING local drilling because then we can mitigate the environmental impacts. Instead we come with this idea of forcing overseas markets to produce the oil that we ARE (not might) going to consume where EPA regulations do not exist. Furthermore, WE create spills like the one with BP when the government forces companies to drill deep seas and not on the shore because we have this bullshit ‘not in my backyard’ mentality. At the same time as forcing them deeper and further away, we are outright neglectful in the creation and enforcement of regulations that would prevent harm to the environment for the exact same reason: it’s not visible. It is too far out to sea for people to notice until something MAJOR like the BP spill occurs. Obama is not ‘protecting’ the environment with our policies on oil, he is harming it more than necessary. Because we are able to pawn the actual act on other countries does not negate the actual act.

Simply put: if we truly cared about the environment we would encourage local drilling by our laws as well as continued research in green technology.
Bankrupting America

Redistrubution of Wealth

Over Regulation

Increasing the size of government by 30%


etc etc etc

HOW is he bankrupting America? Specifically, what is Obama doing to make this happen?

WHERE is he over regulating?

HOW is he redistributing wealth?

The only specific thing you mentioned was health care, although you fail to mention how or in what manner this is going to ruin America.

Obama is scaring people. It may be real or not, but he causes uncertainty in the public-sector.

Uncertainty is a very real thing and a driving force in business. Nobody wants to risk losing millions when it appears Obama is about to slam them with massive taxes and mandates that are too expensive for them to afford.

Texas has the most job increases in the country, 33% of the new jobs and what is funny Obama likes to crow about being the cause. In fact, low taxes and fewer state regulations is the cause.

On the other hand high taxes and massive regulations are destroying the job market in Californian and New York. A friend of mine lives on Long Island. He was laid off a few weeks ago. Now he has to live off of unemployment. Jobs are leaving in droves because of Obama and governments similar to his.

It's as simple as that.
Now to the OP.

You are purposefully baiting and being obtuse in the George. There have been TONS of specific complaints all over this board and many in this very thread and all of them seem to be ignored by you. You know what the problem is:

Huge stimulus bills
Rising deficit
Extension on the patriot act
Social engineering projects (cash for clunkers)
An idiotic energy policy that funnels cash into incomplete tech before it is ready for market
The list goes on and on and on. Let me ask you how you think he is helping the country? It seems to me that he has continued most of Bushes worst policies and yet the libs here are defending him and damming Bush! Is that party mark that much of a difference?
Funny thing - in all of the things mentioned about Obama which our Friends On The Right "disagree with," (I will use a charitable term), I didn't see any mention of his continuation of the rendition policy or his refusal to close Gitmo.
Don’t be thick on purpose. You do not need to phrase your statements into a bait. You know full well that the right AGREES with those policies. If you want to debate the reasons that we need prisons for POW’s outside the US and that the standard laws regarding criminals here in the states cannot work in an active war field then state it. I am happy to oblige, there is no reason to be coy.
You have it on authority that the water boarding our soldiers experience in training is the same as the water boarding that would be administered to them by the enemy if captured or, for that matter, the same as the water boarding we practice on "enemy combatants"?

What do you think water boarding is? Seriously - tell me what you think happens, step by step, in a water boarding session.
I grow infinitely tired of the torture crap argument that is brought up again and again. We are both against water boarding but for completely different reasons. It seems that you are forgetting what this is and what we are dealing with. Framing this in a context of the horrible things that we are doing to the terrorists or how altruistic we should be to not condone those actions is utter nonsense. Get this through your head: war is hell. Water boarding is the ABSOLUTE LEAST of the crimes against humanity that occurs during wartime. You focus the entire debate on THREE worthless individuals that rival Hitler in the evil that spews from their efforts getting water boarded when there are FAR worse things occurring every moment of every war. You think that water boarding is worse than having ball bearings shot through your body until you bleed to death in the cab of a Humvee? How about burning to death? Maybe bleeding out after one of our .50 cal rounds passes NEAR your leg and abruptly removes it? Those are all kosher and ‘right’ because they follow some sort of gentleman’s rules in war while water boarding is the ultimate evil. That must be stopped but blowing off limbs, bombing people and 250mm rounds from the AC-130 are all perfectly OK.

War is ugly, PERIOD. There are terrible things that happen in war and hiding behind the supposed horror of water boarding is asinine. There is nothing terrible about that compared to the horrors that occur on a constant basis day in and day out in war. My only wish is that the American people actually see and understand the TRUE horrors that occur before pushing their blind support behind such heinous acts. War is a necessity that should only be called upon in the MOST DIRE of circumstances. The people use it as a righteous club and hide from the reality by acting aghast at something like water boarding when there is so much more and so much worse going on that they refuse to see. YOU are doing that exact same exercise. You are doing the true horrors a disservice when we argue about the idiotic use of water boarding.

Don’t even get started about war crime trials either. Those are a farce and pointless retribution for the victors. Were that not the case and war crimes were a reality then there would be hell to pay for what we did during the Vietnam War. We did things in that conflict that make all the acts of this war look like child’s play.

I disagree with water boarding for another reason altogether. It is ineffective. Period. That is where the debate should begin and that is where it should end. The one thing that we did learn from Bush’s idiotic policy toward the prisoners is that water boarding is useless in gathering accurate data. Had it been useful then there would be ample evidence provided by that administration to vindicate themselves.

Bullshit. We are a nation of laws. Our law prohibits the use of torture. Once we no longer follow laws..we become something else.

And that is unacceptable.

Once again, you have completely missed the point altogether not to mention the reality of what is occurring right now on the field.
You have it on authority that the water boarding our soldiers experience in training is the same as the water boarding that would be administered to them by the enemy if captured or, for that matter, the same as the water boarding we practice on "enemy combatants"?

What do you think water boarding is? Seriously - tell me what you think happens, step by step, in a water boarding session.
I grow infinitely tired of the torture crap argument that is brought up again and again. We are both against water boarding but for completely different reasons. It seems that you are forgetting what this is and what we are dealing with. Framing this in a context of the horrible things that we are doing to the terrorists or how altruistic we should be to not condone those actions is utter nonsense. Get this through your head: war is hell. Water boarding is the ABSOLUTE LEAST of the crimes against humanity that occurs during wartime. You focus the entire debate on THREE worthless individuals that rival Hitler in the evil that spews from their efforts getting water boarded when there are FAR worse things occurring every moment of every war. You think that water boarding is worse than having ball bearings shot through your body until you bleed to death in the cab of a Humvee? How about burning to death? Maybe bleeding out after one of our .50 cal rounds passes NEAR your leg and abruptly removes it? Those are all kosher and ‘right’ because they follow some sort of gentleman’s rules in war while water boarding is the ultimate evil. That must be stopped but blowing off limbs, bombing people and 250mm rounds from the AC-130 are all perfectly OK.

War is ugly, PERIOD. There are terrible things that happen in war and hiding behind the supposed horror of water boarding is asinine. There is nothing terrible about that compared to the horrors that occur on a constant basis day in and day out in war. My only wish is that the American people actually see and understand the TRUE horrors that occur before pushing their blind support behind such heinous acts. War is a necessity that should only be called upon in the MOST DIRE of circumstances. The people use it as a righteous club and hide from the reality by acting aghast at something like water boarding when there is so much more and so much worse going on that they refuse to see. YOU are doing that exact same exercise. You are doing the true horrors a disservice when we argue about the idiotic use of water boarding.

Don’t even get started about war crime trials either. Those are a farce and pointless retribution for the victors. Were that not the case and war crimes were a reality then there would be hell to pay for what we did during the Vietnam War. We did things in that conflict that make all the acts of this war look like child’s play.

I disagree with water boarding for another reason altogether. It is ineffective. Period. That is where the debate should begin and that is where it should end. The one thing that we did learn from Bush’s idiotic policy toward the prisoners is that water boarding is useless in gathering accurate data. Had it been useful then there would be ample evidence provided by that administration to vindicate themselves.

Bullshit. We are a nation of laws. Our law prohibits the use of torture. Once we no longer follow laws..we become something else.

And that is unacceptable.

We were a nation of bankruptcy laws until Obama decided to fuck over Chrysler senior secured creditors to pay off his UAW Vote Manufacturing machine
I grow infinitely tired of the torture crap argument that is brought up again and again. We are both against water boarding but for completely different reasons. It seems that you are forgetting what this is and what we are dealing with. Framing this in a context of the horrible things that we are doing to the terrorists or how altruistic we should be to not condone those actions is utter nonsense. Get this through your head: war is hell. Water boarding is the ABSOLUTE LEAST of the crimes against humanity that occurs during wartime. You focus the entire debate on THREE worthless individuals that rival Hitler in the evil that spews from their efforts getting water boarded when there are FAR worse things occurring every moment of every war. You think that water boarding is worse than having ball bearings shot through your body until you bleed to death in the cab of a Humvee? How about burning to death? Maybe bleeding out after one of our .50 cal rounds passes NEAR your leg and abruptly removes it? Those are all kosher and ‘right’ because they follow some sort of gentleman’s rules in war while water boarding is the ultimate evil. That must be stopped but blowing off limbs, bombing people and 250mm rounds from the AC-130 are all perfectly OK.

War is ugly, PERIOD. There are terrible things that happen in war and hiding behind the supposed horror of water boarding is asinine. There is nothing terrible about that compared to the horrors that occur on a constant basis day in and day out in war. My only wish is that the American people actually see and understand the TRUE horrors that occur before pushing their blind support behind such heinous acts. War is a necessity that should only be called upon in the MOST DIRE of circumstances. The people use it as a righteous club and hide from the reality by acting aghast at something like water boarding when there is so much more and so much worse going on that they refuse to see. YOU are doing that exact same exercise. You are doing the true horrors a disservice when we argue about the idiotic use of water boarding.

Don’t even get started about war crime trials either. Those are a farce and pointless retribution for the victors. Were that not the case and war crimes were a reality then there would be hell to pay for what we did during the Vietnam War. We did things in that conflict that make all the acts of this war look like child’s play.

I disagree with water boarding for another reason altogether. It is ineffective. Period. That is where the debate should begin and that is where it should end. The one thing that we did learn from Bush’s idiotic policy toward the prisoners is that water boarding is useless in gathering accurate data. Had it been useful then there would be ample evidence provided by that administration to vindicate themselves.

Bullshit. We are a nation of laws. Our law prohibits the use of torture. Once we no longer follow laws..we become something else.

And that is unacceptable.

Once again, you have completely missed the point altogether not to mention the reality of what is occurring right now on the field.

I read your whole post.

And the "reality" of what's going on is that you have people with some very real greivances with no recourse or way to address them.

While I agree that violent acts like terrorism should never, ever be tolerated, I also think that if you deny an avenue of assuaging percieved injustices..that's exactly what you are going to get.

And not following our own protocols while calling others "evil" makes us look hypocritical at best.
Obama is scaring people. It may be real or not, but he causes uncertainty in the public-sector.

Uncertainty is a very real thing and a driving force in business. Nobody wants to risk losing millions when it appears Obama is about to slam them with massive taxes and mandates that are too expensive for them to afford.

Texas has the most job increases in the country, 33% of the new jobs and what is funny Obama likes to crow about being the cause. In fact, low taxes and fewer state regulations is the cause.

On the other hand high taxes and massive regulations are destroying the job market in Californian and New York. A friend of mine lives on Long Island. He was laid off a few weeks ago. Now he has to live off of unemployment. Jobs are leaving in droves because of Obama and governments similar to his.

It's as simple as that.

That's ridiculous.

What's happening now is that corporations got 3/4 of the banana and they want the other quarter plus another banana.

The financial and banking industries took huge risks and lost. That's what happened. And they had no liquidity to manage those losses..so they turned to the public sector for help. And they got it. It wasn't small help either..and the right is constantly bitching about the cost.

It's absurd no one went to jail over this (Well unless you count Madoff but his scheme was so crude there was little anyone could do to save him) and worse still the very same people are holding the economy hostage because they don't want the goverment to up the amount of liquidity they must hold from 7% to 10%. Fucking Jim Dimon, who's company got one of the sweetest deals from the public sector, had the fucking stones to brow beat Bernanke about this. Fuck him.

It's really time to push back. President Obama has the power of the purse on this. Dimon doesn't like regulation? Bang. Move government employee funds out of Morgan. Companies want to offshore labor. Boom. Government can play the same game and offshore contracts to foreign companies, provided they build factories domestically. He hasn't done any of that. And what the right wing is offering is the other 1 1/4 banana to the private sector.

Quite a pickle.
Obama is scaring people. It may be real or not, but he causes uncertainty in the public-sector.

Uncertainty is a very real thing and a driving force in business. Nobody wants to risk losing millions when it appears Obama is about to slam them with massive taxes and mandates that are too expensive for them to afford.

Texas has the most job increases in the country, 33% of the new jobs and what is funny Obama likes to crow about being the cause. In fact, low taxes and fewer state regulations is the cause.

On the other hand high taxes and massive regulations are destroying the job market in Californian and New York. A friend of mine lives on Long Island. He was laid off a few weeks ago. Now he has to live off of unemployment. Jobs are leaving in droves because of Obama and governments similar to his.

It's as simple as that.

That's ridiculous.

What's happening now is that corporations got 3/4 of the banana and they want the other quarter plus another banana.

The financial and banking industries took huge risks and lost. That's what happened. And they had no liquidity to manage those losses..so they turned to the public sector for help. And they got it. It wasn't small help either..and the right is constantly bitching about the cost.

It's absurd no one went to jail over this (Well unless you count Madoff but his scheme was so crude there was little anyone could do to save him) and worse still the very same people are holding the economy hostage because they don't want the goverment to up the amount of liquidity they must hold from 7% to 10%. Fucking Jim Dimon, who's company got one of the sweetest deals from the public sector, had the fucking stones to brow beat Bernanke about this. Fuck him.

It's really time to push back. President Obama has the power of the purse on this. Dimon doesn't like regulation? Bang. Move government employee funds out of Morgan. Companies want to offshore labor. Boom. Government can play the same game and offshore contracts to foreign companies, provided they build factories domestically. He hasn't done any of that. And what the right wing is offering is the other 1 1/4 banana to the private sector.

Quite a pickle.

So Republicans are responsible for sending jobs overseas?

Obama is responsible for sending trillions of dollars overseas.

Most of the QE2 and TARP went to bailing out European banks.

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