Obama Is Ruining America - Really? Tell Us Exactly HOW He Is Doing That

Dude, SKynet, did you even watch those videos? That's pretty depressing.

there are ignorant and stupid people of all races, creeds, colors, religions and sexes. but cowboy is singling out blacks as "n****rs". glad to see you are condoning that. :clap2:

No, I single out one as a n****r. The rest I reffered to as blacks.

Define: ****** - Slang: Extremely Disparaging and Offensive . a person of any race or origin regarded as contemptible, inferior, ignorant, etc.

Turns out the worlds smartest black man is just another dumb n****R
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Dude, SKynet, did you even watch those videos? That's pretty depressing.

there are ignorant and stupid people of all races, creeds, colors, religions and sexes. but cowboy is singling out blacks as "n****rs". glad to see you are condoning that. :clap2:

No, I single out one as a n****r. The rest I reffered to as blacks.

Define: ****** - Slang: Extremely Disparaging and Offensive . a person of any race or origin regarded as contemptible, inferior, ignorant, etc.

you single out 1 as a n****r and say you hate 92% of blacks. and that make you not a racist how? :cuckoo:

once again, an ignorant, intolerant, racist piece of sh1t shows his true colors.
It's no secret that there are lot of ignorant black people in America. It's not their fault. They've been told for generations now that the Democrats will take care of them. When all you can afford is public education then this is what you get. A bunch of educated dummies like those who keep promising them they will be taken care of for their vote.

Get the Federal Government out of education and this nation will once again return to greatness.
It's no secret that there are lot of ignorant black people in America. It's not their fault. They've been told for generations now that the Democrats will take care of them. When all you can afford is public education then this is what you get. A bunch of educated dummies like those who keep promising them they will be taken care of for their vote.

Get the Federal Government out of education and this nation will once again return to greatness.

there are lot of ignorant white people in america as well. should we demonize them too?

you can try and sugar coat it anyway you want, youre still a racist piece of sh1t.

No one is sugar coating it. I hate 92% of blacks and anyone else who voted for the dumb Marxist n****r in the White House.


He's not dumb. He's not a Marxist. He is half white.
there are ignorant and stupid people of all races, creeds, colors, religions and sexes. but cowboy is singling out blacks as "n****rs". glad to see you are condoning that. :clap2:

No, I single out one as a n****r. The rest I reffered to as blacks.

Define: ****** - Slang: Extremely Disparaging and Offensive . a person of any race or origin regarded as contemptible, inferior, ignorant, etc.

you single out 1 as a n****r and say you hate 92% of blacks. and that make you not a racist how? :cuckoo:

once again, an ignorant, intolerant, racist piece of sh1t shows his true colors.

I don't care if you call me a racist. I think that everyone that voted for Obama is a piece of sh*t regardless of race. When 92% of blacks voted one way I would say that is racist. You are just too fvcking dumb to see it. I would vote for Herman Cain. He is no n****r.
It's no secret that there are lot of ignorant black people in America. It's not their fault. They've been told for generations now that the Democrats will take care of them. When all you can afford is public education then this is what you get. A bunch of educated dummies like those who keep promising them they will be taken care of for their vote.

Get the Federal Government out of education and this nation will once again return to greatness.

there are lot of ignorant white people in america as well. should we demonize them too?

Yes. There is no excuse for ignorance in this country.
No, I single out one as a n****r. The rest I reffered to as blacks.

Define: ****** - Slang: Extremely Disparaging and Offensive . a person of any race or origin regarded as contemptible, inferior, ignorant, etc.

you single out 1 as a n****r and say you hate 92% of blacks. and that make you not a racist how? :cuckoo:

once again, an ignorant, intolerant, racist piece of sh1t shows his true colors.

I don't care if you call me a racist. I think that everyone that voted for Obama is a piece of sh*t regardless of race. When 92% of blacks voted one way I would say that is racist. You are just too fvcking dumb to see it. I would vote for Herman Cain. He is no n****r.

You're right on target. Keep firing. They don't mind calling each other ****** and using the words "bitch, whore, ******" on their rap songs, but don't you dare use the word because that means you're a racist. They're confused little twits.
Omg, lol sorry yes I ment ubl. That should be obvious though. Is there an edit feature I'm missing?

Go back to your post. At the bottom left, next to the Quote button, there should be an Edit button.

Thank you. I dunno how I missed it. It's like it just appeared there after I read your post. I'm typing on my EVO and a lot of times if I type an uncommon word it will substitute what it "thinks" I ment for what I actually wrote. When I'm not paying close enough attention it can make me look like a real tool.
Are you familiar with the real LBJ, not the fictional Civil Rights "hero"?

LBJ had a pretty salty approach to the English language..which back in the day was pretty much fine in the south.

And yeah..he's basically a Civil Rights Hero.:eusa_shhh:

If you don't count the 7 whole years he held up Ike's Civil Rights Bill, then passed it as his own...yeah, he's your hero

Also, how odd is it that both MLK and Malcolm X were assassinated while he was President? Weird, right?

I've counted him as one of the worst presidents because of the escalation of the Vietnam war.

And..no..it wasn't weird they were both assassinated while he was in office. That was a very turbulent time.
you single out 1 as a n****r and say you hate 92% of blacks. and that make you not a racist how? :cuckoo:

once again, an ignorant, intolerant, racist piece of sh1t shows his true colors.

I don't care if you call me a racist. I think that everyone that voted for Obama is a piece of sh*t regardless of race. When 92% of blacks voted one way I would say that is racist. You are just too fvcking dumb to see it. I would vote for Herman Cain. He is no n****r.

You're right on target. Keep firing. They don't mind calling each other ****** and using the words "bitch, whore, ******" on their rap songs, but don't you dare use the word because that means you're a racist. They're confused little twits.

I don't buy into all that political correctness. Fvck that race baiting. If someone acts like a n****r, that is what they are to me. It is an offensive word that is meant to be offensive. Liberals offend me everyday. Fvck you, if you don't like it. It is not about the color of skin, it is a mentality.
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I don't care if you call me a racist. I think that everyone that voted for Obama is a piece of sh*t regardless of race. When 92% of blacks voted one way I would say that is racist. You are just too fvcking dumb to see it. I would vote for Herman Cain. He is no n****r.

You're right on target. Keep firing. They don't mind calling each other ****** and using the words "bitch, whore, ******" on their rap songs, but don't you dare use the word because that means you're a racist. They're confused little twits.

I don't buy into all that political correctness. Fvck that race baiting. If someone acts like a n****r, that is what they are to me. It is an offensive word that is meant to be offensive. Liberals offend me everyday. Fvck you, if you don't like it. It is not about the color of skin, it is a mentality.

I have the freedom of speech. I can say what ever I want.

and i have the freedom to call a racist, piece of sh1t pig. so deal with it asshole
You're right on target. Keep firing. They don't mind calling each other ****** and using the words "bitch, whore, ******" on their rap songs, but don't you dare use the word because that means you're a racist. They're confused little twits.

I don't buy into all that political correctness. Fvck that race baiting. If someone acts like a n****r, that is what they are to me. It is an offensive word that is meant to be offensive. Liberals offend me everyday. Fvck you, if you don't like it. It is not about the color of skin, it is a mentality.

I have the freedom of speech. I can say what ever I want.

and i have the freedom to call a racist, piece of sh1t pig. so deal with it asshole

I just don't care what the fvck a socialist thinks. You all are worthless peices of shit. So fvck you!!! Get back under the table and wait for your scraps from the Bourgeois Socialists like a good dog.
I don't buy into all that political correctness. Fvck that race baiting. If someone acts like a n****r, that is what they are to me. It is an offensive word that is meant to be offensive. Liberals offend me everyday. Fvck you, if you don't like it. It is not about the color of skin, it is a mentality.

I have the freedom of speech. I can say what ever I want.

and i have the freedom to call a racist, piece of sh1t pig. so deal with it asshole

I just don't care what the fvck a socialist thinks. You all are worthless peices of shit. So fvck you!!! Get back under the table and wait for your scraps from the Bourgeois Socialists like a good dog.

keep em coming! you keep making Obama's 2nd term more of a certainty every single day...
Omg, lol sorry yes I ment ubl. That should be obvious though. Is there an edit feature I'm missing?

Go back to your post. At the bottom left, next to the Quote button, there should be an Edit button.

Thank you. I dunno how I missed it. It's like it just appeared there after I read your post. I'm typing on my EVO and a lot of times if I type an uncommon word it will substitute what it "thinks" I ment for what I actually wrote. When I'm not paying close enough attention it can make me look like a real tool.

No worries. There's worse out there. :lol:
PAY MORE taxes and stop your capitalism. Learn from scandinavian/european countries. We pay from 40-50 % taxes. How much do you guys pay?
Here's another, a form of international Keynesianism that serves no discernable benefit for America whatsoever. In fact, it's the stuff of the American people paying TWICE for energy! LOL! Wait! That's not funny; it's crazy.

Obama has promised to "invest" in the development of oil production in Brazil, so we can buy our tax-funded investment from Brazil at the pump. In the meantime, he shuts down new offshore drilling in this country which would have otherwise provided the very same thing here without government spending, creating business opportunities and jobs here. THE SAME THING BENEFITING OUR ECONOMY DIRECTLY AND WITHOUT INCREASING THE NATIONAL DEBT. WHY WOULD ANY PRESIDENT DO THAT TO HIS OWN COUNTRY? IT’S SENSELESS. NUTS! And his administration's move against our own coal industry, the very best in the world? It is just this sort of pointless regulation and government spending that drives businesses and manufacturing jobs oversees.

This one sounds to me like the never ending conflict between production of natural resources and environmental issues. Last time I looked, offshore drilling has a pretty serious downside. I found a Web site that discusses both the pros and cons of offshore drilling. Here are the cons:

1. The oil found in offshore oil drilling barely reduces the United States' dependence on foreign oil imports. The US requires approximately 8 billion barrels of oil per year to meet its current needs; deep-water offshore drilling, in its conventional form, is expected to bring in only 18 billion barrels total.

2. Offshore oil drilling will not guarantee lower gas prices. Gas prices are affected by too many other variables to assume that changing one factor will significantly change the result.

3. Offshore drilling results in oil spills.

3a. Deep-water offshore drilling is associated with oil spills; both major and minor oil spills harm the surrounding environment greatly. Spills most often occur when oil is being transported to land via oil tanker, but damaged pipelines or the platform itself may also cause spills. Such spills are a massive drain on both resources and energy, as well as a real and pressing danger to the environment.

3b. Oil spills, despite improved technologies, are still common and predicted occurrences. At current extraction rates, it is predicted that in the Gulf of Mexico there will be one oil spill per year of no less than 1000 barrels over the next 40 years.

4. Offshore drilling is challenging to keep up, as it requires keeping manned facilities above water and disposing of oil rigs is costly. Challenges include the scale of construction required for functional facilities and the need for facilities located in the water where the oil would be extracted from sand, which would demand extra funds and efforts. Removing platforms and pipelines no longer in use is extremely costly.

5. Carbon emissions will increase. Expanded offshore drilling will not reduce emissions of carbon dioxide, which contributes to warmer global temperatures.

Answers.com - What are the pros and cons of offshore drilling in the US

The way you present it, there appear to be nothing but benefits to our country from offshore oil drilling and, therefore, President Obama is an idiot not to be in favor of it. I suspect there are very valid reasons why he closed down new offshore oil drilling. Perhaps those listed above are some of them.

You're saying that there is a downside to oil exploration and recovery?

Yes. Okay.

There are risks in everything. We still need the oil. The more we produce domestically, the more prosperous the process is for our market. The less we produce domestically, the less prosperous the process is for our market even against the risks.

And so we should shut down offshore drilling?

That makes no sense at all.

Is Obama an idiot? Yes.

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