Obama is the Example of how Not to Govern


Senior Member
Feb 5, 2009
With the Conservative Party in Brittain now poised to return to power after nearly 14 years in the political wilderness based upon voter disgust over their government's ever increasing debt, taxes, and worsening immigration issues, we across the pond have a president that the Brits are declaring as an example of how NOT to govern a country, with hopes that incoming conservative Prime Minister David Cameron will look to the examples of Churchill, Thatcher, and Reagan...

President Obama’s first 16 months in office provide an important lesson for the next British Prime Minister in how not to run the country. The hallmarks of the Obama administration have been the relentless rise of big government, excessive levels of public spending and borrowing, little or no job creation, the weakening of America’s defences, the appeasement of America’s enemies, and the decline of US global power.

...On several levels, Barack Obama’s leadership of the United States is leading his country on a path of decline as a world power. David Cameron must learn from Obama’s mistakes, and take Britain down a completely different path based on clearly defined conservative principles, which advance rather than constrain British leadership.


David Cameron must not emulate Barack Obama – Telegraph Blogs
Cool....They have wingnuts in Britain too. Do they watch Glenn Beck?
And with Cameron having quoted Reagan directly, it appears he is already sending a message to Obama that it will no longer be liberal business as usual with our British allies.

The significance of the British elections has yet to be fully realized - but it will be soon


Tory party candidate for prime minister, David Cameron spoke to a group of small business leaders in England. He gave a rousing speech about change, but the positive change that betters society, not the kind Gordon Brown, Nick Clegg, and frankly Obama has done in the US. He quoted President Ronald Reagan, “The status quo is Latin for ‘the mess we’re in’.” Instead of voting for liberals that have brought down British society with their leadership, conservatism can give rise to a new, prosperous England.


David Cameron to small business leaders: Quotes Reagan and says “If you want change, vote conservative” Cubachi
And with Cameron having quoted Reagan directly, it appears he is already sending a message to Obama that it will no longer be liberal business as usual with our British allies.

The significance of the British elections has yet to be fully realized - but it will be soon


Tory party candidate for prime minister, David Cameron spoke to a group of small business leaders in England. He gave a rousing speech about change, but the positive change that betters society, not the kind Gordon Brown, Nick Clegg, and frankly Obama has done in the US. He quoted President Ronald Reagan, “The status quo is Latin for ‘the mess we’re in’.” Instead of voting for liberals that have brought down British society with their leadership, conservatism can give rise to a new, prosperous England.


David Cameron to small business leaders: Quotes Reagan and says “If you want change, vote conservative” Cubachi

Do you think once they are Conservative, they will attack us again?
And Cameron's words regarding small business are spot on!

With the traditionally left-leaning Brits turing conservative, surely America's 2010 Election will prove an even more decided shift toward conservatism as well...


“Why do I love small businesses so much? It’s not just that small businesses provide the wealth, and the jobs, the enterprise of the future, which you are. It’s not just that social enterprises are going to tackle the social problems in this country. It’s because what you have done in your lives. It is the one word that is missing in this election: responsibility.”

This is conservatism.


David Cameron to small business leaders: Quotes Reagan and says “If you want change, vote conservative” Cubachi
tweety is having a meltdown tonight.. it is funneeee.


Very impressed with Cameron so far. His battles vs Brown in Parliament are legendary. The guy is incredibly quick - hopefully he lives up to his potential as PM and helps salvage what remains of the possibly still-great British nation...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5xUy2inkGHQ]YouTube - Cameron shred Brown into Pieces[/ame]
With the Conservative Party in Brittain now poised to return to power after nearly 14 years in the political wilderness based upon voter disgust over their government's ever increasing debt, taxes, and worsening immigration issues, we across the pond have a president that the Brits are declaring as an example of how NOT to govern a country, with hopes that incoming conservative Prime Minister David Cameron will look to the examples of Churchill, Thatcher, and Reagan...

President Obama’s first 16 months in office provide an important lesson for the next British Prime Minister in how not to run the country. The hallmarks of the Obama administration have been the relentless rise of big government, excessive levels of public spending and borrowing, little or no job creation, the weakening of America’s defences, the appeasement of America’s enemies, and the decline of US global power.

...On several levels, Barack Obama’s leadership of the United States is leading his country on a path of decline as a world power. David Cameron must learn from Obama’s mistakes, and take Britain down a completely different path based on clearly defined conservative principles, which advance rather than constrain British leadership.


David Cameron must not emulate Barack Obama – Telegraph Blogs

So...You will be running in 2012? Great! talks cheap..you steppin up like this makes me respect you SO MUCH!!
And another clip of Cameron in action...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MpRXaFUE8FI]YouTube - PMQs: David Cameron tackles Brown over Royal Mail[/ame]
Gotta wonder how smart Obama really is... everything he wants has been done and is on full display in Greece and Europe....
Gotta wonder how smart Obama really is... everything he wants has been done and is on full display in Greece and Europe....


Obama has yet to show actual intelligence while in office.

He is an idealogue - and those are so often lacking in real world common sense intelligence. Normally, such figures are of little note. Unfortunately for America, we elected one as president, and so, the stakes are now far far higher...
And with Cameron having quoted Reagan directly, it appears he is already sending a message to Obama that it will no longer be liberal business as usual with our British allies.

The significance of the British elections has yet to be fully realized - but it will be soon


Tory party candidate for prime minister, David Cameron spoke to a group of small business leaders in England. He gave a rousing speech about change, but the positive change that betters society, not the kind Gordon Brown, Nick Clegg, and frankly Obama has done in the US. He quoted President Ronald Reagan, “The status quo is Latin for ‘the mess we’re in’.” Instead of voting for liberals that have brought down British society with their leadership, conservatism can give rise to a new, prosperous England.


David Cameron to small business leaders: Quotes Reagan and says “If you want change, vote conservative” Cubachi

Do you think once they are Conservative, they will attack us again?

Another Revolutionary war only the opposite scenario.
Current projections have the British conservatives picking up an astounding 95 seats in Parliament, and the liberals losing 94 seats.

Holy cow!!! While an outright majority government appears unlikely, the clear movement away from the liberals is astounding - this a party that even under the increasingly unpopular Tony Blair in 2005 managed to secure a 66 member majority. In just five years the British are now aggressively denouncing the liberals and willing to give conservatives a try.

Hopefully the conservatives will prove worthy of the opportunity.

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