Obama is to blame for this

When there is rioting I normally stay inside with my assault carbine and pistol on me, and a bandoleer of ammo on.

I only go outside if I see people with Molotov Cocktails. Then I will grab my shotgun and bandoleer of shells on too and make sure they stay away. This is why everyone also needs their own riot shotgun in addition to their own assault carbine and pistol. 3 guns in all. Three. Not 1. Not just 2. Three.

Good luck to you if they come into your neighborhood.
Will white liberal Democrats go out into the streets and fight in this race war you've just started?

I think not.

You are cowards and weaklings, and you will stay comfortable in your homes and be satisfied to let the black people do the fighting and dying for you, while you egg them on to do more violence.

Have you even seen the videos of the two black men killed recently? Total disgrace. What are blacks supposed to do? Roll over and go "Yes Massa?"

You're a tool..
Will white liberal Democrats go out into the streets and fight in this race war you've just started?

I think not.

You are cowards and weaklings, and you will stay comfortable in your homes and be satisfied to let the black people do the fighting and dying for you, while you egg them on to do more violence.

What's needed is that this whole situation needs to be calmed down, de-escalated.
Obama and the Democrats won't do that, they will stir shit up and make it worse. You'll see.
It's time for Obama to step up and inspire both ends of this to look in the mirror.

Right now. This is it, Mr. President.

Fuck Obamacare or the Middle East or anything else. You can make a truly historic difference, right now.

This is exactly what Obama needs to do, but is he able to do it.

This all started in Ferguson, Missouri and it's been allowed to get completely out of control.
It's time for Obama to step up and inspire both ends of this to look in the mirror.

Right now. This is it, Mr. President.

Fuck Obamacare or the Middle East or anything else. You can make a truly historic difference, right now.

This is exactly what Obama needs to do, but is he able to do it.
He has the capacity, he has the background, he has the rhetorical skills, he has all that. Everything.

The question is whether he can detach himself from the political ramifications.

That will take some bravery, and I guess we'll see.
It's time for Obama to step up and inspire both ends of this to look in the mirror.

Right now. This is it, Mr. President.

Fuck Obamacare or the Middle East or anything else. You can make a truly historic difference, right now.

This is exactly what Obama needs to do, but is he able to do it.
He has the capacity, he has the background, he has the rhetorical skills, he has all that. Everything.

The question is whether he can detach himself from the political ramifications.

That will take some bravery, and I guess we'll see.

One would hope that he does, because whatever Obama says or doesn't say is the difference between a de-escalation and an escalation.

Nobody wants the latter, we don't want to be watching the television seeing images of mass chaos, carnage and mobs with guns charging around multiple American cities.
It's time for Obama to step up and inspire both ends of this to look in the mirror.

Right now. This is it, Mr. President.

Fuck Obamacare or the Middle East or anything else. You can make a truly historic difference, right now.

This is exactly what Obama needs to do, but is he able to do it.

This all started in Ferguson, Missouri and it's been allowed to get completely out of control.

I agree. There is so much hatred within the black population over what happened in our past and this includes Obama that it is hard. They see all their young men being killed for what ever by police and feel that the same thing as in the past is happening again. The best thing Obama could do is stand up and say that we need to use our courts and think rationally about things.

Maybe with time we can both gain enough trust in each other to finally learn to trust.
Good news

This time next year, he can devote all his time to race relations, and go on the Sharpton/Jackson circuit.
BHO is responsible for everything on this Earth.

The man is a God.

No, just a lot of the crap happening in America today. He most certainly has innocent blood on his hands. Worst president in our history.
He started stirring up shit eight years ago when the black professor had a scuffle with the white police officer, and the white officer and his black partner had to arrest him. Obama, without even looking into, attacked the police officer and sided with the black professor, and then, when the black policeman backed up his white partner and said, "No, this idiot black professor caused this problem," then Obama backed off and had a "beer summit" with the white police officer and the black professor, but he still ended up with egg on his face.

And then, when Trayvon Martin was shot while trying to murder George Zimmerman, Obama again took the black man's side without looking into the facts, saying that if he had a son "he would look like Trayvon Martin."

And all of this was calculated, and each time a black man got shot by a police officer, even though it was almost always a justified shoot, the police officer would be prosecuted by a politically ambitious District Attorney, and then the jury would acquit, and then there would be a riot, and there was Obama, all the time egging on black people to be angry and stirring them up and encouraging them to be violent.

So I lay the blame for the blood of these four brave, noble police officers on Obama's hands. He murdered them just as sure as he pulled the trigger himself.

He's only partly to blame for this. The left wing race agitators in politics, the media, and in other walks of life deserve their fair share of the blame as well.
"Obama is to blame for this"

And another conservative scumbag chimes in.

Leave it to the reprehensible right to make partisan a sad and tragic event.

The horrible events in Dallas have nothing to do with the president.
Black radio host Kevin Jackson just said on TV Obama "stoked" this.
So you're ignorance is duly noted.
"Obama is to blame for this"

And another conservative scumbag chimes in.

Leave it to the reprehensible right to make partisan a sad and tragic event.

The horrible events in Dallas have nothing to do with the president.
Well to be fair that stupid mofo Jessie Jackson says Trump caused it.
He started stirring up shit eight years ago when the black professor had a scuffle with the white police officer, and the white officer and his black partner had to arrest him. Obama, without even looking into, attacked the police officer and sided with the black professor, and then, when the black policeman backed up his white partner and said, "No, this idiot black professor caused this problem," then Obama backed off and had a "beer summit" with the white police officer and the black professor, but he still ended up with egg on his face.

And then, when Trayvon Martin was shot while trying to murder George Zimmerman, Obama again took the black man's side without looking into the facts, saying that if he had a son "he would look like Trayvon Martin."

And all of this was calculated, and each time a black man got shot by a police officer, even though it was almost always a justified shoot, the police officer would be prosecuted by a politically ambitious District Attorney, and then the jury would acquit, and then there would be a riot, and there was Obama, all the time egging on black people to be angry and stirring them up and encouraging them to be violent.

So I lay the blame for the blood of these four brave, noble police officers on Obama's hands. He murdered them just as sure as he pulled the trigger himself.

This is a problem that's been going on for hundreds of years, but you want to ignore most of those hundreds of years and pin it on a guy you don't like.

Well done.....
I have been alive 51 years, and in that time,I have seen two periods of unrest, the first during the Vietnam War, and the second, now.

In both cases, there was a master chess player behind all of it and that was the international forces of Communism. The KGB ran the war against the United States while the Soviet Union was around, but now the war will be run by Communist billionaire George Soros, and other billionaires who seek the violent overthrow of the United States government.

The Communists see this as a golden opportunity, since we have a Communist President working with them and coordinating action between Communist front groups like Bernie Sanders supporters, Black Lives Matters and La Raza and the Justice Department.

They see the upcoming end of the Obama administration as a deadline during which they must begin the revolution. Today's action in shooting 11 police officers wasn't an ordinary street crime, nor was it a random act of terrorism. It was the first shots fired in a violent revolution that begins today. The Communists are much smarter and better organized and well funded than the Islamic terrorists are, so this will present a much bigger threat to the security of our nation than Islamic terrorism. For example, the deliberate targeting of police officers rather than the random shooting of civilians shows a level of sophistication in war planning that the Islamists don't possess.

We have seen shooting wars like this last for more than 30 years in countries like Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador. It doesn't matter if the Communists have no chance of actual victory, they will keep the shooting war going so long as they are alive and can stay supplied with guns, ammunition, food and water. In our nation, the war will not be fought in the mountains or jungles, but in the inner cities. The Communists, who will cloak themselves as activists seeking social justice against police brutality, will shelter among sympathetic inner city inhabitants, who will give them aid and assistance, and provide eyes and ears on the street to gather intelligence against the police and military. So long as the revolutionaries have places to hide among a sympathetic local population, they can continue their war indefinitely.

One way to hurt the war effort is to arrest George Soros and all the billionaires who so far have been funding this war, freeze their assets, and put them in solitary in a maximum security detention center so they cannot communicate with their people in the outside world. But President Obama will not do this.

We will suffer defeat after defeat in this war so long as our Communist President Barack Hussein Obama is in the White House. If Hillary Clinton, who is also a Communist wins the election, the war will expand and no police officer or white person will be safe, in any city in the United States. When enough Americans begin to realize that the United States government, is, in fact working on the side of the enemy, then things will really get interesting.

I think you're been reading too many fiction books.

Yes, there have been periods of unrest, however you seem to have missed the early 1980s for a start.

The problem in the US is that the money people are controlling things and simply don't want to spend money improving the lives of people who are cheap labor for them.

It's not about revolution, they have confidence it will all stay together, and the fear factor enables them to put more fear into the minds of the plebs..

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