Obama Isil Speech

I won't watch, he lies when his lips move.

Let me guess.....Bush, bush, and some more Buuuuuuuush did this.
They absolutely are an Islamic terrorist organization, you PC fool.
Non combat ground troops. Why does he have to tell the enemy everything??
He went from having no strategy two weeks ago to having one now. That means he poll tested focus groups to see what his strategy would be. You watch, it will be cutting and trimming and compromising to get something==anything!--that will alienate the fewest number of people ahead of the elections. The actual success or wisdom of the venture is not an issue here.
They absolutely are an Islamic terrorist organization, you PC fool.

The Yankees?

No ISIL lol
I don't have Obama on, I have the game on (Yankees just went ahead).

Are you telling me that Obama was waffling on whether ISIS is a terrorist organization?

He said let me be clear ISIL are not Islamic.


And did he clear this with them?
Either even he can't possibly believe the crap he's saying or he's just lying and knows it.
A president has his best chance of looking presidential with a foreign policy speech. Fail.
Democrats will be crushed in November. Putting boots on the ground may prove to be the last straw. Well... 475 troops? That is hardly enough. ISIS (ISIL) consists of tens of thousands of men. What is this, the Battle of Thermopylae?
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