Obama Isil Speech

Coalition of BFS, we will carry all the weight of any action against ISIL, this reminds me of the action against Serbia, Dutch nato forces doing nothing and the only reason that the conflict came to a end is because the US issued threats of boots on the ground. This CINC is a paper tiger and a fool.

Very well said, NLT.
In full context, here's what Obama said in his prime-time speech Wednesday night:

"ISIL is not 'Islamic.' No religion condones the killing of innocents, and the vast majority of ISIL's victims have been Muslim. And ISIL is certainly not a state; it was formerly al Qaeda's affiliate in Iraq and has taken advantage of sectarian strife and Syria's civil war to gain territory on both sides of the Iraq-Syrian border. It is recognized by no government nor by the people it subjugates."

"ISIL is a terrorist organization, pure and simple, and it has no vision other than the slaughter of all who stand in its way."

Strong reaction to Obama quote ISIL is not Islamic - CNN.com
Actually, I kinda liked your post. Therefore I'll give you a serious answer.

No, I am pretty critical of Republicans these days as well. I've been critical of every president. And no I don't hate all Democrats. I do dislike far left libs A LOT.

I personally want to see term limits because I don't trust ANY politician to do what they need to do for this country's financial health.

If you hadn't made such an inaccurate statement, I wouldn't have slammed you.

I didn't make an inaccurate statement. The post I was replying to was written BEFORE the speech, claiming it was going to be rubbish. I was replying to this, it makes no difference whether the speech had happened or not when I wrote, because my comment wasn't about the speech at all.

People should be critical of their politicians, but they're generally not "critical", just general abusive and it doesn't help anyone. You can see it happen 1000 times or more a day just on this board, and not much of it has any sense.

I don't like term limits because it removes the need to think from politicians in their second term. You get elected, you ride the waves, who cares? Popularity in the last 2 presidents has dropped massively in the 2nd term, the one before that only kept his popularity because he was diddling young women and got impeached, the people loved it.

Well I went back and checked and I stand corrected....it was posted before the speech.

Now there's nothing wrong with that in my book, but I do cop to unfairly hitting you about it.

As for term limits, the very nature of a politician is to bring home goodies. Their human nature cannot overcome that. I haven given up hope for them.
In full context, here's what Obama said in his prime-time speech Wednesday night:

"ISIL is not 'Islamic.' No religion condones the killing of innocents, and the vast majority of ISIL's victims have been Muslim. And ISIL is certainly not a state; it was formerly al Qaeda's affiliate in Iraq and has taken advantage of sectarian strife and Syria's civil war to gain territory on both sides of the Iraq-Syrian border. It is recognized by no government nor by the people it subjugates."

"ISIL is a terrorist organization, pure and simple, and it has no vision other than the slaughter of all who stand in its way."

Strong reaction to Obama quote ISIL is not Islamic - CNN.com

If you have to justify the fecklessness of your CINC with 'context' then you truly are lost to this plane of reality.
Well I went back and checked and I stand corrected....it was posted before the speech.

Now there's nothing wrong with that in my book, but I do cop to unfairly hitting you about it.

As for term limits, the very nature of a politician is to bring home goodies. Their human nature cannot overcome that. I haven given up hope for them.

The nature of politicians is that the work to be popular. Why are they popular is a question that needs to be answered. The other one is why people vote for them. If we, as voters, don't change our attitude, the politicians won't change theirs.

I've wondered this, instead of voting for politicians based on a generic thing, like president, who does a lot of stuff, and congressman/woman who does all sorts of different things, why don't we vote for institutions as well.

Why not have a department of education, we elect one person to be president of this, and then judge them on how education is going.
It could either be an amazing idea or a completely rubbish idea. I haven't decided which.
Beale? Weren't liberals bragging about how Obama supposedly took out Muammar Gaddafi?

Indeed. It had the highest living standard in Africa. One of the sources in my previous posts in this thread I believe pointed that out. Likewise, the majority of his people supported his rule. It was a functioning peaceful, secular democracy. Everything we saw about that time period in Libya was propaganda, just like the stuff we hear about ISIS is now. The press is run by corporations with an agenda. Anyone who wants to know what that agenda is just has to Google the term, greater middle east project or New Middle East Project.

The part that's not true? How about this quote of yours below, Einstein?

"You really don't know a whole lot. The only thing you nearly ostensibly got correct, is, my IQ. Congratulations. But no, ISIS are NOT orthodox Islamic fanatics"

And yes, I'm a 14 year old girl.

This is my last post to you teeny bopper. You did not answer my question. IOW, you ARE ignorant, and had absolutely no cause to label me a partisan.

I'm not one to generally use wiki, but it's quick and convenient for established facts. This, "terrorist" group is not real as I have already told you. It has been manufactured. It is your choice to live in cognitive dissonance if you choose.

Don't get me wrong, I'll not sit here and tell you that they are not using the name of Islam. They are not TRUE
Salafists. Most of the world that sits uneducated doesn't know the difference, so why should the Mossad, the CIA or MI6 care? You sure as hell don't. You don't eve bother to read or watch what I post. That means something more complicated than KILL KILL KILL. You just can't be bothered to actually think, Right?

What you got? Yeah, precisely, exactly what I thought you would have. . . . NOTHING.
Salafi movement - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Salafist jihadism
Main article: Salafist jihadism
"Salafi Jihadism" was a term coined by Gilles Kepel[95][96] to describe those self-claiming Salafi groups who began developing an interest in jihad during the mid-1990s. Practitioners are often referred to as "Salafi jihadis" or "Salafi jihadists". Journalist Bruce Livesey estimates Salafi jihadists constitute less than 0.5 percent of the world's 1.9 billion Muslims (i.e., less than 10 million).[95] However, those who take their actions beyond the limits of the shari'ah (such as terrorist attacks against civilians) are seen as deviant and not true Salafis.

Another definition of Salafi jihadism, offered by Mohammed M. Hafez, is an "extreme form of Sunni Islamism that rejects democracy and Shia rule." Hafez distinguished them from apolitical and conservative Salafi scholars (such as Muhammad Nasiruddin al-Albani, Muhammad ibn al Uthaymeen, Abd al-Aziz ibn Abd Allah ibn Baaz and Abdul-Azeez ibn Abdullaah Aal ash-Shaikh), but also from the sahwa[disambiguation needed] movement associated with Salman al-Ouda or Safar Al-Hawali.[97]

An analysis of the Caucasus Emirate, a Salafi jihadist group was made in 2014 by Darion Rhodes.[98] It analyzes the group's strict observance of tawhid and its rejection of shirk, taqlid, ijtihad, and bid'ah, while believing that jihad is the only way to advance the cause of Allah on the earth.[98]
Excellent first half; no ISL isn't Islamic. Even the Newt agreed it was on point and well executed. ISL is beyond what we have seen, those who continue to underestimate them as "just another bunch of Muslim fanatics" ARE the problem. Of course the blinders on crowd missed the important point: The US will hit Syria, and no battle plans were announced, unlike in 2003. The 475 being sent are going there to train, plan and supply.

Obama will not be playing dress up, and declaring victory next week either.

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