Obama "Jokes" His Pasty Chef Puts "Crack" In Their Pies

Oh shit, I guess I posted in the other talking point thread with this same thread title today. I'll go back there then... :lol:
I didn't find anything "wrong" with what Obama said. You people need to learn to take a joke.

That's the problem with America today. Why am I not surprised people of your ilk find nothing wrong with the President joking about illegal drugs in his pasty, while his wife looks on and laughs.

The problem stems from too much television, no parental supervision, too many video games, rap, drugs and the public school system.

Don't you hate when people are so "Politically Correct"?

Can't take a simple joke

Ordinarily I would agree with both of you. This would be "just a joke" were it you or me, but this is the President. I would like to think that any President is wise enough, smart enough, not to make a joke about an illegal drug known to destroy lives. What's next? Meth in the White House lemonade? Hilarious!

And for the record, I don't give a shit who the President is, the joke is bad form.

my thought exactly...
Exceptionally poor taste for any president to make such a "joke" but par for the course for this idiot.

Concur with your observation - wholeheartedly !!

Lacked class & intelligence.

For his wife and the media in attendance to find it humorous - as equally as sickening.
Funny how many pro-drug Teapers take offense to this.

You pseudo-conservatives and Teapers are worse than liberals when Bush was President. Nitpicking at nonsense...I wonder what you hope to accomplish. No wonder Teapers have accomplished nothing...all they can do is nitpick about a stupid joke (even thought Teapers are pro-drug, so even caring about this comment is hypocritical).

I gotta say, for a group of people so dead set against "political correctness", you guys really do the whole "clutching your pearls" thing really well.

Who knew you guys were so fucking sensitive.

Obama glamorized crack. Plain and simple

I gotta say, for a group of people so dead set against "political correctness", you guys really do the whole "clutching your pearls" thing really well.

Who knew you guys were so fucking sensitive.

Obama glamorized crack. Plain and simple



I bet you said that with a straight face, too.


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