Obama just admitted that healthcare costs weren't going down

So, if the insurance rate's increase has slowed down under Obama over the course of 5 years versus the previous year's increase staying the same as far as rate increases, that's a savings insurance holders saw. It looks like if insurance would have continued at the rate of it's rise, it'd be costing around $11,000, it's around 9,500 to 10,000. At least that's one way of looking at things.
Say, I have a question, the claims that healthcare insurance rates (premiums) have increased, is that including Obamacare with the subsidies or just your private insurance?
Personally, I'd like to see Obamacare cease and switched to "public option". I hate the mandate.

Mine went up $6000 a year, no subsidy. Just $6000 more of my hard earned money. It is pure BS.

Our insurance went up $900 for basically the same plan we have carried for 7 years. $6,000, holy shit!!!
We have seen claims like this over and over and over. When the claims were looked into by non-partisan sources they were shown to be false. I recall one woman in particular who claimed ACA would not cover her cancer care or meds. When it was looked into it turned out that she would be covered for meds and doctors visits and it would cost her about $1200 per year less. When informed of this she answered in the typical republican manner, "I don't believe it."
Let me point something out here: I am a former four star General in the Army and a Rear Admiral. (Actually I am not either of these but I wanted to point out that I can be ANYTHING I want to be on the board and I can make ANY untrue statement I want to make. For example, I could say something really stupid like "my medical insurance went up $35,000" which is not true but you people will believe it anyway.
Considering costs doubled just under Boosh, 4%/year is great, and will only get better as more insurers compete....
Hummm ..... Here is a simple fact for you: It took the Queen Mary about 7 miles to go from full speed to zero speed. Why is this important? Because that is exactly what we can expect from health care costs. First we can expect the rate of increase to slow and over the years to eventually stop rising. Bear in mind that this program is in its infancy. Only someone who is a complete idiot, like yourself for example, would expect health care costs that were skyrocketing to be falling overnight.
Oh, and the part I get is that you are so consumed by hate for Obama that virtually everything you post is just one mud ball after another. It is why I and others cannot take anything you post seriously.
Let's try a little test to see how strong your hated for Obama is. Answer these simple statements with an 'agree' or 'disagree.'
Taking the US out of Iraq was a good thing.
Getting out of Afghanistan by the end of 2014 was a good thing.
Millions of people who didn't have health insurance now have health insurance.
Not going to war in Libya was a good thing.
Not going to war in Egypt was a good thing.
Not going to war in Syria is a good thing.
Helping to get rid of Syria's poison gas was a good thing.
Providing federal aid to areas hit by natural disasters is a good thing.
Helping keep GM and Chrysler above water and preserving millions of jobs was a good thing.

Ron, man, you dont get it. Obama promised he would start by reducing premiums. He did not promise they would start slowing increasing and then go down. He promisd they would decrease. The opposite has happened. That makes what he said a lie. Do you not get that part?
I do get this, I get that your hatred of President Obama is so great that you have completely lost touch with reality. I gave you a list of Obama accomplishment and you are unwilling to state whether you agree or disagree. You are unable to acknowledge that many of the action Obama has taken have been of benefit to the people of America. Show you have some marbles to go with that twig you have and answer my questions. Show the board whether you are level headed or whether you are a blind hater who is unable to see past your nose.

Ron man. Dont take this the wrong way but your two working brain cells died during the Carter Administration.
Obama made a claim that insurance premiums would go down right away.
Insurance premiums have gone up instead.
That makes Obama a liar.
And that makes you a moron.
SOME would go down...right away and they have...by as much as 2500... Some have gone up bcause they sucked...YOU HATER DUPES DON'T SEEM TO GET THE ADJECTIVES like some,many,and most. THAT MAKES you THE IGNORANT, SIMPLE MINDED Pub dupe, since REAGAN i guess lol...
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900/month? bs- but if so, thank your pub state gov't and their insurer cronies...

I speak the truth.

The 10 Places Where Health Insurance Costs The Least
The lowest monthly silver premium in the country is offered in the Minneapolis-St. Paul region, where a 40-year-old will pay $154 a month for a PreferredOne plan. Just across the Wisconsin border, that same kind of plan — but with a different insurer and other doctors and hospitals — costs nearly three times as much.

Insurers were able to negotiate low rates with hospitals and doctors in the Twin Cities because they could choose from among four major health care systems. Both Fairview Health Services, which runs the University of Minnesota Medical Center and is included in the lowest plan's network, and Allina Health, the largest system in the Twin Cities and operator of Abbott Northwestern Hospital, have been in the vanguard of experimenting with more efficient ways to care for patients, such as accountable care organizations and putting doctors on salary, said Stephen Parente, a health economist at the University of Minnesota.

"Minnesota has had years if not decades of experience with managed care," he said.

Most counties in central and northern Minnesota also have premiums that are among the lowest in the nation. Michael Rothman, commissioner of Minnesota's Department of Commerce, which regulates insurers, said the state moved early to enact cost controls, such as restricting how much insurers can spend on things other than medical care and requiring annual insurance rates to go through state review.

The 10 Places Where Health Insurance Costs The Least : Shots - Health News : NPR

Plus Minnesota is consistently ranked as one of the healthiest states with one of the best health cre systems in the country.
In fact he admitted that they are going up.

He said under Sebelius the costs for healthcare have gone UP at their slowest rate since 1950.

Comments were made during send off speech for her since she resigned.

So now he's throwing Sebilius under the bus. Big shocker there.
In fact he admitted that they are going up.

He said under Sebelius the costs for healthcare have gone UP at their slowest rate since 1950.

Comments were made during send off speech for her since she resigned.

You are a fucking retard. Go read some shit dont tell everyone what you heard.

Ahh yes..The facts don't fit the lib narrative, so out come the claws.
You libs are as predictable as a Florida PM thunderstorm.
Im the retard? He said it in his stupid speech 10 minutes ago so when it finally has a link to it you will look like the fool not I.

Did Obama promise that Healthcare costs would go down the first year? And seriously you're mad because the cost went up at the lowest level in 70 years?

He promised they would go down, moron. He also repeatedly said that Obamacare "would bend the cost curve downward."

both claims were lies.
Im the retard? He said it in his stupid speech 10 minutes ago so when it finally has a link to it you will look like the fool not I.

Did Obama promise that Healthcare costs would go down the first year? And seriously you're mad because the cost went up at the lowest level in 70 years?

No..He promised those costs would go down. By as much as $2500 per year. He also said we'd be able to keep our policy if we liked it. And of course he said if we liked our doctor we could keep him or her as well.
Nearly 10 million insureds lost their policies. Such a PR disaster that was, Obama by political fiat had to fire off an EO that allowed people to keep their current insurance...For just one year.
Such a PR disaster was the business mandate, he had to fire off an EO extending the period of compliance. TWICE...
Now the program is bombing Medicare. And guess what? The reimbursements are so low, doctors and hospitals are one by one refusing to treat patients insured by medicare.
All through the campaigning in support of Obamacare, the President said his plan would reduce costs. That was a lie. ACA only affects price. it does nothing to control costs.
So the cost of medical care rises and falls with the economics of the industry. The price people can pay is fixed by government.
So now, let's see the liberal response....
Here's my prediction.....
You: "You're a fucking retard..."
Im the retard? He said it in his stupid speech 10 minutes ago so when it finally has a link to it you will look like the fool not I.

Did Obama promise that Healthcare costs would go down the first year? And seriously you're mad because the cost went up at the lowest level in 70 years?

Yep by $2500.00 per family. Still waiting on mine, because my healthcare insurance went up $250.00 a month
Ours did not rise in price. We just got hit with an extra $500 per year deductible.
Obamacare SUCKS elephant dung.
Who is making all of the money off of this deal? The rich or the poor?
The lack of links provided as evidence suggests that isnt true.

The speech is ten minutes old, {sigh}.

How old is the promise of $2500 savings in the first year?

To you it mattered then because you believed it.
To you it now no longer matters because it was never true.
With you libs, everything is about gaming the politics.
Fuck the country, all you care about is the acquisition and retention of political power.
Can you tell me when in that video he said the first year everyone would save $2500? I just watched it and maybe you saw it and I missed it.

"We will start by reducing premiums by as much as $2500 per family." 6 seconds into the video.

Are you unable to see the words "first year" every time someone types it?

Where does it show him saying $2500 in savings the FIRST YEAR?

This is how republican circle jerks go. OP makes a stupid claim, refuses to back it up with links, then some other repubs throws in an unrelated link and claims victory then they all masturbate while staring deeply into the eyes of a Karl Rove Poster

We're not entertaining your narrative( first year).
Get off it.
The program is in full force. There was never a time period attached to the $2500 promise. Which means once the program was instituted, the plan was the plan.
He said it. Now he owns it.
Oh, we're not able to keep our doctors either. Nor our coverage.
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So we should just assume there's an asterisk next to every Obama promise?

You'll get to keep your doctor*

You'll get to keep your plan*
*Except when it's regulated out of existence

You'll see an average of 2500 dollar annual savings*

Your premiums and deductibles won't go up*
*Except when they do
And like Bush-bots before them the Obama-bots will defend defend defend no matter how bad a policy is or how much their King lies to everyone.

Again, I wonder if Obama will get lie of the year again, I mean he's got plenty to chose from.

Still waiting on those Death Panels

Notice how you are the only one in the thread defending and deflecting.
Standing in the middle of a crowded room, screaming that everyone else is wrong and you alone are correct, does not make it so.
You're like the knight in Monty Python and the Holy Grail that keeps fighting even though King Arthur keeps chopping off his limbs.
He's not alone, dummy. And the screaming is coming from you. You fuckers are very upset. Always so upset.
And like Bush-bots before them the Obama-bots will defend defend defend no matter how bad a policy is or how much their King lies to everyone.

Again, I wonder if Obama will get lie of the year again, I mean he's got plenty to chose from.

Still waiting on those Death Panels

HA!...Do you really think that with this bullshit ACA a 72 year old man presenting chest pains in the emergency room is going to get the same treatment as a guy half his age?
If you believe that, you are most definitely living in a parallel universe.

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