Obama just admitted that healthcare costs weren't going down

And like Bush-bots before them the Obama-bots will defend defend defend no matter how bad a policy is or how much their King lies to everyone.

Again, I wonder if Obama will get lie of the year again, I mean he's got plenty to chose from.

Still waiting on those Death Panels

HA!...Do you really think that with this bullshit ACA a 72 year old man presenting chest pains in the emergency room is going to get the same treatment as a guy half his age?
If you believe that, you are most definitely living in a parallel universe.

You might just be retarded. That was a retarded thing to say. Someone who is not retarded would likely never say something like that.
So, in your warped little mind, health care costs going up at a slower rate is a bad thing? Take away ACA and those costs would be skyrocketing upward.
You see, this is why I see gramps as being a typical ignorant gop member. He would prefer to see ACA repealed even if his health care costs go up at a faster rate. In other words, in the end ACA will probably put money in his pocket but he will not stand for that. It is kind of like poking yourself in the eye with a sharp stick. I'll never understand those who continue to support the gop.

Ron, man. Don't take it personally but you're just dumb as shit. The claim frm Obama was "healthcare costs would decline under Obamacare immediately." They haven't declined. Theyve gone up. That means that he lied in his statement. Do you get that part?
Hummm ..... Here is a simple fact for you: It took the Queen Mary about 7 miles to go from full speed to zero speed. Why is this important? Because that is exactly what we can expect from health care costs. First we can expect the rate of increase to slow and over the years to eventually stop rising. Bear in mind that this program is in its infancy. Only someone who is a complete idiot, like yourself for example, would expect health care costs that were skyrocketing to be falling overnight.
Oh, and the part I get is that you are so consumed by hate for Obama that virtually everything you post is just one mud ball after another. It is why I and others cannot take anything you post seriously.
Let's try a little test to see how strong your hated for Obama is. Answer these simple statements with an 'agree' or 'disagree.'
Taking the US out of Iraq was a good thing.
Getting out of Afghanistan by the end of 2014 was a good thing.
Millions of people who didn't have health insurance now have health insurance.
Not going to war in Libya was a good thing.
Not going to war in Egypt was a good thing.
Not going to war in Syria is a good thing.
Helping to get rid of Syria's poison gas was a good thing.
Providing federal aid to areas hit by natural disasters is a good thing.
Helping keep GM and Chrysler above water and preserving millions of jobs was a good thing.

Hey genius. Stay on point or be silent.
This phrase, "healthcare costs going down," is reflective of a garbled understanding of the issues involved. "Healthcare costs" is not synonymous with "individual insurance premiums" because the amount paid for individual insurance by the policy holder is never the same as the amount paid by the insurer to cover policy holder claims. Even more important, huge amounts of healthcare cost is covered by federal programs like Medicaid with little or no payment by the insured individual.

Despite the rise in premiums in the individual insurance market, the costs of healthcare, i.e. delivery of medical services, is being restrained and in a growing number of areas, reduced by changed in payment structures brought about through ACA. The shift away from fee for service to case management payments is perhaps the most dramatic example.
Dems are providing the grand design, certainly not the back to the Gilded Age greedy idiot Pubs...pay attention.

OP-Dems always said this would bend down the cost curve...this is just out of context Pubcrappe, for hater dupes only...
Im the retard? He said it in his stupid speech 10 minutes ago so when it finally has a link to it you will look like the fool not I.

Did Obama promise that Healthcare costs would go down the first year? And seriously you're mad because the cost went up at the lowest level in 70 years?

Yep by $2500.00 per family. Still waiting on mine, because my healthcare insurance went up $250.00 a month

Yup, wait until the true numbers come out and not enough young jumped into the debacle, the prices will rise considerably......for the middle class.
Dems are providing the grand design, certainly not the back to the Gilded Age greedy idiot Pubs...pay attention.

OP-Dems always said this would bend down the cost curve...this is just out of context Pubcrappe, for hater dupes only...

That's lib code for "fuzzy Math", duped, hater....poopypants.
This phrase, "healthcare costs going down," is reflective of a garbled understanding of the issues involved. "Healthcare costs" is not synonymous with "individual insurance premiums" because the amount paid for individual insurance by the policy holder is never the same as the amount paid by the insurer to cover policy holder claims. Even more important, huge amounts of healthcare cost is covered by federal programs like Medicaid with little or no payment by the insured individual.

Despite the rise in premiums in the individual insurance market, the costs of healthcare, i.e. delivery of medical services, is being restrained and in a growing number of areas, reduced by changed in payment structures brought about through ACA. The shift away from fee for service to case management payments is perhaps the most dramatic example.

Great approach. It might be a little too complex for some, though. Sadly, I don't anticipate much of a response.
This phrase, "healthcare costs going down," is reflective of a garbled understanding of the issues involved. "Healthcare costs" is not synonymous with "individual insurance premiums" because the amount paid for individual insurance by the policy holder is never the same as the amount paid by the insurer to cover policy holder claims. Even more important, huge amounts of healthcare cost is covered by federal programs like Medicaid with little or no payment by the insured individual.

Despite the rise in premiums in the individual insurance market, the costs of healthcare, i.e. delivery of medical services, is being restrained and in a growing number of areas, reduced by changed in payment structures brought about through ACA. The shift away from fee for service to case management payments is perhaps the most dramatic example.

Hmmm, maybe you can spin Obama's very own words, okay?

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Ron, man. Don't take it personally but you're just dumb as shit. The claim frm Obama was "healthcare costs would decline under Obamacare immediately." They haven't declined. Theyve gone up. That means that he lied in his statement. Do you get that part?
Hummm ..... Here is a simple fact for you: It took the Queen Mary about 7 miles to go from full speed to zero speed. Why is this important? Because that is exactly what we can expect from health care costs. First we can expect the rate of increase to slow and over the years to eventually stop rising. Bear in mind that this program is in its infancy. Only someone who is a complete idiot, like yourself for example, would expect health care costs that were skyrocketing to be falling overnight.
Oh, and the part I get is that you are so consumed by hate for Obama that virtually everything you post is just one mud ball after another. It is why I and others cannot take anything you post seriously.
Let's try a little test to see how strong your hated for Obama is. Answer these simple statements with an 'agree' or 'disagree.'
Taking the US out of Iraq was a good thing.
Getting out of Afghanistan by the end of 2014 was a good thing.
Millions of people who didn't have health insurance now have health insurance.
Not going to war in Libya was a good thing.
Not going to war in Egypt was a good thing.
Not going to war in Syria is a good thing.
Helping to get rid of Syria's poison gas was a good thing.
Providing federal aid to areas hit by natural disasters is a good thing.
Helping keep GM and Chrysler above water and preserving millions of jobs was a good thing.

Hey genius. Stay on point or be silent.
To cowardly to answer the questions so it is better to attack the person who posed them. Now here is the thing, if you can't prove you have been appointed to run this board you should probably keep your own mouth shut. Until that happens feel free to kiss my brown spot.
Ron, man, you dont get it. Obama promised he would start by reducing premiums. He did not promise they would start slowing increasing and then go down. He promisd they would decrease. The opposite has happened. That makes what he said a lie. Do you not get that part?
I do get this, I get that your hatred of President Obama is so great that you have completely lost touch with reality. I gave you a list of Obama accomplishment and you are unwilling to state whether you agree or disagree. You are unable to acknowledge that many of the action Obama has taken have been of benefit to the people of America. Show you have some marbles to go with that twig you have and answer my questions. Show the board whether you are level headed or whether you are a blind hater who is unable to see past your nose.

Ron man. Dont take this the wrong way but your two working brain cells died during the Carter Administration.
Obama made a claim that insurance premiums would go down right away. I have asked you to provide proof of Obama making a statement to this effect and like the cowardly shithead you are you avoid providing proof for your ignorant statement.
Insurance premiums have gone up instead.
That makes Obama a liar.
And that makes you a moron.
I have been very courteous in posting to you but all I get in return is insults. If that is the way you want to communicate I will accommodate you.
So listen fuck face, stop behaving like you have shit for brains. I asked you to verify a quote you claim Obama made and you have been unable to do so. I have asked to evaluate some of Obama's accomplishments and you are to much of a coward to do so. So, until you grow a set of stones and stop avoiding serious requests why don't you give that bag of rancid dog vomit you call a brain a rest and STFU.
hummm ..... Here is a simple fact for you: It took the queen mary about 7 miles to go from full speed to zero speed. Why is this important? Because that is exactly what we can expect from health care costs. First we can expect the rate of increase to slow and over the years to eventually stop rising. Bear in mind that this program is in its infancy. Only someone who is a complete idiot, like yourself for example, would expect health care costs that were skyrocketing to be falling overnight.
oh, and the part i get is that you are so consumed by hate for obama that virtually everything you post is just one mud ball after another. It is why i and others cannot take anything you post seriously.
let's try a little test to see how strong your hated for obama is. Answer these simple statements with an 'agree' or 'disagree.'
taking the us out of iraq was a good thing.
getting out of afghanistan by the end of 2014 was a good thing.
millions of people who didn't have health insurance now have health insurance.
not going to war in libya was a good thing.
not going to war in egypt was a good thing.
not going to war in syria is a good thing.
helping to get rid of syria's poison gas was a good thing.
providing federal aid to areas hit by natural disasters is a good thing.
helping keep gm and chrysler above water and preserving millions of jobs was a good thing.

we could keep our health insurance. we couldn't. for many the insurance they had was junk insurance. They paid almost nothing for it and they received almost zero coverage. They would have been better off with out their junk insurance.
we could keep our doctors. only if they fit the network we were in. isn't this a problem to take up with your doctor? If it was their decision not to be part of aca based on their politics how is this obama's fault? Talk to your doctor.
we would see $2500 savings for a family. costs have gone up. you provide no link for this. I suspect you will find that for some families the cost may have gone up with better insurance but for other families the cost may have gone down. Provide some proof for your assertion.
millions of people who didn't have health insurance now have health insurance. millions who did have health insurance, lost their insurance. they lost their insurance because in most cases they had poor insurance to begin with. The have insurance now that is better than what they lost.

i'm sorry, but he has failed and failed miserably on what he has promised. I tire of the spin and the bs if the aca is as bad as you people keep screaming why have 7,500,000 people signed up for it. If i recall right you people predicted a complete failure in this area. Also, if the aca is so bad why has its approval surpassed 50%? If 50%+ of the population now approve of aca it kind of says that your people were wrong..

"for many the insurance they had was junk insurance. They paid almost nothing for it and they received almost zero coverage. They would have been better off with out their junk insurance."

How many?

"isn't this a problem to take up with your doctor? If it was their decision not to be part of aca based on their politics how is this obama's fault? Talk to your doctor."

I did, and I talked with a few dozen other Physicians and I got the same answer. It wasn't politics, it was the rates being paid. It's clear that the next step is Accountable Care Organizations and most of my doctors (I'm a health insurance agent) don't see a way to make money while providing quality care in that environment. We just don't have the healthy population density in our area to make that model profitable. Central Florida is already 2-tier and it's quickly becoming 3-tier. Cash vs. insurance is quickly turning into cash vs. insurance vs. government.

"you provide no link for this. I suspect you will find that for some families the cost may have gone up with better insurance but for other families the cost may have gone down. Provide some proof for your assertion."

I ask the same of you. Provide some links for the usage of "junk plans" and the other assertions you've made.

"they lost their insurance because in most cases they had poor insurance to begin with. The have insurance now that is better than what they lost."

Most cases? Quantify that with some actual data.

"if the aca is as bad as you people keep screaming why have 7,500,000 people signed up for it. If i recall right you people predicted a complete failure in this area. Also, if the aca is so bad why has its approval surpassed 50%? If 50%+ of the population now approve of aca it kind of says that your people were wrong.."

I'm amazed the number is that low since it's against the law to not have qualifying coverage. Success of a program should be based on the number of people that choose to participate, not the number of people forced to participate.
Love the Queen Mary reference- crossed 3 times '53-'64...also 3 on QE, 1 each Sylvania, Saxonia, Ivernia, and old war horse Columbia...

OP- Jeebus the hater dupes are functional morons on EVERYTHING...
Who is making all of the money off of this deal? The rich or the poor?

The upper middle class is paying more to subsidize the lower middle class and all the money is going to people that are rich enough to self-insure.

That's the irony of the Progressive agenda. Every time they talk about helping the poor and the middle class they screw a few rich people, scads of middle class people, most of the poor, and protect a different set of rich people. All while the parts of the government they like get bigger and bigger.

MANY people on the low end of the economic scale are truly helped with the ACA. By my estimate, it's about 2 million, with a cost I estimate to be around $9 Billion per year, and that's a very good thing. This is the core of the "success" of the ACA. It would've been much better to just commit this sum (which amounts to a rounding error of the defense budget) to provide direct subsidies to the group they could help. There was no need to destroy the private individual major medical market to do this.

Other tweaks to the existing system that are now implemented would have been much easier and much cheaper. Expanding eligibility to 26 year old "children" would have been easy, and expanding funding for Medicaid could have been also accomplished (the current rules are terribly byzantine - typical government) for much less money by simply providing a risk corridor for insurers and the let the market work. They figured it out with Medicare Advantage, they could figure it out with Medicaid, especially if those two systems were merged. Why do we have two systems that essentially do the same thing? The Federal government operates Medicare and the states operate Medicaid but they do so with grants from the Federal Government and those grants are managed on a granular level.

I used to think that the talk about the ACA being designed to fail was just wacko partisan talk, but then when I had to get my Federal certification to sell insurance from HHS and the only outlet to do so was a website called https://marketplace.medicarelearningnetworklms.com I was curious. Since I already had my certification to present and enroll Medicare Advantage beneficiaries I was familiar with the government model. The ACA Federally Facilitated Marketplace courses were eerily similar to the Medicare courses I had to take.

The fix is in, folks. Medicare for all is happening regardless of whether the ACA supporters admit it or not. The only problem is that the government spent more than it would cost to buy eHealth.com to put them out of business to run eHealth.com out of business. The goal isn't to have everyone covered for their healthcare needs, the goal is to maximize the size of the government program tasked and funded to provide for everyone's healthcare needs.

This is Amtrak on steroids.
He's not alone, dummy. And the screaming is coming from you. You fuckers are very upset. Always so upset.

Of course people are upset. The $2500 per family (some times it was said "as much as $2500" and other times it was "$2500 for the average family") savings have not materialized and there are no indications that they ever will. Another key point is that the President stated that if he was elected and his plan was implemented that he would "start" by saving $2500 per year in premiums and that the costs for healthcare would go down. He did not say that the costs would go down relative to some expected projection of increases and he never said that costs would go up a whole lot but some people would get free and very cheap costs, he said that the costs were going to go down. He said he was going to start by reducing the premiums.

That most definitely didn't happen. It's time to stop the spin and it's really time to stop glomming up the process by pretending to be looking for a way to make this work. The Louisiana Purchase (version 2.0) and the Cornhusker Kickback were prophetic and underestimated in their indication of how bad this massive government program was going to be. This is way beyond the botched Medicare Part D rollout, that was a very minor inconvenience compared to the ACA. There are literally no people alive right now that had to pay a penalty due to fact that they could not afford to enroll in Part D and the largest penalty possible right now is $30.72 per month. That pales in comparison to those who have seen their premiums increase by hundreds of dollars per month and their deductibles skyrocket.

That said there are two good things that Obamacare has done:

1. The implementation of an almost universal deductible. This is a good thing. People should be willing to pay for their healthcare, even if it's a small amount.

2. The implementation of a Maximum Out of Pocket. It's good for people to be able to plan for their healthcare and set aside the funds to pay for a worst case scenario.

Unfortunately, the system has been structured in such a way that it makes those who can actually afford the MOOP pay for most of those who can't even afford their own deductibles, which means the whole ecosystem is going to collapse.
In fact he admitted that they are going up.

He said under Sebelius the costs for healthcare have gone UP at their slowest rate since 1950.

Comments were made during send off speech for her since she resigned.

He is correct. They are increasing at their slowest rates in our lifetime. This is great news. The real question to be answered is whether or not this will continue or not.
So, if the insurance rate's increase has slowed down under Obama over the course of 5 years versus the previous year's increase staying the same as far as rate increases, that's a savings insurance holders saw. It looks like if insurance would have continued at the rate of it's rise, it'd be costing around $11,000, it's around 9,500 to 10,000. At least that's one way of looking at things.
Say, I have a question, the claims that healthcare insurance rates (premiums) have increased, is that including Obamacare with the subsidies or just your private insurance?
Personally, I'd like to see Obamacare cease and switched to "public option". I hate the mandate.

Mine went up $6000 a year, no subsidy. Just $6000 more of my hard earned money. It is pure BS.

Our insurance went up $900 for basically the same plan we have carried for 7 years. $6,000, holy shit!!!

Mine is for the year, I kept only a catastrophic plan, it work well for us. We paid our yearly physicals out of pocket and never worried about insurance, now we don't qualify for the subsidy and it costs us $800 a month.

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