Obama just admitted that healthcare costs weren't going down

In fact he admitted that they are going up.

He said under Sebelius the costs for healthcare have gone UP at their slowest rate since 1950.

Comments were made during send off speech for her since she resigned.

I would call him out on the claim that rates have gone up slowly. Millions who had their insurance cancelled found that their rates instantly tripled and their deductibles went sky high when they went to the Obamacare website. That is hardly a slow increase. I am so tired of some on the left telling us to suck it up and be happy with it because we have no choice.

Since everything he claimed was a lie, why does anyone still support this? Rates are up, not down as he claimed they would be. People lost their plans and doctors. Illegals are not only covered, but encouraged to sign up with the promise that the information they type into the site will not be used to deport them. And too many doctors and hospitals are refusing to accept Obamacare patients because they would lose money at a fast rate and it would mean closing their doors at some point.

The only people who could possibly approve are those who receive something for little or nothing or those who granted themselves considerable power over the most personal aspect of our lives.
He didnt have to quote me but felt the need too. If he didnt want to address it....all he had to do was...nothing at all.

Fucktard couldnt do that...and couldnt read....So he thought I was talking about something that wasnt there. I'm sorry that butt munch cant read

To repeat, Grampa didnt substantiate a point you made out of thin air and he's the one with the problem?

I hope every poster here negs you for total dishonesty.

I negged him after his first post

Good boy...I hope Rabbi treats you extra special ya bitch
In fact he admitted that they are going up.

He said under Sebelius the costs for healthcare have gone UP at their slowest rate since 1950.

Comments were made during send off speech for her since she resigned.
So, in your warped little mind, health care costs going up at a slower rate is a bad thing? Take away ACA and those costs would be skyrocketing upward.
You see, this is why I see gramps as being a typical ignorant gop member. He would prefer to see ACA repealed even if his health care costs go up at a faster rate. In other words, in the end ACA will probably put money in his pocket but he will not stand for that. It is kind of like poking yourself in the eye with a sharp stick. I'll never understand those who continue to support the gop.

Ron, man. Don't take it personally but you're just dumb as shit. The claim frm Obama was "healthcare costs would decline under Obamacare immediately." They haven't declined. Theyve gone up. That means that he lied in his statement. Do you get that part?
Hummm ..... Here is a simple fact for you: It took the Queen Mary about 7 miles to go from full speed to zero speed. Why is this important? Because that is exactly what we can expect from health care costs. First we can expect the rate of increase to slow and over the years to eventually stop rising. Bear in mind that this program is in its infancy. Only someone who is a complete idiot, like yourself for example, would expect health care costs that were skyrocketing to be falling overnight.
Oh, and the part I get is that you are so consumed by hate for Obama that virtually everything you post is just one mud ball after another. It is why I and others cannot take anything you post seriously.
Let's try a little test to see how strong your hated for Obama is. Answer these simple statements with an 'agree' or 'disagree.'
Taking the US out of Iraq was a good thing.
Getting out of Afghanistan by the end of 2014 was a good thing.
Millions of people who didn't have health insurance now have health insurance.
Not going to war in Libya was a good thing.
Not going to war in Egypt was a good thing.
Not going to war in Syria is a good thing.
Helping to get rid of Syria's poison gas was a good thing.
Providing federal aid to areas hit by natural disasters is a good thing.
Helping keep GM and Chrysler above water and preserving millions of jobs was a good thing.
Ron you are an idiot. Anyone who believes that cosets will go down, especially as much as Obama said, is certifiable
In fact he admitted that they are going up.

He said under Sebelius the costs for healthcare have gone UP at their slowest rate since 1950.

Comments were made during send off speech for her since she resigned.

I would call him out on the claim that rates have gone up slowly. Millions who had their insurance cancelled found that their rates instantly tripled and their deductibles went sky high when they went to the Obamacare website. That is hardly a slow increase. I am so tired of some on the left telling us to suck it up and be happy with it because we have no choice.

Since everything he claimed was a lie, why does anyone still support this? Rates are up, not down as he claimed they would be. People lost their plans and doctors. Illegals are not only covered, but encouraged to sign up with the promise that the information they type into the site will not be used to deport them. And too many doctors and hospitals are refusing to accept Obamacare patients because they would lose money at a fast rate and it would mean closing their doors at some point.

The only people who could possibly approve are those who receive something for little or nothing or those who granted themselves considerable power over the most personal aspect of our lives.
You have made all kinds of claims (republican talking points?) and you have not provided one fact or link to support those claims. Why am I not surprised?
But doesnt it bother the Left here that every statement Obama made about Obamacare was not only a lie, but he knew it was a lie when he made that statement?

As the great philosopher Homer J. Simpson once opined:

"Marge, it takes two to lie: one to lie and one to listen."

So you see, it isn't Obama's fault that he told lies, it's your fault somehow.
Ron you are an idiot. Anyone who believes that cosets will go down, especially as much as Obama said, is certifiable
They may not behave as Obama predicted but which is worse: A runaway health care system where more and more people are forced into poverty by medical bills or a health care system where the growth in rates is starting to fall. Which would you prefer?
Why is it that your are unable to see the big picture? You will focus on a grain of sand (It isn't happening EXACTLY as Obama said) and ignore the mountain right next to it (The rise in rates for health care is slowing.) That slowing of the rise in rates for health care will put millions into the pockets of Americans. IS THAT A BAD THING?
[ame=http://youtube.com/watch?v=xJYvaLS-xOw]Obama to Jane Sturm take a pill (long version in context) - YouTube[/ame]

And like Bush-bots before them the Obama-bots will defend defend defend no matter how bad a policy is or how much their King lies to everyone.

Again, I wonder if Obama will get lie of the year again, I mean he's got plenty to chose from.

Still waiting on those Death Panels
We have a system now where some middle class people couldn't afford health insurance but made too much money for Medicare/Medicaid. Now, thanks to the skyrocketing increases in costs brought on because of Obamacare, they still can't afford insurance, make too much for the Medicare/Medicaid, and now get taxed for not having it.

What an improvement. :eusa_hand:
Ron you are an idiot. Anyone who believes that cosets will go down, especially as much as Obama said, is certifiable
They may not behave as Obama predicted but which is worse: A runaway health care system where more and more people are forced into poverty by medical bills or a health care system where the growth in rates is starting to fall. Which would you prefer?
Why is it that your are unable to see the big picture? You will focus on a grain of sand (It isn't happening EXACTLY as Obama said) and ignore the mountain right next to it (The rise in rates for health care is slowing.) That slowing of the rise in rates for health care will put millions into the pockets of Americans. IS THAT A BAD THING?
are you serious?? I guess you don't believe the stories of higher premiums and higher out of pocket costs. Doesn't surprise me.
Ron you are an idiot. Anyone who believes that cosets will go down, especially as much as Obama said, is certifiable
They may not behave as Obama predicted but which is worse: A runaway health care system where more and more people are forced into poverty by medical bills or a health care system where the growth in rates is starting to fall. Which would you prefer?
Why is it that your are unable to see the big picture? You will focus on a grain of sand (It isn't happening EXACTLY as Obama said) and ignore the mountain right next to it (The rise in rates for health care is slowing.) That slowing of the rise in rates for health care will put millions into the pockets of Americans. IS THAT A BAD THING?
are you serious?? I guess you don't believe the stories of higher premiums and higher out of pocket costs. Doesn't surprise me.

The only thing you can do is believe because there isnt any proof of that available
So, in your warped little mind, health care costs going up at a slower rate is a bad thing? Take away ACA and those costs would be skyrocketing upward.
You see, this is why I see gramps as being a typical ignorant gop member. He would prefer to see ACA repealed even if his health care costs go up at a faster rate. In other words, in the end ACA will probably put money in his pocket but he will not stand for that. It is kind of like poking yourself in the eye with a sharp stick. I'll never understand those who continue to support the gop.

Ron, man. Don't take it personally but you're just dumb as shit. The claim frm Obama was "healthcare costs would decline under Obamacare immediately." They haven't declined. Theyve gone up. That means that he lied in his statement. Do you get that part?
Hummm ..... Here is a simple fact for you: It took the Queen Mary about 7 miles to go from full speed to zero speed. Why is this important? Because that is exactly what we can expect from health care costs. First we can expect the rate of increase to slow and over the years to eventually stop rising. Bear in mind that this program is in its infancy. Only someone who is a complete idiot, like yourself for example, would expect health care costs that were skyrocketing to be falling overnight.
Oh, and the part I get is that you are so consumed by hate for Obama that virtually everything you post is just one mud ball after another. It is why I and others cannot take anything you post seriously.
Let's try a little test to see how strong your hated for Obama is. Answer these simple statements with an 'agree' or 'disagree.'
Taking the US out of Iraq was a good thing.
Getting out of Afghanistan by the end of 2014 was a good thing.
Millions of people who didn't have health insurance now have health insurance.
Not going to war in Libya was a good thing.
Not going to war in Egypt was a good thing.
Not going to war in Syria is a good thing.
Helping to get rid of Syria's poison gas was a good thing.
Providing federal aid to areas hit by natural disasters is a good thing.
Helping keep GM and Chrysler above water and preserving millions of jobs was a good thing.

Anyone that believes that is simply deluded.
In fact he admitted that they are going up.

He said under Sebelius the costs for healthcare have gone UP at their slowest rate since 1950.

Comments were made during send off speech for her since she resigned.
So, in your warped little mind, health care costs going up at a slower rate is a bad thing? Take away ACA and those costs would be skyrocketing upward.
You see, this is why I see gramps as being a typical ignorant gop member. He would prefer to see ACA repealed even if his health care costs go up at a faster rate. In other words, in the end ACA will probably put money in his pocket but he will not stand for that. It is kind of like poking yourself in the eye with a sharp stick. I'll never understand those who continue to support the gop.

Ron, man. Don't take it personally but you're just dumb as shit. The claim frm Obama was "healthcare costs would decline under Obamacare immediately." They haven't declined. Theyve gone up. That means that he lied in his statement. Do you get that part?
I have looked everywhere for this quote: "healthcare costs would decline under Obamacare immediately."
I have looked everywhere for this quote and have not been able to find it anywhere. I am expecially concerned about the word "immediately." Since I know you have no problem making up your own facts I doubt if making up quotes would be a problem for you. You have those words as a direct quote. Now prove to the board that those were the exact words Obama used.
And don't try to weasel out by telling me to find them myself. YOU posted them and it is YOUR job to prove they were not made up.

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Ron, man. Don't take it personally but you're just dumb as shit. The claim frm Obama was "healthcare costs would decline under Obamacare immediately." They haven't declined. Theyve gone up. That means that he lied in his statement. Do you get that part?
Hummm ..... Here is a simple fact for you: It took the Queen Mary about 7 miles to go from full speed to zero speed. Why is this important? Because that is exactly what we can expect from health care costs. First we can expect the rate of increase to slow and over the years to eventually stop rising. Bear in mind that this program is in its infancy. Only someone who is a complete idiot, like yourself for example, would expect health care costs that were skyrocketing to be falling overnight.
Oh, and the part I get is that you are so consumed by hate for Obama that virtually everything you post is just one mud ball after another. It is why I and others cannot take anything you post seriously.
Let's try a little test to see how strong your hated for Obama is. Answer these simple statements with an 'agree' or 'disagree.'
Taking the US out of Iraq was a good thing.
Getting out of Afghanistan by the end of 2014 was a good thing.
Millions of people who didn't have health insurance now have health insurance.
Not going to war in Libya was a good thing.
Not going to war in Egypt was a good thing.
Not going to war in Syria is a good thing.
Helping to get rid of Syria's poison gas was a good thing.
Providing federal aid to areas hit by natural disasters is a good thing.
Helping keep GM and Chrysler above water and preserving millions of jobs was a good thing.

Anyone that believes that is simply deluded.
TRANSLATION: I can't disprove what you posted so I will call you a name and hope no one notices. So, take the test and prove to me that your hatred hasn't overwhelmed you.
So, in your warped little mind, health care costs going up at a slower rate is a bad thing? Take away ACA and those costs would be skyrocketing upward.
You see, this is why I see gramps as being a typical ignorant gop member. He would prefer to see ACA repealed even if his health care costs go up at a faster rate. In other words, in the end ACA will probably put money in his pocket but he will not stand for that. It is kind of like poking yourself in the eye with a sharp stick. I'll never understand those who continue to support the gop.

Ron, man. Don't take it personally but you're just dumb as shit. The claim frm Obama was "healthcare costs would decline under Obamacare immediately." They haven't declined. Theyve gone up. That means that he lied in his statement. Do you get that part?
I have looked everywhere for this quote: "healthcare costs would decline under Obamacare immediately."
I have looked everywhere for this post and have not been able to find it anywhere. I am expecially concerned about the word "immediately." Since I know you have no problem making up your own facts I doubt if making up quotes would be a problem for you. You have those words as a direct quote. Now prove to the board that those were the exact words Obama used.
And don't try to weasel out by telling me to find them myself. YOU posted them and it is YOUR job to prove they were not made up.

Do you not see how convoluted you sound? Doesn't it wear you out having to blindly defend the lies? You are truly worth your weight in gold. Hope he rewards you for it, even though you aren't very successful at it, but that's not your fault. He and his administration have made comments that are just indefensible.
Ron you are an idiot. Anyone who believes that cosets will go down, especially as much as Obama said, is certifiable
They may not behave as Obama predicted but which is worse: A runaway health care system where more and more people are forced into poverty by medical bills or a health care system where the growth in rates is starting to fall. Which would you prefer?
Why is it that your are unable to see the big picture? You will focus on a grain of sand (It isn't happening EXACTLY as Obama said) and ignore the mountain right next to it (The rise in rates for health care is slowing.) That slowing of the rise in rates for health care will put millions into the pockets of Americans. IS THAT A BAD THING?
are you serious?? I guess you don't believe the stories of higher premiums and higher out of pocket costs. Doesn't surprise me.
What I do believe is this, the republican party hates ACA so much that they will use any lie and any untruth to try destroy it. From "death panels" to "Obama wants to kill granny" to lies from people who said that their heath costs went up when in fact they went down we have seen one lie after another. The bottom line is this, I will refuse to believe ANYTHING a member of the gop posts unless they can tie it to a link for a non partisan source.
In my mind the gop has become the little boy who cried "Wolf" and we all know what happened to him.
Ron, man. Don't take it personally but you're just dumb as shit. The claim frm Obama was "healthcare costs would decline under Obamacare immediately." They haven't declined. Theyve gone up. That means that he lied in his statement. Do you get that part?
I have looked everywhere for this quote: "healthcare costs would decline under Obamacare immediately."
I have looked everywhere for this post and have not been able to find it anywhere. I am expecially concerned about the word "immediately." Since I know you have no problem making up your own facts I doubt if making up quotes would be a problem for you. You have those words as a direct quote. Now prove to the board that those were the exact words Obama used.
And don't try to weasel out by telling me to find them myself. YOU posted them and it is YOUR job to prove they were not made up.

Do you not see how convoluted you sound? Doesn't it wear you out having to blindly defend the lies? You are truly worth your weight in gold. Hope he rewards you for it, even though you aren't very successful at it, but that's not your fault. He and his administration have made comments that are just indefensible.
Hummmm ...... You are saying Obama lied when he said
"healthcare costs would decline under Obamacare immediately." Frankly I doubt if he said it. If you want to shut me up find the quote and prove me wrong. And if you can't find the quote perhaps you should STFU.
Amazing the Pubcrappe that the hater dupes believe...the 2500 is in the future, though some HAVE done that well already. Etc etc etc...

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