Obama just admitted that healthcare costs weren't going down

So Obama admitted what he has always said was going to happen.

Saving $2,500?

Keeping my plan?

Do they have a lunch cafeteria at Obama for American HQ or do you bring in your own lunch?

the costs for healthcare have gone UP at their slowest rate since 1950 that is what he said was going to happen

stay on your OP: don't deflect to distract others when you are wrong.

He said that the premiums would go down.

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Can you tell me when in that video he said the first year everyone would save $2500? I just watched it and maybe you saw it and I missed it.

"We will start by reducing premiums by as much as $2500 per family." 6 seconds into the video.

Are you unable to see the words "first year" every time someone types it?

Where does it show him saying $2500 in savings the FIRST YEAR?

This is how republican circle jerks go. OP makes a stupid claim, refuses to back it up with links, then some other repubs throws in an unrelated link and claims victory then they all masturbate while staring deeply into the eyes of a Karl Rove Poster
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Can you tell me when in that video he said the first year everyone would save $2500? I just watched it and maybe you saw it and I missed it.

"We will start by reducing premiums by as much as $2500 per family." 6 seconds into the video.

Are you unable to see the words "first year" every time someone types it?

Where does it show him saying $2500 in savings the FIRST YEAR?

This is how republican circle jerks go. OP makes a stupid claim, refuses to back it up with links, then some other repubs throws in an unrelated link and claims victory then they all masturbate while staring deeply into the eyes of a Karl Rove Poster

He said "year" that means every year not just the second, third or every other year. EVERY year!

Damn you people will go to any lengths to protect the idiot you voted into office.

If the first year wasn't included you stupid fuck he would have said starting the second year you will see savings.

But no he didn't say that because he was implying that the savings would start immediately.
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And like Bush-bots before them the Obama-bots will defend defend defend no matter how bad a policy is or how much their King lies to everyone.

Again, I wonder if Obama will get lie of the year again, I mean he's got plenty to chose from.
Im the retard? He said it in his stupid speech 10 minutes ago so when it finally has a link to it you will look like the fool not I.

Did Obama promise that Healthcare costs would go down the first year? And seriously you're mad because the cost went up at the lowest level in 70 years?

Mine went way up. From $300 a month to $800 a month, I'm supposed to be happy now because $6000 of my disposable income went away.
Can you tell me when in that video he said the first year everyone would save $2500? I just watched it and maybe you saw it and I missed it.

"We will start by reducing premiums by as much as $2500 per family." 6 seconds into the video.

Are you unable to see the words "first year" every time someone types it?

Where does it show him saying $2500 in savings the FIRST YEAR?

This is how republican circle jerks go. OP makes a stupid claim, refuses to back it up with links, then some other repubs throws in an unrelated link and claims victory then they all masturbate while staring deeply into the eyes of a Karl Rove Poster

Soooo.... What year will people see costs stop going up and see them go down, 4 years?

All estimates show a massive jump in costs next year. Will this be like the 7 million sign ups for Obamacare? On the savings promise, will you push out the date years beyond the timeline YOU set, then lower the number of savings, then count a 10% overall "savings" that happens lets say 6 years from now despite over lets say 4 years costs jumping 120%?

Sure, you will be at a massive gross increase in HC costs, but if it one year costs happen to slightly lower then "Mission accomplished!" And of course we can base that on the fact that slower growth in costs is already credited to your King and God Obama... So whose fault is it next year if prices increase at a record pace??? Let me guess, REPUBLICANS!!!
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So Obama admitted what he has always said was going to happen.

Saving $2,500?

Keeping my plan?

Do they have a lunch cafeteria at Obama for American HQ or do you bring in your own lunch?

the costs for healthcare have gone UP at their slowest rate since 1950 that is what he said was going to happen

stay on your OP: don't deflect to distract others when you are wrong.

Obama promised costs would DROP, not that the rate of increase would decline.

Obama is a pathological liar

"If you like your plan, you can talk to Jake. Period"
Can you tell me when in that video he said the first year everyone would save $2500? I just watched it and maybe you saw it and I missed it.

"We will start by reducing premiums by as much as $2500 per family." 6 seconds into the video.

Are you unable to see the words "first year" every time someone types it?

Where does it show him saying $2500 in savings the FIRST YEAR?

This is how republican circle jerks go. OP makes a stupid claim, refuses to back it up with links, then some other repubs throws in an unrelated link and claims victory then they all masturbate while staring deeply into the eyes of a Karl Rove Poster

No, this is how you play semantics and lose every time.
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"We will start by reducing premiums by as much as $2500 per family." 6 seconds into the video.


Are you unable to see the words "first year" every time someone types it?

Where does it show him saying $2500 in savings the FIRST YEAR?

This is how republican circle jerks go. OP makes a stupid claim, refuses to back it up with links, then some other repubs throws in an unrelated link and claims victory then they all masturbate while staring deeply into the eyes of a Karl Rove Poster

He said "year" that means every year not just the second, third or every other year. EVERY year!

Damn you people will go to any lengths to protect the idiot you voted into office.

If the first year wasn't included you stupid fuck he would have said starting the second year you will see savings.

But no he didn't say that because he was implying that the savings would start immediately.

So he didnt say it. Thanks
And like Bush-bots before them the Obama-bots will defend defend defend no matter how bad a policy is or how much their King lies to everyone.

Again, I wonder if Obama will get lie of the year again, I mean he's got plenty to chose from.

Still waiting on those Death Panels
And like Bush-bots before them the Obama-bots will defend defend defend no matter how bad a policy is or how much their King lies to everyone.

Again, I wonder if Obama will get lie of the year again, I mean he's got plenty to chose from.

Still waiting on those Death Panels

Still waiting for that 2,500$ savings Obama promised, the deficit to shrink, wars to end, Guantanamo to close, a nation to be united, transparency and and and and.... Oh, and to keep our plan if we liked it, and doctor...

Guess he lied again.
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Can you tell me when in that video he said the first year everyone would save $2500? I just watched it and maybe you saw it and I missed it.

"We will start by reducing premiums by as much as $2500 per family." 6 seconds into the video.

Are you unable to see the words "first year" every time someone types it?

Where does it show him saying $2500 in savings the FIRST YEAR?

This is how republican circle jerks go. OP makes a stupid claim, refuses to back it up with links, then some other repubs throws in an unrelated link and claims victory then they all masturbate while staring deeply into the eyes of a Karl Rove Poster

"We will start by reducing premiums." That is an exact quotation, right? Now, when do you start by reducing premiums? IN the 5th year? In the 25th year. If premums went down in th 7thyear would it make sense to say "we will start by reducing premiums somewhere after the 7th year"? No, of course not. What he said implies the first year. That's what "start" means.

You're not even very good at semantics. Maybe try Parcheesi.
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[ame=http://youtu.be/uIw6Y4ZImdU]Sebelius Resigns, Burwell To Head Health & Human Services-Full Video Of Announcement - YouTube[/ame]


There's your fucking link retard.
Obama claimed if the ACA was passed, that premiums would drop by $2500, they went up. That is not the case, he did not state the year but he did say they would drop, so far they have increased, so currently he is a liar and who honestly believes that the cost will go down?

I don't think Closed is even that stupid. rdean maybe that stupid.
And like Bush-bots before them the Obama-bots will defend defend defend no matter how bad a policy is or how much their King lies to everyone.

Again, I wonder if Obama will get lie of the year again, I mean he's got plenty to chose from.

Still waiting on those Death Panels

Still waiting for that 2,500$ savings Obama promised, the deficit to shrink, wars to end, Guantanamo to close, a nation to be united, transparency and and and and.... Oh, and to keep our plan if we liked it, and doctor...

Guess he lied again.

Of course you are you only want the impossible is that too much to ask
Im the retard? He said it in his stupid speech 10 minutes ago so when it finally has a link to it you will look like the fool not I.

Did Obama promise that Healthcare costs would go down the first year? And seriously you're mad because the cost went up at the lowest level in 70 years?

First year, this is year 4, wait till all the crap runs down after all the exemptions and delays run out, but your dear leader will have one foot out the door by then. But what a gift for the republicans in 2016.
Still waiting on those Death Panels

Still waiting for that 2,500$ savings Obama promised, the deficit to shrink, wars to end, Guantanamo to close, a nation to be united, transparency and and and and.... Oh, and to keep our plan if we liked it, and doctor...

Guess he lied again.

Of course you are you only want the impossible is that too much to ask

You're becoming increasinly incoherent due to cognitive dissonance. You literally cannot stand to hear the truth so are reduced to repeating mechanically your own views.

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