Obama just admitted that healthcare costs weren't going down

Doesnt say anythign about 1st year fucktard....oh look a typo....go cray cray

Neg rep for abject stupidity. You have no integrity. The evidence is right there and you continue to twist it.
Obama promised premiums would be lower right away.
It is now the 4th year into this and premiums are higher, and have been higher ever since he promised it.
Obama lied. Admit or STFU.
The cost of healthcare is rising at slowest rate in 13 years under the PPACA, not 70 years as Obama said. (unless he has numbers that are not yet published at the Fed) Note how healthcare cost went way down under Clinton & soared under Reagan, Bush 1 & 2

Blue Line - Health Care Cost / Wages & Salary
Green Line - Health Care Cost / CPI
Red Line - Health Care Cost / GDP
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In fact he admitted that they are going up.

He said under Sebelius the costs for healthcare have gone UP at their slowest rate since 1950.

Comments were made during send off speech for her since she resigned.

The entire speech was BS. All he did was praise the biggest fuck up in administration. We all knew it, but he still had to make it like she was competent. Then he still peddled the same lie with a new tweak. It used to be healthcare cost would go down, not it's they are going up but not as fast. Both arguments are lies. Healthcare premium, deductibles and copay (what really matters when you are talking about healthcare costs) are skyrocketing at a pace never seen in US history!
Neither does my op you fucking hack. That is some bullshit that YOU brought up

Then why are you quoting me fuck face. I said first year. Why are you quoting me? :lol:

Because you insinuated I was making shit up and I've proved you wrong. Now man up & admit it or c9ntinue acting like a slimeball

No dumbass, I said first year. You quoted me. I asked you to prove it. Then you post a speech where it says nothing about first year which is my first post.

So if you arent talking first year why are you quoting me dumbass?
In fact he admitted that they are going up.

He said under Sebelius the costs for healthcare have gone UP at their slowest rate since 1950.

Comments were made during send off speech for her since she resigned.
So, in your warped little mind, health care costs going up at a slower rate is a bad thing? Take away ACA and those costs would be skyrocketing upward. Which would you prefer: Health care costs rising faster OR health care costs rising slower?
You see, this is why I see gramps as being a typical ignorant gop member. He would prefer to see ACA repealed even if his health care costs go up at a faster rate. In other words, in the end ACA will probably put money in his pocket but he will not stand for that. It is kind of like poking yourself in the eye with a sharp stick. I'll never understand those who continue to support the gop.
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Why should I worry about you wanting someone to man up? All you're gonna do is argue with me then thank me like you did the other day while publicly acting like a faggot.
Then why are you quoting me fuck face. I said first year. Why are you quoting me? :lol:

Because you insinuated I was making shit up and I've proved you wrong. Now man up & admit it or c9ntinue acting like a slimeball

No dumbass, I said first year. You quoted me. I asked you to prove it. Then you post a speech where it says nothing about first year which is my first post.

So if you arent talking first year why are you quoting me dumbass?

So Grampa is dumb because he couldn't support a point that you made up? Seriously? You are one dumbshit. I really underestimated your stupidity.
In fact he admitted that they are going up.

He said under Sebelius the costs for healthcare have gone UP at their slowest rate since 1950.

Comments were made during send off speech for her since she resigned.
So, in your warped little mind, health care costs going up at a slower rate is a bad thing? Take away ACA and those costs would be skyrocketing upward.
You see, this is why I see gramps as being a typical ignorant gop member. He would prefer to see ACA repealed even if his health care costs go up at a faster rate. In other words, in the end ACA will probably put money in his pocket but he will not stand for that. It is kind of like poking yourself in the eye with a sharp stick. I'll never understand those who continue to support the gop.

Ron, man. Don't take it personally but you're just dumb as shit. The claim frm Obama was "healthcare costs would decline under Obamacare immediately." They haven't declined. Theyve gone up. That means that he lied in his statement. Do you get that part?
Can you tell me when in that video he said the first year everyone would save $2500? I just watched it and maybe you saw it and I missed it.

"We will start by reducing premiums by as much as $2500 per family." 6 seconds into the video.

Are you unable to see the words "first year" every time someone types it?

Where does it show him saying $2500 in savings the FIRST YEAR?

This is how republican circle jerks go. OP makes a stupid claim, refuses to back it up with links, then some other repubs throws in an unrelated link and claims victory then they all masturbate while staring deeply into the eyes of a Karl Rove Poster

What does "start" mean to you? He said he was going to "start by reducing premiums."

So if I say I'm going to drive from Florida to Washington and I tell you that I'm going to "start in Orlando" wouldn't you take that to mean that Orlando is first?
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Then why are you quoting me fuck face. I said first year. Why are you quoting me? :lol:

Because you insinuated I was making shit up and I've proved you wrong. Now man up & admit it or c9ntinue acting like a slimeball

No dumbass, I said first year. You quoted me. I asked you to prove it. Then you post a speech where it says nothing about first year which is my first post.

So if you arent talking first year why are you quoting me dumbass?

Get this dumbass. MY OP SAID NOTHING ABOUT THE FIRST GOD DAMN YEAR. That's YOUR attempt to diminish the point of my thread. And it's a terrible attempt at that.
Because you insinuated I was making shit up and I've proved you wrong. Now man up & admit it or c9ntinue acting like a slimeball

No dumbass, I said first year. You quoted me. I asked you to prove it. Then you post a speech where it says nothing about first year which is my first post.

So if you arent talking first year why are you quoting me dumbass?

So Grampa is dumb because he couldn't support a point that you made up? Seriously? You are one dumbshit. I really underestimated your stupidity.

He didnt have to quote me but felt the need too. If he didnt want to address it....all he had to do was...nothing at all.

Fucktard couldnt do that...and couldnt read....So he thought I was talking about something that wasnt there. I'm sorry that butt munch cant read
Because you insinuated I was making shit up and I've proved you wrong. Now man up & admit it or c9ntinue acting like a slimeball

No dumbass, I said first year. You quoted me. I asked you to prove it. Then you post a speech where it says nothing about first year which is my first post.

So if you arent talking first year why are you quoting me dumbass?

Get this dumbass. MY OP SAID NOTHING ABOUT THE FIRST GOD DAMN YEAR. That's YOUR attempt to diminish the point of my thread. And it's a terrible attempt at that.

Then you shouldnt have quoted me and misread my post fag bang
No dumbass, I said first year. You quoted me. I asked you to prove it. Then you post a speech where it says nothing about first year which is my first post.

So if you arent talking first year why are you quoting me dumbass?

So Grampa is dumb because he couldn't support a point that you made up? Seriously? You are one dumbshit. I really underestimated your stupidity.

He didnt have to quote me but felt the need too. If he didnt want to address it....all he had to do was...nothing at all.

Fucktard couldnt do that...and couldnt read....So he thought I was talking about something that wasnt there. I'm sorry that butt munch cant read

To repeat, Grampa didnt substantiate a point you made out of thin air and he's the one with the problem?

I hope every poster here negs you for total dishonesty.
So Grampa is dumb because he couldn't support a point that you made up? Seriously? You are one dumbshit. I really underestimated your stupidity.

He didnt have to quote me but felt the need too. If he didnt want to address it....all he had to do was...nothing at all.

Fucktard couldnt do that...and couldnt read....So he thought I was talking about something that wasnt there. I'm sorry that butt munch cant read

To repeat, Grampa didnt substantiate a point you made out of thin air and he's the one with the problem?

I hope every poster here negs you for total dishonesty.

Tell me who is the person responsible for making him quote me? Me?
So Grampa is dumb because he couldn't support a point that you made up? Seriously? You are one dumbshit. I really underestimated your stupidity.

He didnt have to quote me but felt the need too. If he didnt want to address it....all he had to do was...nothing at all.

Fucktard couldnt do that...and couldnt read....So he thought I was talking about something that wasnt there. I'm sorry that butt munch cant read

To repeat, Grampa didnt substantiate a point you made out of thin air and he's the one with the problem?

I hope every poster here negs you for total dishonesty.

I negged him after his first post

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