obama Kills Keystone


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
dimocraps lie. All of them. Top to bottom, side to side, tall, short, fat, skinny, gay, trans-gender, metro sexual -- All of them

Is it any wonder?

Look who they get their inspiration from? Bringing more Oil into the United States will RAISE Gas Prices?


Obama Finally Comes Out Fully Against Keystone Pipeline: Claims It Wouldn’t Create Jobs, Will Raise Gas Prices

He could never come out for it, he is just too beholden to, and a part of, the eco lobby.

And you wonder why the economy is crashing? Will ‘raise gas prices’? He believes in unicorns too.

Via Breitbart:

In a New York Times interview published Saturday, President Obama came out foursquare against the Keystone XL pipeline, claiming that it would not create jobs. “Republicans have said that this would be a big jobs generator,” Obama said. “There is no evidence that that’s true.” He then blamed Canada for not “doing more” to prevent carbon emissions from oil sands. Obama continued, “I meant what I said; I’m going to evaluate this based on whether or not this is going to significantly contribute to carbon in our atmosphere. And there is no doubt that Canada at the source in those tar sands could potentially be doing more to mitigate carbon release.”

Obama also blasted reports that job creation would be significant: ““[M]y hope would be that any reporter who is looking at the facts would take the time to confirm that the most realistic estimates are this might create maybe 2,000 jobs during the construction of the pipeline – which might take a year or two – and then after that we’re talking about somewhere between 50 and 100 [chuckles] jobs in a economy of 150 million working people.” He stated that gas prices would go up in parts of the United States thanks to Keystone XL: “So what we also know is, is that that oil is going to be piped down to the Gulf to be sold on the world oil markets, so it does not bring down gas prices here in the United States. In fact, it might actually cause some gas prices in the Midwest to go up where currently they can’t ship some of that oil to world markets.”

On Sunday, Treasury Secretary Jack Lew told Fox News Sunday that Keystone’s failure to move forward was somehow Republicans’ fault: “There were some political games that were played, that took it off the trail and path to completion, where Republicans put it out there as something that was put on a timetable that it could not be resolved. It caused a delay. Playing political games with something like this was a mistake.”

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I dont think the oil will stay here. and I could see it raising prices, actually. I mean, why not? $3.75 is norm now, right? someone else would control the market and set their own prices. whats another quarter?
I do think it woukd create jobs unless they import them in on time for this annesty bullshit.

In any case..it's a craptacular project that is showing it's druthers in Canada with the many oil spills they've been experiencing.

And it's Republican state governments that are having trouble with putting pipes of tar sands over their aquifers.

Of course you folks who don't live in those states don't have the same sort of concerns about the drinking water.

Because you don't have to drink it.

In any case..it's a craptacular project that is showing it's druthers in Canada with the many oil spills they've been experiencing.

And it's Republican state governments that are having trouble with putting pipes of tar sands over their aquifers.

Of course you folks who don't live in those states don't have the same sort of concerns about the drinking water.

Because you don't have to drink it.

Obama Finally Comes Out Fully Against Keystone Pipeline: Claims It Wouldn’t Create Jobs, Will Raise Gas Prices

No worries, the Chinese and Indians will happily buy up every barrel the Canadians have to offer to feed their increasing domestic demand, given that the market for petroleum is a global market one suspects that it's pretty much six and one half dozen to the other in the long run. :dunno:

In any case..it's a craptacular project that is showing it's druthers in Canada with the many oil spills they've been experiencing.

And it's Republican state governments that are having trouble with putting pipes of tar sands over their aquifers.

Of course you folks who don't live in those states don't have the same sort of concerns about the drinking water.

Because you don't have to drink it.


Excuse me?

What lie?
Obama Finally Comes Out Fully Against Keystone Pipeline: Claims It Wouldn’t Create Jobs, Will Raise Gas Prices

No worries, the Chinese and Indians will happily buy up every barrel the Canadians have to offer to feed their increasing domestic demand, given that the market for petroleum is a global market one suspects that it's pretty much six and one half dozen to the other in the long run. :dunno:

And they weren't going to do that if keystone happened?


In any case..it's a craptacular project that is showing it's druthers in Canada with the many oil spills they've been experiencing.

And it's Republican state governments that are having trouble with putting pipes of tar sands over their aquifers.

Of course you folks who don't live in those states don't have the same sort of concerns about the drinking water.

Because you don't have to drink it.


Excuse me?

What lie?

Your existence
Papa Doc obama's entire regime is designed to harm the nation in any way he can.
Obama Finally Comes Out Fully Against Keystone Pipeline: Claims It Wouldn’t Create Jobs, Will Raise Gas Prices

No worries, the Chinese and Indians will happily buy up every barrel the Canadians have to offer to feed their increasing domestic demand, given that the market for petroleum is a global market one suspects that it's pretty much six and one half dozen to the other in the long run. :dunno:

And they weren't going to do that if keystone happened?


Where did I say or even imply that ? Can I borrow whatever special glasses you're wearing that allows you to read stuff that isn't there?
If this is how he going to Pivot To The Economy & Jobs for the umpty umpteenth time, I'd rather he just stay on the golf course.
No worries, the Chinese and Indians will happily buy up every barrel the Canadians have to offer to feed their increasing domestic demand, given that the market for petroleum is a global market one suspects that it's pretty much six and one half dozen to the other in the long run. :dunno:

And they weren't going to do that if keystone happened?


Where did I say or even imply that ? Can I borrow whatever special glasses you're wearing that allows you to read stuff that isn't there?

And your point, was what then?
Once again the stuttering muslim moron takes a dump on the union workers who'd finish the XL portion of the pipeline to cuddle up with the eco-academics who are lying their asses off about this project. There is ZERO environmental impact from the XL, very little of the refined product will be shipped overseas, and the canucks can't sell the oil to the chinese because they can't get a pipeline built to Vancouver thanks to their own green whackjobs. And even if they could, the rip tides and shoals around that port are extremely treacherous and not where you'd want to navigate a super-tanker. So nothing happens which is par for the course with the useless idiot from Kenya pretending to be our president.
And they weren't going to do that if keystone happened?


Where did I say or even imply that ? Can I borrow whatever special glasses you're wearing that allows you to read stuff that isn't there?

And your point, was what then?

That petroleum will still flow into the global supply and thus put downward pressure on global prices regardless of whether the keystone pipeline exists or not, thus it's not as big of a deal as some would like to make it.
Where did I say or even imply that ? Can I borrow whatever special glasses you're wearing that allows you to read stuff that isn't there?

And your point, was what then?

That petroleum will still flow into the global supply and thus put downward pressure on global prices regardless of whether the keystone pipeline exists or not, thus it's not as big of a deal as some would like to make it.

So your post meant what?

That the project was no great shakes?

And in any case, the abundance of oil doesn't seem to be having all that much of an affect on prices.

That's part and parcel with speculation.
Obama Finally Comes Out Fully Against Keystone Pipeline: Claims It Wouldn’t Create Jobs, Will Raise Gas Prices

No worries, the Chinese and Indians will happily buy up every barrel the Canadians have to offer to feed their increasing domestic demand, given that the market for petroleum is a global market one suspects that it's pretty much six and one half dozen to the other in the long run. :dunno:

Except the US will not reap the benefit of selling oil domestically.
Where did I say or even imply that ? Can I borrow whatever special glasses you're wearing that allows you to read stuff that isn't there?

And your point, was what then?

That petroleum will still flow into the global supply and thus put downward pressure on global prices regardless of whether the keystone pipeline exists or not, thus it's not as big of a deal as some would like to make it.

Not a "big deal" other than the fact it can replace the heavy oil we're buying from communist Venezuela. Remember, global prices reflect transportation costs and there is nothing cheaper than a pipeline to move product. This "carbon footprint" jive is the stuttering halfrican's refusal to admit the whole gorebal warming charade has been roundly disproved. $20T in debt is the tipping point....we'll be there close to the day that queer boards Marine One and heads back to Hawaii laughing his scrawny black ass off.

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