Obama legacy: Anti White Racism

When you flat out accuse someone of being RACIST towards white people, you are pushing back against the heart of their brainwashing and actually firing off parts of their brain that have been long since deactivated, forcing an actual change in their thinking.

No. Racism is different than bigotry. Racism implies total contempt. Bigotry is total hate. The reason given that racism is a Black Privilege word is because Blacks are at the bottom of society, or so they say.

My point is, why change the subject. Call Obama an anti white bigot and the subject stays on Obama's bigotry.

Call Obama an anti white racist and you get lectured on why racism can't be aimed at blacks....
LOL Reading most of these posts is funnier than hell. Po' white trash feeling so sorry for themselves. Look fella's you are a bunch of burger flippers because you not up the snuff in either intellect or ambition. That is not the Asians, Blacks, or Hispanics fault. It is your natural place due to your shortcomings.
LOL Reading most of these posts is funnier than hell. Po' white trash feeling so sorry for themselves. Look fella's you are a bunch of burger flippers because you not up the snuff in either intellect or ambition. That is not the Asians, Blacks, or Hispanics fault. It is your natural place due to your shortcomings.
You have pubic hair on your head. Lmfao. I would rather flip burgers than that. Ha,ha,ha,ha!
No Charges for Woman Who Followed Mom’s ‘Dying Wish’
April 26, 2017

A North Carolina prosecutor said he will not bring voter-fraud charges against a woman who said she cast an illegal vote for Donald Trump last year to fulfill her mother’s dying wish, the Charlotte Observer reports.

Rick Hasen: “You can bet that if this were an African-American woman voting for Clinton, the DA would have prosecuted or been called ‘soft’ on voter fraud.”
No Charges for Woman Who Followed Mom’s ‘Dying Wish’
April 26, 2017

A North Carolina prosecutor said he will not bring voter-fraud charges against a woman who said she cast an illegal vote for Donald Trump last year to fulfill her mother’s dying wish, the Charlotte Observer reports.

Rick Hasen: “You can bet that if this were an African-American woman voting for Clinton, the DA would have prosecuted or been called ‘soft’ on voter fraud.”
What you just posted is racist. No such thing as white privilege. Just people that work hard every and take responsibility for their actions. So pray everyday that one day you may wake up with pubic hair on your head and perhaps you might feel better ...communist.
No Charges for Woman Who Followed Mom’s ‘Dying Wish’
April 26, 2017

A North Carolina prosecutor said he will not bring voter-fraud charges against a woman who said she cast an illegal vote for Donald Trump last year to fulfill her mother’s dying wish, the Charlotte Observer reports.

Rick Hasen: “You can bet that if this were an African-American woman voting for Clinton, the DA would have prosecuted or been called ‘soft’ on voter fraud.”
Perhaps you should look at inner city and voter fraud there. Nope. Democrats control the cesspools of our inner cities and no legal action can proceed.
When you flat out accuse someone of being RACIST towards white people, you are pushing back against the heart of their brainwashing and actually firing off parts of their brain that have been long since deactivated, forcing an actual change in their thinking.

No. Racism is different than bigotry. Racism implies total contempt. Bigotry is total hate. The reason given that racism is a Black Privilege word is because Blacks are at the bottom of society, or so they say.

My point is, why change the subject. Call Obama an anti white bigot and the subject stays on Obama's bigotry.

Call Obama an anti white racist and you get lectured on why racism can't be aimed at blacks....
You don't think you would get the same pushback from calling Obama an anti-white bigot? "Bigot" is simply a broader term that encompasses "racist", "sexist", "Islamophobe", "homophobe" etc.

You clearly don't understand the modern lexicon.
ANY accusal of anyone hating white people is followed by the accusation that YOU are a RACIST because the world is supposedly as perfect as it can get for white people, and any attempt to point out double standards is to want white people to have "supremacy".

Accusing people of being "anti-white racists" is actively pushing back against the idea that "racism" is intrinsically linked with white people being the bad guys. It is a psycological and emotional process that slowly eliminates the brainwashing by literally re-activating parts of the brain that people have been told not to use.
They cannot identify anything real about "white privilege."

Let me list the "black privilege" reality.

1. higher education admissions - affirmative action pushes lower qualified blacks into higher education institutions over more qualified whites and Asians
2. job applications - affirmative action forces government and private sector hiring of less qualified blacks over more qualified whites
3. language - blacks are allowed to use, and do use, words that if whites used them, the whites get fired, ruined, blackballed, and shunned.

A white Wisconsin basketball player was called the n-word by a black Kentucky player after Wisconsin upset the Cats. Response - nothing. Had that been reversed, had the white player called the black player that.... yeah, CNN would be preaching racial bullshit every night for months, and the NBA would never tolerate that player.
They cannot identify anything real about "white privilege."

Let me list the "black privilege" reality.

1. higher education admissions - affirmative action pushes lower qualified blacks into higher education institutions over more qualified whites and Asians
2. job applications - affirmative action forces government and private sector hiring of less qualified blacks over more qualified whites
3. language - blacks are allowed to use, and do use, words that if whites used them, the whites get fired, ruined, blackballed, and shunned.

A white Wisconsin basketball player was called the n-word by a black Kentucky player after Wisconsin upset the Cats. Response - nothing. Had that been reversed, had the white player called the black player that.... yeah, CNN would be preaching racial bullshit every night for months, and the NBA would never tolerate that player.
Now YOU are the one getting WAY off message.

It is not just black people who are allowed to do and say things that white people can't, it is all "minority" groups.
White-deprecating rhetoric has been the stock-in-trade of LibProgs for the past couple of decades... at least.
When you flat out accuse someone of being RACIST towards white people, you are pushing back against the heart of their brainwashing and actually firing off parts of their brain that have been long since deactivated, forcing an actual change in their thinking.

No. Racism is different than bigotry. Racism implies total contempt. Bigotry is total hate. The reason given that racism is a Black Privilege word is because Blacks are at the bottom of society, or so they say.

My point is, why change the subject. Call Obama an anti white bigot and the subject stays on Obama's bigotry.

Call Obama an anti white racist and you get lectured on why racism can't be aimed at blacks....
You don't think you would get the same pushback from calling Obama an anti-white bigot? "Bigot" is simply a broader term that encompasses "racist", "sexist", "Islamophobe", "homophobe" etc.

You clearly don't understand the modern lexicon.
ANY accusal of anyone hating white people is followed by the accusation that YOU are a RACIST because the world is supposedly as perfect as it can get for white people, and any attempt to point out double standards is to want white people to have "supremacy".

Accusing people of being "anti-white racists" is actively pushing back against the idea that "racism" is intrinsically linked with white people being the bad guys. It is a psycological and emotional process that slowly eliminates the brainwashing by literally re-activating parts of the brain that people have been told not to use.
You are an idiot. Black people should not get a free pass to be racist.How many blacks in our society were slaves? ZERO! Get the fuck over it. White privilege is some concocted idea by liberals to try to get white people to feel guilty. There is no psychology to it. It's all political.
When you flat out accuse someone of being RACIST towards white people, you are pushing back against the heart of their brainwashing and actually firing off parts of their brain that have been long since deactivated, forcing an actual change in their thinking.

No. Racism is different than bigotry. Racism implies total contempt. Bigotry is total hate. The reason given that racism is a Black Privilege word is because Blacks are at the bottom of society, or so they say.

My point is, why change the subject. Call Obama an anti white bigot and the subject stays on Obama's bigotry.

Call Obama an anti white racist and you get lectured on why racism can't be aimed at blacks....
You don't think you would get the same pushback from calling Obama an anti-white bigot? "Bigot" is simply a broader term that encompasses "racist", "sexist", "Islamophobe", "homophobe" etc.

You clearly don't understand the modern lexicon.
ANY accusal of anyone hating white people is followed by the accusation that YOU are a RACIST because the world is supposedly as perfect as it can get for white people, and any attempt to point out double standards is to want white people to have "supremacy".

Accusing people of being "anti-white racists" is actively pushing back against the idea that "racism" is intrinsically linked with white people being the bad guys. It is a psycological and emotional process that slowly eliminates the brainwashing by literally re-activating parts of the brain that people have been told not to use.
You are an idiot. Black people should not get a free pass to be racist.How many blacks in our society were slaves? ZERO! Get the fuck over it. White privilege is some concocted idea by liberals to try to get white people to feel guilty. There is no psychology to it. It's all political.
You are wrong about there not being a psychological element to it. Doublethink is very real, and the effects to the brain can be semi-permanent.

I definitely did not say that black people should get a free pass to be racists. My post mostly had to do with white liberals allowing black people and other non-white people to be racists.
Difference between Trump and Obama/Hillary is that (thank goodness) the later pair isn't relevant anymore and wasn't suppose to leave a legacy after today (today has to be near Trump's 100 day mark). Trump must face those who call his policies racist just as Obama had to stand up to the charge of being Muslim. Those making such charges are simply the types too lazy to be specific on issues and pretty much don't deserve the time of day.
When you flat out accuse someone of being RACIST towards white people, you are pushing back against the heart of their brainwashing and actually firing off parts of their brain that have been long since deactivated, forcing an actual change in their thinking.

No. Racism is different than bigotry. Racism implies total contempt. Bigotry is total hate. The reason given that racism is a Black Privilege word is because Blacks are at the bottom of society, or so they say.

My point is, why change the subject. Call Obama an anti white bigot and the subject stays on Obama's bigotry.

Call Obama an anti white racist and you get lectured on why racism can't be aimed at blacks....
You don't think you would get the same pushback from calling Obama an anti-white bigot? "Bigot" is simply a broader term that encompasses "racist", "sexist", "Islamophobe", "homophobe" etc.

You clearly don't understand the modern lexicon.
ANY accusal of anyone hating white people is followed by the accusation that YOU are a RACIST because the world is supposedly as perfect as it can get for white people, and any attempt to point out double standards is to want white people to have "supremacy".

Accusing people of being "anti-white racists" is actively pushing back against the idea that "racism" is intrinsically linked with white people being the bad guys. It is a psycological and emotional process that slowly eliminates the brainwashing by literally re-activating parts of the brain that people have been told not to use.
You are an idiot. Black people should not get a free pass to be racist.How many blacks in our society were slaves? ZERO! Get the fuck over it. White privilege is some concocted idea by liberals to try to get white people to feel guilty. There is no psychology to it. It's all political.
You are wrong about there not being a psychological element to it. Doublethink is very real, and the effects to the brain can be semi-permanent.

I definitely did not say that black people should get a free pass to be racists. My post mostly had to do with white liberals allowing black people and other non-white people to be racists.
The whole "white privilege, white guilt thing."
Why didn't Obama condem Black Lives Matter movement?
every economic class of people in our nation have different levels of so called privilege. When you put privilege into the race debate it becomes less than serious. White people; poor and middle class have the same struggles as any other American in their situation.
Every one has their crosses to bare, no one because of skin color has a lock on the world. My black neighbor has as much in stake and benefits in our town our street our nation as I. It's just reverse bigotry to shout white privilege.
If you flip the rhetoric of the left with their constant din that Trump is a racist, and Trump supporters are racist, well then it is evidence of where Obama supporters come from. Not to mention Black Lives Matter terrorist cop killers in order to energize Blacks to vote for Hillary. Cops died so Hillary could get votes. Liberal media has anti White...in particular White male...bias.
Democrat claims Sessions' policy is based on white supremacy

Poor little white snowflake.
If you flip the rhetoric of the left with their constant din that Trump is a racist, and Trump supporters are racist, well then it is evidence of where Obama supporters come from. Not to mention Black Lives Matter terrorist cop killers in order to energize Blacks to vote for Hillary. Cops died so Hillary could get votes. Liberal media has anti White...in particular White male...bias.
Democrat claims Sessions' policy is based on white supremacy

Poor little white snowflake.
Poor little black nitwit.
If you flip the rhetoric of the left with their constant din that Trump is a racist, and Trump supporters are racist, well then it is evidence of where Obama supporters come from. Not to mention Black Lives Matter terrorist cop killers in order to energize Blacks to vote for Hillary. Cops died so Hillary could get votes. Liberal media has anti White...in particular White male...bias.
Democrat claims Sessions' policy is based on white supremacy

Poor little white snowflake.
Poor little black nitwit.
You be a rude dude... yo job as Evil Tubob is to take what dey shells out wifout hittin' back... t'ain't dee Democrats gots yo brain wired that way yet, White boy?
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