Obama Live U of I Urbana-Champaign

I don’t really need to. Your syntax was disjointed and illogical. But we all expect that from you.
I was trying to accommodate your thinking pattern. I apologize.
You weren’t trying to accommodate any logical thinking pattern.
I know. I was trying to accommodate your thinking pattern.
Considering I am of the logical coherent group of adults. You failed in your mission.
No one every confused you for logical, coherent, or adult.
You may want to check your spelling there Jr.
I was trying to accommodate your thinking pattern. I apologize.
You weren’t trying to accommodate any logical thinking pattern.
I know. I was trying to accommodate your thinking pattern.
Considering I am of the logical coherent group of adults. You failed in your mission.
No one every confused you for logical, coherent, or adult.
You may want to check your spelling there Jr.
Why? Am I writing a term paper or something?
You weren’t trying to accommodate any logical thinking pattern.
I know. I was trying to accommodate your thinking pattern.
Considering I am of the logical coherent group of adults. You failed in your mission.
No one every confused you for logical, coherent, or adult.
You may want to check your spelling there Jr.
Why? Am I writing a term paper or something?
I doubt you ever have
I know. I was trying to accommodate your thinking pattern.
Considering I am of the logical coherent group of adults. You failed in your mission.
No one every confused you for logical, coherent, or adult.
You may want to check your spelling there Jr.
Why? Am I writing a term paper or something?
I doubt you ever have
Thats not my problem to deal with. Thats yours.
Considering I am of the logical coherent group of adults. You failed in your mission.
No one every confused you for logical, coherent, or adult.
You may want to check your spelling there Jr.
Why? Am I writing a term paper or something?
I doubt you ever have
Thats not my problem to deal with. Thats yours.
Not my problem in the least. You’re just boring the hell out of me now. There is a bottle of Petrus and a steak with my name on them. Bye
The LIVE Feed is now defunct. Here is the recorded speech, for any who want to see it.
President Obama President Trump Capitalizing People's Resentments, Sep 7 2018
I’m sure the Mt. Ed rerun was better.
Fair enough. Just don't be ignorant enough to make remarks about his remarks, then. I know you wouldn't.
I wouldn’t be able to since I wouldn’t listen to him.
The Crux of this thread.....


I am sorry, OldLady .... I think your a nice person.
But I really do wish you would pay attention to reality and not platitudes and wishful thinking.
I will not listen to this man.
Obama was a lousy President. He is an elitist, a globalist and worse than all... a card carrying dedicated corporatist.
Due DIRECTLY to his policies and fucking traitorous handouts of taxpayer dollars to the wealthiest institutions in America at a time they were making record profits!! And kept on fucking handing out the money!! To the tune of $70 BILLION PER MONTH....AGAIN...long after the economic crash...long after the corrupt bastards were bailed out... he kept right on giving.
And so...under his DIRECT policies... the richest got richer at pace never before seen.

SO he can take his empty pretty words and shove them up his ass.

EDIT..... reposted this, as it got lost in the banter.
Best Presidential speech since Trump was elected was made by Barrack Obama.

Kill those whiteys says Farrakaun awwwww you support the very losers who can't stand you how sweet.
The Crux of this thread.....

View attachment 215206

I am sorry, OldLady .... I think your a nice person.
But I really do wish you would pay attention to reality and not platitudes and wishful thinking.
I will not listen to this man.
Obama was a lousy President. He is an elitist, a globalist and worse than all... a card carrying dedicated corporatist.
Due DIRECTLY to his policies and fucking traitorous handouts of taxpayer dollars to the wealthiest institutions in America at a time they were making record profits!! And kept on fucking handing out the money!! To the tune of $70 BILLION PER MONTH....AGAIN...long after the economic crash...long after the corrupt bastards were bailed out... he kept right on giving.
And so...under his DIRECT policies... the richest got richer at pace never before seen.

SO he can take his empty pretty words and shove them up his ass.

EDIT..... reposted this, as it got lost in the banter.
I don't pretend to know shit about economics, Iam, so when the Great Recession hit, I trusted to the guys up top to fix it. I don't pretend to know if globalism is as inevitable as a lot of people say; it seems if we are going to be part of a world economy (which we definitely are) that we need to play whatever game they're playing. But I won't argue with you. Globalism does hurt the folks like us who had it real cushy while it helps the folks who were living on peanuts (well, not even). It raises the poor countries' standard of living until we are all competing on a level playing field. Yes, I see where it is hurting us some.
That's all I know about it.
I respect Obama for his thoughtfulness and his dignity.

I certainly didn't expect EVERYONE to watch his speech, but there are a few libs on this board who I thought might want to hear it.

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