Obama looks to ban Social Security recipients from owning guns

Kick out these LIAR Progressives come 2016. we can't take anymore of their crap day after after day. It's never ending with this thug Progressive in office

Kick out these LIAR Progressives come 2016. we can't take anymore of their crap day after after day. It's never ending with this thug Progressive in office

Not like the Americans didnt see through his crap back then.

Not enough to save us from him. Now we are getting his commie agenda coming at us full steam ahead. he said he doesn't have anything to worry about now. People better start contacting their congress Reps and start SPEAKING UP
Kick out these LIAR Progressives come 2016. we can't take anymore of their crap day after after day. It's never ending with this thug Progressive in office

Not like the Americans didnt see through his crap back then.

Not enough to save us from him. Now we are getting his commie agenda coming at us full steam ahead. he said he doesn't have anything to worry about now. People better start contacting their congress Reps and start SPEAKING UP

Congress wont help. They are dug in and more concerned about their wealth.
do a search sometime and look at the increase in wealth of congressmen each year, then consider the 175k they are paid and try to figure out how they become richer by the millions.
Congress wont help. They are dug in and more concerned about their wealth.
do a search sometime and look at the increase in wealth of congressmen each year, then consider the 175k they are paid and try to figure out how they become richer by the millions.

Yup - all our congressmen are businessmen who sell their vote on every issue. None of them ask what's best for america. All they ask is which side will pay me the most.
Kick out these LIAR Progressives come 2016. we can't take anymore of their crap day after after day. It's never ending with this thug Progressive in office

Not like the Americans didnt see through his crap back then.

Not enough to save us from him. Now we are getting his commie agenda coming at us full steam ahead. he said he doesn't have anything to worry about now. People better start contacting their congress Reps and start SPEAKING UP

Congress wont help. They are dug in and more concerned about their wealth.
do a search sometime and look at the increase in wealth of congressmen each year, then consider the 175k they are paid and try to figure out how they become richer by the millions.

Maybe from what we've been seeing out of them. I'm disgust with the whole lot of them
another opinion


New Obama plan: ban gun ownership for some Social Security recipients based on “incompetency”
posted at 8:01 am on July 20, 2015 by Jazz Shaw

By the pen and the phone.

The President is not going quietly into that good night and lame duck isn’t on the menu as far as he’s concerned. Barack Obama’s next fourth quarter play seems to be an attempt to go around congress and restrict the Second Amendment rights of millions of Americans based on data in the Social Security system. Specifically, if you are someone collecting benefits who has their payments handled by another family member or third party, you could find your information being turned over to the feds and your gun rights suspended. (From Fox News)

The Obama administration wants to keep people collecting Social Security benefits from owning guns if it is determined they are unable to manage their own affairs, the Los Angeles Times reported.

The push, which could potentially affect millions whose monthly disability payments are handled by others, is intended to bring the Social Security Administration in line with laws that prevent gun sales to felons, drug addicts, immigrants in the United States illegally, and others, according to the paper.

The language of federal gun laws restricts ownership to people who are unable to manage their own affairs due to “marked subnormal intelligence, or mental illness, incompetency, condition, or disease” – which could potentially affect a large group within Social Security, the LA Times reported.

So the basic assumption here is that if you are a Social Security recipient (read: an old person) and someone else handles the receipt and disbursement of your benefits then you must be … what? Incompetent? On the list of disqualifiers being cited here that seems to be the only one which would come close to applying. And based on that – even if there’s never been any question raised about you and you’ve never been so much as accused of a crime your constitutional rights would be suspended. Well, that certainly sounds fair, doesn’t it?

ALL of it here:
New Obama plan ban gun ownership for some Social Security recipients based on incompetency Hot Air
Let's see if you can tell us what that loop hole is, Exactly which people buy guns without a background check?
Private guns sales person to person
How does this get around the federal requirement that all new guns sales from a dealer undergo a background check?

I stated private sales between people are not regulated as well you know. Goober T cletus buys a gun through a dealer, a month later said slack jawed cletus decides he want to sell the gun and does to a private party
Let's see if you can tell us what that loop hole is, Exactly which people buy guns without a background check?
Private guns sales person to person
How does this get around the federal requirement that all new guns sales from a dealer undergo a background check?
I stated private sales between people are not regulated as well you know.
You claim this is a loophole in the federal background check system -- that is, a way to get around it.
How does the fact that people can sell a gun privately w/o a background check get someone out of the requirement to undergo a background check when buying a new gun at a dealer?
this addresses people who have been declared incompetency to manage their own affairs....i do not see why not allowing someone with dementia to buy a gun is a bad thing.....here is why there is no compromise.....between gun people and anti gun people...neither side seems capable of telling the truth

I had to read seven pages of posts to find one that described what I was thinking. I agree, strollingbones. People are so set in their pet positions that they cannot see the merits of logical actions that even slightly threaten them.

This legislation is simply using Social Security data to identify folks that should probably not possess guns. Not every SS recipient; just those incapable of managing their own affairs. If people 'are unable to manage their own affairs due to "marked subnormal intelligence, or mental illness, incompetency, condition, or disease” ', it would be a good thing if they didn't have access to guns. Or car keys. Which are two things the "representative payees" of these folks most likely already took care of.

My first gut-level reaction when reading this thread-title was: Bullshit.

My second gut-level reaction when reading this thread-title was: Good luck with that in front of SCOTUS.

My third gut-level reaction when reading this thread title was: Maybe that's not such a bad idea.

Depending upon the criteria being used to screen owners.

If you have a debilitating mental or physical condition that would render you a danger to the community, you probably should not have a gun.

But I also understand the danger of setting too draconian a Legal Precedent in this context, and that makes me a little nervous about individual rights.

I have to give this one a little more thought.

I see both sides of the argument.

I agree, Kondor3. As an NRA member, I have a tendency to resist gun restrictions. As a person with a memory impaired mother, I see the wisdom in having gun owners be competent. She doesn't have access to the car keys, either.

By the way, I think this is the first time I ever agreed with PaintMyHouse and guno on anything. Please don't tell them.
[If people 'are unable to manage their own affairs due to "marked subnormal intelligence, or mental illness, incompetency, condition, or disease” ', it would be a good thing if they didn't have access to guns. Or car keys. .

But how do you determine this incompetency? Should hiring a financial planner be the criterion?
Purpose isnt to keep guns out of hands of dementia patients, it is to keep them out of the hands of their heirs.
I think we should reduce not expand the number of people denied their constitutional gun rights. Start with the ban on gun ownership by felons. Very few felons are murderers or rapists like the press tells you. Many of them committed drug crimes or some other non-violent crime. Many never did a day in prison for their crime.
Purpose isnt to keep guns out of hands of dementia patients, it is to keep them out of the hands of their heirs.
And eventually everyone except the elite. The govt will set up a panel of "experts" who will decide who can have a gun and it will come down to paying a bribe to the panel. The rich can pay..
Just for Jews. Hitler liked guns, and repealed German gun laws.
Yup. obama just wants to disarm Conservatives.

Is that why the President expanded gun carry into national parks?

The other major pro-gun law Obama signed allows Amtrak passengers to carry guns in checked baggage, reversing a ban that was put in place after 9/11, according to USA Today.

In addition to signing pro-gun laws, the Chicago Tribune has pointed out, Obama also failed to make good on a campaign promise to close a loophole that let some people buy guns without background checks.

It's not so shocking then that the Brady Campaign gave Obama an F in January 2010.

Gun Laws Obama Has Signed - Business Insider
Let's see if you can tell us what that loop hole is, Exactly which people buy guns without a background check?

Private guns sales person to person
In most cases private gun sales have to go through a licenced gun dealer.
try again.
Only if they're shipped, but thanks for playing.
Interesting topic. It seems to me that the vast majority of gun crimes are being committed by young criminals and crazies, and grandma and grandpa are more likely to hit you with their canes or walkers. I'll defend to the death, any legal gun owners right to possess guns.

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