Obama LOVES Israel

I am against all foreign aid. The article was about ISRAEL. Sorry if my OP was too specific for you. Perhaps, I will consider doing it more generally next time.
I don't really give a fuck about Israel and Palestine. Palestinians are dumbfucks that vote in terrorists to lead them. If I had to pick one, I would pick Israel though.
It has nothing to do with religion and all about our country.
Stop with your clichés.

Post 61 I think. Now, good day asshole.
You mean your response where you agreed with the Palestinian terrorists? And seriously, all the Muslim terrorist attacks are over the Palestinian conflict. You really need that level of obvious?

You still haven't condemned terrorist attacks on Israel by the Palestinians and their Muslim allies
When I misunderstood your gibberish I STILL said I picked Israel. Your stupidity continues to defy physics. How do you breath?

Yes, you keep agreeing with me, you picked Israel to attack which somehow in your mind refutes my pointing out you picked Israel to attack.

And still, no condemnation of the terrorist attacks against Israel, in fact you justified them
It was an article. Seriously, how do you breath? Do you have to walk around with a cpap?

An article you chose to focus on. Cut off aid to Israel. Which you followed up by answering the question do you condemn terrorist attacks against Israel by saying the Palestinians were screwed
It broke foreign aid records you illiterate dumbfuck. I am against all foreign aid, why should I not be against Israel getting RECORD numbers?
Im seriously done. I cant help but feel like you are trolling.
Good day.

Asked and answered, several times.

You opposed aid to Israel as Jew haters do. Then you said sure, you're against aid to other countries you don't bother mentioning, as Jew haters do. Then you refused to condemn terrorist attacks against them by Palestine and other Muslim countries, as Jew haters do.

2+2=4, you're very clear. You theoretically oppose foreign aid to other countries, including Israel's enemies. But it's the Jew bastard's you're focused on being destroyed today
are overwhelmingly Jew haters too.

OK card tosser - define that. Who is a "Jew Hater?"

One who reads up on the USS Liberty???

Israel’s Attack on USS Liberty – The Full Story | Veterans Today

"On Thursday 8 June 1967, Israeli air and naval forces attacked America’s most advanced spy ship, the U.S.S. Liberty, killing 34 of its crew and wounding 174.

Forty five years on, thanks to the complicity of the mainstream media, the cover up ordered by President Johnson is still in place."

... which explains fully why the "US" media censors the King family when they claim LBJ had MLK offed...

"The attack itself, Admiral Moorer said to Findley, was “absolutely deliberate.” "

The real truth is that the Liberty was sent by LBJ to investigate claims the Israelis were exterminating the residents of the newly occupied territories of the Strip, Heights, and West Bank. The only reason for Israel to murder the Liberty was the to cover up their Nazi-esque behavior (in accordance with the Old Testament, as when Joshua's army took land, it exterminated the residents too).
are overwhelmingly Jew haters too.

OK card tosser - define that. Who is a "Jew Hater?"

One who reads up on the USS Liberty???

Israel’s Attack on USS Liberty – The Full Story | Veterans Today

"On Thursday 8 June 1967, Israeli air and naval forces attacked America’s most advanced spy ship, the U.S.S. Liberty, killing 34 of its crew and wounding 174.

Forty five years on, thanks to the complicity of the mainstream media, the cover up ordered by President Johnson is still in place."

... which explains fully why the "US" media censors the King family when they claim LBJ had MLK offed...

"The attack itself, Admiral Moorer said to Findley, was “absolutely deliberate.” "

The real truth is that the Liberty was sent by LBJ to investigate claims the Israelis were exterminating the residents of the newly occupied territories of the Strip, Heights, and West Bank. The only reason for Israel to murder the Liberty was the to cover up their Nazi-esque behavior (in accordance with the Old Testament, as when Joshua's army took land, it exterminated the residents too).
he doesn't know what a jew hater is, apparently. He reminds me of leftists that say people are homophobes because they don't want to watch orgies of guys fucking each other in central park.
You opposed aid to Israel as Jew haters do

Israel is one of the richest, if not THE RICHEST country in the world. Why TF do we, the United States, need to borrow from China to give aid to the country most responsible for 911, Israel?
I am against all foreign aid. The article was about ISRAEL. Sorry if my OP was too specific for you. Perhaps, I will consider doing it more generally next time.
I don't really give a fuck about Israel and Palestine. Palestinians are dumbfucks that vote in terrorists to lead them. If I had to pick one, I would pick Israel though.
It has nothing to do with religion and all about our country.
Stop with your clichés.

Post 61 I think. Now, good day asshole.

So if you "had to pick one" between terrorists shooting rockets into Jewish neighborhoods targeting civilians and Israel fighting back and shooting at the terrorists who are hiding behind their own family and friends as shields, you'd pick Israel ... you guess ...

Wow, you are even in this ... LOL
So "opposing US borrowing from China to hand that money over to Israel" is to be a "Jew Hater?"

Got it. Count me in. Cut off aid to Israel, both financial and military.
You mean your response where you agreed with the Palestinian terrorists? And seriously, all the Muslim terrorist attacks are over the Palestinian conflict. You really need that level of obvious?

You still haven't condemned terrorist attacks on Israel by the Palestinians and their Muslim allies
When I misunderstood your gibberish I STILL said I picked Israel. Your stupidity continues to defy physics. How do you breath?

Yes, you keep agreeing with me, you picked Israel to attack which somehow in your mind refutes my pointing out you picked Israel to attack.

And still, no condemnation of the terrorist attacks against Israel, in fact you justified them
It was an article. Seriously, how do you breath? Do you have to walk around with a cpap?

An article you chose to focus on. Cut off aid to Israel. Which you followed up by answering the question do you condemn terrorist attacks against Israel by saying the Palestinians were screwed
It broke foreign aid records you illiterate dumbfuck. I am against all foreign aid, why should I not be against Israel getting RECORD numbers?
Im seriously done. I cant help but feel like you are trolling.
Good day.

Yet when Jew haters continually follow the path you did, you don't see it ...
I clearly said in the quote which you pulled out a piece was that a lot of people have been screwed in history. It's not justification for what they are doing today. What you said to that was a complete non-sequitur

The US was screwed on 911.

Who was celebrating that???

are overwhelmingly Jew haters too.

OK card tosser - define that. Who is a "Jew Hater?"

One who reads up on the USS Liberty???

Israel’s Attack on USS Liberty – The Full Story | Veterans Today

"On Thursday 8 June 1967, Israeli air and naval forces attacked America’s most advanced spy ship, the U.S.S. Liberty, killing 34 of its crew and wounding 174.

Forty five years on, thanks to the complicity of the mainstream media, the cover up ordered by President Johnson is still in place."

... which explains fully why the "US" media censors the King family when they claim LBJ had MLK offed...

"The attack itself, Admiral Moorer said to Findley, was “absolutely deliberate.” "

The real truth is that the Liberty was sent by LBJ to investigate claims the Israelis were exterminating the residents of the newly occupied territories of the Strip, Heights, and West Bank. The only reason for Israel to murder the Liberty was the to cover up their Nazi-esque behavior (in accordance with the Old Testament, as when Joshua's army took land, it exterminated the residents too).
I clearly said in the quote which you pulled out a piece was that a lot of people have been screwed in history. It's not justification for what they are doing today. What you said to that was a complete non-sequitur

The US was screwed on 911.

Who was celebrating that???

The guy on your side, Harley ...
We pay around 20% of their yearly military budget!
Ya and the JEEEEEWS! prevent the fucking rag heads from taking control of the entire ME.
Imagine the fucking hellacious living nightmare that would be for countless millions of innocent people who happened to be born into the 'wrong' muslim sect.
Look no further than Syria, Libya, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan and on and fucking on and on. 100% of the problems in these fucking shithole fourth world countries centers around how the coran is interpreted.
Talk about a bunch of fucking brainless zombies.
kaz invested all of his money in defense, oil, and long bonds during the first half of 2001. If you ask why or even notice... you are a...



Jews had the divine right to murder us, to take our wealth, and to off every American who noticed... right???
Ya and the JEEEEEWS! prevent the fucking rag heads from taking control of the entire ME.
Imagine the fucking hellacious living nightmare that would be for countless millions of innocent people who happened to be born into the 'wrong' muslim sect.
Look no further than Syria, Libya, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan and on and fucking on and on. 100% of the problems in these fucking shithole fourth world countries centers around how the coran is interpreted.
Talk about a bunch of fucking brainless zombies.

Another well educated Trump supporter...
Record new U.S. military aid deal for Israel to be signed in days: sources
The United States and Israel have reached final agreement on a record new package of at least $38 billion in U.S. military aid and the 10-year pact is expected to be signed within days, sources close to the matter told Reuters on Tuesday.
The deal will represent the biggest pledge of U.S. military assistance ever made to any country but also includes major concessions granted by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, according to officials on both sides.
Those include Israel’s agreement not to seek additional funds from Congress beyond what will be guaranteed annually in the new package, and also to phase out a special arrangement that has allowed Israel to spend part of its U.S. aid on its own defense industry instead of on American-made weapons, the officials said.
Good Gawd man, when are these kids going to move out?
Im so tired of this bullshit!!
Its absolutely disgusting. People want to whine about people wanting better pay here and Trump laying out better child care etc and whining about how its paid for...well how about telling this parasitical state to pay for their own shit!
I'm a conservative on the left coast. I throw my vote away every election.

I can understand why....:badgrin:
California used to be the Golden State with the best economy and education system in the Union. Then Democrats took over. Now 45th in economy, 49th in education.

The left only destroy, never build.

Yeah...that's why Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana and Texas are so high on education....and you're a little out of date. It was Schwarzenegger, a Republican, that was in office when the state was going tits up.

California has a Democratic governor, Brown, and it has made a comeback. So, you need to toss out that old conservative meme that California is doing so bad. Get up to speed, so you don't sound like the rest of the Trump supporters, uninformed.

But lo and behold, Brown has led a remarkable comeback, both for himself and his state. After inheriting a deficit of $27 billion on a general fund of about $90 billion, Brown has turned California around, aided by a rebound in the construction industry and the housing market on which it depends. Early this month he signed a budget that has a surplus of $1.2 billion by Brown’s conservative estimate. The independent Legislative Analyst’s Office, which usually finds gubernatorial estimates too rosy, says the actual surplus will be more than $4 billion.
Calif. Comeback: Jerry Brown Leads a Turnaround | RealClearPolitics

It may take a while for California to do better in El-Hi, but the red states are not doing that much better than California, so your comment is moot, but as far as educated people, California far outranks the red states of Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana and Texas. So, wipe that egg off your face.

As far as attainment, this is how they rank:
High School Graduates: Louisiana - 45, Alabama - 46, Mississippi - 47, California - 48 and Texas - 50
College Bachelor Degrees: California - 14, Texas - 30, Alabama - 44, Louisiana - 46, Mississippi - 48
Advanced Degrees: California - 15, Texas - 33, Alabama - 40, Mississippi - 46, and Louisiana - 47

List of U.S. states by educational attainment - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Also, FYI, as far as the best high schools, California ranks #3, while Alabama, Louisiana and Mississippi rank 37, 47 and 48 respectively. Next time do some research before you make such inane assumptions and appear like the rest of the Trump supporters.

How States Compare in the 2016 Best High Schools Rankings
I'm a conservative on the left coast. I throw my vote away every election.

I can understand why....:badgrin:
California used to be the Golden State with the best economy and education system in the Union. Then Democrats took over. Now 45th in economy, 49th in education.

The left only destroy, never build.

Yeah...that's why Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana and Texas are so high on education....and you're a little out of date. It was Schwarzenegger, a Republican, that was in office when the state was going tits up.

California has a Democratic governor, Brown, and it has made a comeback. So, you need to toss out that old conservative meme that California is doing so bad. Get up to speed, so you don't sound like the rest of the Trump supporters, uninformed.

But lo and behold, Brown has led a remarkable comeback, both for himself and his state. After inheriting a deficit of $27 billion on a general fund of about $90 billion, Brown has turned California around, aided by a rebound in the construction industry and the housing market on which it depends. Early this month he signed a budget that has a surplus of $1.2 billion by Brown’s conservative estimate. The independent Legislative Analyst’s Office, which usually finds gubernatorial estimates too rosy, says the actual surplus will be more than $4 billion.
Calif. Comeback: Jerry Brown Leads a Turnaround | RealClearPolitics

It may take a while for California to do better in El-Hi, but the red states are not doing that much better than California, so your comment is moot, but as far as educated people, California far outranks the red states of Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana and Texas. So, wipe that egg off your face.

As far as attainment, this is how they rank:
High School Graduates: Louisiana - 45, Alabama - 46, Mississippi - 47, California - 48 and Texas - 50
College Bachelor Degrees: California - 14, Texas - 30, Alabama - 44, Louisiana - 46, Mississippi - 48
Advanced Degrees: California - 15, Texas - 33, Alabama - 40, Mississippi - 46, and Louisiana - 47

List of U.S. states by educational attainment - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Also, FYI, as far as the best high schools, California ranks #3, while Alabama, Louisiana and Mississippi rank 37, 47 and 48 respectively. Next time do some research before you make such inane assumptions and appear like the rest of the Trump supporters.

How States Compare in the 2016 Best High Schools Rankings
More BS lies.
2014 LA unified high school graduation rate was 50%.
2015 it jumped to 75%. What did the libs do you ask?
They stopped giving the graduation exam. And STILL 1/4 failed to graduate.
I'm a conservative on the left coast. I throw my vote away every election.

I can understand why....:badgrin:
California used to be the Golden State with the best economy and education system in the Union. Then Democrats took over. Now 45th in economy, 49th in education.

The left only destroy, never build.

Yeah...that's why Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana and Texas are so high on education....and you're a little out of date. It was Schwarzenegger, a Republican, that was in office when the state was going tits up.

California has a Democratic governor, Brown, and it has made a comeback. So, you need to toss out that old conservative meme that California is doing so bad. Get up to speed, so you don't sound like the rest of the Trump supporters, uninformed.

But lo and behold, Brown has led a remarkable comeback, both for himself and his state. After inheriting a deficit of $27 billion on a general fund of about $90 billion, Brown has turned California around, aided by a rebound in the construction industry and the housing market on which it depends. Early this month he signed a budget that has a surplus of $1.2 billion by Brown’s conservative estimate. The independent Legislative Analyst’s Office, which usually finds gubernatorial estimates too rosy, says the actual surplus will be more than $4 billion.
Calif. Comeback: Jerry Brown Leads a Turnaround | RealClearPolitics

It may take a while for California to do better in El-Hi, but the red states are not doing that much better than California, so your comment is moot, but as far as educated people, California far outranks the red states of Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana and Texas. So, wipe that egg off your face.

As far as attainment, this is how they rank:
High School Graduates: Louisiana - 45, Alabama - 46, Mississippi - 47, California - 48 and Texas - 50
College Bachelor Degrees: California - 14, Texas - 30, Alabama - 44, Louisiana - 46, Mississippi - 48
Advanced Degrees: California - 15, Texas - 33, Alabama - 40, Mississippi - 46, and Louisiana - 47

List of U.S. states by educational attainment - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Also, FYI, as far as the best high schools, California ranks #3, while Alabama, Louisiana and Mississippi rank 37, 47 and 48 respectively. Next time do some research before you make such inane assumptions and appear like the rest of the Trump supporters.

How States Compare in the 2016 Best High Schools Rankings
More BS lies.
2014 LA unified high school graduation rate was 50%.
2015 it jumped to 75%. What did the libs do you ask?
They stopped giving the graduation exam. And STILL 1/4 failed to graduate.

Where are your links to back up your bullshit? You're a sorry-ass liar.

Mike Hasten6:56 p.m. CDT September 15, 2014
BATON ROUGE – Louisiana hasn’t made much progress in the past seven years in a national assessment of educational achievement.

In its “Leaders and Laggards” report, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce ranks Louisiana as the second-worst laggard, at the bottom of all 50 states but ahead of the District of Columbia. Louisiana has grades of F in 5 of 11 categories.


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