Obama LOVES Israel

I'm a conservative on the left coast. I throw my vote away every election.

I can understand why....:badgrin:
California used to be the Golden State with the best economy and education system in the Union. Then Democrats took over. Now 45th in economy, 49th in education.

The left only destroy, never build.

Yeah...that's why Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana and Texas are so high on education....and you're a little out of date. It was Schwarzenegger, a Republican, that was in office when the state was going tits up.

California has a Democratic governor, Brown, and it has made a comeback. So, you need to toss out that old conservative meme that California is doing so bad. Get up to speed, so you don't sound like the rest of the Trump supporters, uninformed.

But lo and behold, Brown has led a remarkable comeback, both for himself and his state. After inheriting a deficit of $27 billion on a general fund of about $90 billion, Brown has turned California around, aided by a rebound in the construction industry and the housing market on which it depends. Early this month he signed a budget that has a surplus of $1.2 billion by Brown’s conservative estimate. The independent Legislative Analyst’s Office, which usually finds gubernatorial estimates too rosy, says the actual surplus will be more than $4 billion.
Calif. Comeback: Jerry Brown Leads a Turnaround | RealClearPolitics

It may take a while for California to do better in El-Hi, but the red states are not doing that much better than California, so your comment is moot, but as far as educated people, California far outranks the red states of Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana and Texas. So, wipe that egg off your face.

As far as attainment, this is how they rank:
High School Graduates: Louisiana - 45, Alabama - 46, Mississippi - 47, California - 48 and Texas - 50
College Bachelor Degrees: California - 14, Texas - 30, Alabama - 44, Louisiana - 46, Mississippi - 48
Advanced Degrees: California - 15, Texas - 33, Alabama - 40, Mississippi - 46, and Louisiana - 47

List of U.S. states by educational attainment - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Also, FYI, as far as the best high schools, California ranks #3, while Alabama, Louisiana and Mississippi rank 37, 47 and 48 respectively. Next time do some research before you make such inane assumptions and appear like the rest of the Trump supporters.

How States Compare in the 2016 Best High Schools Rankings
More BS lies.
2014 LA unified high school graduation rate was 50%.
2015 it jumped to 75%. What did the libs do you ask?
They stopped giving the graduation exam. And STILL 1/4 failed to graduate.

Where are your links to back up your bullshit? You're a sorry-ass liar.

Mike Hasten6:56 p.m. CDT September 15, 2014
BATON ROUGE – Louisiana hasn’t made much progress in the past seven years in a national assessment of educational achievement.

In its “Leaders and Laggards” report, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce ranks Louisiana as the second-worst laggard, at the bottom of all 50 states but ahead of the District of Columbia. Louisiana has grades of F in 5 of 11 categories.

You don't even know what LA unified school district is in California? I don't have time to be your tutor.
I can understand why....:badgrin:
California used to be the Golden State with the best economy and education system in the Union. Then Democrats took over. Now 45th in economy, 49th in education.

The left only destroy, never build.

Yeah...that's why Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana and Texas are so high on education....and you're a little out of date. It was Schwarzenegger, a Republican, that was in office when the state was going tits up.

California has a Democratic governor, Brown, and it has made a comeback. So, you need to toss out that old conservative meme that California is doing so bad. Get up to speed, so you don't sound like the rest of the Trump supporters, uninformed.

But lo and behold, Brown has led a remarkable comeback, both for himself and his state. After inheriting a deficit of $27 billion on a general fund of about $90 billion, Brown has turned California around, aided by a rebound in the construction industry and the housing market on which it depends. Early this month he signed a budget that has a surplus of $1.2 billion by Brown’s conservative estimate. The independent Legislative Analyst’s Office, which usually finds gubernatorial estimates too rosy, says the actual surplus will be more than $4 billion.
Calif. Comeback: Jerry Brown Leads a Turnaround | RealClearPolitics

It may take a while for California to do better in El-Hi, but the red states are not doing that much better than California, so your comment is moot, but as far as educated people, California far outranks the red states of Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana and Texas. So, wipe that egg off your face.

As far as attainment, this is how they rank:
High School Graduates: Louisiana - 45, Alabama - 46, Mississippi - 47, California - 48 and Texas - 50
College Bachelor Degrees: California - 14, Texas - 30, Alabama - 44, Louisiana - 46, Mississippi - 48
Advanced Degrees: California - 15, Texas - 33, Alabama - 40, Mississippi - 46, and Louisiana - 47

List of U.S. states by educational attainment - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Also, FYI, as far as the best high schools, California ranks #3, while Alabama, Louisiana and Mississippi rank 37, 47 and 48 respectively. Next time do some research before you make such inane assumptions and appear like the rest of the Trump supporters.

How States Compare in the 2016 Best High Schools Rankings
More BS lies.
2014 LA unified high school graduation rate was 50%.
2015 it jumped to 75%. What did the libs do you ask?
They stopped giving the graduation exam. And STILL 1/4 failed to graduate.

Where are your links to back up your bullshit? You're a sorry-ass liar.

Mike Hasten6:56 p.m. CDT September 15, 2014
BATON ROUGE – Louisiana hasn’t made much progress in the past seven years in a national assessment of educational achievement.

In its “Leaders and Laggards” report, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce ranks Louisiana as the second-worst laggard, at the bottom of all 50 states but ahead of the District of Columbia. Louisiana has grades of F in 5 of 11 categories.

You don't even know what LA unified school district is in California? I don't have time to be your tutor.

Idiot....LA is not all of California. I don't have time to be your tutor. You must live in one of the red states with the low education ranking.....you don't seem to get the fact that red states rank low on education because you are probably one of the ones that didn't graduate.
The Palestinians, Syrians, Iranians, Saudis, Iraqis, they all want to destroy Israel

That's the classic BS spin. Israel took land in 1948 under the guise of the UN. Then, not satisfied with the land allocated, obsessed with the land outlined in Ch1 of Book of Joshua (River Euphrates in Iraq is Israel's NE border according to the Bible), Israel offed JFK, installed Zionist Traitor LBJ, and this happened...

CIA Analysis of the 1967 Arab-Israeli War — Central Intelligence Agency

"Helms was awakened at 3:00 in the morning on 5 June by a call from the CIA Operations Center. The Foreign Broadcast Information Service had picked up reports that Israel had launched its attack. (OCI soon concluded that the Israelis— contrary to their claims—had fired first.) President Johnson was gratified that because of CIA analyses and Helms's tip, he could inform congressional leaders later in the day that he had been expecting Israel's move"

In other words, while LBJ told the American people that Israel was attacked, LBJ knew Israel was the aggressor with all the US made weapons LBJ just gave them after JFK was "zionized." This is the motive behind JFK's death - the re-conquest of the "Promised Land," and its the same group of traitors behind 911 today - Zionist Christians and their Zionist Jew masters.

Israel is the aggressor in the area. Israel is the problem. The US had no problem at all in that part of the world prior to 1948.

Time to realize 1948 was the biggest error in US history and become the 15th vote in the UN Security Council to re-pack Israel back into its 1948 border.
California used to be the Golden State with the best economy and education system in the Union. Then Democrats took over. Now 45th in economy, 49th in education.

The left only destroy, never build.

Yeah...that's why Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana and Texas are so high on education....and you're a little out of date. It was Schwarzenegger, a Republican, that was in office when the state was going tits up.

California has a Democratic governor, Brown, and it has made a comeback. So, you need to toss out that old conservative meme that California is doing so bad. Get up to speed, so you don't sound like the rest of the Trump supporters, uninformed.

But lo and behold, Brown has led a remarkable comeback, both for himself and his state. After inheriting a deficit of $27 billion on a general fund of about $90 billion, Brown has turned California around, aided by a rebound in the construction industry and the housing market on which it depends. Early this month he signed a budget that has a surplus of $1.2 billion by Brown’s conservative estimate. The independent Legislative Analyst’s Office, which usually finds gubernatorial estimates too rosy, says the actual surplus will be more than $4 billion.
Calif. Comeback: Jerry Brown Leads a Turnaround | RealClearPolitics

It may take a while for California to do better in El-Hi, but the red states are not doing that much better than California, so your comment is moot, but as far as educated people, California far outranks the red states of Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana and Texas. So, wipe that egg off your face.

As far as attainment, this is how they rank:
High School Graduates: Louisiana - 45, Alabama - 46, Mississippi - 47, California - 48 and Texas - 50
College Bachelor Degrees: California - 14, Texas - 30, Alabama - 44, Louisiana - 46, Mississippi - 48
Advanced Degrees: California - 15, Texas - 33, Alabama - 40, Mississippi - 46, and Louisiana - 47

List of U.S. states by educational attainment - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Also, FYI, as far as the best high schools, California ranks #3, while Alabama, Louisiana and Mississippi rank 37, 47 and 48 respectively. Next time do some research before you make such inane assumptions and appear like the rest of the Trump supporters.

How States Compare in the 2016 Best High Schools Rankings
More BS lies.
2014 LA unified high school graduation rate was 50%.
2015 it jumped to 75%. What did the libs do you ask?
They stopped giving the graduation exam. And STILL 1/4 failed to graduate.

Where are your links to back up your bullshit? You're a sorry-ass liar.

Mike Hasten6:56 p.m. CDT September 15, 2014
BATON ROUGE – Louisiana hasn’t made much progress in the past seven years in a national assessment of educational achievement.

In its “Leaders and Laggards” report, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce ranks Louisiana as the second-worst laggard, at the bottom of all 50 states but ahead of the District of Columbia. Louisiana has grades of F in 5 of 11 categories.

You don't even know what LA unified school district is in California? I don't have time to be your tutor.

Idiot....LA is not all of California. I don't have time to be your tutor. You must live in one of the red states with the low education ranking.....you don't seem to get the fact that red states rank low on education because you are probably one of the ones that didn't graduate.
Name a city bigger than LA.
Dumbass Leftard.
That's the classic BS spin. Israel took land in 1948 under the guise of the UN.

The UN General Assembly vote in Nov. 1947 was non-binding. Regardless, the Arabs soon began rioting, but unlike the riots decades before the future Israelis had a plan and an powerful militia. When the Brits finally gave up their Mandate in 48, Israel declared it's statehood. Men (and women) with weapons did that, not the UN.

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