Obama mans up and apologizes for his misstatement on keeping insurance

God. It amazes me how even when somebody FINALLY does the right thing, he still gets lambasted for not doing it soon enough. Or hard enough. Or without benefit of Vaseline®.

THIS is why I can't take most Republicans seriously. Because their hatred of the President is so big that they can't see past it.


when he does the right thing we'll tell you. After all you can't think for yourself.
That interview is very good. Chuck Todd is not being easy on him and he is giving very thoughtful and logical explanations.

But you people are never happy. He isn't talking to or especially apologizing to the likes of you.

He was lawyering, trying to defend the indefensible. Parsing words and trying to reduce his own culpability just shows the kind of total low life the son of a bitch he is. Always tries to paint himself just out of the circle of responsibility, that's the way children try to say their sorry, not grown men.
God. It amazes me how even when somebody FINALLY does the right thing, he still gets lambasted for not doing it soon enough. Or hard enough. Or without benefit of Vaseline®.

THIS is why I can't take most Republicans seriously. Because their hatred of the President is so big that they can't see past it.


He didn't do the right thing. The right thing would have been to not lie to the American people in the first place when he knew full well what was going to happen.

Right now, Obama is no different than anyone else who got caught in a lie. Crocodile tears and an insincere mea culpa and words about how we'll do better, but he doesn't care because he doesn't need to. He can't be reelected and Obamacare isn't going anywhere. This is nothing more than an half-hearted attempt at damage control.
I have read on the board some people were upset about their insurance being cancelled. I thought this news might interest you as a friend sent the news story to me tonight. I hope everything works out well for you all.

God. It amazes me how even when somebody FINALLY does the right thing, he still gets lambasted for not doing it soon enough. Or hard enough. Or without benefit of Vaseline®.

THIS is why I can't take most Republicans seriously. Because their hatred of the President is so big that they can't see past it.


Except he really didn't do anything.

I just watched the interview again on O'Donnell's show and all he really did was express regret to those who are losing their insurance because of what he said. At one point he expressed his frustration about the website saying he was upset that he was burned, then he quickly corrected himself to say the American people.

Never once was there a mention of deliberately misleading the public. That's what he needed to apologize for, not for the results of his lies...
God. It amazes me how even when somebody FINALLY does the right thing, he still gets lambasted for not doing it soon enough. Or hard enough. Or without benefit of Vaseline®.

THIS is why I can't take most Republicans seriously. Because their hatred of the President is so big that they can't see past it.


Except he really didn't do anything.

I just watched the interview again on O'Donnell's show and all he really did was express regret to those who are losing their insurance because of what he said. At one point he expressed his frustration about the website saying he was upset that he was burned, then he quickly corrected himself to say the American people.

Never once was there a mention of deliberately misleading the public. That's what he needed to apologize for, not for the results of his lies...

/big ass eyeroll
Did you see the use of the passive voice? That is not an apology for the insurance getting canceled, or for lying about it, it is an attempt to pretend it wasn't his fault.
God. It amazes me how even when somebody FINALLY does the right thing, he still gets lambasted for not doing it soon enough. Or hard enough. Or without benefit of Vaseline®.

THIS is why I can't take most Republicans seriously. Because their hatred of the President is so big that they can't see past it.


Except he really didn't do anything.

I just watched the interview again on O'Donnell's show and all he really did was express regret to those who are losing their insurance because of what he said. At one point he expressed his frustration about the website saying he was upset that he was burned, then he quickly corrected himself to say the American people.

Never once was there a mention of deliberately misleading the public. That's what he needed to apologize for, not for the results of his lies...

/big ass eyeroll

Roll them all you wish, my friend, but I think I tend to be pretty fair when it comes to our President. This one, however, sticks in my craw...
"Insurance cancelled" grabs headlines and sends shortwaves across the nation. However the details are not so shocking. A friend of mine got a letter of cancellation from United Health. It said the current plan was discontinued. The letter contain the details of the replacement plan. It also contained a table of discounts versus family income and suggested visiting their web site and the exchange web site if you qualified. In realty the terrible cancellation was nothing more than an update of the current plan.

In a few years, we'll look back at this and other stumbling blocks in the implementation of the law and wonder what all the fuss was about.
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Yeah, great, there's already a thread for that topic, go post it there...

Meanwhile, try to address the topic at hand...

Obama's non-apology to folks losing the insurance they liked...

it's from some site called, addictingnoninfo....baba is another lefty airhead

Yeah, I checked it out. Definitely off topic.

Oh, and she'll say she's not a "leftie or a righty," but based on what I've seen of her thus far, that would be false...

Too bad about your poor reading skills.

Had you read the whole article, you would have seen the connection.
"Insurance cancelled" grabs headlines and sends shortwaves across the nation. However the details are not so shocking. A friend of mine got a letter of cancellation from United Health. It said the current plan was discontinued. The letter contain the details of the replacement plan. It also contained a table of discounts versus family income and suggested visiting their web site and the exchange web site if you qualified. In realty the terrible cancellation was nothing more than an update of the current plan.

In a few years, we'll look back at this and other stumbling blocks in the implementation of the law and wonder what all the fuss was about.

I, almost, think your dedication to lying is admirable.
it's from some site called, addictingnoninfo....baba is another lefty airhead

Yeah, I checked it out. Definitely off topic.

Oh, and she'll say she's not a "leftie or a righty," but based on what I've seen of her thus far, that would be false...

Too bad about your poor reading skills.

Had you read the whole article, you would have seen the connection.

Too bad you make asinine assumptions. I read the whole article. No where in the article does it mention anything about Obama's apology, which isn't surprising since the article is from October 29th.

Too bad about your poor comprehension skills...

You see, this thread is about Obama's apology, not inaccurate Obamacare horror stories.

IT'S time to make it work and help people.

get rid of the mandate until then you and obama and any other supporter of this shit can go fuck themselves

Maybe we should suspend the mandate a year until we can make it work. Time to get away from left or right and think about how to make it work?

How are you going to make it work without taxing the living shit outta this country and eliminating the middle class? Socialism doesn't work. Never has, never will. Wanna make health insurance affordable for everyone? How about getting rid of that ridiculous law that keeps insurance companies from selling across state lines? Eliminate that stupid piece of legislation and you'll have a flooded marketplace of companies competing at cheaper prices with each other. Why must everything be legislated until it fails? The three rules of government:
1. If it moves, tax it.
2. If it keeps moving, regulate it.
3. When it stops moving, subsidize it.

Fuckin' morons (not the politicians, the people who fall for their shit).
Maybe we should suspend the mandate a year until we can make it work. Time to get away from left or right and think about how to make it work?

fuck the mandate that is not an option.

Like I said during the shutdown, the best thing that could happen at this point is that the thing gets fully implemented and force everyone to have to deal with the damage it will do.

And then they said I was a joke.

Who's laughing now..........

Smart intelligent hardworking people do not want obamacare.
"Insurance cancelled" grabs headlines and sends shortwaves across the nation. However the details are not so shocking. A friend of mine got a letter of cancellation from United Health. It said the current plan was discontinued. The letter contain the details of the replacement plan. It also contained a table of discounts versus family income and suggested visiting their web site and the exchange web site if you qualified. In realty the terrible cancellation was nothing more than an update of the current plan.

In a few years, we'll look back at this and other stumbling blocks in the implementation of the law and wonder what all the fuss was about.

I, almost, think your dedication to lying is admirable.
Considering the source, I'll consider your personal attack a complement; sorry, you can't make any useful contribution to the discussion.
Except he really didn't do anything.

I just watched the interview again on O'Donnell's show and all he really did was express regret to those who are losing their insurance because of what he said. At one point he expressed his frustration about the website saying he was upset that he was burned, then he quickly corrected himself to say the American people.

Never once was there a mention of deliberately misleading the public. That's what he needed to apologize for, not for the results of his lies...

That's what I was saying.
The OP's quote doesn't appear in the article anymore nor was the quote spoken during the interview.
It says this now:
Still, Obama said he didn’t do a good enough job in explaining the law. “I regret that… We weren’t as clear as we needed to be in terms of the changes taking place and I want to make sure people are finding themselves in a good position, a better position than when this law happened.” He said he was exploring what can be done “to close some of the holes and gaps in the law.”

Obama on health plan cancellations: 'I am sorry' | MSNBC

“I am sorry that they are finding themselves in this situation based, based on assurances they got from me. We’ve got to work hard to make sure that they know we hear them and we are going to do everything we can to deal with folks who find themselves in a tough position as a consequence of this.”

This was the right thing to do.

Can't find that quote in the story or the interview. :confused:

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