Obama mans up and apologizes for his misstatement on keeping insurance

Maybe we should suspend the mandate a year until we can make it work. Time to get away from left or right and think about how to make it work?

Don't make it work. Make it go away. Forever.

Obamacare is a bicycle with triangular wheels and a broken chain. How in the hell do you "make it work" with something like that?

I've changed my mind. Leftism isn't a mental disorder; it's prima facie evidence of brain trauma. Perhaps shaken baby syndrome.

obamacare is the pinto and vega of the auto world.
Obama on health plan cancellations: 'I am sorry' | MSNBC

“I am sorry that they are finding themselves in this situation based, based on assurances they got from me. We’ve got to work hard to make sure that they know we hear them and we are going to do everything we can to deal with folks who find themselves in a tough position as a consequence of this.”
This was the right thing to do.

It doesn't count if he keeps lying, which he is.

From your link.

“They will be able to get better care at the same cost or cheaper in these new market places,” the president said.
"Look at how great Obama is! He's sorry we believed him, but we need to buck up now!"

What a jackass. He lied. He knows it, we know it, everybody knows it.

Of course, there were those of us who knew he was lying as he was doing it. In that case, he knew it, and we knew it..but his devoted cult following did not.
That's sad.

It's going around the Hill that Obama wants people to be mad so he can force everyone to subject themselves to a single payer system that the Fed will be if he successfully pulls the wool over people's eyes.

He's absolutely counting on the Americans to forgive his "misspeaking" (lie) so he can institute a totally socialist government using every damage he can do to the American people.

He's setting us up for a takeover. He has secret and strong liaisons with al-Qaeda. And he has a corps of idiots who do not know the history of the Bolshevik Revolution to fire torch anybody who points out what is actually taking place as he eases worse than Socialism next. It will be easy when Team Obama brings down the Constitution by White House legislation taking more and more power away from the Congress, who are popularly elected in their own states, which Obama has nothing but disdain for. Look how he treats Arizona, and others who weren't fooled by his foci on the United States Treasury for all his friends.

Wow...its amazing you are a real person..the utterly stupid crap you post proves evolution has to be a hoax. This is part of the problem with modern politics, trash like this is allowed to fester without anyone shunning you for the embarrassment that you really are. Instead people now cater to your line of thinking, so it reaffirms your opinion as truth.

People like you should go back and crawl in your holes.

It makes more sense than "You just didn't understand what I said."
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I am glad he is opening the door for change. I expect he will address those people losing their policies and come up with a solution. The ACA is not perfect, but it should not be totally repealed as the call from the GOP stands. If there are fixes to improve the program, just like there are fixes to improve the web site, then get them done.

The ACA is not going away. Whining and shutting down the government accomplished....what.....Oh about a 25 Billion dollar loss to the US economy. If the GOP can return this gesture with a legitimate plan to improve the ACA, then maybe we will get somewhere.

REPEAL...REPEAL....REPEAL....just don't cut it.

ACA is the law of the land. Deal with it.

As for Obama, if he wanted to man up, he would resign right after he signed arrest papers for Eric Holder.
Well how about that folks, Obama gave us all something better...

the hell if you liked what you had, the hell if it's going to cost you more and cost you to lose your regular doctor, hospital, etc

Obama sworry he lied but now suck it you little peons

Our dictator and his comrades in his base have spoken...now sit down and shut up,

It's here to stay, guys. Suck it up and work with the system. You're being dragged kicking and screaming to something better than what you had. Resistance is futile.
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Obama on health plan cancellations: 'I am sorry' | MSNBC

“I am sorry that they are finding themselves in this situation based, based on assurances they got from me. We’ve got to work hard to make sure that they know we hear them and we are going to do everything we can to deal with folks who find themselves in a tough position as a consequence of this.”

This was the right thing to do.

Yes, it was the right thing to do BEFORE he tried to blame insurance companies and say, that's not what he said. Now, it's just more back pedaling. I don't know how anyone can support him after this Obamacare fiasco.
Obama lies... "You will get to keep your insurance, period."

Obama gets called out for lying so Obama lies harder.... "I didn't say what video quotes me as saying!"

Obama kinda apologizes.... "Your bad for getting what I said wrong, sorry."

Fucking unreal.
Well how about that folks, Obama gave us all something better...

the hell if you liked what you had, the hell if it's going to cost you more and cost you to lose your regular doctor, hospital, etc

Obama sworry he lied but now suck it you little peons

Our dictator and his comrades in his base have spoken...now sit down and shut up,

It's here to stay, guys. Suck it up and work with the system. You're being dragged kicking and screaming to something better than what you had. Resistance is futile.
It's just her death rattle to Obama's Paradise Rotten lost, Stephanie.
Manning up would be admitting he lied and fixing it by repealing the law.

Yeah, great, there's already a thread for that topic, go post it there...

Meanwhile, try to address the topic at hand...

Obama's non-apology to folks losing the insurance they liked...

it's from some site called, addictingnoninfo....baba is another lefty airhead

Yeah, I checked it out. Definitely off topic.

Oh, and she'll say she's not a "leftie or a righty," but based on what I've seen of her thus far, that would be false...
Well how about that folks, Obama gave us all something better...

the hell if you liked what you had, the hell if it's going to cost you more and cost you to lose your regular doctor, hospital, etc

Obama sworry he lied but now suck it you little peons

Our dictator and his comrades in his base have spoken...now sit down and shut up,

It's here to stay, guys. Suck it up and work with the system. You're being dragged kicking and screaming to something better than what you had. Resistance is futile.
It's just her death rattle to Obama's Paradise Rotten lost, Stephanie.

I hope it drives a stake in the heart of the Democrat/progressive/commie party and it burns in hell
Well how about that folks, Obama gave us all something better...

the hell if you liked what you had, the hell if it's going to cost you more and cost you to lose your regular doctor, hospital, etc

Obama sworry he lied but now suck it you little peons

Our dictator and his comrades in his base have spoken...now sit down and shut up,

It's here to stay, guys. Suck it up and work with the system. You're being dragged kicking and screaming to something better than what you had. Resistance is futile.
It's just her death rattle to Obama's Paradise Rotten lost, Stephanie.

plus it is extremely revealing of the typical gestapo mindset.
Maybe Booooosh will man up and admit he cooked the facts for the Irag war? How many people died because of his lie?

I thought this thread was about Obama?

Deflect much?

When in doubt, blame Bush.

Besides, once people start kicking the bucket because of Obamacare we can drag out chants of "Obama lied, people died"

Obama's speech really reminds me of Otter in Animal House.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zOXtWxhlsUg]Animal House--"You F'ed up, you trusted us" - YouTube[/ame]

Of course, Bluto had some good advice about how to deal with this.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uepFO4psgKE]Bluto's Advice - YouTube[/ame]
Well how about that folks, Obama gave us all something better...

the hell if you liked what you had, the hell if it's going to cost you more and cost you to lose your regular doctor, hospital, etc

Obama sworry he lied but now suck it you little peons

Our dictator and his comrades in his base have spoken...now sit down and shut up,

It's here to stay, guys. Suck it up and work with the system. You're being dragged kicking and screaming to something better than what you had. Resistance is futile.
It's just her death rattle to Obama's Paradise Rotten lost, Stephanie.

Yeah Steph, Obamacare is going to go away just as soon as the House R Dumbells can defund it. It's gonna happen oh maybe after their 67th try...
Well how about that folks, Obama gave us all something better...

the hell if you liked what you had, the hell if it's going to cost you more and cost you to lose your regular doctor, hospital, etc

Obama sworry he lied but now suck it you little peons

Our dictator and his comrades in his base have spoken...now sit down and shut up,
It's just her death rattle to Obama's Paradise Rotten lost, Stephanie.

plus it is extremely revealing of the typical gestapo mindset.

Thought we were commies. Now which is it? You do know there's a difference, don't you?
God. It amazes me how even when somebody FINALLY does the right thing, he still gets lambasted for not doing it soon enough. Or hard enough. Or without benefit of Vaseline®.

THIS is why I can't take most Republicans seriously. Because their hatred of the President is so big that they can't see past it.


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