Obama mans up and apologizes for his misstatement on keeping insurance

That interview is very good. Chuck Todd is not being easy on him and he is giving very thoughtful and logical explanations.

But you people are never happy. He isn't talking to or especially apologizing to the likes of you.

Kelly File: California Had 'Explicit Deal' With Insurance Companies to Cancel Plans | Fox News Insider

How about her?

she's probably going to die b/c obama is a lying pile of fetid shit

The rule about pre existing conditions has been in place since 2010. She can get care if she needs it. I don't know anymore about her case than what you have posted here from a Fox News clip and I think you know how I feel about something like that.

Sorry dumbshit, Jan 1 2014 is when ALL compliant plans MUST cover pre-existings.

Until then it has been the CHIP programs, just stop typing stupid shit.
That interview is very good. Chuck Todd is not being easy on him and he is giving very thoughtful and logical explanations.

But you people are never happy. He isn't talking to or especially apologizing to the likes of you.

Look up the word "apology", twit. Because that sure as hell wasn't one.
That interview is very good. Chuck Todd is not being easy on him and he is giving very thoughtful and logical explanations.

But you people are never happy. He isn't talking to or especially apologizing to the likes of you.

No. You just hate it when Obama is backed into a corner like he is. I don't care for his hollow apologies, all you care about is his image, not his honesty.

He didn't seem backed into a corner to me, he seemed open and forthright as always. You guys didn't even watch it, you just heard some talking points yet again. Why can't you think for yourselves?

I'm sorry, could you repeat that? I couldn't hear you with your lips glued to Obama's ass cheek.
Obama on health plan cancellations: 'I am sorry' | MSNBC

“I am sorry that they are finding themselves in this situation based, based on assurances they got from me. We’ve got to work hard to make sure that they know we hear them and we are going to do everything we can to deal with folks who find themselves in a tough position as a consequence of this.”

This was the right thing to do.

Your an idiot ,the president stopped short of apologizing for making those promises in the first place.
He tried to weasel out of this first by tying to say he said all along people could lose their coverage...
And when that didn't fly he had no choice...

I don't see this as manning up.
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I wish Chuck Todd would have asked "Did you lie to the American People for the last 4-5 years?" If Obama says "no" then ask him "Did your administration know in 2010 that people were going to lose their health insurance?

If he says yes, then he would have just lied about him not lying.

If he says no, you can point to the memo about Obama admin. knowing back in 2010. He would have been caught and no way he could have gotten out of that.
He tried to weasel out of this first by tying to say he said all along people would lose their coverage...
And when that didn't fly he had no choice...

I don't see this as manning up.

Its the kind of apology a little bully has to make after getting his ass kicked

Obama on health plan cancellations: 'I am sorry' | MSNBC

“I am sorry that they are finding themselves in this situation based, based on assurances they got from me. We’ve got to work hard to make sure that they know we hear them and we are going to do everything we can to deal with folks who find themselves in a tough position as a consequence of this.”

This was the right thing to do.

Can't find that quote in the story or the interview. :confused:

He said this.

It's not an apology for the years of misleading speeches.

It also isn't an admission that he intentionally misled everyone who voted for him.

This was simply a KYOA move intended to placate folks on the left who feel betrayed.
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get rid of the mandate until then you and obama and any other supporter of this shit can go fuck themselves

Maybe we should suspend the mandate a year until we can make it work. Time to get away from left or right and think about how to make it work?

fuck the mandate that is not an option.

Like I said during the shutdown, the best thing that could happen at this point is that the thing gets fully implemented and force everyone to have to deal with the damage it will do.

And then they said I was a joke.

Who's laughing now..........
IT'S time to make it work and help people.

get rid of the mandate until then you and obama and any other supporter of this shit can go fuck themselves

Maybe we should suspend the mandate a year until we can make it work. Time to get away from left or right and think about how to make it work?

I don't need it to work. My insurance works just fine. When the government puts their dick skinners on it then for sure it's destined for failure

He tried to weasel out of this first by tying to say he said all along people would lose their coverage...
And when that didn't fly he had no choice...

I don't see this as manning up.

Its the kind of apology a little bully has to make after getting his ass kicked


So true! It wasn't a real apology. Notice that he stopped short of admitting that he lied or was ignorant. He said he was sorry people lost their insurance based on his assurances. It wasn't his assurances that fucked them over, it was the Obamacare law. And his lies merely helped get it passed.

He also claimed he would try and help them. Well, he can't get their insurance and their doctors back. His solution will probably be to send them to the Obamacare website so they can pay more than they were before and if they can't afford it, they'll go without and pay the stupid penalty.

I see Carney is now blaming insurance companies. I knew that the blame game was inevitable and I'm surprised it took this long. They knew a few years ago that policies would get cancelled because the Obama administration didn't approve of them. People were happy with what they had and it's not the insurance companies' fault that Obamacare tells people what they can and can't have.
He tried to weasel out of this first by tying to say he said all along people would lose their coverage...
And when that didn't fly he had no choice...

I don't see this as manning up.

Its the kind of apology a little bully has to make after getting his ass kicked


So true! It wasn't a real apology. Notice that he stopped short of admitting that he lied or was ignorant. He said he was sorry people lost their insurance based on his assurances. It wasn't his assurances that fucked them over, it was the Obamacare law. And his lies merely helped get it passed.

He also claimed he would try and help them. Well, he can't get their insurance and their doctors back. His solution will probably be to send them to the Obamacare website so they can pay more than they were before and if they can't afford it, they'll go without and pay the stupid penalty.

I see Carney is now blaming insurance companies. I knew that the blame game was inevitable and I'm surprised it took this long. They knew a few years ago that policies would get cancelled because the Obama administration didn't approve of them. People were happy with what they had and it's not the insurance companies' fault that Obamacare tells people what they can and can't have.

These people love telling us what to do and what not to do. They love banning things, like Fat-trannies..........or Trannie-fats.......or something. :eusa_angel:
Something else I wonder what is it the President is sorry about is it that the policies got cancelled and he wasn't clear enough about the law earlier or that the people and the media caught on to it? This is speculation on my part but I find it very hard to believe the President was not aware these policies were going to get cancelled before the shit hit the fan over it.
I, for one...cannot believe a politician lied! This is a first in the history of politics.

Doesn't Great Britain offer free universal health care for all its countries citizens? Wouldn't that be great?

I could be wrong.

You not only could be, you are.

Doesn't Great Britain offer free universal health care for all its countries citizens? Wouldn't that be great?

You do realize this is not free...
If every citizen in the USA was taxed an extra $1,000 a year for people who live in NYC
to be able to walk into a car lot every 5 years and drive out with a new car...
It may be free for me but somebody had to pay for it.

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