Obama mans up and apologizes for his misstatement on keeping insurance

That interview is very good. Chuck Todd is not being easy on him and he is giving very thoughtful and logical explanations.

But you people are never happy. He isn't talking to or especially apologizing to the likes of you.

No. You just hate it when Obama is backed into a corner like he is. I don't care for his hollow apologies, all you care about is his image, not his honesty.
If it hadn't come out that he and his administration had known since the summer of 2010 that millions of Americans would lose their insurance under the law, he wouldn't have said a fucking word and this thread wouldn't exist. Period.
Obama on health plan cancellations: 'I am sorry' | MSNBC

“I am sorry that they are finding themselves in this situation based, based on assurances they got from me. We’ve got to work hard to make sure that they know we hear them and we are going to do everything we can to deal with folks who find themselves in a tough position as a consequence of this.”

This was the right thing to do.

This makes it even more worrisome, when the employer mandate kicks in I've heard as many as 93 million will lose their private insurance and pay a much higher price. I wonder if Obama will have an empty apology for that?

Obama Officials In 2010: 93 Million Americans Will Be Unable To Keep Their Health Plans Under Obamacare - Forbes
Maybe Booooosh will man up and admit he cooked the facts for the Irag war? How many people died because of his lie?
That interview is very good. Chuck Todd is not being easy on him and he is giving very thoughtful and logical explanations.

But you people are never happy. He isn't talking to or especially apologizing to the likes of you.

No. You just hate it when Obama is backed into a corner like he is. I don't care for his hollow apologies, all you care about is his image, not his honesty.

He didn't seem backed into a corner to me, he seemed open and forthright as always. You guys didn't even watch it, you just heard some talking points yet again. Why can't you think for yourselves?
It's not an apology.
He's saying the same shit he always says."They just didn't understand what I was trying to say."
He says he wasn't as clear as he needed to be.

Oh no. You where crystal clear.

And it's really clear you lied.
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Obama on health plan cancellations: 'I am sorry' | MSNBC

“I am sorry that they are finding themselves in this situation based, based on assurances they got from me. We’ve got to work hard to make sure that they know we hear them and we are going to do everything we can to deal with folks who find themselves in a tough position as a consequence of this.”

This was the right thing to do.

He didn't apologize chit.

I'm sorry too. I'm sorry 51% of my fellow Americans are dumber than a box of hammers

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Maybe Booooosh will man up and admit he cooked the facts for the Irag war? How many people died because of his lie?

LOL. This is a classic non sequitur. But if you want to play that game... perhaps you can explain why the White House tried to cook the numbers on the number of enrollees on the Healthcare.gov website.

Bush has nothing to do with this. Keep up.
A real man would have been straight with us from the start. No excuses are acceptable for Obama either not knowing the details of his own legislation or deliberately lying. Those are the only two possibilities. It is just not believable that in the years he was making that false promise, none of his people took him aside and said that was not the truth. The only excuse that makes sense is lying to pass it and hoping that the fallout wasn't bad. Didn't work out that way. I do not feel sorry for him or the ignorant Dems who voted for Obamacare.

He also lied, knowingly, when he tried to claim that he had said something else all along. When his feeble attempt at rewriting his past statement failed, he had no choice but to apologize. It's likely there were many meetings in which Obama and his advisors weighed options and decided to do what was in his best interest. Telling the truth was the only option since everyone already knew he lied. Of course, don't expect him to admit that he set out to fool us in order to impose this oppressive law on the people. If he had been honest about what would happen, there would have been little support.

His apology isn't worth dogshit and even if it was sincere, it's far too little too late to make him look good. If he had come clean sooner (meaning after he lied for a few years, but before he was caught), that would have shown he had a little conscience, but he didn't act till he was busted and had no other choice but to fess up.

Meanwhile, the website is still a disaster and sensitive information was made public. The Dems seem to think that if they can fix the website, all will be well. I think things are going to be far worse once people are able to navigate the site and actually see their new rates. While a few will still be able to afford health insurance, many are in for a big shock.

There was going to be a huge tax on all so-called Cadillac plans, but since Obama unilaterally opted to give a break to unions and his wealthy friends on that tax, other things were taxed higher than expected, so the average person will pick up the tab through higher rates and higher taxes. Remember, there are about 29 new taxes in the law, 13 of which will affect everyone.

Right now, the Obamacare website is showing some tentative rates, but it's been discovered that they are shown much lower than the actual rates will likely be.

Dems who are running for re-election are now asking for Obamacare delays for everyone, not just the wealthy. Clearly, they are listening to their constituents and looking at polls.

Obama still claims his lies were unintentional. Bottom line is that we should not trust Obama at this point. Whether he ignorantly delivered false promises (and did so with such conviction) or whether he knowingly lied, it's clear that his words have become completely meaningless. Only the foolish will continue to take him at his word considering how unreliable his promises have proven to be. As he makes claims now regarding Obamacare, national security or the economy, we have to ask if he is misspeaking, ignorant or lying.
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Meanwhile, starvation looms. As those of us who knew he was a liar also knew:

"Illustrating the soaring demand for food, before the 2007 recession, the five food banks that form the Association of Arizona Food Banks were handing out an average of 69,000 emergency food boxes per month. Last month, 108,300 boxes were handed out, an increase of around 80 per cent."

» Food Bank CEO: Welfare Cuts Causing ?Nightmare Ripple Effect? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

2007....hhmmmm. Yeah, that was the year that Boooosh let the countries go to Hell while he and his buddies enjoyed their tax cut.
this is what happens when you push a shoddy bill through congress and have to found out what is in the bill AFTER it passes.

obamacare is a huge disaster and will be obama's greatest failing, history will not forget how he rammed this law down our throats...
That interview is very good. Chuck Todd is not being easy on him and he is giving very thoughtful and logical explanations.

But you people are never happy. He isn't talking to or especially apologizing to the likes of you.

Kelly File: California Had 'Explicit Deal' With Insurance Companies to Cancel Plans | Fox News Insider

How about her?

she's probably going to die b/c obama is a lying pile of fetid shit

The rule about pre existing conditions has been in place since 2010. She can get care if she needs it. I don't know anymore about her case than what you have posted here from a Fox News clip and I think you know how I feel about something like that.
Obama on health plan cancellations: 'I am sorry' | MSNBC

“I am sorry that they are finding themselves in this situation based, based on assurances they got from me. We’ve got to work hard to make sure that they know we hear them and we are going to do everything we can to deal with folks who find themselves in a tough position as a consequence of this.”

This was the right thing to do.

Yes it sure was. His biggest lie to date...:lmao: :lmao: President Con Job was given some strong medicine with his meeting yesterday ( or was that the day before ) with how many Democrats whose seats are vulnerable in `14??? :rofl:
I, for one...cannot believe a politician lied! This is a first in the history of politics.

Doesn't Great Britain offer free universal health care for all its countries citizens? Wouldn't that be great?

I could be wrong.
That interview is very good. Chuck Todd is not being easy on him and he is giving very thoughtful and logical explanations.

But you people are never happy. He isn't talking to or especially apologizing to the likes of you.

No. You just hate it when Obama is backed into a corner like he is. I don't care for his hollow apologies, all you care about is his image, not his honesty.

He didn't seem backed into a corner to me, he seemed open and forthright as always. You guys didn't even watch it, you just heard some talking points yet again. Why can't you think for yourselves?

You're deluded. I think for myself. I don't fall for lies like 'free healthcare' unlike you. I don't give in to utopian fantasies such as 'affordable healthcare' unlike you. Perhaps you should rely less on liberalism and more on common sense.

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