Obama mans up and apologizes for his misstatement on keeping insurance

I wonder when the race card will come out saying how evil the right wing is by forcing the president
to apologize...and they would never have done that to a white president.
That interview is very good. Chuck Todd is not being easy on him and he is giving very thoughtful and logical explanations.

But you people are never happy. He isn't talking to or especially apologizing to the likes of you.

Chuck Todd has zero credibility, his heads so far up Obama's ass he could speak for him and usually does.

next "shivering leg" Mathews, or Tubby Schultz perhaps...:lol:

That's just not true but not much of what you say ever is.

Truth to most Democrats is a lie undiscovered or remaining non-acknowledged..;)
Obama on health plan cancellations: 'I am sorry' | MSNBC

“I am sorry that they are finding themselves in this situation based, based on assurances they got from me. We’ve got to work hard to make sure that they know we hear them and we are going to do everything we can to deal with folks who find themselves in a tough position as a consequence of this.”

This was the right thing to do.

THAT is NOT an apology. That is, at best, a lame-ass commiseration, and at worst, an "It sucks to be you".

Not that I care much, since I have never subscribed to the leftist dimwit belief that one can behave egregiously, and then play a little chin music about "I'm sorry" and everything's okay. You don't lie to the entire nation, mire them in a disaster of a government takeover project, and then apologize as though you stepped on someone's toes at the movie theater.
Obama on health plan cancellations: 'I am sorry' | MSNBC

“I am sorry that they are finding themselves in this situation based, based on assurances they got from me. We’ve got to work hard to make sure that they know we hear them and we are going to do everything we can to deal with folks who find themselves in a tough position as a consequence of this.”

This was the right thing to do.

Wrong! NOT LYING was the right thing to do!

Alternatively, he could also STOP DOING IT. As long as he continues full-steam ahead with programs that hurt people, I have no reason to believe he's the least bit sorry that they're being hurt. Which means his "apology" is another lie.
What's so truly unjust is that all these mealy mouthed liberals on here who supported the ACA are on benefits and have Medicaid. They can't be touched.

Wrong! NOT LYING was the right thing to do!

Alternatively, he could also STOP DOING IT. As long as he continues full-steam ahead with programs that hurt people, I have no reason to believe he's the least bit sorry that they're being hurt. Which means his "apology" is another lie.

Of course it is. IOU rep. But I think I'm out.
He's not sorry...he's relieved this shit didn't blow up before the election. It wasn't just a lie, it was a strategic lie...not said impulsively, but with intent to mislead. The left continues to stand by their man like a country song...well, Hillary did show them how to take it on the chin for political gain. The ends justify the means for people like them.:eusa_whistle:
That interview is very good. Chuck Todd is not being easy on him and he is giving very thoughtful and logical explanations.

But you people are never happy. He isn't talking to or especially apologizing to the likes of you.

Bush apologizes for Iraq and you give him a pass, right? What bullshit.
Like most politicians he finally says I'm sorry when it finally becomes clear to him he can no longer duck, dodge, or spin his way out of the mess. What would have really been nice would have been if he had been more clear about this before the vote on Obamacare was taken of course as we all know and likely the President does as well if he had done that it's a good bet Obamacare would not have passed.
"Don't be so cute, just admit it. Just admit you're wrong."

-Christ Christie

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RPawR0zmom8&feature=youtube_gdata]Chris Christie's Unsolicited Advice on Obamacare: 'Don't Lawyer It' - YouTube[/ame]

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