Obama mans up and apologizes for his misstatement on keeping insurance


These were not "misstatements". He knew one thing and said another. Over and over.

In the real world, there's a word for that.

But it got him elected and re-elected, and that's all that matters.

That's the way it works.

God. It amazes me how even when somebody FINALLY does the right thing, he still gets lambasted for not doing it soon enough. Or hard enough. Or without benefit of Vaseline®.

THIS is why I can't take most Republicans seriously. Because their hatred of the President is so big that they can't see past it.


It's diversionary. They're attempting to take everyone's mind off of that colossal fuckup of a shutdown. You know that day they allowed the idiot Cruz to take over House leadership and guide House Republicans down that yellow brick road? Fail.

The president did the right thing but it will never be good enough because they have this agenda.

Spare us your liberally slanted Obama drama. I will ask you the same thing. How is kicking 4.2 million people off of their insurance doing the 'right thing' exactly? How is increasing premiums by 41% doing the 'right thing' exactly? You know, the reason Republicans shut down the government was because they knew from day one that something like this would happen. They knew Obama was lying about this being affordable healthcare, or about people being able to maintain their current plans and retain their current doctors. Now, our attention is rightly focused on how badly Obama screwed up with his healthcare law.

Somehow, I don't think you grasp the magnitude of failure of this law. Obama passed this to suit his own agenda, not anyone else's. You're right about one thing, Sarah. He will never be good enough, because he never was to begin with. We are all now seeing why.
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God. It amazes me how even when somebody FINALLY does the right thing, he still gets lambasted for not doing it soon enough. Or hard enough. Or without benefit of Vaseline®.

THIS is why I can't take most Republicans seriously. Because their hatred of the President is so big that they can't see past it.


It's diversionary. They're attempting to take everyone's mind off of that colossal fuckup of a shutdown. You know that day they allowed the idiot Cruz to take over House leadership and guide House Republicans down that yellow brick road? Fail.

The president did the right thing but it will never be good enough because they have this agenda.

What you call a fuck up was the best thing to slow down your communist take over.

You failed to slow it down tho and this communist take over as you so stupidly refer to it is helping people all across America as we speak. Have you signed up yet?
It's diversionary. They're attempting to take everyone's mind off of that colossal fuckup of a shutdown. You know that day they allowed the idiot Cruz to take over House leadership and guide House Republicans down that yellow brick road? Fail.

The president did the right thing but it will never be good enough because they have this agenda.

What you call a fuck up was the best thing to slow down your communist take over.

You failed to slow it down tho and this communist take over as you so stupidly refer to it is helping people all across America as we speak. Have you signed up yet?

You can deny what it is but it is what it is, and nothing will change that. Have I signed up hell no and will not. obama can eat my shit. FUCK THE GOD DAMN SON OF A BITCH.
It's diversionary. They're attempting to take everyone's mind off of that colossal fuckup of a shutdown. You know that day they allowed the idiot Cruz to take over House leadership and guide House Republicans down that yellow brick road? Fail.

The president did the right thing but it will never be good enough because they have this agenda.

What you call a fuck up was the best thing to slow down your communist take over.

You failed to slow it down tho and this communist take over as you so stupidly refer to it is helping people all across America as we speak. Have you signed up yet?

Have you? No? Why? Too expensive? I thought you said it would be affordable? It is? Are you still going to sign up? No? Again, why? Afraid you'll be kicked off your plan, too? So answer me this. Why are you wanting others to sign up for it? Are you desperate for any type of success from the Obama presidency? That's too bad honey, he done screw'd up.

These were not "misstatements". He knew one thing and said another. Over and over.

In the real world, there's a word for that.

But it got him elected and re-elected, and that's all that matters.

That's the way it works.


yep that's all that matters
It's diversionary. They're attempting to take everyone's mind off of that colossal fuckup of a shutdown. You know that day they allowed the idiot Cruz to take over House leadership and guide House Republicans down that yellow brick road? Fail.

The president did the right thing but it will never be good enough because they have this agenda.

What you call a fuck up was the best thing to slow down your communist take over.

You failed to slow it down tho and this communist take over as you so stupidly refer to it is helping people all across America as we speak. Have you signed up yet?

Also, I'm frankly loving how it helped all of 6 people all across America on the first day. I'm sure you're elated.
What you call a fuck up was the best thing to slow down your communist take over.

You failed to slow it down tho and this communist take over as you so stupidly refer to it is helping people all across America as we speak. Have you signed up yet?

You can deny what it is but it is what it is, and nothing will change that. Have I signed up hell no and will not. obama can eat my shit. FUCK THE GOD DAMN SON OF A BITCH.

Are you on medicare or something? You need to sign up by March if not.
You failed to slow it down tho and this communist take over as you so stupidly refer to it is helping people all across America as we speak. Have you signed up yet?

You can deny what it is but it is what it is, and nothing will change that. Have I signed up hell no and will not. obama can eat my shit. FUCK THE GOD DAMN SON OF A BITCH.

Are you on medicare or something? You need to sign up by March if not.

There you go thinking you can boss other people around. He shouldn't have to comply or pay a fine for not complying with a law that doesn't work through a website that has been down for the better part of a month and a week.

Screw off, Sarah. YOU go sign up for it, if it's all the rage. Call me from the poorhouse!
What you call a fuck up was the best thing to slow down your communist take over.

You failed to slow it down tho and this communist take over as you so stupidly refer to it is helping people all across America as we speak. Have you signed up yet?

Also, I'm frankly loving how it helped all of 6 people all across America on the first day. I'm sure you're elated.

You should just go away, you're way too negative and mean for 6am. I feel sorry for anyone who has to be around you.

Now, stop lying about people signing up for Healthcare online and you should know there are other ways to do it while the kinks are being worked out.
Yanno................the only reason people are being kicked off of their healthcare insurance is because the companies providing it realize that they don't meet the minimums that were put in place by the ACA. Kind of like having to meet the minimums for auto insurance for the state you're in. If you can't meet the minimums, you're going to be thrown off to the side.

Obamacare is having the insurance companies for health insurance meet minimum regulations (sort of like what you have to buy if you're going to drive an automobile) so that if you DO cause a wreck, your insurance will be able to cover it.

The only places where Obamacare is failing are those states that have Republican governors who refuse to participate.

Even though KY is a red state (according to statistics), they are embracing it and doing quite well.

I wonder when McConnell and Paul are going to visit the governor of the state they are supposed to represent (and the ones that elected them) and ask why Obamacare is working so well?

Sorry, but in 2014 and in 2016, people are going to remember this, and it's going to be a bloodbath for those in the GOP.
Yanno................the only reason people are being kicked off of their healthcare insurance is because the companies providing it realize that they don't meet the minimums that were put in place by the ACA. Kind of like having to meet the minimums for auto insurance for the state you're in. If you can't meet the minimums, you're going to be thrown off to the side.

Obamacare is having the insurance companies for health insurance meet minimum regulations (sort of like what you have to buy if you're going to drive an automobile) so that if you DO cause a wreck, your insurance will be able to cover it.

The only places where Obamacare is failing are those states that have Republican governors who refuse to participate.

Even though KY is a red state (according to statistics), they are embracing it and doing quite well.

I wonder when McConnell and Paul are going to visit the governor of the state they are supposed to represent (and the ones that elected them) and ask why Obamacare is working so well?

Sorry, but in 2014 and in 2016, people are going to remember this, and it's going to be a bloodbath for those in the GOP.

They know all of this but continue to repeat their talking points over and over in an attempt to get someone, anyone, to agree with their nonsense.
You failed to slow it down tho and this communist take over as you so stupidly refer to it is helping people all across America as we speak. Have you signed up yet?

You can deny what it is but it is what it is, and nothing will change that. Have I signed up hell no and will not. obama can eat my shit. FUCK THE GOD DAMN SON OF A BITCH.

Are you on medicare or something? You need to sign up by March if not.

Nope I'm 52 so that's a fail. Listen bitch I'm not signing up.
You failed to slow it down tho and this communist take over as you so stupidly refer to it is helping people all across America as we speak. Have you signed up yet?

Also, I'm frankly loving how it helped all of 6 people all across America on the first day. I'm sure you're elated.

You should just go away, you're way too negative and mean for 6am. I feel sorry for anyone who has to be around you.

Now, stop lying about people signing up for Healthcare online and you should know there are other ways to do it while the kinks are being worked out.

Could you make any less sense? I will stay here. You can leave if you wish. Am I being mean for slapping you with a serving of reality for breakfast so early in the morning? Can't handle it?

You stop lying about how 'good' Obamacare is, and I will stop telling the truth about it. Deal? I feel sorry for anyone who has to wade through your lies, propaganda and rhetoric. I can cut through it with relative ease.
Yanno................the only reason people are being kicked off of their healthcare insurance is because the companies providing it realize that they don't meet the minimums that were put in place by the ACA. Kind of like having to meet the minimums for auto insurance for the state you're in. If you can't meet the minimums, you're going to be thrown off to the side.

Obamacare is having the insurance companies for health insurance meet minimum regulations (sort of like what you have to buy if you're going to drive an automobile) so that if you DO cause a wreck, your insurance will be able to cover it.

The only places where Obamacare is failing are those states that have Republican governors who refuse to participate.

Even though KY is a red state (according to statistics), they are embracing it and doing quite well.

I wonder when McConnell and Paul are going to visit the governor of the state they are supposed to represent (and the ones that elected them) and ask why Obamacare is working so well?

Sorry, but in 2014 and in 2016, people are going to remember this, and it's going to be a bloodbath for those in the GOP.

obama lied PERIOD
Yanno................the only reason people are being kicked off of their healthcare insurance is because the companies providing it realize that they don't meet the minimums that were put in place by the ACA. Kind of like having to meet the minimums for auto insurance for the state you're in. If you can't meet the minimums, you're going to be thrown off to the side.

Obamacare is having the insurance companies for health insurance meet minimum regulations (sort of like what you have to buy if you're going to drive an automobile) so that if you DO cause a wreck, your insurance will be able to cover it.

The only places where Obamacare is failing are those states that have Republican governors who refuse to participate.

Even though KY is a red state (according to statistics), they are embracing it and doing quite well.

I wonder when McConnell and Paul are going to visit the governor of the state they are supposed to represent (and the ones that elected them) and ask why Obamacare is working so well?

Sorry, but in 2014 and in 2016, people are going to remember this, and it's going to be a bloodbath for those in the GOP.


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