Obama mans up and apologizes for his misstatement on keeping insurance

get rid of the mandate until then you and obama and any other supporter of this shit can go fuck themselves

Maybe we should suspend the mandate a year until we can make it work. Time to get away from left or right and think about how to make it work?

How are you going to make it work without taxing the living shit outta this country and eliminating the middle class? Socialism doesn't work. Never has, never will. Wanna make health insurance affordable for everyone? How about getting rid of that ridiculous law that keeps insurance companies from selling across state lines? Eliminate that stupid piece of legislation and you'll have a flooded marketplace of companies competing at cheaper prices with each other. Why must everything be legislated until it fails? The three rules of government:
1. If it moves, tax it.
2. If it keeps moving, regulate it.
3. When it stops moving, subsidize it.

Fuckin' morons (not the politicians, the people who fall for their shit).

Providing health care for the working poor would have had little impact on this country if a few verses of Medicaid had been rewritten and the program extended to them for small premium.

This was held to be legal by the US Supreme Court because it is considered a TAX but it is just another tax on the working poor and the middle class. And hefty painful one at that, and it is not even paid to the government, it goes to corporations. A corporate attorney couldn't have done better. A person who pays $500/month for health insurance expects better than a $5,000 deductible. Families will become bankrupt before they ever get a dime out of it because the group this targets simply doesn't have that much each year to pay out in deductibles. THEN they will go on welfare benefits and Medicaid.

Do you see how this was NOT designed to 'help' the poor and lower middle class, but to bankrupt them? The liberals on this forum already on benefits and Medicaid do not want to admit that. They are idle, complacent, and pleased where they are, so they can sit all day and praise Obama and his band of thieves. This was just a method to get more people dependent on the state. And at this point, I am wondering why anyone would bother to even work. The government is going to take away everything you are working for.
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Except he really didn't do anything.

I just watched the interview again on O'Donnell's show and all he really did was express regret to those who are losing their insurance because of what he said. At one point he expressed his frustration about the website saying he was upset that he was burned, then he quickly corrected himself to say the American people.

Never once was there a mention of deliberately misleading the public. That's what he needed to apologize for, not for the results of his lies...

That's what I was saying.
The OP's quote doesn't appear in the article anymore nor was the quote spoken during the interview.
It says this now:
Still, Obama said he didn’t do a good enough job in explaining the law. “I regret that… We weren’t as clear as we needed to be in terms of the changes taking place and I want to make sure people are finding themselves in a good position, a better position than when this law happened.” He said he was exploring what can be done “to close some of the holes and gaps in the law.”

Can't find that quote in the story or the interview. :confused:

As an attorney, not understanding the holes and gaps in the law is pretty sloppy work on his part.
Obama had no idea what was in the bill!

I did. I read it. And when I was explaining it to a friend he remarked that America would be single payer in 5 years. It was THAT crystal clear to those of us who understand how the health care system in America works. From the outset this was designed to bankrupt people. The people who voted for him because he was going to give them insurance now have a bitter pill to swallow. Pun intended.
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"I'm sorry. My statement was wrong. I did not know the ins and outs of the bill that I supported and I see now that this bill was a mistake. I support the elimination of this program within our federal government."

This is what Obama should have said
well, its too late for me, they cancelled my BlueCross Ins. Thanks to OBama, and sorry but i don't accept his apoiogy. This intire bunch of politicians have ruined us with this Obamacare and more to come.
I will vote out all incumbants in the next elections.....all those that have been there forever making a fortune off of us....and that includes Hillary Clinton the career seeking people making a fortune off our taxes. No more of the same people will I vote for any Democrat or Republicans. Its time we clean washington up and put people in that will work for us, not for themselves.
this is the only reason for HIS SORRY...fall for his shallow pleading of he's sorry....I'm not



The White House is not ready to go along with extending the open enrollment period. | AP Photo
By MANU RAJU and SEUNG MIN KIM | 11/7/13 6:19 PM EST

Democratic senators facing voters next year are willing to give the White House time to resolve the glaring problems with Obamacare.

Very little time.

At the pleading of senior White House officials, Senate Democrats are holding off on demands to delay major aspects of the health care law until the Obama administration has the opportunity to fix the website problems that are thwarting enrollment in the program.

Democratic senators facing reelection have a green light to bash the White House and call for certain legislative fixes. But they’ve been urged by senior administration officials not to insist on delaying the controversial law’s core: The mandate for individuals to purchase insurance coverage or face penalties.

Their requests are being heeded — for now.

Sen. Chris Coons (D-Del.), who attended a tense two-hour meeting with President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden on Wednesday over the issue, stressed that senators should give the administration just “a little bit” of breathing room.

The individual mandate takes effect Jan. 1. But consumers have until March 31 to enroll in health insurance coverage or risk being assessed with a fine, which is either $95 or 1 percent of household income — whichever is the higher amount. But as the marketplaces, known as the exchanges, have endured a disastrous rollout and a dysfunctional enrollment website, the White House is under enormous pressure to quell the uproar before facing insurmountable pressure in Congress.

Already, Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (D-N.H.) is preparing legislation to extend the enrollment period beyond March 31, and Sen. Mary Landrieu (D-La.) has offered a bill to allow consumers to keep their existing coverage. Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) unveiled bipartisan legislation Thursday with Sen. Mark Kirk (R-Ill.) to delay for one year the penalties if consumers do not comply with the individual mandate. Unlike Shaheen and Landrieu, Manchin does not face reelection next year.

At the White House meeting Wednesday, Shaheen reiterated her calls to extend the enrollment period, but the president is not ready to go along with that at this point.

“There was no resolution on that,” Shaheen said Thursday.

ALL of it here
Read more: Dems give White House tight deadline to fix Obamacare - Manu Raju and Seung Min Kim - POLITICO.com
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Nice to know he apologized but hey, guess that won't do those folks any good though.

Perhaps he should have read the bill before he pushed it??

Oh wait. I forgot. Its his signature legislation and he doesn't give a fuck who pays the freight. Never mind.
Nice to know he apologized but hey, guess that won't do those folks any good though.

Perhaps he should have read the bill before he pushed it??

Oh wait. I forgot. Its his signature legislation and he doesn't give a fuck who pays the freight. Never mind.

and as we see a lot of his cult followers don't care either
they would die on their knees to this man
It's as sickening as he is
"Insurance cancelled" grabs headlines and sends shortwaves across the nation. However the details are not so shocking. A friend of mine got a letter of cancellation from United Health. It said the current plan was discontinued. The letter contain the details of the replacement plan. It also contained a table of discounts versus family income and suggested visiting their web site and the exchange web site if you qualified. In realty the terrible cancellation was nothing more than an update of the current plan.

In a few years, we'll look back at this and other stumbling blocks in the implementation of the law and wonder what all the fuss was about.

I, almost, think your dedication to lying is admirable.
Considering the source, I'll consider your personal attack a complement; sorry, you can't make any useful contribution to the discussion.

Have you ever considered the fact that insurance policies are being cancelled or dropped because the Obamacare law is requiring people carry more coverage than they actually NEED? So insurance companies are having to produce and come up with more cadillac plans to meet these new insurance standards. How exactly does that become choice and competition, when the families (or single adults) can't take the time to decide for themselves just how much health care coverage they ACTUALLY need pertaining to their own individual situation? When it comes to ANY Federal program, being efficient and cost effective is just not something our government is known for at all.
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Policies that don't meet the requirements are the ones being cancelled. It is the fault of their crappy insurance and them for buying such terrible policies however their insurance company should have given them until after the first of the year to get something else.

The people here seem to think people are cancelled the moment they received the letter. That can't be the case. If it is, the insurance was worse than even I had imagined.

Now is their chance to get some insurance that is designed to cover everyone at an affordable cost.
God. It amazes me how even when somebody FINALLY does the right thing, he still gets lambasted for not doing it soon enough. Or hard enough. Or without benefit of Vaseline®.

THIS is why I can't take most Republicans seriously. Because their hatred of the President is so big that they can't see past it.


It's diversionary. They're attempting to take everyone's mind off of that colossal fuckup of a shutdown. You know that day they allowed the idiot Cruz to take over House leadership and guide House Republicans down that yellow brick road? Fail.

The president did the right thing but it will never be good enough because they have this agenda.

Policies that don't meet the requirements are the ones being cancelled. It is the fault of their crappy insurance and them for buying such terrible policies however their insurance company should have given them until after the first of the year to get something else.

The people here seem to think people are cancelled the moment they received the letter. That can't be the case. If it is, the insurance was worse than even I had imagined.

Now is their chance to get some insurance that is designed to cover everyone at an affordable cost.

so fucking what? the government has no god damn business doing this and obama lied and knew it was a lied when he said no one would lose their policy if they wanted to keep it.
Back in the day a liar was taken out and beat the crap out of.
Policies that don't meet the requirements are the ones being cancelled. It is the fault of their crappy insurance and them for buying such terrible policies however their insurance company should have given them until after the first of the year to get something else.

The people here seem to think people are cancelled the moment they received the letter. That can't be the case. If it is, the insurance was worse than even I had imagined.

Now is their chance to get some insurance that is designed to cover everyone at an affordable cost.

If their insurance is crappy, why are they mad that they are losing it? What exactly was stopping them from getting the insurance they wanted?

Moreover, why does a single male have to purchase a policy with maternity care? Why does an old woman have to?

Did it ever occur to you that everyone doesn't need the same care? Or did it occur to you that we are able to determine what care we want without some politician or bureaucrat telling us what we needed?

How exactly is paying for coverage we don't need going to save us money? Does that make any rational sense whatosever?
God. It amazes me how even when somebody FINALLY does the right thing, he still gets lambasted for not doing it soon enough. Or hard enough. Or without benefit of Vaseline®.

THIS is why I can't take most Republicans seriously. Because their hatred of the President is so big that they can't see past it.


It's diversionary. They're attempting to take everyone's mind off of that colossal fuckup of a shutdown. You know that day they allowed the idiot Cruz to take over House leadership and guide House Republicans down that yellow brick road? Fail.

The president did the right thing but it will never be good enough because they have this agenda.

Insincere apologies with no effort to actually change are meaningless.

I know you like to pretend that the government shut down was this brutal thing and that Obama had absolutely no responsibility for it, but the people know differently.

And I can guarentee you that Cruz has no designs to take over House Leadership even if he could. Please familiarize yourself with the Constitution and the how and why our government is set up.
Well how about that folks, Obama gave us all something better...

the hell if you liked what you had, the hell if it's going to cost you more and cost you to lose your regular doctor, hospital, etc

Obama sworry he lied but now suck it you little peons

Our dictator and his comrades in his base have spoken...now sit down and shut up,

It's here to stay, guys. Suck it up and work with the system. You're being dragged kicking and screaming to something better than what you had. Resistance is futile.

There was a 63 year old woman on television this morning talking about how her insurance covers more than her prior insurance. She now has covered pediatric dentistry.

obama should have been honest, but ACA would never have passed if he had. Bob, a single man, will have to pay for insurance coverage for maternity care, not for himself, he is paying the insurance premium for SALLY's maternity care. Sue isn't paying for insurance coverage for jer own non existent children, but paying the premium for Juanita's pediatric dentistry bills.

That's what really happened. According to obama, we should never mind paying "a little more" for the benefit of others.
well, its too late for me, they cancelled my BlueCross Ins. Thanks to OBama, and sorry but i don't accept his apoiogy. This intire bunch of politicians have ruined us with this Obamacare and more to come.
I will vote out all incumbants in the next elections.....all those that have been there forever making a fortune off of us....and that includes Hillary Clinton the career seeking people making a fortune off our taxes. No more of the same people will I vote for any Democrat or Republicans. Its time we clean washington up and put people in that will work for us, not for themselves.

I am sorry your insurance was cancelled. And you are right. It is going to get worse before it gets better.

I don't have much money or power, but if you ever need anything let me know.

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