Obama mans up and apologizes for his misstatement on keeping insurance

Policies that don't meet the requirements are the ones being cancelled. It is the fault of their crappy insurance and them for buying such terrible policies however their insurance company should have given them until after the first of the year to get something else.

The people here seem to think people are cancelled the moment they received the letter. That can't be the case. If it is, the insurance was worse than even I had imagined.

Now is their chance to get some insurance that is designed to cover everyone at an affordable cost.

Tell that to these people. They had a great policy. Now they'll pay more for less. These people actually campaigned for Obama too. Maybe if enough Obama supporters get fucked over, people like you will finally open their eyes?

Loyal Obama Supporters, Canceled by Obamacare - ProPublica

Loyal Obama Supporters, Canceled by Obamacare

San Francisco architect Lee Hammack says he and his wife, JoEllen Brothers, are “cradle Democrats.” They have donated to the liberal group Organizing for America and worked the phone banks a year ago for President Obama’s re-election.

Since 1995, Hammack and Brothers have received their health coverage from Kaiser Permanente, where Brothers worked until 2009 as a dietitian and diabetes educator. “We’ve both been in very good health all of our lives – exercise, don’t smoke, drink lightly, healthy weight, no health issues, and so on,” Hammack told me.

The couple — Lee, 60, and JoEllen, 59 — have been paying $550 a month for their health coverage — a plan that offers solid coverage, not one of the skimpy plans Obama has criticized. But recently, Kaiser informed them the plan would be canceled at the end of the year because it did not meet the requirements of the Affordable Care Act. The couple would need to find another one. The cost would be around double what they pay now, but the benefits would be worse.

No way! That is all a right wing smear job, right? Only "SHITTY Policies were dumped Right? Wrong! But wait, it gets worse...the price is more than double!!

I asked Hammack to send me details of his current plan. It carried a $4,000 deductible per person, a $40 copay for doctor visits, a $150 emergency room visit fee and 30 percent coinsurance for hospital stays after the deductible. The out-of-pocket maximum was $5,600.

This plan was ending, Kaiser’s letters told them, because it did not meet the requirements of the Affordable Care Act. “Everything is taken care of,” the letters said. “There’s nothing you need to do.”

The letters said the couple would be enrolled in new Kaiser plans that would cost nearly $1,300 a month for the two of them (more than $15,000 a year).

And for that higher amount, what would they get? A higher deductible ($4,500), a higher out-of-pocket maximum ($6,350), higher hospital costs (40 percent of the cost) and possibly higher costs for doctor visits and drugs.

When they shopped around and looked for a different plan on California's new health insurance marketplace, Covered California, the cheapest one was $975, with hefty deductibles and copays.

In a speech in Boston last week, President Obama said those receiving cancellation letters didn’t have good insurance. “There are a number of Americans — fewer than 5 percent of Americans — who've got cut-rate plans that don’t offer real financial protection in the event of a serious illness or an accident,” he said.

“Remember, before the Affordable Care Act, these bad-apple insurers had free rein every single year to limit the care that you received, or use minor preexisting conditions to jack up your premiums or bill you into bankruptcy. So a lot of people thought they were buying coverage, and it turned out not to be so good.”

What is going on here? Kaiser isn’t a “bad apple” insurer and this plan wasn’t “cut rate.” It seems like this is a lose-lose for the Hammacks (and a friend featured in a report last month by the public radio station KQED.)

What ever will they do? The wanted this, but now it's hitting too close to home. They'll have to pay twice as much for less. Affordable Care Act? Maybe the "act" part is correct...

So what is Hammack going to do? If his income were to fall below four times the federal poverty level, or about $62,000 for a family of two, he would qualify for subsidies that could lower his premium cost to as low as zero. If he makes even one dollar more, he gets nothing.

That’s what he’s leaning toward — lowering his salary or shifting more money toward a retirement account and applying for a subsidy.

“We’re not changing our views because of this situation, but it hurt to hear Obama saying, just the other day, that if our plan has been dropped it’s because it wasn’t any good, and our costs would go up only slightly,” he said. “We’re gratified that the press is on the case, but frustrated that the stewards of the ACA don’t seem to have heard.”

There is no amount of spin that can change the facts. Obamacare is a clusterfuck.

Loyal Obama Supporters, Canceled by Obamacare - ProPublica
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I am actually looking forward to watching Obamites get reamed.

I feel guilty about that, but so far my guilt hasn't outweighed my gleeful anticipation of the day when it is brought home to them how incredibly stupid they have been...and how there will be retribution for their dishonesty, their lack of honor, and their willingness to establish a fascist government.
I am actually looking forward to watching Obamites get reamed.

I feel guilty about that, but so far my guilt hasn't outweighed my gleeful anticipation of the day when it is brought home to them how incredibly stupid they have been...and how there will be retribution for their dishonesty, their lack of honor, and their willingness to establish a fascist government.

And all the obama sheeple bleet "WHY DO YOU HATE AMERICA" :lol:
Obama on health plan cancellations: 'I am sorry' | MSNBC

“I am sorry that they are finding themselves in this situation based, based on assurances they got from me. We’ve got to work hard to make sure that they know we hear them and we are going to do everything we can to deal with folks who find themselves in a tough position as a consequence of this.”

This was the right thing to do.

Now he'll get slammed for apologizing...

He didn't apologize for what he did. He lied. That isn't what he said in his spindition of events. It's documented record that the administration and Obama knew many people would lose their coverage. He lied, and nowhere did he admit that.
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Policies that don't meet the requirements are the ones being cancelled. It is the fault of their crappy insurance and them for buying such terrible policies however their insurance company should have given them until after the first of the year to get something else.

The people here seem to think people are cancelled the moment they received the letter. That can't be the case. If it is, the insurance was worse than even I had imagined.

Now is their chance to get some insurance that is designed to cover everyone at an affordable cost.

Obama on health plan cancellations: 'I am sorry' | MSNBC

“I am sorry that they are finding themselves in this situation based, based on assurances they got from me. We’ve got to work hard to make sure that they know we hear them and we are going to do everything we can to deal with folks who find themselves in a tough position as a consequence of this.”

This was the right thing to do.

Now he'll get slammed for apologizing...

He never apologized shit for brains.
Obama on health plan cancellations: 'I am sorry' | MSNBC

“I am sorry that they are finding themselves in this situation based, based on assurances they got from me. We’ve got to work hard to make sure that they know we hear them and we are going to do everything we can to deal with folks who find themselves in a tough position as a consequence of this.”

This was the right thing to do.

Now he'll get slammed for apologizing...

When he apologizes, we will consider it. But when his "apology" isn't an apology, don't pretend he is somehow a victim because people don't accept the nonsense.
Obama on health plan cancellations: 'I am sorry' | MSNBC

“I am sorry that they are finding themselves in this situation based, based on assurances they got from me. We’ve got to work hard to make sure that they know we hear them and we are going to do everything we can to deal with folks who find themselves in a tough position as a consequence of this.”

This was the right thing to do.

Now he'll get slammed for apologizing...

yep. You know the monkeys at the typewriters for Fox & Friends :puke: just got a new task.
I am actually looking forward to watching Obamites get reamed.

I feel guilty about that, but so far my guilt hasn't outweighed my gleeful anticipation of the day when it is brought home to them how incredibly stupid they have been...and how there will be retribution for their dishonesty, their lack of honor, and their willingness to establish a fascist government.

And all the obama sheeple bleet "WHY DO YOU HATE AMERICA" :lol:

There's some bleeting going on but not too many Dems in here.
He didn't apologize for what he did. He lied. That isn't what he said in his spindition of events. It's documented record that the administration and Obama knew many people would lose their coverage. He lied, and nowhere did he admit that.


He never apologized. PERIOD!!!! my god you liberals are fucking stupid.

Exhibit B ladies and Gentlemen.
Now he'll get slammed for apologizing...

He didn't apologize for what he did. He lied. That isn't what he said in his spindition of events. It's documented record that the administration and Obama knew many people would lose their coverage. He lied, and nowhere did he admit that.


They never do this right. People are so sick of Rs and their crazy obsession with Obama that this latest will die out as quickly as everything else they try and hurt him with. People just begin to point and laugh after a few days of this bullshit.

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